public BoardCatalogModel(INavigation navigation, ISiteAPI api, BoardId boardId)
     Title = "/" + boardId + "/";
     _api = api;
     _boardId = boardId;
     _navigation = navigation;
     Posts = new ObservableCollection<Post>();
 public async Task<IEnumerable<Post>> GetCatalog(BoardId boardId)
     Uri uri = new Uri("" + boardId + "/catalog.json");
     var request = WebRequest.Create(uri);
     var response = await request.GetResponseAsync();
     var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());
     var catalogJson = await reader.ReadToEndAsync();
     var pages = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Page[]>(catalogJson);
     var posts = pages.SelectMany(x => x.Threads).ToArray();
     ProcessPosts(boardId, posts);
     return posts;
        private static void ProcessPosts(BoardId boardId, Post[] posts)
            Regex htmlTag = new Regex("<[^>]*>");
            Regex emptySpace = new Regex(@"\s+");
            foreach (var post in posts)
                post.BoardId = boardId;
                if (post.Comment != null)
                    post.CommentPlain = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(emptySpace.Replace(htmlTag.Replace(post.Comment, " "), " "));
                    var fixedNewlines = post.Comment.Replace("<br>", Environment.NewLine);
                    post.CommentParsed = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(htmlTag.Replace(fixedNewlines, ""));

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(post.FileName))
                    post.ThumbnailPath = CreateThumbnailUri(boardId, post.FileName);
                    post.ImagePath = CreateImageUri(boardId, post.FileName, post.FileExtension);
 private static Uri CreateThumbnailUri(BoardId boardId, string fileName)
     return new Uri("" + boardId + "/" + fileName + "s.jpg ");
 private static Uri CreateImageUri(BoardId boardId, string fileName, string extension)
     return new Uri("" + boardId + "/" + fileName + extension);
 public void OpenBoard(BoardId boardId)
     AddOrSelectScreen(x => x.BoardId.Equals(boardId), () => new BoardCatalogModel(this, new FourChanAPI(), boardId));
        public void Openning_a_board_sets_it_as_current()
            var boardId = new Model.BoardId("g");
            Views.ApplicationNavigationViewModel model = new Views.ApplicationNavigationViewModel();

            var prevItems = model.Items.ToList();
            var addedScreen = model.Items.Except(prevItems).Single();

            Assert.AreSame(addedScreen, model.CurrentScreen);
        public void Openning_a_board_again_sets_it_as_current()
            var boardId = new Model.BoardId("g");
            Views.ApplicationNavigationViewModel model = new Views.ApplicationNavigationViewModel();

            var boardScreen = model.CurrentScreen;


            Assert.AreSame(boardScreen, model.CurrentScreen);
        public void Openning_a_board_again_doesnt_add_it_again()
            var boardId = new Model.BoardId("g");
            Views.ApplicationNavigationViewModel model = new Views.ApplicationNavigationViewModel();

            var prevItems = model.Items.ToList();
            var addedScreens = model.Items.Except(prevItems).ToList();

            Assert.AreEqual(0, addedScreens.Count, "Screen was added when it shouldn't be!");
        public void Openning_a_board_adds_it_to_items()
            var boardId = new Model.BoardId("g");
            Views.ApplicationNavigationViewModel model = new Views.ApplicationNavigationViewModel();

            var prevItems = model.Items.ToList();
            var newItems = model.Items.Except(prevItems).ToList();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, newItems.Count, "Not exactly one screen was added");

            var addedScreen = newItems.First();
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(addedScreen, typeof(BoardCatalogModel), "Added screen didn't seem to be correct type!");
            Assert.AreEqual(boardId, (addedScreen as BoardCatalogModel).BoardId, "Added screen didn't seem to have correct id!");
 public void OpenBoard(BoardId boardId)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #12
 public ThreadId(BoardId board, UInt64 thread)
     _board = board;
     _thread = thread;