EnvCreate() private method

private EnvCreate ( IntPtr &handle, String fileName, int flags, int mode, Parameter parameters ) : int
handle System.IntPtr
fileName String
flags int
mode int
parameters Parameter
return int
Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Database
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method wraps the native ups_env_create function.
        /// <br />
        /// A Database Environment is a collection of Databases, which are all
        /// stored in one physical file (or in-memory). Per default, up to 16
        /// Databases can be stored in one file (<see
        /// cref="UpsConst.UPS_PARAM_MAX_DATABASES" />
        /// on how to store even more Databases).
        /// <br />
        /// Each Database is identified by a positive 16bit value (except
        /// 0 and values at or above 0xf000).
        /// Databases in an Environment can be created with
        /// <see cref="Environment.CreateDatabase(short)" /> or opened with
        /// <see cref="Environment.OpenDatabase(short)" />.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="fileName">The file name of the Environment file. If
        /// the file already exists, it is overwritten. Can be null if you
        /// create an In-Memory Environment.</param>
        /// <param name="flags">Optional flags for this operation, combined
        /// with bitwise OR. Possible flags are:
        ///   <list type="bullet">
        ///   <item><see cref="UpsConst.UPS_ENABLE_FSYNC" />
        ///     Immediately write modified pages to the disk. This
        ///     slows down all Database operations, but may save the
        ///     Database integrity in case of a system crash.</item><br />
        ///   <item><see cref="UpsConst.UPS_IN_MEMORY" />
        ///     Creates an In-Memory Environment. No file will be created,
        ///     and the Databases are lost after the Environment
        ///     is closed. The <paramref name="fileName" /> parameter can
        ///     be null. Do <b>NOT</b> use in combination with
        ///     a cache size other than 0.</item><br />
        ///   <item><see cref="UpsConst.UPS_DISABLE_MMAP" />
        ///     Do not use memory mapped files for I/O. By default,
        ///     upscaledb checks if it can use mmap, since mmap is faster
        ///     than read/write. For performance reasons, this flag should
        ///     not be used.</item><br />
        ///   <item><see cref="UpsConst.UPS_ENABLE_TRANSACTIONS" />
        ///     Enables Transactions for this Database.</item><br />
        ///   </list>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="mode">File access rights for the new file. This is
        /// the <i>mode</i> parameter for creat(2). Ignored on
        /// Microsoft Windows.</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">An array of <see cref="Parameter" />
        /// structures. The following parameters are available:<br />
        ///   <list type="bullet">
        ///   <item><see cref="UpsConst.UPS_PARAM_CACHESIZE" />
        ///     The size of the Database cache, in bytes. The default size
        ///     is defined in <i>src/config.h</i> as UPS_DEFAULT_CACHESIZE
        ///     - usually 2 MB.</item><br />
        ///   <item><see cref="UpsConst.UPS_PARAM_PAGESIZE" />
        ///     The size of a file page, in bytes. It is recommended not
        ///     to change the default size. The default size depends on
        ///     hardware and operating system. Page sizes must be 1024 or a
        ///     multiple of 2048.</item><br />
        ///   <item><see cref="UpsConst.UPS_PARAM_MAX_DATABASES" />
        ///     The number of maximum Databases in this Environment;
        ///     default: 16.</item>
        ///   </list>
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="DatabaseException">
        ///   <list type="bullet">
        ///   <item><see cref="UpsConst.UPS_INV_PARAMETER"/>
        ///     if an invalid combination of flags was specified</item>
        ///   <item><see cref="UpsConst.UPS_INV_PARAMETER"/>
        ///     if the value for UPS_PARAM_MAX_DATABASES is too
        ///     high (either decrease it or increase the page size)</item>
        ///   <item><see cref="UpsConst.UPS_IO_ERROR"/>
        ///     if the file could not be opened or reading/writing failed</item>
        ///   <item><see cref="UpsConst.UPS_OUT_OF_MEMORY"/>
        ///     if memory could not be allocated</item>
        ///   <item><see cref="UpsConst.UPS_INV_PAGESIZE"/>
        ///     if the page size is not a multiple of 1024</item>
        ///   <item><see cref="UpsConst.UPS_INV_KEYSIZE"/>
        ///     if the key size is too large (at least 4 keys must
        ///     fit in a page)</item>
        ///   <item><see cref="UpsConst.UPS_WOULD_BLOCK"/>
        ///     if another process has locked the file</item>
        ///   </list>
        /// </exception>
        public void Create(String fileName, int flags, int mode,
                           Parameter[] parameters)
            int st;

            handle = new IntPtr(0);
            if (parameters != null)
                parameters = AppendNullParameter(parameters);
            lock (this) {
                st = NativeMethods.EnvCreate(out handle, fileName, flags, mode,
            if (st != 0)
                throw new DatabaseException(st);