Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute the mode
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Arguments">Command line arguments</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override int Execute(CommandLineArguments Arguments)

            // Create the build configuration object, and read the settings
            BuildConfiguration BuildConfiguration = new BuildConfiguration();


            // Ensure the path to the output file is valid
            if (OutputFile == null)
                OutputFile = GetDefaultOutputFile(ProjectFile);

            // Create the rules assembly
            RulesAssembly Assembly;

            if (ProjectFile == null)
                Assembly = RulesCompiler.CreateEnterpriseRulesAssembly(BuildConfiguration.bUsePrecompiled, BuildConfiguration.bSkipRulesCompile);
                Assembly = RulesCompiler.CreateProjectRulesAssembly(ProjectFile, BuildConfiguration.bUsePrecompiled, BuildConfiguration.bSkipRulesCompile);

            // Write information about these targets
            WriteTargetInfo(ProjectFile, Assembly, OutputFile, Arguments);
            Log.TraceInformation("Written {0}", OutputFile);
Beispiel #2
        private void AddProjectsForAllTargets(
            PlatformProjectGeneratorCollection PlatformProjectGenerators,
            List <FileReference> AllGames,
            out ProjectFile EngineProject,
            out List <ProjectFile> GameProjects,
            out Dictionary <FileReference, ProjectFile> ProgramProjects)
            // As we're creating project files, we'll also keep track of whether we created an "engine" project and return that if we have one
            EngineProject   = null;
            GameProjects    = new List <ProjectFile>();
            ProgramProjects = new Dictionary <FileReference, ProjectFile>();

            // Find all of the target files.  This will filter out any modules or targets that don't
            // belong to platforms we're generating project files for.
            List <FileReference> AllTargetFiles = DiscoverTargets(AllGames);

            // Sort the targets by name. When we have multiple targets of a given type for a project, we'll use the order to determine which goes in the primary project file (so that client names with a suffix will go into their own project).
            AllTargetFiles = AllTargetFiles.OrderBy(x => x.FullName, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase).ToList();

            foreach (FileReference TargetFilePath in AllTargetFiles)
                string TargetName = TargetFilePath.GetFileNameWithoutAnyExtensions();

                // Check to see if this is an Engine target.  That is, the target is located under the "Engine" folder
                bool IsEngineTarget           = false;
                bool IsEnterpriseTarget       = false;
                bool WantProjectFileForTarget = true;
                if (TargetFilePath.IsUnderDirectory(UnrealBuildTool.EngineDirectory))
                    // This is an engine target
                    IsEngineTarget = true;

                    if (TargetFilePath.IsUnderDirectory(EngineSourceProgramsDirectory))
                        WantProjectFileForTarget = IncludeEnginePrograms;
                    else if (TargetFilePath.IsUnderDirectory(UnrealBuildTool.EngineSourceDirectory))
                        WantProjectFileForTarget = bIncludeEngineSource;
                else if (TargetFilePath.IsUnderDirectory(UnrealBuildTool.EnterpriseSourceDirectory))
                    // This is an enterprise target
                    IsEnterpriseTarget = true;

                    if (TargetFilePath.IsUnderDirectory(EnterpriseSourceProgramsDirectory))
                        WantProjectFileForTarget = bIncludeEnterpriseSource && IncludeEnginePrograms;
                        WantProjectFileForTarget = bIncludeEnterpriseSource;

                if (WantProjectFileForTarget)
                    RulesAssembly RulesAssembly;

                    FileReference CheckProjectFile =
                        AllGames.FirstOrDefault(x => TargetFilePath.IsUnderDirectory(x.Directory));
                    if (CheckProjectFile == null)
                        if (TargetFilePath.IsUnderDirectory(UnrealBuildTool.EnterpriseDirectory))
                            RulesAssembly = RulesCompiler.CreateEnterpriseRulesAssembly(false, false);
                            RulesAssembly = RulesCompiler.CreateEngineRulesAssembly(false, false);
                        RulesAssembly = RulesCompiler.CreateProjectRulesAssembly(CheckProjectFile, false, false);

                    // Create target rules for all of the platforms and configuration combinations that we want to enable support for.
                    // Just use the current platform as we only need to recover the target type and both should be supported for all targets...
                    TargetRules TargetRulesObject = RulesAssembly.CreateTargetRules(TargetName,
                                                                                    BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform, UnrealTargetConfiguration.Development, "", CheckProjectFile,

                    bool IsProgramTarget = false;

                    DirectoryReference GameFolder = null;
                    string             ProjectFileNameBase;
                    if (TargetRulesObject.Type == TargetType.Program)
                        IsProgramTarget     = true;
                        ProjectFileNameBase = TargetName;
                    else if (IsEngineTarget)
                        ProjectFileNameBase = EngineProjectFileNameBase;
                    else if (IsEnterpriseTarget)
                        ProjectFileNameBase = EnterpriseProjectFileNameBase;
                        // Figure out which game project this target belongs to
                        FileReference ProjectInfo = FindGameContainingFile(AllGames, TargetFilePath);
                        if (ProjectInfo == null)
                            throw new BuildException("Found a non-engine target file (" + TargetFilePath +
                                                     ") that did not exist within any of the known game folders");

                        GameFolder          = ProjectInfo.Directory;
                        ProjectFileNameBase = ProjectInfo.GetFileNameWithoutExtension();

                    // Get the suffix to use for this project file. If we have multiple targets of the same type, we'll have to split them out into separate IDE project files.
                    string GeneratedProjectName = TargetRulesObject.GeneratedProjectName;
                    if (GeneratedProjectName == null)
                        ProjectFile ExistingProjectFile;
                        if (ProjectFileMap.TryGetValue(GetRiderProjectLocation(ProjectFileNameBase), out ExistingProjectFile) &&
                            ExistingProjectFile.ProjectTargets.Any(x => x.TargetRules.Type == TargetRulesObject.Type))
                            GeneratedProjectName = TargetRulesObject.Name;
                            GeneratedProjectName = ProjectFileNameBase;

                    FileReference ProjectFilePath = GetRiderProjectLocation(GeneratedProjectName);
                    if (TargetRulesObject.Type == TargetType.Game || TargetRulesObject.Type == TargetType.Client ||
                        TargetRulesObject.Type == TargetType.Server)
                        // Allow platforms to generate stub projects here...
                            InGenerator: this,
                            InTargetName: TargetName,
                            InTargetFilepath: TargetFilePath.FullName,
                            InTargetRules: TargetRulesObject,
                            InPlatforms: SupportedPlatforms,
                            InConfigurations: SupportedConfigurations);

                    DirectoryReference BaseFolder;
                    if (IsProgramTarget)
                        BaseFolder = TargetFilePath.Directory;
                    else if (IsEngineTarget)
                        BaseFolder = UnrealBuildTool.EngineDirectory;
                    else if (IsEnterpriseTarget)
                        BaseFolder = UnrealBuildTool.EnterpriseDirectory;
                        BaseFolder = GameFolder;

                    bool        bProjectAlreadyExisted;
                    ProjectFile ProjectFile = FindOrAddProject(ProjectFilePath, BaseFolder,
                                                               true, out bProjectAlreadyExisted);
                    ProjectFile.IsForeignProject =
                        CheckProjectFile != null && !NativeProjects.IsNativeProject(CheckProjectFile);
                    ProjectFile.IsGeneratedProject = true;
                    ProjectFile.IsStubProject      = UnrealBuildTool.IsProjectInstalled();
                    if (TargetRulesObject.bBuildInSolutionByDefault.HasValue)
                        ProjectFile.ShouldBuildByDefaultForSolutionTargets =

                    // Add the project to the right output list
                    if (IsProgramTarget)
                        ProgramProjects[TargetFilePath] = ProjectFile;
                    else if (IsEngineTarget)
                        EngineProject = ProjectFile;
                        if (UnrealBuildTool.IsEngineInstalled())
                            // Allow engine projects to be created but not built for Installed Engine builds
                            EngineProject.IsForeignProject   = false;
                            EngineProject.IsGeneratedProject = true;
                            EngineProject.IsStubProject      = true;
                    else if (IsEnterpriseTarget)
                        ProjectFile EnterpriseProject = ProjectFile;
                        if (UnrealBuildTool.IsEnterpriseInstalled())
                            // Allow enterprise projects to be created but not built for Installed Engine builds
                            EnterpriseProject.IsForeignProject   = false;
                            EnterpriseProject.IsGeneratedProject = true;
                            EnterpriseProject.IsStubProject      = true;
                        if (!bProjectAlreadyExisted)

                            // Add the .uproject file for this game/template
                            FileReference UProjectFilePath =
                                FileReference.Combine(BaseFolder, ProjectFileNameBase + ".uproject");
                            if (FileReference.Exists(UProjectFilePath))
                                ProjectFile.AddFileToProject(UProjectFilePath, BaseFolder);
                                throw new BuildException(
                                          "Not expecting to find a game with no .uproject file.  File '{0}' doesn't exist",

                    foreach (ProjectTarget ExistingProjectTarget in ProjectFile.ProjectTargets)
                        if (ExistingProjectTarget.TargetRules.Type == TargetRulesObject.Type)
                            throw new BuildException(
                                      "Not expecting project {0} to already have a target rules of with configuration name {1} ({2}) while trying to add: {3}",
                                      ProjectFilePath, TargetRulesObject.Type.ToString(),
                                      ExistingProjectTarget.TargetRules.ToString(), TargetRulesObject.ToString());

                        // Not expecting to have both a game and a program in the same project.  These would alias because we share the project and solution configuration names (just because it makes sense to)
                        if ((ExistingProjectTarget.TargetRules.Type == TargetType.Game &&
                             TargetRulesObject.Type == TargetType.Program) ||
                            (ExistingProjectTarget.TargetRules.Type == TargetType.Program &&
                             TargetRulesObject.Type == TargetType.Game))
                            throw new BuildException(
                                      "Not expecting project {0} to already have a Game/Program target ({1}) associated with it while trying to add: {2}",
                                      ProjectFilePath, ExistingProjectTarget.TargetRules.ToString(),

                    ProjectTarget ProjectTarget = new ProjectTarget()
                        TargetRules           = TargetRulesObject,
                        TargetFilePath        = TargetFilePath,
                        ProjectFilePath       = ProjectFilePath,
                        UnrealProjectFilePath = CheckProjectFile,
                        SupportedPlatforms    = TargetRulesObject.GetSupportedPlatforms()
                                                .Where(x => UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatform(x, true) != null).ToArray(),
                        CreateRulesDelegate = (Platform, Configuration) =>
                                              RulesAssembly.CreateTargetRules(TargetName, Platform, Configuration, "", CheckProjectFile,


                    // Make sure the *.Target.cs file is in the project.
                    ProjectFile.AddFileToProject(TargetFilePath, BaseFolder);

                    Log.TraceVerbose("Generating target {0} for {1}", TargetRulesObject.Type.ToString(),