public static void Main(String[] args)
            StreamWriter output = new StreamWriter("NQuadsTestSuite.txt");

            Console.WriteLine("## NQuads Test Suite");

                //Make sure Test Directory exists
                if (!Directory.Exists("nquads_tests"))

                //First read in the TriG tests and serialize to NQuads
                Console.WriteLine("# Reading in TriG files and serializing to NQuads");
                foreach (String file in Directory.GetFiles("trig_tests"))
                    if (Path.GetExtension(file) == ".trig")
                        //Skip the Bad Syntax tests
                        if (Path.GetFileName(file).StartsWith("bad")) continue;

                        Console.WriteLine("Reading File " + Path.GetFileName(file));

                            TriGParser parser = new TriGParser();
                            TripleStore store = new TripleStore();
                            parser.Load(store, new StreamParams(file));

                            Console.WriteLine("Parsed OK");

                            NQuadsWriter writer = new NQuadsWriter();
                            String outfile = "nquads_tests/" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file) + ".nq";
                            writer.Save(store, new StreamParams(outfile));

                            Console.WriteLine("Serialized OK");

                            NQuadsParser nqparser = new NQuadsParser();
                            nqparser.TraceTokeniser = true;
                            TripleStore store2 = new TripleStore();
                            nqparser.Load(store2, new StreamParams(outfile));

                            Console.WriteLine("Parsed serialized NQuads OK");

                            if (store.Graphs.Count != store2.Graphs.Count)
                                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Wrong number of Graphs when parsed back in");
                            else if (store.Triples.Count() != store2.Triples.Count())
                                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Wrong number of Triples when parsed back in");

                        catch (RdfParseException parseEx)
                            HandleError("Parser Error", parseEx);
                        catch (RdfException rdfEx)
                            HandleError("RDF Error", rdfEx);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            HandleError("Other Error", ex);
            catch (RdfParseException parseEx)
                HandleError("Parser Error", parseEx);
            catch (Exception ex)
                HandleError("Other Error", ex);
Beispiel #2
        public void Dispose()
            //Create all of the directories required for the file
            var f = new FileInfo(_outputPath);

            if (this._outputFormat == ERdfFormat.RdfXml)
                using (XmlTextWriter xmlWriter = new XmlTextWriter(_outputPath, new UTF8Encoding(false)))
                    //Set encoding
            else if (this._outputFormat == ERdfFormat.TriG)
                string fileNameAsTrig = GetFilePathBasedOnFormat();
                var outparams = new StreamParams(fileNameAsTrig);
                outparams.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
                var writer = new TriGWriter();

                if (_store == null)
                    var g = GetXmlDocumentAsGraph();
                    _store = new TripleStore();
                    _store.Add(g, true);

                writer.Save(_store, outparams);
            else if (this._outputFormat == ERdfFormat.Turtle)
                var g = GetXmlDocumentAsGraph();
                string filePathForFormat = GetFilePathBasedOnFormat();
                var writer = new TurtleWriter(TurtleSyntax.W3C);
                writer.Save(g, filePathForFormat);
            else if (this._outputFormat == ERdfFormat.NTriples)
                var g = GetXmlDocumentAsGraph();
                string filePathForFormat = GetFilePathBasedOnFormat();
                var writer = new NTriplesWriter();
                writer.Save(g, filePathForFormat);
            else if (this._outputFormat == ERdfFormat.N3)
                var g = GetXmlDocumentAsGraph();
                string filePathForFormat = GetFilePathBasedOnFormat();
                var writer = new Notation3Writer();
                writer.Save(g, filePathForFormat);
            else if (this._outputFormat == ERdfFormat.NQuads)
                string filePathForFormat = GetFilePathBasedOnFormat();
                var outparams = new StreamParams(filePathForFormat);
                outparams.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;

                if (_store == null)
                    var g = GetXmlDocumentAsGraph();
                    _store = new TripleStore();
                    _store.Add(g, true);

                var writer = new NQuadsWriter();
                writer.Save(_store, outparams);

            //make sure it's not null - can happen if no graphs have yet to be asserted!!
            if (_store != null)
                foreach (var graph in _store.Graphs)