static public int constructor(IntPtr l)
     try {
         int argc = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(l);
         UnityEngine.UI.Extensions.SaveGame o;
         if (argc == 1)
             o = new UnityEngine.UI.Extensions.SaveGame();
             pushValue(l, o);
         else if (argc == 3)
             System.String a1;
             checkType(l, 2, out a1);
             System.Collections.Generic.List <UnityEngine.UI.Extensions.SceneObject> a2;
             checkType(l, 3, out a2);
             o = new UnityEngine.UI.Extensions.SaveGame(a1, a2);
             pushValue(l, o);
         return(error(l, "New object failed."));
     catch (Exception e) {
         return(error(l, e));
 static public int get_sceneObjects(IntPtr l)
     try {
         UnityEngine.UI.Extensions.SaveGame self = (UnityEngine.UI.Extensions.SaveGame)checkSelf(l);
         pushValue(l, self.sceneObjects);
     catch (Exception e) {
         return(error(l, e));
 static public int set_sceneObjects(IntPtr l)
     try {
         UnityEngine.UI.Extensions.SaveGame self = (UnityEngine.UI.Extensions.SaveGame)checkSelf(l);
         System.Collections.Generic.List <UnityEngine.UI.Extensions.SceneObject> v;
         checkType(l, 2, out v);
         self.sceneObjects = v;
     catch (Exception e) {
         return(error(l, e));
 static public int set_savegameName(IntPtr l)
     try {
         UnityEngine.UI.Extensions.SaveGame self = (UnityEngine.UI.Extensions.SaveGame)checkSelf(l);
         System.String v;
         checkType(l, 2, out v);
         self.savegameName = v;
     catch (Exception e) {
         return(error(l, e));
Beispiel #5
        public static void Save(SaveGame saveGame)

            BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();

            // 1. Construct a SurrogateSelector object
            SurrogateSelector ss = new SurrogateSelector();
            // 2. Add the ISerializationSurrogates to our new SurrogateSelector
            AddSurrogates(ref ss);
            // 3. Have the formatter use our surrogate selector
            bf.SurrogateSelector = ss;

            //Application.persistentDataPath is a string, so if you wanted you can put that into debug.log if you want to know where save games are located
            //You can also use any path you like

            FileStream file = File.Create(saveGamePath + saveGame.savegameName + ".sav"); //you can call it anything you want including the file extension
            bf.Serialize(file, saveGame);
            Debug.Log("Saved Game: " + saveGame.savegameName);

Beispiel #6
        //use this one for specifying a filename
        public void SaveGame(string saveGameName)

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(saveGameName))
                Debug.Log("SaveGameName is null or empty!");

            SaveLoad.saveGamePath = savePath;

            //Create a new instance of SaveGame. This will hold all the data that should be saved in our scene.
            SaveGame newSaveGame = new SaveGame();
            newSaveGame.savegameName = saveGameName;

            List<GameObject> goList = new List<GameObject>();

            //Find all ObjectIdentifier components in the scene.
            //Since we can access the gameObject to which each one belongs with .gameObject, we thereby get all GameObject in the scene which should be saved!
            ObjectIdentifier[] objectsToSerialize = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(ObjectIdentifier)) as ObjectIdentifier[];
            //Go through the "raw" collection of components
            foreach (ObjectIdentifier objectIdentifier in objectsToSerialize)
                //if the gameObject shouldn't be saved, for whatever reason (maybe it's a temporary ParticleSystem that will be destroyed anyway), ignore it
                if (objectIdentifier.dontSave == true)
                    Debug.Log("GameObject " + + " is set to dontSave = true, continuing loop.");

                //First, we will set the ID of the GO if it doesn't already have one.
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty( == true)

                //store it in the goList temporarily, so we can first set it's ID (done above), 
                //then go through the list and call all OnSerialize methods on it, 
                //and finally go through the list again to pack the GO and add the packed data to the sceneObjects list of the new SaveGame.

            //This is a good time to call any functions on the GO that should be called before it gets serialized as part of a SaveGame. Example below.
            foreach (GameObject go in goList)
                go.SendMessage("OnSerialize", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

            foreach (GameObject go2 in goList)
                //Convert the GameObject's data into a form that can be serialized (an instance of SceneObject),
                //and add it to the SaveGame instance's list of SceneObjects.

            //Call the static method that serialized our game and writes the data to a file.