Beispiel #1

        public void linkAllNeighbors(ref UPoint cell)
            //Cell B is above Cell A
            nodes[cell.ix, cell.iy].links |= UP;
            nodes[cell.ix, cell.iy].links |= DOWN;
            nodes[cell.ix, cell.iy].links |= RIGHT;
            nodes[cell.ix, cell.iy].links |= LEFT;

            if (cell.y - 1 >= 0)
                nodes[cell.ix, cell.iy - 1].links |= UP;

            if (cell.y + 1 < nodes.GetLength(1))
                nodes[cell.ix, cell.iy + 1].links |= DOWN;

            if (cell.x - 1 >= 0)
                nodes[cell.ix - 1, cell.iy].links |= RIGHT;

            if (cell.x + 1 < nodes.GetLength(0))
                nodes[cell.ix + 1, cell.iy].links |= LEFT;
Beispiel #2
        }     //wal

        //Given a list, pops a random point and returns it
        public UPoint randomPointFromList(ref List <UPoint> list)
            if (list.Count <= 0)

            int index = r.getIntInRange(0, list.Count - 1);

            UPoint popped = list[index];

Beispiel #3

        // Add all surrounding visited link cells to the supplied list
        public int addAllVisitedToList(UPoint center, ref List <UPoint> list)
            int nonFrontiersAdded = 0;

            for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i *= 2)
                UPoint pt = findNeighbor(center, i);
                if (inBounds(pt, true) && nodes[pt.ix, pt.iy].links >= VISITED) // UP
                } //if
            }     //for

Beispiel #4
        private void DijkstraMaze()
            List <UPoint> frontiers = new List <UPoint>();
            //Choose a starting point for maze gen
            UPoint startingNode = new UPoint(r.getIntInRange(0, nodes.GetLength(0) - 1), r.getIntInRange(0, nodes.GetLength(1) - 1));

            nodes[startingNode.ix, startingNode.iy].links = VISITED; //Visited

            startPos = startingNode;

            addUnvisitedToList(startingNode, ref frontiers);
            foreach (UPoint frontier in frontiers)
                nodes[frontier.ix, frontier.iy].links = IN_FRONTIERS;

            while (frontiers.Count > 0)
                //Choose a frontier at random
                UPoint frontier = randomPointFromList(ref frontiers);
                nodes[frontier.ix, frontier.iy].links = VISITED; //Visited

                //Choose a neighbor (that is not a frontier) at random
                List <UPoint> nonFrontiersTemp = new List <UPoint>();

                //Find the non-frontier neighbors of this frontier
                addAllVisitedToList(frontier, ref nonFrontiersTemp);

                //Get one at random
                UPoint nonFrontier = nonFrontiersTemp[r.getIntInRange(0, nonFrontiersTemp.Count - 1)];

                //Connect it to the frontier
                linkNeighbors(frontier, nonFrontier);

                //Add all unvisited neighbors of this frontier to the frontiers list
                List <UPoint> unvisitedNeighbors = new List <UPoint>();
                addUnvisitedToList(frontier, ref unvisitedNeighbors);

                for (int i = 0; i < unvisitedNeighbors.Count; i++)
                    nodes[unvisitedNeighbors[i].ix, unvisitedNeighbors[i].iy].links = IN_FRONTIERS;
                } //for
            }     //while
        }         //generateMaze
Beispiel #5
        }             //FindAllDeadEnds

        public void Loopify(float amount)
            for (int i = 0; i < Mathf.RoundToInt(nodes.GetLength(0) * amount * 2); i++)
                UPoint cell = new UPoint(r.getIntInRange(0, nodes.GetLength(0) - 1), r.getIntInRange(0, nodes.GetLength(1) - 1));

                //int newLinks = tiles[cell.ix, cell.iy].links;

                for (int dir = 1; dir <= LEFT; dir *= 2)
                    if (r.getRandom() <= amount && inBounds(findNeighbor(cell, dir), true))
                        linkNeighbors(cell, findNeighbor(cell, dir));
                    } //if
                }     //while
            }         //for
        }             //Loopify
        }     //Update

        public void DrawDebugLines(UPoint offset)
            UPoint _temp1 = new UPoint(0, 0);
            UPoint _temp2 = new UPoint(0, 0);

            for (int y = maze.nodes.GetLength(1) - 1; y >= 0; y--)
                for (int x = 0; x < maze.nodes.GetLength(0); x++)
                    if (maze.isFlagged(maze.nodes[x, y].links, Maze.UP))
                        _temp1 = offset + (new UPoint(x, y));
                        _temp2 = offset + (new UPoint(x, y + 1));
                        Debug.DrawLine(_temp1, _temp2);

                    if (maze.isFlagged(maze.nodes[x, y].links, Maze.RIGHT))
                        _temp1 = offset + (new UPoint(x, y));
                        _temp2 = offset + (new UPoint(x + 1, y));
                        Debug.DrawLine(_temp1, _temp2);

                    if (maze.isFlagged(maze.nodes[x, y].links, Maze.DOWN))
                        _temp1 = offset + (new UPoint(x, y));
                        _temp2 = offset + (new UPoint(x, y - 1));
                        Debug.DrawLine(_temp1, _temp2);

                    if (maze.isFlagged(maze.nodes[x, y].links, Maze.LEFT))
                        _temp1 = offset + (new UPoint(x, y));
                        _temp2 = offset + (new UPoint(x - 1, y));
                        Debug.DrawLine(_temp1, _temp2);
                    } //if
                }     //for
            }         //for
        }             //DrawDebugLines
Beispiel #7

        //Links both "doors" between adjacent "neighbor" cells
        public void linkNeighbors(UPoint cellA, UPoint cellB)
            //Figure out what direction cellB is from cellA
            //Does not check if cells are actually adjacent
            if (Mathf.Abs(cellA.ix - cellB.ix) != 1 &&
                Mathf.Abs(cellA.iy - cellB.iy) != 1)
                Debug.LogError("MapMaker.cs: CELLS ARE NOT ADJACENT! : (" + cellA.ix + "," + cellA.iy + " -> " + cellB.ix + "," + cellB.iy + ")");

            if (cellB.iy > cellA.iy)
                //Cell B is above Cell A
                nodes[cellA.ix, cellA.iy].links |= UP;
                nodes[cellB.ix, cellB.iy].links |= DOWN;
            else if (cellB.iy < cellA.iy)
                //Cell B is below Cell A
                nodes[cellA.ix, cellA.iy].links |= DOWN;
                nodes[cellB.ix, cellB.iy].links |= UP;
            }//else if
            else if (cellB.ix > cellA.ix)
                //Cell B is to the right of Cell A
                nodes[cellA.ix, cellA.iy].links |= RIGHT;
                nodes[cellB.ix, cellB.iy].links |= LEFT;
            }//else if
            else if (cellB.ix < cellA.ix)
                //Cell B is to the left of Cell A
                nodes[cellA.ix, cellA.iy].links |= LEFT;
                nodes[cellB.ix, cellB.iy].links |= RIGHT;
            } //else if
        }     //linkNeighbors
Beispiel #8

        ///Check bitmap to see if a room has a link in that direction
        public bool isLinkedInDir(UPoint loc, int dir)
            return(isLinkedInDir(loc.ix, loc.iy, dir));
Beispiel #9

        //Find a "neighbor" cell in a direction and return coordinates
        public UPoint findNeighbor(UPoint loc, int dir)
            return(findNeighbor(loc.ix, loc.iy, dir));
Beispiel #10
        }         //generateMaze

        //Check if a coordinate point is within bounds
        public bool inBounds(UPoint loc, bool dataBounds = false)
            return(inBounds(loc.ix, loc.iy, dataBounds));
Beispiel #11
 public int links    = Maze.UNVISITED; //-1 means hasn't been checked for links yet
 public NodeData(UPoint _index)
     index = _index;
Beispiel #12
        public void CreateBricks()
            GameObject _brickPrefab = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);

            //_brickPrefab.transform.localScale = transform.localScale;
            Destroy(_brickPrefab.GetComponent <BoxCollider>());

            if (t == null)
                t = new Texturizer(Color.white);

            int scaleX = 2;
            int scaleY = 2;

            int xMin = 1 - scaleX;
            int xMax = scaleX - 1;

            int yMin = 1 - scaleY;
            int yMax = scaleY - 1;

            int xOffset = scaleX + (scaleX - 1);
            int yOffset = scaleY + (scaleY - 1);

            //PlaceAllDoors(scaleX, scaleY);
            for (int y = 0; y < maze.nodes.GetLength(1); y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < maze.nodes.GetLength(0); x++)
                    UPoint startingOffset = new Vector3(x * xOffset, y * yOffset);

                    for (int yOff = yMin; yOff <= yMax; yOff++)
                        for (int xOff = xMin; xOff <= xMax; xOff++)
                            int links   = maze.nodes[x, y].links;
                            int newLink = 15;

                            if ((yOff == yMin && !maze.isFlagged(links, Maze.DOWN)) ||
                                (yOff == yMax && !maze.isFlagged(links, Maze.UP)) ||
                                (xOff == xMax && !maze.isFlagged(links, Maze.RIGHT)) ||
                                (xOff == xMin && !maze.isFlagged(links, Maze.LEFT)))
                                newLink = 0;
                            else if (maze.numLinks(links) < 4 && (
                                         (yOff == yMin && xOff == xMin) ||
                                         (yOff == yMax && xOff == xMin) ||
                                         (yOff == yMin && xOff == xMax) ||
                                         (yOff == yMax && xOff == xMax)))
                                newLink = 0;
                            else if (yOff == 0 && xOff == 0 && links == 0)
                                newLink = 0;
                            }//else if

                            UPoint placeAt = startingOffset + new Vector3(xOff, yOff);

                            //UPoint tilesIndex = startingOffset + new UPoint(scaleX - 1, scaleY - 1) + new UPoint(xOff, yOff);


                            GameObject tile = t.makeObject();
                            //tile.Initialize(tilesIndex.ix, tilesIndex.iy);
                            //tile.links = newLink;
                            tile.transform.position  = placeAt;
                            tile.transform.position += new Vector3(0, 0, 10);

                            tile.transform.parent = transform;
                               = "Tile [" + x + "," + y + "]";

                            //if (x == 0 && y == 0 && maze.numLinks(links) == 1)
                            //tile.tag = "ChestTile";

                            //tiles[tilesIndex.ix, tilesIndex.iy] = tile;
                        } //for
                    }     //for
                }         //for
            }             //for
