Beispiel #1
 public static void storePending(string stock_id, int portfolio_id, int ticket, double volume, double price, string order_date, string rec_date, string rec, string type, string info)
     info = "Pending " + info;
         Database db = new Database();
         //if ticket =-1 aka position is NOT successfully opened then just set stock_ticket=-1 in StockRecommend table
         if (ticket < 0)
             db.executeNonQuery(string.Format("update StockRecommend set stock_ticket = {0} where  portfolio_id={1} and stock_id='{2}' and date =Convert(datetime,'{3}',103) and type ='{4}'",
                                              ticket, portfolio_id, stock_id, rec_date, type));
         //1. change rec in Stockinportfolio to pending
         //2. create new record in pendingDetails
         //3. change stock recommend status to pending
             //1. change rec in Stockinportfolio to pending
             db.executeNonQuery(string.Format("update StockInPortfolio set rec = 'PENDING' , stock_ticket={0} where portfolio_id={1} and stock_id='{2}' and type like '%{3}%' and rec like '%OPEN%';", ticket, portfolio_id, stock_id, type));
             //2. create new record in pendingDetails
             db.executeNonQuery(string.Format("insert into PendingDetails(portfolio_id,stock_id,type,volume,price,ticket) values ('{0}','{1}','{2}',{3},{4},{5});",
                                              portfolio_id, stock_id, type, volume, price, ticket));
             //3. change stock recommend status to pending
             db.executeNonQuery(string.Format("update StockRecommend set stock_ticket='{0}', rec ='{1}' where  portfolio_id={2} and stock_id = '{3}' and date = Convert(datetime,'{4}',103);",
                                              info, rec, portfolio_id, stock_id, rec_date));
     catch (Exception e)
Beispiel #2
 public static void cleanupPending()
         Database db = new Database();
         db.executeNonQuery("delete from pendingDetails where portfolio_id=" + account_id);
         db.executeNonQuery("delete from Stockinportfolio where rec like '%PENDING%' and portfolio_id=" + account_id);
     catch (Exception e)
Beispiel #3
        public static void cleanupPending()

                Database db = new Database();
                db.executeNonQuery("delete from pendingDetails where portfolio_id=" + account_id);
                db.executeNonQuery("delete from Stockinportfolio where rec like '%PENDING%' and portfolio_id=" + account_id);
            catch (Exception e)
Beispiel #4
        public static void updatePending(int ticket, string order_date, double price)
                Database db = new Database();
                //extract all information from the ticket and pass to updateOpenLocal
                //we can assume that
                DataTable dt           = db.query(string.Format("select stock_id,portfolio_id,volume,date,type from Stockinportfolio where stock_ticket ={0} and portfolio_id={1}", ticket, account_id));
                string    stock_id     = dt.Rows[0]["stock_id"].ToString();
                int       portfolio_id = Int32.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["portfolio_id"].ToString());
                double    volume       = Int32.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["volume"].ToString());
                string    rec_date     = dt.Rows[0]["date"].ToString();
                string    type         = dt.Rows[0]["type"].ToString();
                //change status from PENDING to '' by setting rec to OPEN and then call updateOpenLocal
                db.executeNonQuery(string.Format("update Stockinportfolio set rec ='OPEN', stock_ticket=null where stock_ticket ={0} and portfolio_id={1}", ticket, account_id));
                updateOpenLocal(stock_id, portfolio_id, ticket, volume, price, order_date, rec_date, "OPEN", type, "");
            catch (System.Exception ex)

            //updateOpen(stock_id, portfolio_id, ticket, volume, price, order_date, rec_date, "OPEN", type);
            //updateOpen(string stock_id, int portfolio_id, int ticket, int volume, double price, string order_date, string rec_date, string rec, string type)
            //delete the pending order by ticket
            //change pending order in stockinportfolio into open

Beispiel #5
        public static void updateClose(int ticket, string date, double volume, double price)
            Database  db  = new Database();
            string    sql = "";
            DataTable temp;

                //extract information from PositionDetails
                temp = db.query(String.Format("select portfolio_id,stock_id,type from PositionDetails where ticket ={0} and portfolio_id={1}", ticket, account_id));
                string portfolio_id = temp.Rows[0]["portfolio_id"].ToString();
                string stock_id     = temp.Rows[0]["stock_id"].ToString();
                string status       = temp.Rows[0]["type"].ToString();
                //delete the record in PositionsDetails
                sql = string.Format("delete from PositionDetails where ticket={0} and portfolio_id={1}", ticket, account_id);
                //update volume and price and volume in Stockinportfolio to reflect the change

                //if the last record is reached, no update is needed because the record in Stockinportfolio will be deleted eventually
                string nvolume = db.query("select SUM(volume) as volume from PositionDetails where portfolio_id=" + account_id).Rows[0]["volume"].ToString();
                if (nvolume.Length > 0)
                    int    new_volume = Int32.Parse(nvolume);
                    double new_price  = Double.Parse(db.query("select SUM(volume*price)/SUM(volume) as avgPrice from PositionDetails  where portfolio_id=" + account_id).Rows[0]["avgPrice"].ToString());

                    //update new volume and price
                    sql = string.Format("update Stockinportfolio set volume={3} , avgPrice = {4} where portfolio_id = {0} AND stock_id = '{1}' AND type = '{2}' and rec ='' ;", portfolio_id, stock_id
                                        , status, new_volume, new_price);

                //insert in StockRecord
                sql = String.Format("insert into stockrecord(portfolio_id,stock_id,stock_ticket,date,volume,price,status) values({0},'{1}',{2},'{3}',{4},{5},'{6}');",
                                    portfolio_id, stock_id, ticket, date, -volume, price, status);
                //log(sql.Replace(";","\n") + "\n");
            catch (System.Exception e)
                log(e.ToString() + "\n" + sql);
Beispiel #6
 public static void updateCash(double cash, double capital)
         Database db  = new Database();
         string   sql = string.Format("update Portfolio set cash={0},capital={1} where portfolio_id={2};", cash, capital, account_id);
     catch (Exception e)
Beispiel #7
 public static void cleanClose()
         Database db  = new Database();
         string   sql = String.Format("delete from StockInPortfolio where portfolio_id={0} and (rec ='' or rec like'%CLOSE%') and (select COUNT(P.ticket) from PositionDetails as P where StockInPortfolio.stock_id=P.stock_id and StockInPortfolio.portfolio_id=p.portfolio_id and StockInPortfolio.type=p.type) = 0", account_id);
     catch (Exception e)
Beispiel #8
 public static void cleanClose()
         Database db = new Database();
         string sql = String.Format("delete from StockInPortfolio where portfolio_id={0} and (rec ='' or rec like'%CLOSE%') and (select COUNT(P.ticket) from PositionDetails as P where StockInPortfolio.stock_id=P.stock_id and StockInPortfolio.portfolio_id=p.portfolio_id and StockInPortfolio.type=p.type) = 0",account_id);
     catch (Exception e)
Beispiel #9
        public static void updatePrice(string symbol, string date_time, double open, double close, double high, double low, int volume)
                Database db = new Database();
                db.executeNonQuery(string.Format("insert into Stock(stock_id,date,openPrice, closedPrice,maxPrice,minPrice,matchedVolume ) values('{0}','{1}',{2},{3},{4},{5},{6});", symbol, date_time,
                                                 open, close, high, low, volume), false);

            catch (Exception e)
Beispiel #10
        public static void updateOpen(string stock_id, int portfolio_id, int ticket, double volume, double price, string order_date, string rec_date, string rec, string type, string error)
            //set up connection
            Database db = new Database();
            //legacy code
            SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(Database.getCString());

            catch (System.Exception e)
            string sql = "";

                //if ticket =-1 aka position is NOT successfully opened then just set stock_ticket=-1 in StockRecommend table
                if (ticket < 0)
                    sql = string.Format("update StockRecommend set stock_ticket ='{0}' where  portfolio_id={1} and stock_id='{2}' and date =Convert(datetime,'{3}',103) and type ='{4}'",
                                        error, portfolio_id, stock_id, rec_date, type);
                //1. insert order into Stock record
                //2. Create new record in PositionDetails
                //2. make new record in stockStockInPortfolio with real price date and volume
                //if the currency exist then stack up the volume, and update the new price

                // 3. update the stock ticket in Stockrecommended
                    //1. insert order into stockRecord
                    sql = string.Format("insert into StockRecord(portfolio_id,stock_id,stock_ticket,date,volume,price,status) values({0},'{1}',{2},'{3}',{4},{5},'{6}');",
                                        portfolio_id, stock_id, ticket, order_date, volume, price, type);

                    //2. Create new record in PositionDetails
                    sql = string.Format("insert into PositionDetails(portfolio_id,stock_id,type,volume,price,ticket) values ('{0}','{1}','{2}',{3},{4},{5});",
                                        portfolio_id, stock_id, type, volume, price, ticket);

                    //3.create a new record in stockStockInPortfolio with real price date and volume
                    //check if the current position  exists in the portfolio
                    SqlDataReader myreader = null;
                    //date is excluded because there cannot exist two records of the same type in Stockinportfolio
                    string     query     = string.Format("select volume,avgprice from StockInPortfolio where portfolio_id={0} and stock_id='{1}' and type ='{2}' and rec ='';", portfolio_id, stock_id, type);
                    SqlCommand mycommand = new SqlCommand(query, myConnection);
                    myreader = mycommand.ExecuteReader();

                    //if exist stack up the volume and update the price
                    if (myreader.Read())
                        int    old_volume = int.Parse(myreader["volume"].ToString());
                        double old_price  = Double.Parse(myreader["avgprice"].ToString());
                        //calculate new price and volume
                        double new_volume = old_volume + volume;
                        double new_price  = (price * volume + old_price * old_volume) / new_volume;
                        sql = string.Format("update StockInPortfolio set volume={0}, avgprice={1} where portfolio_id={2} and stock_id='{3}' and type like '%{4}%' and rec ='';", new_volume, new_price, portfolio_id, stock_id, type);

                    //else, create new record
                        sql = string.Format("insert into StockInPortfolio(stock_id,portfolio_id,type,volume,date,avgPrice,rec)  values('{0}',{1},'{2}',{3},'{4}',{5},'');",
                                            stock_id, portfolio_id, type, volume, order_date, price);
                    //4. update the stock ticket in Stockrecommended
                    sql = string.Format("update StockRecommend set stock_ticket='{0}, '+stock_ticket, rec ='{1}' where  portfolio_id={2} and stock_id like '{3}' and date = Convert(datetime,'{4}',103) ;",
                                        ticket, rec, portfolio_id, stock_id, rec_date);
                db.executeNonQuery(string.Format("delete from Stockinportfolio where portfolio_id={0} and stock_id='{1}' and type like '%{2}%' and rec like '%OPEN%'", portfolio_id, stock_id, type));
            catch (System.Exception e)
                log(e.ToString() + "\n" + sql + "\n");
Beispiel #11
        public static void updatePrice(string symbol, string date_time, double open, double close, double high, double low, int volume)
                Database db = new Database();
                db.executeNonQuery(string.Format("insert into Stock(stock_id,date,openPrice, closedPrice,maxPrice,minPrice,matchedVolume ) values('{0}','{1}',{2},{3},{4},{5},{6});", symbol, date_time,
                    open, close, high, low, volume), false);

            catch (Exception e)
Beispiel #12
        public static void updatePending(int ticket, string order_date, double price)
                Database db = new Database();
                //extract all information from the ticket and pass to updateOpenLocal
                //we can assume that
                DataTable dt = db.query(string.Format("select stock_id,portfolio_id,volume,date,type from Stockinportfolio where stock_ticket ={0} and portfolio_id={1}", ticket,account_id));
                string stock_id = dt.Rows[0]["stock_id"].ToString();
                int portfolio_id = Int32.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["portfolio_id"].ToString());
                double volume = Int32.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["volume"].ToString());
                string rec_date = dt.Rows[0]["date"].ToString();
                string type = dt.Rows[0]["type"].ToString();
                //change status from PENDING to '' by setting rec to OPEN and then call updateOpenLocal
                db.executeNonQuery(string.Format("update Stockinportfolio set rec ='OPEN', stock_ticket=null where stock_ticket ={0} and portfolio_id={1}", ticket, account_id));
                updateOpenLocal(stock_id, portfolio_id, ticket, volume, price, order_date, rec_date, "OPEN", type, "");
            catch (System.Exception ex)

            //updateOpen(stock_id, portfolio_id, ticket, volume, price, order_date, rec_date, "OPEN", type);
            //updateOpen(string stock_id, int portfolio_id, int ticket, int volume, double price, string order_date, string rec_date, string rec, string type)
            //delete the pending order by ticket
            //change pending order in stockinportfolio into open

Beispiel #13
        public static void updateOpenLocal(string stock_id, int portfolio_id, int ticket, double volume, double price, string order_date, string rec_date, string rec, string type, string error)
            //set up connection
            Database db = new Database();
            //legacy code
                SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(Database.getCString());
                catch (System.Exception e)
            string sql = "";

                //if ticket =-1 aka position is NOT successfully opened then just set stock_ticket=-1 in StockRecommend table
                if (ticket < 0)
                    sql = string.Format("update StockRecommend set stock_ticket ='{0}' where  portfolio_id={1} and stock_id='{2}' and date = Convert(datetime,'{3}',103)  and type ='{4}'",
                      error, portfolio_id, stock_id, rec_date, type);
                //1. insert order into Stock record
                //2. Create new record in PositionDetails
                //2. make new record in stockStockInPortfolio with real price date and volume
                //if the currency exist then stack up the volume, and update the new price

                // 3. update the stock ticket in Stockrecommended
                    //1. insert order into stockRecord
                    sql = string.Format("insert into StockRecord(portfolio_id,stock_id,stock_ticket,date,volume,price,status) values({0},'{1}',{2},'{3}',{4},{5},'{6}');",
                    portfolio_id, stock_id, ticket, order_date, volume, price, type);

                    //2. Create new record in PositionDetails
                    sql = string.Format("insert into PositionDetails(portfolio_id,stock_id,type,volume,price,ticket) values ('{0}','{1}','{2}',{3},{4},{5});",
                    portfolio_id, stock_id, type, volume, price, ticket);

                    //3.create a new record in stockStockInPortfolio with real price date and volume
                    //check if the current position  exists in the portfolio
                    SqlDataReader myreader = null;
                    //date is excluded because there cannot exist two records of the same type in Stockinportfolio
                    string query = string.Format("select volume,avgprice from StockInPortfolio where portfolio_id={0} and stock_id='{1}' and type ='{2}' and rec ='';", portfolio_id, stock_id, type);
                    SqlCommand mycommand = new SqlCommand(query, myConnection);
                    myreader = mycommand.ExecuteReader();

                    //if exist stack up the volume and update the price
                    if (myreader.Read())
                        int old_volume = int.Parse(myreader["volume"].ToString());
                        double old_price = Double.Parse(myreader["avgprice"].ToString());
                        //calculate new price and volume
                        double new_volume = old_volume + volume;
                        double new_price = (price * volume + old_price * old_volume) / new_volume;
                        sql = string.Format("update StockInPortfolio set volume={0}, avgprice={1} where portfolio_id={2} and stock_id='{3}' and type like '%{4}%' and rec ='';", new_volume, new_price, portfolio_id, stock_id, type);

                    //else, create new record
                        sql = string.Format("insert into StockInPortfolio(stock_id,portfolio_id,type,volume,date,avgPrice,rec)  values('{0}',{1},'{2}',{3},'{4}',{5},'');",
                            stock_id, portfolio_id, type, volume, order_date, price);
                    //4. update the stock ticket in Stockrecommended
                    sql = string.Format("update StockRecommend set stock_ticket='{0}, '+stock_ticket , rec ='{1}' where  portfolio_id={2} and stock_id like '{3}' and date = Convert(datetime,'{4}',103) ;",
                    ticket, rec, portfolio_id, stock_id, rec_date);
                db.executeNonQuery(string.Format("delete from Stockinportfolio where portfolio_id={0} and stock_id='{1}' and type like '%{2}%' and rec like '%OPEN%'", portfolio_id, stock_id, type));
            catch (System.Exception e)
                log(e.ToString() + "\n" + sql + "\n");
Beispiel #14
        public static void updateClose(int ticket, string date, double volume, double price)
            Database db = new Database();
            string sql = "";
            DataTable temp;
                //extract information from PositionDetails
                temp = db.query(String.Format("select portfolio_id,stock_id,type from PositionDetails where ticket ={0} and portfolio_id={1}", ticket,account_id));
                string portfolio_id = temp.Rows[0]["portfolio_id"].ToString();
                string stock_id = temp.Rows[0]["stock_id"].ToString();
                string status = temp.Rows[0]["type"].ToString();
                //delete the record in PositionsDetails
                sql = string.Format("delete from PositionDetails where ticket={0} and portfolio_id={1}", ticket, account_id);
                //update volume and price and volume in Stockinportfolio to reflect the change

                //if the last record is reached, no update is needed because the record in Stockinportfolio will be deleted eventually
                string nvolume = db.query("select SUM(volume) as volume from PositionDetails where portfolio_id="+account_id).Rows[0]["volume"].ToString();
                if (nvolume.Length > 0)
                    int new_volume = Int32.Parse(nvolume);
                    double new_price = Double.Parse(db.query("select SUM(volume*price)/SUM(volume) as avgPrice from PositionDetails  where portfolio_id=" + account_id).Rows[0]["avgPrice"].ToString());

                    //update new volume and price
                    sql = string.Format("update Stockinportfolio set volume={3} , avgPrice = {4} where portfolio_id = {0} AND stock_id = '{1}' AND type = '{2}' and rec ='' ;", portfolio_id, stock_id
                            , status, new_volume, new_price);


                //insert in StockRecord
                sql = String.Format("insert into stockrecord(portfolio_id,stock_id,stock_ticket,date,volume,price,status) values({0},'{1}',{2},'{3}',{4},{5},'{6}');",
                       portfolio_id, stock_id, ticket, date, -volume, price, status);
                //log(sql.Replace(";","\n") + "\n");

            catch (System.Exception e)
                log(e.ToString() + "\n" + sql);
Beispiel #15
 public static void updateCash( double cash, double capital)
         Database db = new Database();
         string sql = string.Format("update Portfolio set cash={0},capital={1} where portfolio_id={2};", cash, capital, account_id);
     catch (Exception e)
Beispiel #16
        public static void storePending(string stock_id, int portfolio_id, int ticket, double volume, double price, string order_date, string rec_date, string rec, string type, string info)
            info = "Pending " + info;

                Database db = new Database();
                //if ticket =-1 aka position is NOT successfully opened then just set stock_ticket=-1 in StockRecommend table
                if (ticket < 0)
                    db.executeNonQuery(string.Format("update StockRecommend set stock_ticket = {0} where  portfolio_id={1} and stock_id='{2}' and date =Convert(datetime,'{3}',103) and type ='{4}'",
                            ticket, portfolio_id, stock_id, rec_date, type));
                //1. change rec in Stockinportfolio to pending
                //2. create new record in pendingDetails
                //3. change stock recommend status to pending
                    //1. change rec in Stockinportfolio to pending
                    db.executeNonQuery(string.Format("update StockInPortfolio set rec = 'PENDING' , stock_ticket={0} where portfolio_id={1} and stock_id='{2}' and type like '%{3}%' and rec like '%OPEN%';", ticket, portfolio_id, stock_id, type));
                    //2. create new record in pendingDetails
                    db.executeNonQuery(string.Format("insert into PendingDetails(portfolio_id,stock_id,type,volume,price,ticket) values ('{0}','{1}','{2}',{3},{4},{5});",
                        portfolio_id, stock_id, type, volume, price, ticket));
                    //3. change stock recommend status to pending
                    db.executeNonQuery(string.Format("update StockRecommend set stock_ticket='{0}', rec ='{1}' where  portfolio_id={2} and stock_id = '{3}' and date = Convert(datetime,'{4}',103);",
                         info, rec, portfolio_id, stock_id, rec_date));
            catch (Exception e)