/// <summary>
        /// Gets the value of the expression as evaluated in a given Context for a given Binding.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Evaluation Context.</param>
        /// <param name="bindingID">Binding ID.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override IValuedNode Evaluate(SparqlEvaluationContext context, int bindingID)
            _funcContext = context[SparqlSpecsHelper.SparqlKeywordBNode] as BNodeFunctionContext;

            if (_funcContext == null)
                _funcContext = new BNodeFunctionContext(context.InputMultiset.GetHashCode());
                context[SparqlSpecsHelper.SparqlKeywordBNode] = _funcContext;
            else if (_funcContext.CurrentInput != context.InputMultiset.GetHashCode())
                // Clear the Context
                context[SparqlSpecsHelper.SparqlKeywordBNode] = _funcContext;

            if (_expr == null)
                // If no argument then always a fresh BNode
                INode temp = _expr.Evaluate(context, bindingID);
                if (temp != null)
                    if (temp.NodeType == NodeType.Literal)
                        ILiteralNode lit = (ILiteralNode)temp;

                        if (lit.DataType == null)
                            if (lit.Language.Equals(string.Empty))
                                if (!_funcContext.BlankNodes.ContainsKey(bindingID))
                                    _funcContext.BlankNodes.Add(bindingID, new Dictionary <string, INode>());

                                if (!_funcContext.BlankNodes[bindingID].ContainsKey(lit.Value))
                                    _funcContext.BlankNodes[bindingID].Add(lit.Value, _funcContext.Graph.CreateBlankNode());
                                throw new RdfQueryException("Cannot create a Blank Node when the argument Expression evaluates to a lanuage specified literal");
                            throw new RdfQueryException("Cannot create a Blank Node when the argument Expression evaluates to a typed literal node");
                        throw new RdfQueryException("Cannot create a Blank Node when the argument Expression evaluates to a non-literal node");
                    throw new RdfQueryException("Cannot create a Blank Node when the argument Expression evaluates to null");
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the value of the expression as evaluated in a given Context for a given Binding
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Evaluation Context</param>
        /// <param name="bindingID">Binding ID</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override IValuedNode Evaluate(SparqlEvaluationContext context, int bindingID)
            this._funcContext = context[SparqlSpecsHelper.SparqlKeywordBNode] as BNodeFunctionContext;

            if (this._funcContext == null)
                this._funcContext = new BNodeFunctionContext(context.InputMultiset.GetHashCode());
                context[SparqlSpecsHelper.SparqlKeywordBNode] = this._funcContext;
            else if (this._funcContext.CurrentInput != context.InputMultiset.GetHashCode())
                this._funcContext = new BNodeFunctionContext(context.InputMultiset.GetHashCode());
                context[SparqlSpecsHelper.SparqlKeywordBNode] = this._funcContext;

            if (this._expr == null)
                //If no argument then always a fresh BNode
                return new BlankNode(this._funcContext.Graph, this._funcContext.Mapper.GetNextID());
                INode temp = this._expr.Evaluate(context, bindingID);
                if (temp != null)
                    if (temp.NodeType == NodeType.Literal)
                        ILiteralNode lit = (ILiteralNode)temp;

                        if (lit.DataType == null)
                            if (lit.Language.Equals(string.Empty))
                                if (!this._funcContext.BlankNodes.ContainsKey(bindingID))
                                    this._funcContext.BlankNodes.Add(bindingID, new Dictionary<string, INode>());

                                if (!this._funcContext.BlankNodes[bindingID].ContainsKey(lit.Value))
                                    this._funcContext.BlankNodes[bindingID].Add(lit.Value, new BlankNode(this._funcContext.Graph, this._funcContext.Mapper.GetNextID()));
                                return this._funcContext.BlankNodes[bindingID][lit.Value].AsValuedNode();
                                throw new RdfQueryException("Cannot create a Blank Node whne the argument Expression evaluates to a lanuage specified literal");
                            throw new RdfQueryException("Cannot create a Blank Node when the argument Expression evaluates to a typed literal node");
                        throw new RdfQueryException("Cannot create a Blank Node when the argument Expression evaluates to a non-literal node");
                    throw new RdfQueryException("Cannot create a Blank Node when the argument Expression evaluates to null");