internal static void ApplyMirroredReferenceTransform(
            ref ProbeSettings settings,                             // In Parameter
            ref ProbeCapturePositionSettings probePosition,         // In parameter
            ref CameraSettings cameraSettings,                      // InOut parameter
            ref CameraPositionSettings cameraPosition               // InOut parameter
            // Calculate mirror position and forward world space
            var proxyMatrix      = Matrix4x4.TRS(probePosition.proxyPosition, probePosition.proxyRotation,;
            var mirrorPosition   = proxyMatrix.MultiplyPoint(settings.proxySettings.mirrorPositionProxySpace);
            var mirrorForward    = proxyMatrix.MultiplyVector(settings.proxySettings.mirrorRotationProxySpace * Vector3.forward);
            var reflectionMatrix = GeometryUtils.CalculateReflectionMatrix(mirrorPosition, mirrorForward);

            // If the camera is on the reflection plane, we offset it by 0.1 mm to avoid a degenerate case.
            if (Vector3.Dot(mirrorForward, probePosition.referencePosition - mirrorPosition) < 1e-4f)
                probePosition.referencePosition += 1e-4f * mirrorForward;

            var worldToCameraRHS = GeometryUtils.CalculateWorldToCameraMatrixRHS(

                // TODO: The capture camera should look at a better direction to only capture texels that
                //   will actually be sampled.
                //   The position it should look at is the center of the visible influence volume of the probe.
                //   (visible influence volume: the intersection of the frustum with the probe's influence volume).
                //   But this is not trivial to get.
                //   So currently, only look in the mirrored direction of the reference. This will capture
                //   more pixels than we want with a lesser resolution, but still work for most cases.

                // Note: looking at the center of the influence volume don't work in all cases (see case 1157921)

            cameraPosition.worldToCameraMatrix = worldToCameraRHS * reflectionMatrix;
            // We must invert the culling because we performed a plane reflection
            cameraSettings.invertFaceCulling = true;

            // Calculate capture position and rotation
            cameraPosition.position = reflectionMatrix.MultiplyPoint(probePosition.referencePosition);
            var forward = reflectionMatrix.MultiplyVector(probePosition.referenceRotation * Vector3.forward);
            var up      = reflectionMatrix.MultiplyVector(probePosition.referenceRotation * Vector3.up);

            cameraPosition.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(forward, up);
 /// <summary>Compute the worldToCameraMatrix to use during rendering.</summary>
 /// <returns>The worldToCameraMatrix.</returns>
 public Matrix4x4 ComputeWorldToCameraMatrix()
     return(GeometryUtils.CalculateWorldToCameraMatrixRHS(position, rotation));