Beispiel #1
        public static double DistanceFromSegment(this Point pnt, Point segStart, Point segEnd)
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result <double>() >= 0);

            return((pnt - pnt.ProjectOnSegment(segStart, segEnd)).Length);
Beispiel #2
        public static Tuple <Point, double, int> ProjectionOnCurve(this Point point, IEnumerable <Point> curve)
            Contract.Requires(curve != null);
            Contract.Requires(curve.Count() >= 2);

            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result <Tuple <Point, double, int> >().Item2 >= 0);                // distance is greater than zero
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result <Tuple <Point, double, int> >().Item3 >= 0);                // index is greater than zero
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result <Tuple <Point, double, int> >().Item3 < curve.Count() - 1); // segment index is less than num of segments
            // The projected point is closer to "point" than any other point on the curve.
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.ForAll(curve, curvePoint =>
                                             (curvePoint - point).Length >= Contract.Result <Tuple <Point, double, int> >().Item2));

            var count = curve.Count();

            var projectedPoints =
                from indexedSegment in curve.SeqPairs().ZipIndex()
                let index = indexedSegment.Index
                            let segment = indexedSegment.Value
                                          let segStart = segment.Item1
                                                         let segEnd = segment.Item2
                                                                      let projectedPoint = point.ProjectOnSegment(segStart, segEnd)
                                                                                           let distance = (point - projectedPoint).Length
                                                                                                          select Tuple.Create(projectedPoint, distance, index);

            return(projectedPoints.Minimizer(pair => pair.Item2)); // Item2 is the distance