private bool CanExportStruct(UStruct unrealStruct)
            // Ignore UProperty all classes
            if (unrealStruct.IsChildOf <UProperty>())

            // Skip classes which are already defined in this project
            if (projectDefinedTypes.ContainsKey(unrealStruct.GetPathName()))

            if (Settings.ExportAllStructures)

            UClass unrealClass = unrealStruct as UClass;

            if (unrealClass != null)
                if (unrealClass.HasAnyClassFlags(EClassFlags.Deprecated))
                // EClassFlags.Transient - should we be checking this

Beispiel #2
 /// <summary>
 /// This will return whether or not this class implements the passed in class / interface
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="someInterface">the interface to check and see if this class implements it</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool ImplementsInterface(UClass someInterface)
     if (someInterface != null && someInterface.HasAnyClassFlags(EClassFlags.Interface))
         return(Native_UClass.ImplementsInterface(Address, someInterface.Address));
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the UClass holding the interface information the given IInterface derived type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">The IInterface derived type</param>
        /// <returns>The UClass holding the interface information the given IInterface derived type</returns>
        public static UClass GetInterfaceClass(Type type)
            UClass interfaceClass = GetClass(type);

            if (interfaceClass != null && interfaceClass.HasAnyClassFlags(EClassFlags.Interface))
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the UClass address holding the interface information for the given IInterface derived type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">The IInterface derived type</param>
        /// <returns>The address of the UClass interface information for the given type</returns>
        public static IntPtr GetInterfaceClassAddress(Type type)
            UUnrealTypePathAttribute pathAttribute = UnrealTypes.GetPathAttribute(type);

            if (pathAttribute != null)
                if (pathAttribute.IsManagedType)
                    UClass unrealClass = GetClass(type);
                    if (unrealClass != null && unrealClass.HasAnyClassFlags(EClassFlags.Interface))
        private void AppendAttribute(CSharpTextBuilder builder, UField field, UnrealModuleInfo module, bool isCollapsedMember)
            UnrealModuleType moduleType;
            UnrealModuleType moduleAssetType;
            string           moduleName = GetModuleName(field, out moduleType, out moduleAssetType);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(moduleName))
                moduleName = module.Name;

            List <string> attributes = new List <string>();

            // TODO: Combine all of this into EPropertyType (add some TypeCode into UField?)
            bool          isInterface  = false;
            UEnum         unrealEnum   = field as UEnum;
            UClass        unrealClass  = field as UClass;
            UScriptStruct unrealStruct = field as UScriptStruct;

            UFunction unrealFunction = field as UFunction;

            if (unrealFunction != null)
                if (unrealFunction.HasAnyFunctionFlags(EFunctionFlags.Delegate))
                    string additionalFunctionInfo = string.Empty;

                    // TODO: Only get the script name for virtual functions / interface functions as we currently only need
                    //       this for finding the base function for hooking things up to the native base types.
                    string scriptFunctionName;
                    if (unrealFunction.GetScriptName(out scriptFunctionName))
                        additionalFunctionInfo += ", OriginalName=\"" + unrealFunction.GetName() + "\"";

                    if (isCollapsedMember)
                        // The Flags here might not contain too useful information if there is both a get/set function.
                        // Maybe include a second flags var?
                        attributes.Add("UFunctionAsProp(Flags=0x" + ((uint)unrealFunction.FunctionFlags).ToString("X8") + additionalFunctionInfo + ")");
                        attributes.Add("UFunction(Flags=0x" + ((uint)unrealFunction.FunctionFlags).ToString("X8") + additionalFunctionInfo + ")");

            UProperty unrealProperty = field as UProperty;

            if (unrealProperty != null)
                attributes.Add("UProperty(Flags=(PropFlags)0x" + ((ulong)unrealProperty.PropertyFlags).ToString("X16") + ")");

            if (unrealStruct != null)
                attributes.Add("UStruct(Flags=0x" + ((uint)unrealStruct.StructFlags).ToString("X8") + ")");
            else if (unrealClass != null)
                // Abstract isn't really required but might help with code browsing to know what is abstract
                // and what isn't. Therefore put it at the start of the attributes list.
                if (unrealClass.HasAnyClassFlags(EClassFlags.Abstract))

                isInterface = unrealClass.IsChildOf <UInterface>();
                if (isInterface)
                    attributes.Add("UInterface(Flags=0x" + ((uint)unrealClass.ClassFlags).ToString("X8") + ")");
                    attributes.Add("UClass(Flags=(ClassFlags)0x" + ((uint)unrealClass.ClassFlags).ToString("X8") + ")");

            if (unrealEnum != null)

            if (unrealEnum != null || unrealClass != null || unrealStruct != null)
                bool blueprintType = false;
                bool blueprintable = false;
                if (unrealEnum != null)
                    blueprintType = field.GetBoolMetaData(MDClass.BlueprintType);
                    GetBlueprintability(field as UStruct, out blueprintType, out blueprintable);
                if (blueprintType)
                if (unrealClass != null && blueprintable)

                attributes.Add("UMetaPath(\"" + field.GetPathName() + "\"" +
                               (isInterface ? ", InterfaceImpl=typeof(" + GetTypeName(unrealClass, null) + "Impl" + ")" : string.Empty) + ")");
                attributes.Add("UMetaPath(\"" + field.GetPathName() + "\")");

            if (attributes.Count > 0)
                builder.AppendLine("[" + string.Join(", ", attributes) + "]");
Beispiel #6
        private void AppendAttribute(CSharpTextBuilder builder, UField field, UnrealModuleInfo module, bool isCollapsedMember)
            UnrealModuleType moduleType;
            UnrealModuleType moduleAssetType;
            string           moduleName = GetModuleName(field, out moduleType, out moduleAssetType);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(moduleName))
                moduleName = module.Name;

            List <string> attributes = new List <string>();

            // TODO: Combine all of this into EPropertyType (add some TypeCode into UField?)
            bool          isInterface  = false;
            UEnum         unrealEnum   = field as UEnum;
            UClass        unrealClass  = field as UClass;
            UScriptStruct unrealStruct = field as UScriptStruct;

            UFunction unrealFunction = field as UFunction;

            if (unrealFunction != null)
                if (unrealFunction.HasAnyFunctionFlags(EFunctionFlags.Delegate))
                    if (isCollapsedMember)
                        // The Flags here might not contain too useful information if there is both a get/set function.
                        // Maybe include a second flags var?
                        attributes.Add("UFunctionAsProp(Flags=0x" + ((uint)unrealFunction.FunctionFlags).ToString("X8") + ")");
                        attributes.Add("UFunction(Flags=0x" + ((uint)unrealFunction.FunctionFlags).ToString("X8") + ")");

            UProperty unrealProperty = field as UProperty;

            if (unrealProperty != null)
                attributes.Add("UProperty(Flags=(PropFlags)0x" + ((ulong)unrealProperty.PropertyFlags).ToString("X16") + ")");

            if (unrealStruct != null)
                attributes.Add("UStruct(Flags=0x" + ((uint)unrealStruct.StructFlags).ToString("X8") + ")");
            else if (unrealClass != null)
                // Abstract isn't really required but might help with code browsing to know what is abstract
                // and what isn't. Therefore put it at the start of the attributes list.
                if (unrealClass.HasAnyClassFlags(EClassFlags.Abstract))

                isInterface = unrealClass.IsChildOf <UInterface>();
                if (isInterface)
                    attributes.Add("UInterface(Flags=0x" + ((uint)unrealClass.ClassFlags).ToString("X8") + ")");
                    // Should we skip "inherit" config name?
                    string configNameStr = string.Empty;
                    if (unrealClass.ClassConfigName != FName.None &&
                        !unrealClass.ClassConfigName.ToString().Equals("inherit", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        configNameStr = ", Config=\"" + unrealClass.ClassConfigName + "\"";

                    attributes.Add("UClass(Flags=(ClassFlags)0x" + ((uint)unrealClass.ClassFlags).ToString("X8") +
                                   configNameStr + ")");

            if (unrealEnum != null)

            if (unrealEnum != null || unrealClass != null || unrealStruct != null)
                bool blueprintType = false;
                bool blueprintable = false;
                if (unrealEnum != null)
                    blueprintType = field.GetBoolMetaData(MDClass.BlueprintType);
                    GetBlueprintability(field as UStruct, out blueprintType, out blueprintable);
                if (blueprintType)
                if (unrealClass != null && blueprintable)

                if (isInterface)

                attributes.Add("UMetaPath(\"" + field.GetPathName() + "\", \"" + moduleName +
                               "\", UnrealModuleType." + GetUnrealModuleTypeString(moduleType, moduleAssetType) +
                               (isInterface ? ", InterfaceImpl=typeof(" + GetTypeName(unrealClass, null) + "Impl" + ")" : string.Empty) + ")");
                attributes.Add("UMetaPath(\"" + field.GetPathName() + "\")");

            if (attributes.Count > 0)
                builder.AppendLine("[" + string.Join(", ", attributes) + "]");
Beispiel #7
        private string GetFunctionSignature(UnrealModuleInfo module, UFunction function, UStruct owner, string customFunctionName,
                                            string customModifiers, bool stripAdditionalText, bool isImplementationMethod, List <string> namespaces)
            bool isInterface     = owner != null && owner.IsChildOf <UInterface>();
            bool isDelegate      = function.HasAnyFunctionFlags(EFunctionFlags.Delegate | EFunctionFlags.MulticastDelegate);
            bool isStatic        = function.HasAnyFunctionFlags(EFunctionFlags.Static);
            bool isBlueprintType = owner != null && owner.IsA <UBlueprintGeneratedClass>();

            StringBuilder modifiers = new StringBuilder();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customModifiers))
            else if (isInterface)
                // Don't provide any modifiers for interfaces if there isn't one already provided
                UFunction originalFunction;
                // NOTE: "isImplementationMethod" is talking about "_Implementation" methods.
                //       "isInterfaceImplementation" is talking about regular methods which are implementations for a interface.
                bool   isInterfaceImplementation;
                UClass originalOwner = GetOriginalFunctionOwner(function, out originalFunction, out isInterfaceImplementation);
                // All interface functions in the chain need to be public
                bool isInterfaceFunc = originalOwner != owner && originalOwner.HasAnyClassFlags(EClassFlags.Interface);

                if (isImplementationMethod || (function.HasAnyFunctionFlags(EFunctionFlags.Protected) &&
                                               !isInterfaceFunc && !isDelegate))
                if (isDelegate)
                    modifiers.Append(" delegate");
                if (isStatic)
                    modifiers.Append(" static");
                if (!isDelegate && !isStatic)
                    if (function.HasAnyFunctionFlags(EFunctionFlags.BlueprintEvent))
                        UFunction superFunc = function.GetSuperFunction();
                        if (superFunc != null)
                            modifiers.Append(" override");
                            // This have should been filtered out in CanExportFunction()
                            Debug.Assert(originalOwner == owner || isInterfaceImplementation);

                            // Explicit will have the _Implementation as virtual and the function declaration as
                            // non-virtual (which is the same as C++)
                            if (!Settings.UseExplicitImplementationMethods || isImplementationMethod)
                                modifiers.Append(" virtual");
                        if (originalOwner != owner && !isInterfaceFunc)
                            // Add "new" if the parent class has a function with the same name but not BlueprintEvent.
                            // (don't do this for interface functions as we are implementing the function not redefining it)
                            modifiers.Append(" new");

            string returnType = "void";
            int    numReturns = 0;

            StringBuilder parameters = new StringBuilder();

            // index is the index into parameters string
            Dictionary <int, string> parameterDefaultsByIndex = new Dictionary <int, string>();

            // Once this is true all parameters from that point should also have defaults
            bool hasDefaultParameters = false;

            // Blueprint can define ref/out parameters with default values, this can't be translated to code
            bool invalidDefaultParams = false;

            // Info so we can avoid param name conflicts
            Dictionary <UProperty, string> paramNames = GetParamNames(function);

            // Generic array parameters
            string[] arrayParamNames = function.GetCommaSeperatedMetaData("ArrayParam");

            // Generic parameters depending on array type
            string[] arrayTypeDependentParamNames = function.GetCommaSeperatedMetaData("ArrayTypeDependentParams");

            // AutoCreateRefTerm will force ref on given parameter names (comma seperated)
            string[] autoRefParamNames = function.GetCommaSeperatedMetaData("AutoCreateRefTerm");

            // If this is a blueprint type try and getting the return value from the first out param (if there is only one out)
            UProperty blueprintReturnProperty = function.GetBlueprintReturnProperty();

            bool firstParameter = true;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <UProperty, string> param in paramNames)
                UProperty parameter = param.Key;
                string    paramName = param.Value;

                string rawParamName = parameter.GetName();

                if (!parameter.HasAnyPropertyFlags(EPropertyFlags.Parm))

                if (parameter.HasAnyPropertyFlags(EPropertyFlags.ReturnParm) || parameter == blueprintReturnProperty)
                    returnType = GetTypeName(parameter, namespaces);
                    if (firstParameter)
                        firstParameter = false;
                        parameters.Append(", ");

                    if (!parameter.HasAnyPropertyFlags(EPropertyFlags.ConstParm))
                        if (parameter.HasAnyPropertyFlags(EPropertyFlags.ReferenceParm) || autoRefParamNames.Contains(rawParamName))
                            parameters.Append("ref ");
                        else if (parameter.HasAnyPropertyFlags(EPropertyFlags.OutParm))
                            parameters.Append("out ");

                    string paramTypeName = GetTypeName(parameter, namespaces);
                    if (arrayParamNames.Contains(rawParamName))
                        int genericsIndex = paramTypeName.IndexOf('<');
                        if (genericsIndex >= 0)
                            paramTypeName = paramTypeName.Substring(0, genericsIndex) + "<T>";
                    else if (arrayTypeDependentParamNames.Contains(rawParamName))
                        paramTypeName = "T";

                    parameters.Append(paramTypeName + " " + paramName);

                    if (!invalidDefaultParams)
                        string defaultValue = GetParamDefaultValue(function, parameter, paramTypeName, ref hasDefaultParameters, ref invalidDefaultParams);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultValue) && !invalidDefaultParams)
                            if (isBlueprintType &&
                                (parameter.HasAnyPropertyFlags(EPropertyFlags.ReferenceParm | EPropertyFlags.OutParm) ||
                                invalidDefaultParams = true;
                                if (!hasDefaultParameters)
                                    hasDefaultParameters = true;
                                parameterDefaultsByIndex[parameters.Length] = " = " + defaultValue;

            if (numReturns > 1)
                FMessage.Log(ELogVerbosity.Error, "More than 1 return on function '" + function.GetPathName() + "'");

            // Insert the default parameters if they aren't invalid
            if (!invalidDefaultParams)
                int offset = 0;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, string> parameterDefault in parameterDefaultsByIndex)
                    parameters.Insert(parameterDefault.Key + offset, parameterDefault.Value);
                    offset += parameterDefault.Value.Length;

            string functionName = GetFunctionName(function);

            string additionalStr = string.Empty;

            if (isDelegate)
                functionName  = GetTypeNameDelegate(function);
                additionalStr = ";";
            //if (isInterface)
            //    additionalStr = ";";

            if (isImplementationMethod)
                functionName += Settings.VarNames.ImplementationMethod;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customFunctionName))
                functionName = customFunctionName;
            if (stripAdditionalText)
                additionalStr = string.Empty;

            string generics = string.Empty;

            if (arrayParamNames.Length > 0 || arrayTypeDependentParamNames.Length > 0)
                generics = "<T>";

            if (modifiers.Length > 0)
                modifiers.Append(' ');
            return(string.Format("{0}{1} {2}{3}({4}){5}", modifiers, returnType, functionName, generics, parameters, additionalStr));