Beispiel #1
 public FMatrix(FPlane InX, FPlane InY, FPlane InZ, FPlane InW)
     XPlane = InX;
     YPlane = InY;
     ZPlane = InZ;
     WPlane = InW;
Beispiel #2
 public FMatrix(EForceInit Init)
     XPlane = new FPlane();
     YPlane = new FPlane();
     ZPlane = new FPlane();
     WPlane = new FPlane();
Beispiel #3
         * Calculate the projection of a point on the plane defined by counter-clockwise (CCW) points A,B,C.
         * @param Point The point to project onto the plane
         * @param A 1st of three points in CCW order defining the plane
         * @param B 2nd of three points in CCW order defining the plane
         * @param C 3rd of three points in CCW order defining the plane
         * @return Projection of Point onto plane ABC
        public static FVector PointPlaneProject(FVector Point, FVector A, FVector B, FVector C)
            //Compute the plane normal from ABC
            FPlane Plane = new FPlane(A, B, C);

            //Find the distance of X from the plane
            //Add the distance back along the normal from the point
            return(Point - Plane * Plane.PlaneDot(Point));
Beispiel #4
        public FMatrix(FVector InX, FVector InY, FVector InZ, FVector InW)
            XPlane = new FPlane();
            YPlane = new FPlane();
            ZPlane = new FPlane();
            WPlane = new FPlane();

            this[0, 0] = InX.X; this[0, 1] = InX.Y; this[0, 2] = InX.Z; this[0, 3] = 0.0f;
            this[1, 0] = InY.X; this[1, 1] = InY.Y; this[1, 2] = InY.Z; this[1, 3] = 0.0f;
            this[2, 0] = InZ.X; this[2, 1] = InZ.Y; this[2, 2] = InZ.Z; this[2, 3] = 0.0f;
            this[3, 0] = InW.X; this[3, 1] = InW.Y; this[3, 2] = InW.Z; this[3, 3] = 1.0f;
Beispiel #5
 /** @param OutPlane the bottom plane of the Frustum of this matrix */
 public bool GetFrustumBottomPlane(out FPlane OutPlane)
     return(GetFrustumBottomPlane(ref this, out OutPlane));
Beispiel #6
 extern static bool GetFrustumBottomPlane(ref FMatrix This, out FPlane OutPlane);
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="srcProjMat">source projection matrix to premultiply with the clip matrix</param>
 /// <param name="plane">clipping plane used to build the clip matrix (assumed to be in camera space)</param>
 public FClipProjectionMatrix(FMatrix srcProjMat, FPlane plane) :
     base(E_CreateStruct_FClipProjectionMatrix_FMatrix_FPlane(srcProjMat, plane), false)
Beispiel #8
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>Copy Constructor. </para>
 /// <param name="P">Plane to copy from. </param>
 /// </summary>
 public FPlane(FPlane p) :
     base(E_CreateStruct_FPlane_FPlane(p), false)
Beispiel #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor. Updated for the fact that our FPlane uses Ax+By+Cz=D.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="plane">source plane for mirroring (assumed normalized)</param>
 public FMirrorMatrix(FPlane plane) :
     base(E_CreateStruct_FMirrorMatrix_FPlane(plane), false)
Beispiel #10
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>Copy Constructor. </para>
 /// <param name="P">Plane to copy from. </param>
 /// </summary>
 public FPlane(FPlane P) :
     base(E_CreateStruct_FPlane_FPlane(P), false)
 /// <summary>Draws a debug plane.</summary>
 public extern static void DrawDebugPlane(UObject WorldContextObject, FPlane PlaneCoordinates, FVector Location, float Size, FLinearColor PlaneColor = default(FLinearColor), float Duration = 0.000000f);
Beispiel #12
  * Calculate the projection of a point on the given plane.
  * @param Point The point to project onto the plane
  * @param Plane The plane
  * @return Projection of Point onto Plane
 public static FVector PointPlaneProject(FVector Point, FPlane Plane)
     return(Point - Plane * Plane.PlaneDot(Point));
Beispiel #13
         * Mirrors a vector about a plane.
         * @param Plane Plane to mirror about.
         * @return Mirrored vector.
        public FVector MirrorByPlane(FPlane Plane)
            FPlane TempPlane = Plane * (2.0f * Plane.PlaneDot(this));

            return(this - TempPlane);//new FVector(TempPlane.X,TempPlane.Y,TempPlane.Z);
Beispiel #14
 static extern bool GetFrustumTopPlane(ref FMatrix This, out FPlane OutPlane);