Beispiel #1
        public Vector4 FetchSlice(CommandBuffer cmd, Texture texture, ref IBLFilterBSDF.PlanarTextureFilteringParameters planarTextureFilteringParameters, out int fetchIndex)
            Vector4 scaleOffset =;

            fetchIndex = m_FrameProbeIndex++;

            if (m_TextureAtlas.IsCached(out scaleOffset, texture))
                // If the texture is already in the atlas, we update it only if needed
                if (NeedsUpdate(texture) || m_ProbeBakingState[scaleOffset] != ProbeFilteringState.Ready)
                    if (!UpdatePlanarTexture(cmd, texture, ref planarTextureFilteringParameters, ref scaleOffset))
                        Debug.LogError("Can't convolve or update the planar reflection render target");
            else // Either we add it to the atlas
            if (!UpdatePlanarTexture(cmd, texture, ref planarTextureFilteringParameters, ref scaleOffset))
                Debug.LogError("No more space in the planar reflection probe atlas. To solve this issue, increase the size of the Planar Reflection Probe Atlas in the HDRP settings.");

Beispiel #2
        Texture ConvolveProbeTexture(CommandBuffer cmd, Texture texture, ref IBLFilterBSDF.PlanarTextureFilteringParameters planarTextureFilteringParameters, out Vector4 sourceScaleOffset)
            // Probes can be either Cubemaps (for baked probes) or RenderTextures (for realtime probes)
            Texture2D     texture2D     = texture as Texture2D;
            RenderTexture renderTexture = texture as RenderTexture;

            RenderTexture convolutionSourceTexture = null;

            // Disabled code path because planar reflection probe baking is currently disabled
            if (texture2D != null && false)
                // if the size if different from the cache probe size or if the input texture format is compressed, we need to convert it
                // 1) to a format for which we can generate mip maps
                // 2) to the proper reflection probe cache size
                var sizeMismatch   = texture2D.width != m_ProbeSize || texture2D.height != m_ProbeSize;
                var formatMismatch = texture2D.format != TextureFormat.RGBAHalf; // Temporary RT for convolution is always FP16
                if (formatMismatch || sizeMismatch)
                    if (sizeMismatch)
                        Debug.LogWarningFormat("Baked Planar Reflection Probe {0} does not match HDRP Planar Reflection Probe Cache size of {1}. Consider baking it at the same size for better loading performance.",, m_ProbeSize);
                    else if (texture2D.format == TextureFormat.BC6H)
                        Debug.LogWarningFormat("Baked Planar Reflection Probe {0} is compressed but the HDRP Planar Reflection Probe Cache is not. Consider removing compression from the input texture for better quality.",;
                    ConvertTexture(cmd, texture2D, m_TempRenderTexture);
                    cmd.CopyTexture(texture2D, 0, 0, m_TempRenderTexture, 0, 0);

                convolutionSourceTexture = m_TempRenderTexture;
                Debug.Assert(renderTexture != null);
                if (renderTexture.dimension != TextureDimension.Tex2D)
                    Debug.LogError("Planar Realtime reflection probe should always be a 2D RenderTexture.");
                    sourceScaleOffset =;

                convolutionSourceTexture = renderTexture;

            float scaleX = (float)texture.width / m_ConvolutionTargetTexture.width;
            float scaleY = (float)texture.height / m_ConvolutionTargetTexture.height;

            sourceScaleOffset = new Vector4(scaleX, scaleY, 0, 0);
            m_IBLFilterGGX.FilterPlanarTexture(cmd, convolutionSourceTexture, ref planarTextureFilteringParameters, m_ConvolutionTargetTexture);

Beispiel #3
        bool UpdatePlanarTexture(CommandBuffer cmd, Texture texture, ref IBLFilterBSDF.PlanarTextureFilteringParameters planarTextureFilteringParameters, ref Vector4 scaleOffset)
            bool success = false;

            using (new ProfilingScope(cmd, ProfilingSampler.Get(HDProfileId.ConvolvePlanarReflectionProbe)))
                // For now baking is done directly but will be time sliced in the future. Just preparing the code here.
                m_ProbeBakingState[scaleOffset] = ProbeFilteringState.Convolving;

                Vector4 sourceScaleOffset;
                Texture convolvedTexture = ConvolveProbeTexture(cmd, texture, ref planarTextureFilteringParameters, out sourceScaleOffset);
                if (convolvedTexture == null)

                if (m_PerformBC6HCompression)
                    throw new NotImplementedException("BC6H Support not implemented for PlanarReflectionProbeCache");
                    if (m_TextureAtlas.IsCached(out scaleOffset, texture))
                        success = m_TextureAtlas.UpdateTexture(cmd, texture, convolvedTexture, ref scaleOffset, sourceScaleOffset);
                        // Reserve space for the rendertarget and then blit the result of the convolution at this
                        // location, we don't use the UpdateTexture because it will keep the reference to the
                        // temporary target used to convolve the result of the probe rendering.
                        if (!m_TextureAtlas.AllocateTextureWithoutBlit(texture, texture.width, texture.height, ref scaleOffset))
                        m_TextureAtlas.BlitTexture(cmd, scaleOffset, convolvedTexture, sourceScaleOffset);
                        success = true;

                m_ProbeBakingState[scaleOffset] = ProbeFilteringState.Ready;

Beispiel #4
        Texture ConvolveProbeTexture(CommandBuffer cmd, Texture texture, ref IBLFilterBSDF.PlanarTextureFilteringParameters planarTextureFilteringParameters, out Vector4 sourceScaleOffset)
            Texture2D     texture2D     = texture as Texture2D;
            RenderTexture renderTexture = texture as RenderTexture;

            if (renderTexture.dimension != TextureDimension.Tex2D)
                Debug.LogError("Planar Realtime reflection probe should always be a 2D RenderTexture.");
                sourceScaleOffset =;

            float scaleX = (float)texture.width / m_ConvolutionTargetTexture.width;
            float scaleY = (float)texture.height / m_ConvolutionTargetTexture.height;

            sourceScaleOffset = new Vector4(scaleX, scaleY, 0, 0);
            m_IBLFilterGGX.FilterPlanarTexture(cmd, renderTexture, ref planarTextureFilteringParameters, m_ConvolutionTargetTexture);

Beispiel #5
        bool UpdatePlanarTexture(CommandBuffer cmd, Texture texture, ref IBLFilterBSDF.PlanarTextureFilteringParameters planarTextureFilteringParameters, ref Vector4 scaleOffset)
            bool success = false;

            using (new ProfilingScope(cmd, ProfilingSampler.Get(HDProfileId.ConvolvePlanarReflectionProbe)))
                m_ProbeBakingState[scaleOffset] = ProbeFilteringState.Convolving;

                Vector4 sourceScaleOffset;
                Texture convolvedTexture = ConvolveProbeTexture(cmd, texture, ref planarTextureFilteringParameters, out sourceScaleOffset);
                if (convolvedTexture == null)

                if (m_TextureAtlas.IsCached(out scaleOffset, texture))
                    success = m_TextureAtlas.UpdateTexture(cmd, texture, convolvedTexture, ref scaleOffset, sourceScaleOffset);
                    // Reserve space for the rendertarget and then blit the result of the convolution at this
                    // location, we don't use the UpdateTexture because it will keep the reference to the
                    // temporary target used to convolve the result of the probe rendering.
                    if (!m_TextureAtlas.AllocateTextureWithoutBlit(texture, texture.width, texture.height, ref scaleOffset))
                    m_TextureAtlas.BlitTexture(cmd, scaleOffset, convolvedTexture, sourceScaleOffset);
                    success = true;

                m_ProbeBakingState[scaleOffset] = ProbeFilteringState.Ready;
