Beispiel #1
        public override Playable CreatePlayable(PlayableGraph graph, GameObject go)
            List <Playable> list       = new List <Playable>();
            GameObject      gameObject = this.sourceGameObject.Resolve(graph.GetResolver());

            if (this.prefabGameObject != null)
                Transform parentTransform = (!(gameObject != null)) ? null : gameObject.transform;
                ScriptPlayable <PrefabControlPlayable> playable = PrefabControlPlayable.Create(graph, this.prefabGameObject, parentTransform);
                gameObject = playable.GetBehaviour().prefabInstance;
            this.m_Duration    = PlayableBinding.DefaultDuration;
            this.m_SupportLoop = false;
            Playable result;

            if (gameObject == null)
                result = Playable.Create(graph, 0);
                IList <PlayableDirector> component  = this.GetComponent <PlayableDirector>(gameObject);
                IList <ParticleSystem>   component2 = this.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>(gameObject);
                this.UpdateDurationAndLoopFlag(component, component2);
                PlayableDirector component3 = go.GetComponent <PlayableDirector>();
                if (component3 != null)
                    this.m_ControlDirectorAsset = component3.playableAsset;
                if (go == gameObject && this.prefabGameObject == null)
                    Debug.LogWarning("Control Playable (" + + ") is referencing the same PlayableDirector component than the one in which it is playing.");
           = false;
                    if (!this.searchHierarchy)
                        this.updateDirector = false;
                if (
                    this.CreateActivationPlayable(gameObject, graph, list);
                if (this.updateDirector)
                    this.SearchHierarchyAndConnectDirector(component, graph, list);
                if (this.updateParticle)
                    this.SearchHiearchyAndConnectParticleSystem(component2, graph, list);
                if (this.updateITimeControl)
                    ControlPlayableAsset.SearchHierarchyAndConnectControlableScripts(ControlPlayableAsset.GetControlableScripts(gameObject), graph, list);
                Playable playable2 = ControlPlayableAsset.ConnectPlayablesToMixer(graph, list);
                result = playable2;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the root of a Playable subgraph to control the contents of the game object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graph">PlayableGraph that will own the playable</param>
        /// <param name="go">The GameObject that triggered the graph build</param>
        /// <returns>The root playable of the subgraph</returns>
        public override Playable CreatePlayable(PlayableGraph graph, GameObject go)
            // case 989856
            if (prefabGameObject != null)
                if (s_CreatedPrefabs.Contains(prefabGameObject))
                    Debug.LogWarningFormat("Control Track Clip ({0}) is causing a prefab to instantiate itself recursively. Aborting further instances.", name);

            Playable root      = Playable.Null;
            var      playables = new List <Playable>();

            GameObject sourceObject = sourceGameObject.Resolve(graph.GetResolver());

            if (prefabGameObject != null)
                Transform parenTransform  = sourceObject != null ? sourceObject.transform : null;
                var       controlPlayable = PrefabControlPlayable.Create(graph, prefabGameObject, parenTransform);

                sourceObject = controlPlayable.GetBehaviour().prefabInstance;

            m_Duration    = PlayableBinding.DefaultDuration;
            m_SupportLoop = false;

            if (sourceObject != null)
                var directors       = updateDirector ? GetComponent <PlayableDirector>(sourceObject) : k_EmptyDirectorsList;
                var particleSystems = updateParticle ? GetParticleSystemRoots(sourceObject) : k_EmptyParticlesList;

                // update the duration and loop values (used for UI purposes) here
                // so they are tied to the latest gameObject bound
                UpdateDurationAndLoopFlag(directors, particleSystems);

                var director = go.GetComponent <PlayableDirector>();
                if (director != null)
                    m_ControlDirectorAsset = director.playableAsset;

                if (go == sourceObject && prefabGameObject == null)
                    Debug.LogWarningFormat("Control Playable ({0}) is referencing the same PlayableDirector component than the one in which it is playing.", name);
                    active = false;
                    if (!searchHierarchy)
                        updateDirector = false;

                if (active)
                    CreateActivationPlayable(sourceObject, graph, playables);

                if (updateDirector)
                    SearchHierarchyAndConnectDirector(directors, graph, playables, prefabGameObject != null);

                if (updateParticle)
                    SearchHiearchyAndConnectParticleSystem(particleSystems, graph, playables);

                if (updateITimeControl)
                    SearchHierarchyAndConnectControlableScripts(GetControlableScripts(sourceObject), graph, playables);

                // Connect Playables to Generic to Mixer
                root = ConnectPlayablesToMixer(graph, playables);

            if (prefabGameObject != null)

            if (!root.IsValid())
                root = Playable.Create(graph);
