//Items need testing. Should work.
        public static void CastItems(List <Obj_AI_Base> enemies, bool ks)
            #region Item Initialization
            InventorySlot QSS = (MenuHandler.GetCheckboxValue(MenuHandler.Items, "Use Quick Silver Sash")) ? Yasuo.GetItem(ItemId.Quicksilver_Sash) : null,
                          MercurialsScimitar = (MenuHandler.GetCheckboxValue(MenuHandler.Items, "Use Mercurials Scimitar")) ? Yasuo.GetItem(ItemId.Mercurial_Scimitar) : null,
                          RavenousHydra      = (MenuHandler.GetCheckboxValue(MenuHandler.Items, "Use Ravenous Hydra")) ? Yasuo.GetItem(ItemId.Ravenous_Hydra) : null,
                          TitanicHydra       = (MenuHandler.GetCheckboxValue(MenuHandler.Items, "Use Titanic Hydra")) ? Yasuo.GetItem(ItemId.Titanic_Hydra) : null,
                          Tiamat             = (MenuHandler.GetCheckboxValue(MenuHandler.Items, "Use Tiamat")) ? Yasuo.GetItem(ItemId.Tiamat) : null,
                          Youmuus            = (MenuHandler.GetCheckboxValue(MenuHandler.Items, "Use Youmuus")) ? Yasuo.GetItem(ItemId.Youmuus_Ghostblade) : null,
                          BOTRK             = (MenuHandler.GetCheckboxValue(MenuHandler.Items, "Use Blade of the Ruined King")) ? Yasuo.GetItem(ItemId.Blade_of_the_Ruined_King) : null,
                          BilgewaterCutlass = (MenuHandler.GetCheckboxValue(MenuHandler.Items, "Use Bilgewater Cutlass")) ? Yasuo.GetItem(ItemId.Bilgewater_Cutlass) : null,
                          HextechGunblade   = (MenuHandler.GetCheckboxValue(MenuHandler.Items, "Use Hextech Gunblade")) ? Yasuo.GetItem(ItemId.Hextech_Gunblade) : null;

            #region QSS
            if (!didActionThisTick &&
                QSS.MeetsCriteria() &&
                (Yasuo.HasBuffOfType(BuffType.Blind) ||
                 Yasuo.HasBuffOfType(BuffType.Charm) ||
                 Yasuo.HasBuffOfType(BuffType.Fear) ||
                 Yasuo.HasBuffOfType(BuffType.Knockback) ||
                 Yasuo.HasBuffOfType(BuffType.Silence) ||
                 Yasuo.HasBuffOfType(BuffType.Snare) ||
                 Yasuo.HasBuffOfType(BuffType.Stun) ||
                //not being knocked back by dragon
                && !Yasuo.HasBuff("moveawaycollision")
                //not standing on raka silence
                && !Yasuo.HasBuff("sorakaepacify") &&
                didActionThisTick = QSS.Cast();

            #region Mercurials Scimitar
            if (!didActionThisTick &&
                MercurialsScimitar.MeetsCriteria() &&
                (Yasuo.HasBuffOfType(BuffType.Blind) ||
                 Yasuo.HasBuffOfType(BuffType.Charm) ||
                 Yasuo.HasBuffOfType(BuffType.Fear) ||
                 Yasuo.HasBuffOfType(BuffType.Knockback) ||
                 Yasuo.HasBuffOfType(BuffType.Silence) ||
                 Yasuo.HasBuffOfType(BuffType.Snare) ||
                 Yasuo.HasBuffOfType(BuffType.Stun) ||
                //not being knocked back by dragon
                && !Yasuo.HasBuff("moveawaycollision")
                //not standing on raka silence
                && !Yasuo.HasBuff("sorakaepacify") &&
                didActionThisTick = MercurialsScimitar.Cast();

            #region Ravenous Hydra
            if (!didActionThisTick &&
                RavenousHydra.MeetsCriteria() &&
                enemies.Where(a => a.IsInRange(Yasuo, 400)).FirstOrDefault() != null &&
                (!ks || enemies.Where(a => a.MeetsCriteria() && a.Health <= DamageLibrary.GetItemDamage(Yasuo, a, ItemId.Ravenous_Hydra)).FirstOrDefault() != null))
                didActionThisTick = RavenousHydra.Cast();

            #region Titanic Hydra
            if (!didActionThisTick &&
                TitanicHydra.MeetsCriteria() &&
                enemies.Where(a => a.IsInRange(Yasuo, Yasuo.GetAutoAttackRange())).FirstOrDefault() != null &&
                !Orbwalker.CanAutoAttack &&
                !Orbwalker.IsAutoAttacking &&
                (!ks || enemies.Where(a => a.MeetsCriteria() && a.Health <= DamageLibrary.GetItemDamage(Yasuo, a, ItemId.Titanic_Hydra)).FirstOrDefault() != null))
                didActionThisTick = TitanicHydra.Cast();

            #region Tiamat
            if (!didActionThisTick &&
                Tiamat.MeetsCriteria() &&
                enemies.Where(a => a.IsInRange(Yasuo, 400)).FirstOrDefault() != null &&
                (!ks || enemies.Where(a => a.MeetsCriteria() && a.Health <= DamageLibrary.GetItemDamage(Yasuo, a, ItemId.Tiamat)).FirstOrDefault() != null))
                didActionThisTick = Tiamat.Cast();

            #region Youmuus
            if (!didActionThisTick &&
                Youmuus.MeetsCriteria() &&
                Yasuo.CountEnemyHeroesInRangeWithPrediction((int)Yasuo.GetAutoAttackRange(), 0) >= 1)
                didActionThisTick = Youmuus.Cast();

            //all targeted spells that must be used on champions must be called after this
            enemies = enemies.Where(a => a.Type == GameObjectType.AIHeroClient).ToList();

            #region Hextech Gunblade
            if (!didActionThisTick &&
                HextechGunblade.MeetsCriteria() &&
                enemies.Where(a => a.IsInRange(Yasuo, 700)).FirstOrDefault() != null &&
                (!ks || enemies.Where(a => a.MeetsCriteria() && a.Health <= DamageLibrary.GetItemDamage(Yasuo, a, ItemId.Hextech_Gunblade)).FirstOrDefault() != null))
                didActionThisTick = HextechGunblade.Cast(enemies.OrderBy(a => a.Health).FirstOrDefault());

            #region BOTRK
            if (!didActionThisTick &&
                BOTRK.MeetsCriteria() &&
                enemies.Where(a => a.IsInRange(Yasuo, 550)).FirstOrDefault() != null &&
                (!ks || enemies.Where(a => a.MeetsCriteria() && a.Health <= DamageLibrary.GetItemDamage(Yasuo, a, ItemId.Blade_of_the_Ruined_King)).FirstOrDefault() != null))
                didActionThisTick = BOTRK.Cast(enemies.OrderBy(a => a.Health).FirstOrDefault());

            #region Bilgewater Cutlass
            if (!didActionThisTick &&
                BilgewaterCutlass.MeetsCriteria() &&
                enemies.Where(a => a.IsInRange(Yasuo, 550)).FirstOrDefault() != null &&
                (!ks || enemies.Where(a => a.MeetsCriteria() && a.Health <= DamageLibrary.GetItemDamage(Yasuo, a, ItemId.Bilgewater_Cutlass)).FirstOrDefault() != null))
                didActionThisTick = BilgewaterCutlass.Cast(enemies.OrderBy(a => a.Health).FirstOrDefault());
        public static void Flee()
            WallDash activeDash = null;

            Menu menu = MenuHandler.Flee;

            if (menu.GetCheckboxValue("Wall Dash") && Program.E.IsReady() && !YasuoCalcs.IsDashing())
                foreach (WallDash wd in YasuoWallDashDatabase.wallDashDatabase.Where(a => a.startPosition.Distance(Yasuo) <= 1300))
                    if (EntityManager.MinionsAndMonsters.Combined.Where(a => a.MeetsCriteria() && a.Name == wd.unitName && a.ServerPosition.Distance(wd.dashUnitPosition) <= 2).FirstOrDefault() != null)
                        Geometry.Polygon.Circle dashCircle = new Geometry.Polygon.Circle(wd.endPosition, 120);
                        if (dashCircle.IsInside(Game.CursorPos))
                            activeDash = wd;

            if (menu.GetCheckboxValue("Use E") || activeDash != null)
                if (activeDash == null)
                    EToMouse(menu.GetCheckboxValue("Use E Under Tower"), menu.GetCheckboxValue("Stack Q"), false);
                    //first check if the positions are exact
                    if (Yasuo.Position.To2D() == activeDash.startPosition.To2D())
                        CastE(EntityManager.MinionsAndMonsters.Combined.Where(a => a.Name == activeDash.unitName).ToList().ToObj_AI_BaseList(), false, menu.GetCheckboxValue("Use E Under Tower"));

                    //if the positions aren't exact
                    //if (Yasuo.Position.Distance(activeDash.startPosition) > 50)
                    //    return;

                    Vector3 startPos           = Yasuo.Position,
                            dashEndPos         = YasuoCalcs.GetDashingEnd(EntityManager.MinionsAndMonsters.Combined.Where(a => a.MeetsCriteria() && YasuoCalcs.ERequirements(a, MenuHandler.GetCheckboxValue(MenuHandler.Flee, "Use E Under Tower")) && a.Name == activeDash.unitName).FirstOrDefault()),
                            fakeEndPos         = startPos.To2D().Extend(dashEndPos.To2D(), 1000).To3D() + new Vector3(0, 0, startPos.Z),
                            slope              = new Vector3(dashEndPos.X - startPos.X, dashEndPos.Y - startPos.Y, 0),
                            fakeSlope          = new Vector3(fakeEndPos.X - startPos.X, fakeEndPos.Y - startPos.Y, 0),
                            actualDashPosition = Vector3.Zero;

                    List <Vector3> pointsAlongPath  = new List <Vector3>();
                    List <Vector3> straightLinePath = new List <Vector3>();

                    int points = 100;


                    //get all points in a line from start to fake end
                    for (int i = 0; i < points; i++)
                        straightLinePath.Add(startPos + (i * (fakeSlope / points)));

                    bool isWall = false;

                    //get all wall start and end positions
                    for (int i = 0; i < points; i++)
                        //wall start
                        if (!isWall && straightLinePath[i].IsWall())
                            isWall = true;
                        //wall end
                        if (isWall && !straightLinePath[i].IsWall())
                            isWall = false;


                    Vector3 closestWall             = pointsAlongPath.Where(a => a.IsWall()).OrderBy(a => a.Distance(dashEndPos)).FirstOrDefault(),
                            closestWallsEndPosition = (pointsAlongPath.IndexOf(closestWall) + 1 == pointsAlongPath.Count) ? Vector3.Zero : pointsAlongPath[pointsAlongPath.IndexOf(closestWall) + 1];

                    //none of the points are a wall so the end point is the dash position
                    if (!pointsAlongPath.Any(a => a.IsWall()))
                        actualDashPosition = dashEndPos;
                    // OR none of the walls are in the E range
                    else if (pointsAlongPath.Where(a => a.IsWall()).OrderBy(a => a.Distance(startPos)).FirstOrDefault() != null &&
                             pointsAlongPath.Where(a => a.IsWall()).OrderBy(a => a.Distance(startPos)).FirstOrDefault().Distance(startPos) > Program.E.Range)
                        actualDashPosition = dashEndPos;
                    //or the dashing end is not a wall
                    else if (!dashEndPos.IsWall())
                        actualDashPosition = dashEndPos;
                    //find the nearest wall to the dash position
                    else if (closestWall != Vector3.Zero && closestWallsEndPosition != Vector3.Zero &&
                             closestWall != null && closestWallsEndPosition != null &&
                             closestWallsEndPosition.Distance(dashEndPos) < closestWall.Distance(dashEndPos) &&
                             startPos.Distance(closestWallsEndPosition) <= 630)
                        actualDashPosition = closestWallsEndPosition;
                    //the end position is the first wall
                        actualDashPosition = pointsAlongPath.First(a => a.IsWall());

                    //if the end position is close enough to the walldash position, dash
                    if (actualDashPosition.Distance(activeDash.endPosition) <= menu.GetSliderValue("Wall Dash Extra Space"))
                        CastE(EntityManager.MinionsAndMonsters.Combined.Where(a => a.MeetsCriteria() && YasuoCalcs.ERequirements(a, menu.GetCheckboxValue("Use E Under Tower")) && a.Name == activeDash.unitName).FirstOrDefault());