Beispiel #1
        public void Solve(ref MotionVelocity velocityA, ref MotionVelocity velocityB, sfloat timestep, sfloat invTimestep)
            // Predict the relative orientation at the end of the step
            quaternion futureBFromA = JacobianUtilities.IntegrateOrientationBFromA(BFromA, velocityA.AngularVelocity, velocityB.AngularVelocity, timestep);

            // Find the future axis and angle of rotation between the free axes
            float3 jacA0, jacA1, jacA2, jacB0, jacB1, jacB2;
            float3 effectiveMass; // first column of 3x3 effective mass matrix, don't need the others because only jac0 can have nonzero error
            sfloat futureAngle;
                // Calculate the relative rotation between joint spaces
                quaternion jointOrientation = math.mul(math.inverse(RefBFromA), futureBFromA);

                // Find the axis and angle of rotation
                jacA0 =;
                sfloat sinHalfAngleSq  = math.lengthsq(jacA0);
                sfloat invSinHalfAngle = Math.RSqrtSafe(sinHalfAngleSq);
                sfloat sinHalfAngle    = sinHalfAngleSq * invSinHalfAngle;
                futureAngle = math.asin(sinHalfAngle) * (sfloat)2.0f;

                jacA0 = * invSinHalfAngle, new float3(sfloat.One, sfloat.Zero, sfloat.Zero), invSinHalfAngle.IsZero());
                jacA0 =, -jacA0, jointOrientation.value.w < sfloat.Zero);
                Math.CalculatePerpendicularNormalized(jacA0, out jacA1, out jacA2);

                jacB0 = math.mul(futureBFromA, -jacA0);
                jacB1 = math.mul(futureBFromA, -jacA1);
                jacB2 = math.mul(futureBFromA, -jacA2);

                // Calculate the effective mass
                float3 invEffectiveMassDiag = new float3(
                    math.csum(jacA0 * jacA0 * velocityA.InverseInertia + jacB0 * jacB0 * velocityB.InverseInertia),
                    math.csum(jacA1 * jacA1 * velocityA.InverseInertia + jacB1 * jacB1 * velocityB.InverseInertia),
                    math.csum(jacA2 * jacA2 * velocityA.InverseInertia + jacB2 * jacB2 * velocityB.InverseInertia));
                float3 invEffectiveMassOffDiag = new float3(
                    math.csum(jacA0 * jacA1 * velocityA.InverseInertia + jacB0 * jacB1 * velocityB.InverseInertia),
                    math.csum(jacA0 * jacA2 * velocityA.InverseInertia + jacB0 * jacB2 * velocityB.InverseInertia),
                    math.csum(jacA1 * jacA2 * velocityA.InverseInertia + jacB1 * jacB2 * velocityB.InverseInertia));
                JacobianUtilities.InvertSymmetricMatrix(invEffectiveMassDiag, invEffectiveMassOffDiag, out float3 effectiveMassDiag, out float3 effectiveMassOffDiag);
                effectiveMass = JacobianUtilities.BuildSymmetricMatrix(effectiveMassDiag, effectiveMassOffDiag).c0;

            // Calculate the error, adjust by tau and damping, and apply an impulse to correct it
            sfloat futureError   = JacobianUtilities.CalculateError(futureAngle, MinAngle, MaxAngle);
            sfloat solveError    = JacobianUtilities.CalculateCorrection(futureError, InitialError, Tau, Damping);
            sfloat solveVelocity = -solveError * invTimestep;
            float3 impulseA      = solveVelocity * (jacA0 * effectiveMass.x + jacA1 * effectiveMass.y + jacA2 * effectiveMass.z);
            float3 impulseB      = solveVelocity * (jacB0 * effectiveMass.x + jacB1 * effectiveMass.y + jacB2 * effectiveMass.z);

Beispiel #2
        // Solve the Jacobian
        public void Solve(ref MotionVelocity velocityA, ref MotionVelocity velocityB, sfloat timestep, sfloat invTimestep)
            // Predict the relative orientation at the end of the step
            quaternion futureBFromA = JacobianUtilities.IntegrateOrientationBFromA(BFromA, velocityA.AngularVelocity, velocityB.AngularVelocity, timestep);

            // Calculate the jacobian axis and angle
            float3 axisAinB     = math.mul(futureBFromA, AxisAinA);
            float3 jacB0        = math.cross(axisAinB, AxisBinB);
            float3 jacA0        = math.mul(math.inverse(futureBFromA), -jacB0);
            sfloat jacLengthSq  = math.lengthsq(jacB0);
            sfloat invJacLength = Math.RSqrtSafe(jacLengthSq);
            sfloat futureAngle;
                sfloat sinAngle = jacLengthSq * invJacLength;
                sfloat cosAngle =, AxisBinB);
                futureAngle = math.atan2(sinAngle, cosAngle);

            // Choose a second jacobian axis perpendicular to A
            float3 jacB1 = math.cross(jacB0, axisAinB);
            float3 jacA1 = math.mul(math.inverse(futureBFromA), -jacB1);

            // Calculate effective mass
            float2 effectiveMass; // First column of the 2x2 matrix, we don't need the second column because the second component of error is zero

                // Calculate the inverse effective mass matrix, then invert it
                sfloat invEffMassDiag0   = math.csum(jacA0 * jacA0 * velocityA.InverseInertia + jacB0 * jacB0 * velocityB.InverseInertia);
                sfloat invEffMassDiag1   = math.csum(jacA1 * jacA1 * velocityA.InverseInertia + jacB1 * jacB1 * velocityB.InverseInertia);
                sfloat invEffMassOffDiag = math.csum(jacA0 * jacA1 * velocityA.InverseInertia + jacB0 * jacB1 * velocityB.InverseInertia);
                sfloat det    = invEffMassDiag0 * invEffMassDiag1 - invEffMassOffDiag * invEffMassOffDiag;
                sfloat invDet = / det, sfloat.Zero, det.IsZero()); // scale by jacLengthSq because the jacs were not normalized
                effectiveMass = invDet * new float2(invEffMassDiag1, -invEffMassOffDiag);

            // Normalize the jacobians
            jacA0 *= invJacLength;
            jacB0 *= invJacLength;
            jacA1 *= invJacLength;
            jacB1 *= invJacLength;

            // Calculate the error, adjust by tau and damping, and apply an impulse to correct it
            sfloat futureError = JacobianUtilities.CalculateError(futureAngle, MinAngle, MaxAngle);
            sfloat solveError  = JacobianUtilities.CalculateCorrection(futureError, InitialError, Tau, Damping);
            float2 impulse     = -effectiveMass * solveError * invTimestep;

            velocityA.ApplyAngularImpulse(impulse.x * jacA0 + impulse.y * jacA1);
            velocityB.ApplyAngularImpulse(impulse.x * jacB0 + impulse.y * jacB1);
Beispiel #3
        // Solve the Jacobian
        public void Solve(ref MotionVelocity velocityA, ref MotionVelocity velocityB, sfloat timestep, sfloat invTimestep)
            // Predict the relative orientation at the end of the step
            quaternion futureMotionBFromA = JacobianUtilities.IntegrateOrientationBFromA(MotionBFromA, velocityA.AngularVelocity, velocityB.AngularVelocity, timestep);

            // Calculate the effective mass
            float3 axisInMotionB = math.mul(futureMotionBFromA, -AxisInMotionA);
            sfloat effectiveMass;
                sfloat invEffectiveMass = math.csum(AxisInMotionA * AxisInMotionA * velocityA.InverseInertia +
                                                    axisInMotionB * axisInMotionB * velocityB.InverseInertia);
                effectiveMass = / invEffectiveMass, sfloat.Zero, invEffectiveMass.IsZero());

            // Calculate the error, adjust by tau and damping, and apply an impulse to correct it
            sfloat futureError = CalculateError(futureMotionBFromA);
            sfloat solveError  = JacobianUtilities.CalculateCorrection(futureError, InitialError, Tau, Damping);
            sfloat impulse     = math.mul(effectiveMass, -solveError) * invTimestep;

            velocityA.ApplyAngularImpulse(impulse * AxisInMotionA);
            velocityB.ApplyAngularImpulse(impulse * axisInMotionB);
Beispiel #4
 private static void ApplyImpulse(float3 impulse, float3 ang0, float3 ang1, float3 ang2, ref MotionVelocity velocity)
     velocity.ApplyAngularImpulse(impulse.x * ang0 + impulse.y * ang1 + impulse.z * ang2);