public int GetItemIDFromRawFrameDataViewIndex(HierarchyFrameDataView frameDataView, int rawSampleIndex, ReadOnlyCollection <int> markerIdPath)
            using (var rawFrameDataView = new RawFrameDataView(frameDataView.frameIndex, frameDataView.threadIndex))
                var unreachableDepth = markerIdPath == null ? frameDataView.maxDepth + 1 : markerIdPath.Count;

                if (m_CachedDeepestRawSampleIndexPath.Capacity < unreachableDepth)
                    m_CachedDeepestRawSampleIndexPath.Capacity = unreachableDepth;

                string name          = null;
                var    foundRawIndex = ProfilerTimelineGUI.FindNextSampleThroughMarkerPath(rawFrameDataView, m_ProfilerSampleNameProvider, markerIdPath, unreachableDepth, ref name, ref m_CachedDeepestRawSampleIndexPath, specificRawSampleIndexToFind: rawSampleIndex);
                if (foundRawIndex < 0 || foundRawIndex != rawSampleIndex)

                // We don't care about the path being extended here so, reduce checks by assuming the path is not expanded (this saves calls to IsExpanded)
                var selectedItemsPathIsExpanded = false;
                var newSelectedId = GetItemIdFromRawFrameDataIndexPath(frameDataView, m_CachedDeepestRawSampleIndexPath, out int deepestPath, out selectedItemsPathIsExpanded);
                if (deepestPath < m_CachedDeepestRawSampleIndexPath.Count)
                    // the path has been cut short and the sample wasn't found
        protected override void SelectionChanged(IList <int> selectedIds)
            ProfilerTimeSampleSelection selection;

            // When we navigate through frames and there is no path exists,
            // we still want to be able to frame and select proper sample once it is present again.
            // Thus we invalidate selection only if user selected new item.
            // Same applies to expanded state.
            if (selectedIds.Count > 0)
                ClearSelection(setClearedSelection: false);

            if (selectedIds.Count > 0 && m_FrameDataView.valid)
                List <int> rawIds = new List <int>();
                if (selectedIds.Count > 1)
                    List <int> ids = new List <int>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < selectedIds.Count; i++)
                        m_FrameDataView.GetItemRawFrameDataViewIndices(selectedIds[i], ids);
                    m_FrameDataView.GetItemRawFrameDataViewIndices(selectedIds[0], rawIds);
                selection = new ProfilerTimeSampleSelection(m_FrameDataView.frameIndex, m_FrameDataView.threadGroupName, m_FrameDataView.threadName, m_FrameDataView.threadId, rawIds, m_ProfilerSampleNameProvider.GetItemName(m_FrameDataView, selectedIds[0]));
                var selectedId       = selectedIds[0];
                var rawSampleIndices = new List <int>(m_FrameDataView.GetItemMergedSamplesCount(selectedId));
                m_FrameDataView.GetItemRawFrameDataViewIndices(selectedId, rawSampleIndices);
                var markerIDs = new List <int>(m_FrameDataView.GetItemDepth(selectedId));
                using (var iterator = new RawFrameDataView(m_FrameDataView.frameIndex, m_FrameDataView.threadIndex))
                    string name = null;
                    ProfilerTimelineGUI.GetItemMarkerIdPath(iterator, m_ProfilerSampleNameProvider, rawSampleIndices[0], ref name, ref markerIDs);
                selection.GenerateMarkerNamePath(m_FrameDataView, markerIDs);
                selection = null;

            var id = selectedIds.Count > 0 ? selectedIds[0] : RawFrameDataView.invalidSampleIndex;

            if (selectionChanged != null)
 private void BuildColumns()
   ProfilerColumn[] profilerColumnArray1 = new ProfilerColumn[8]{ ProfilerColumn.FunctionName, ProfilerColumn.TotalPercent, ProfilerColumn.SelfPercent, ProfilerColumn.Calls, ProfilerColumn.GCMemory, ProfilerColumn.TotalTime, ProfilerColumn.SelfTime, ProfilerColumn.WarningCount };
   ProfilerColumn[] profilerColumnArray2 = new ProfilerColumn[7]{ ProfilerColumn.ObjectName, ProfilerColumn.TotalPercent, ProfilerColumn.SelfPercent, ProfilerColumn.Calls, ProfilerColumn.GCMemory, ProfilerColumn.TotalTime, ProfilerColumn.SelfTime };
   this.m_CPUHierarchyGUI = new ProfilerHierarchyGUI((IProfilerWindowController) this, "VisibleProfilerColumnsV2", profilerColumnArray1, ProfilerWindow.ProfilerColumnNames(profilerColumnArray1), false, ProfilerColumn.TotalTime);
   this.m_CPUTimelineGUI = new ProfilerTimelineGUI((IProfilerWindowController) this);
   string text = EditorGUIUtility.TextContent("Object").text;
   string[] columnNames1 = ProfilerWindow.ProfilerColumnNames(profilerColumnArray2);
   columnNames1[0] = text;
   this.m_CPUDetailHierarchyGUI = new ProfilerHierarchyGUI((IProfilerWindowController) this, "VisibleProfilerDetailColumns", profilerColumnArray2, columnNames1, true, ProfilerColumn.TotalTime);
   ProfilerColumn[] profilerColumnArray3 = new ProfilerColumn[4]{ ProfilerColumn.FunctionName, ProfilerColumn.TotalGPUPercent, ProfilerColumn.DrawCalls, ProfilerColumn.TotalGPUTime };
   ProfilerColumn[] profilerColumnArray4 = new ProfilerColumn[4]{ ProfilerColumn.ObjectName, ProfilerColumn.TotalGPUPercent, ProfilerColumn.DrawCalls, ProfilerColumn.TotalGPUTime };
   this.m_GPUHierarchyGUI = new ProfilerHierarchyGUI((IProfilerWindowController) this, "VisibleProfilerGPUColumns", profilerColumnArray3, ProfilerWindow.ProfilerColumnNames(profilerColumnArray3), false, ProfilerColumn.TotalGPUTime);
   string[] columnNames2 = ProfilerWindow.ProfilerColumnNames(profilerColumnArray4);
   columnNames2[0] = text;
   this.m_GPUDetailHierarchyGUI = new ProfilerHierarchyGUI((IProfilerWindowController) this, "VisibleProfilerGPUDetailColumns", profilerColumnArray4, columnNames2, true, ProfilerColumn.TotalGPUTime);
Beispiel #4
        private void DrawProfilingData(ProfilerFrameDataIterator iter, Rect r, int threadIdx, float timeOffset, bool ghost)
            float  num = (!ghost) ? 7f : 21f;
            string selectedPropertyPath = ProfilerDriver.selectedPropertyPath;
            bool   enterChildren        = true;
            Color  color        = GUI.color;
            Color  contentColor = GUI.contentColor;

            Color[] colors = ProfilerColors.colors;
            bool    flag   = false;
            float   x      = -1f;
            float   num2   = -1f;
            float   num3   = -1f;
            int     num4   = 0;
            float   num5   = -1f;
            string  text   = null;

            r.height -= 1f;
            float num6 = 0f;

            r.y = num6;
            r.x = num6;
            bool  flag2     = Event.current.clickCount == 1 && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown;
            bool  flag3     = Event.current.clickCount == 2 && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown;
            Rect  shownArea = this.m_TimeArea.shownArea;
            float rectWidthDivShownWidth = r.width / shownArea.width;
            float x2 = r.x;
            float x3 = shownArea.x;

            while (iter.Next(enterChildren))
                enterChildren = true;
                float num7       = iter.startTimeMS + timeOffset;
                float durationMS = iter.durationMS;
                float num8       = Mathf.Max(durationMS, 0.0003f);
                float num9       = ProfilerTimelineGUI.TimeToPixelCached(num7, rectWidthDivShownWidth, x3, x2);
                float num10      = ProfilerTimelineGUI.TimeToPixelCached(num7 + num8, rectWidthDivShownWidth, x3, x2) - 1f;
                float num11      = num10 - num9;
                if (num9 > r.x + r.width || num10 < r.x)
                    enterChildren = false;
                    float num12 = (float)(iter.depth - 1);
                    float num13 = r.y + num12 * 16f;
                    if (flag)
                        bool flag4 = false;
                        if (num11 >= num)
                            flag4 = true;
                        if (num3 != num13)
                            flag4 = true;
                        if (num9 - num2 > 6f)
                            flag4 = true;
                        if (flag4)
                            this.DrawSmallGroup(x, num2, num3, num4);
                            flag = false;
                    if (num11 < num)
                        enterChildren = false;
                        if (!flag)
                            flag = true;
                            num3 = num13;
                            x    = num9;
                            num4 = 0;
                        num2 = num10;
                        int    id    =;
                        string path  = iter.path;
                        bool   flag5 = path == selectedPropertyPath && !ghost;
                        if (this.m_SelectedID >= 0)
                            flag5 &= (id == this.m_SelectedID);
                        flag5 &= (threadIdx == this.m_SelectedThread);
                        Color white  = Color.white;
                        Color color2 = colors[ % colors.Length];
                        color2.a = ((!flag5) ? 0.75f : 1f);
                        if (ghost)
                            color2.a = 0.4f;
                            white.a  = 0.5f;
                        string text2 =;
                        if (flag5)
                            text = text2;
                            this.m_SelectedTime = num7;
                            this.m_SelectedDur  = durationMS;
                            num5 = num13 + 16f;
                        if (num11 < 20f)
                            text2 = string.Empty;
                            if (num11 < 50f && !flag5)
                                white.a *= (num11 - 20f) / 30f;
                            if (num11 > 200f)
                                text2 += string.Format(" ({0:f2}ms)", durationMS);
                        GUI.color        = color2;
                        GUI.contentColor = white;
                        Rect position = new Rect(num9, num13, num11, 14f);
                        GUI.Label(position, text2,;
                        if ((flag2 || flag3) && position.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
                            this.m_SelectedThread = threadIdx;
                            this.m_SelectedID     = id;
                            UnityEngine.Object @object = EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(iter.instanceId);
                            if (@object is Component)
                                @object = ((Component)@object).gameObject;
                            if (@object != null)
                                if (flag2)
                                    if (flag3)
                                        Selection.objects = new List <UnityEngine.Object>
                        flag = false;
            if (flag)
                this.DrawSmallGroup(x, num2, num3, num4);
            GUI.color        = color;
            GUI.contentColor = contentColor;
            if (text != null && threadIdx == this.m_SelectedThread)
                string     text3   = string.Format(((double)this.m_SelectedDur < 1.0) ? "{0}\n{1:f3}ms" : "{0}\n{1:f2}ms", text, this.m_SelectedDur);
                GUIContent content = new GUIContent(text3);
                GUIStyle   tooltip = ProfilerTimelineGUI.styles.tooltip;
                Vector2    vector  = tooltip.CalcSize(content);
                float      num14   = this.m_TimeArea.TimeToPixel(this.m_SelectedTime + this.m_SelectedDur * 0.5f, r);
                if (num14 < r.x)
                    num14 = r.x + 20f;
                if (num14 > r.xMax)
                    num14 = r.xMax - 20f;
                Rect position2;
                if (num5 + 6f + vector.y < r.yMax)
                    position2 = new Rect(num14 - 32f, num5, 50f, 7f);
                    GUI.Label(position2, GUIContent.none, ProfilerTimelineGUI.styles.tooltipArrow);
                position2 = new Rect(num14, num5 + 6f, vector.x, vector.y);
                if (position2.xMax > r.xMax + 20f)
                    position2.x = r.xMax - position2.width + 20f;
                if (position2.yMax > r.yMax)
                    position2.y = r.yMax - position2.height;
                if (position2.y < r.y)
                    position2.y = r.y;
                GUI.Label(position2, content, tooltip);
            if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
                this.m_SelectedID     = -1;
                this.m_SelectedThread = threadIdx;
Beispiel #5
 private void DrawCPUOrRenderingPane(ProfilerHierarchyGUI mainPane, ProfilerHierarchyGUI detailPane, ProfilerTimelineGUI timelinePane)
     ProfilerProperty property = this.CreateProperty(false);
     if (!CheckFrameData(property))
     else if ((timelinePane != null) && (this.m_ViewType == ProfilerViewType.Timeline))
         float height = this.m_VertSplit.realSizes[1];
         height -= EditorStyles.toolbar.CalcHeight(GUIContent.none, 10f) + 2f;
         timelinePane.DoGUI(this.GetActiveVisibleFrameIndex(), base.position.width, base.position.height - height, height);
         SplitterGUILayout.BeginHorizontalSplit(this.m_ViewSplit, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
         GUILayout.BeginVertical(new GUILayoutOption[0]);
         bool expandAll = false;
         mainPane.DoGUI(property, this.m_SearchString, expandAll);
         GUILayout.BeginVertical(new GUILayoutOption[0]);
         ProfilerProperty property2 = this.CreateProperty(true);
         ProfilerProperty detailedProperty = mainPane.GetDetailedProperty(property2);
         if (detailedProperty != null)
             detailPane.DoGUI(detailedProperty, string.Empty, expandAll);
Beispiel #6
 private void BuildColumns()
     ProfilerColumn[] columnArray1 = new ProfilerColumn[8];
     columnArray1[1] = ProfilerColumn.TotalPercent;
     columnArray1[2] = ProfilerColumn.SelfPercent;
     columnArray1[3] = ProfilerColumn.Calls;
     columnArray1[4] = ProfilerColumn.GCMemory;
     columnArray1[5] = ProfilerColumn.TotalTime;
     columnArray1[6] = ProfilerColumn.SelfTime;
     columnArray1[7] = ProfilerColumn.WarningCount;
     ProfilerColumn[] columnsToShow = columnArray1;
     ProfilerColumn[] columns = new ProfilerColumn[] { ProfilerColumn.ObjectName, ProfilerColumn.TotalPercent, ProfilerColumn.SelfPercent, ProfilerColumn.Calls, ProfilerColumn.GCMemory, ProfilerColumn.TotalTime, ProfilerColumn.SelfTime };
     this.m_CPUHierarchyGUI = new ProfilerHierarchyGUI(this, "VisibleProfilerColumnsV2", columnsToShow, ProfilerColumnNames(columnsToShow), false, ProfilerColumn.TotalTime);
     this.m_CPUTimelineGUI = new ProfilerTimelineGUI(this);
     string text = EditorGUIUtility.TextContent("Object").text;
     string[] columnNames = ProfilerColumnNames(columns);
     columnNames[0] = text;
     this.m_CPUDetailHierarchyGUI = new ProfilerHierarchyGUI(this, "VisibleProfilerDetailColumns", columns, columnNames, true, ProfilerColumn.TotalTime);
     ProfilerColumn[] columnArray6 = new ProfilerColumn[4];
     columnArray6[1] = ProfilerColumn.TotalGPUPercent;
     columnArray6[2] = ProfilerColumn.DrawCalls;
     columnArray6[3] = ProfilerColumn.TotalGPUTime;
     ProfilerColumn[] columnArray3 = columnArray6;
     ProfilerColumn[] columnArray4 = new ProfilerColumn[] { ProfilerColumn.ObjectName, ProfilerColumn.TotalGPUPercent, ProfilerColumn.DrawCalls, ProfilerColumn.TotalGPUTime };
     this.m_GPUHierarchyGUI = new ProfilerHierarchyGUI(this, "VisibleProfilerGPUColumns", columnArray3, ProfilerColumnNames(columnArray3), false, ProfilerColumn.TotalGPUTime);
     columnNames = ProfilerColumnNames(columnArray4);
     columnNames[0] = text;
     this.m_GPUDetailHierarchyGUI = new ProfilerHierarchyGUI(this, "VisibleProfilerGPUDetailColumns", columnArray4, columnNames, true, ProfilerColumn.TotalGPUTime);
Beispiel #7
        private void DrawProfilingData(ProfilerFrameDataIterator iter, Rect r, int threadIdx, float timeOffset, bool ghost, bool includeSubSamples)
            float  num1 = !ghost ? 7f : 21f;
            string selectedPropertyPath = ProfilerDriver.selectedPropertyPath;
            Color  color1       = GUI.color;
            Color  contentColor = GUI.contentColor;

            Color[] colors = ProfilerColors.colors;
            bool    flag1  = false;
            float   x1     = -1f;
            float   x2     = -1f;
            float   y1     = -1f;
            int     size   = 0;
            float   y2     = -1f;
            string  str    = (string)null;
            float   num2   = !includeSubSamples ? r.height : 16f;
            float   num3   = !includeSubSamples ? 0.0f : 1f;
            float   height = num2 - 2f * num3;

            r.height -= num3;
            // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
            // ISSUE: variable of a reference type
            Rect& local = @r;
            float num4  = 0.0f;

            r.y = num4;
            double num5 = (double)num4;

            // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
            (^ local).x = (float)num5;
            bool  flag2     = Event.current.clickCount == 1 && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown;
            bool  flag3     = Event.current.clickCount == 2 && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown;
            Rect  shownArea = this.m_TimeArea.shownArea;
            float rectWidthDivShownWidth = r.width / shownArea.width;
            float x3            = r.x;
            float x4            = shownArea.x;
            bool  enterChildren = true;

            while (iter.Next(enterChildren))
                enterChildren = includeSubSamples;
                float time        = iter.startTimeMS + timeOffset;
                float durationMs  = iter.durationMS;
                float num6        = Mathf.Max(durationMs, 0.0003f);
                float pixelCached = ProfilerTimelineGUI.TimeToPixelCached(time, rectWidthDivShownWidth, x4, x3);
                float num7        = ProfilerTimelineGUI.TimeToPixelCached(time + num6, rectWidthDivShownWidth, x4, x3) - 1f;
                float width       = num7 - pixelCached;
                if ((double)pixelCached > (double)r.x + (double)r.width || (double)num7 < (double)r.x)
                    enterChildren = false;
                    float num8 = (float)(iter.depth - 1);
                    float y3   = r.y + num8 * num2;
                    if (flag1)
                        bool flag4 = false;
                        if ((double)width >= (double)num1)
                            flag4 = true;
                        if ((double)y1 != (double)y3)
                            flag4 = true;
                        if ((double)pixelCached - (double)x2 > 6.0)
                            flag4 = true;
                        if (flag4)
                            this.DrawSmallGroup(x1, x2, y1, height, size);
                            flag1 = false;
                    if ((double)width < (double)num1)
                        enterChildren = false;
                        if (!flag1)
                            flag1 = true;
                            y1    = y3;
                            x1    = pixelCached;
                            size  = 0;
                        x2 = num7;
                        int    id    =;
                        string path  = iter.path;
                        bool   flag4 = path == selectedPropertyPath && !ghost;
                        if (this.m_SelectedID >= 0)
                            flag4 &= id == this.m_SelectedID;
                        bool  flag5  = flag4 & threadIdx == this.m_SelectedThread;
                        Color white  = Color.white;
                        Color color2 = colors[ % colors.Length];
                        color2.a = !flag5 ? 0.75f : 1f;
                        if (ghost)
                            color2.a = 0.4f;
                            white.a  = 0.5f;
                        string text =;
                        if (flag5)
                            str = text;
                            this.m_SelectedTime = time;
                            this.m_SelectedDur  = durationMs;
                            y2 = y3 + num2;
                        if ((double)width < 20.0 || !includeSubSamples)
                            text = string.Empty;
                            if ((double)width < 50.0 && !flag5)
                                white.a *= (float)(((double)width - 20.0) / 30.0);
                            if ((double)width > 200.0)
                                text += string.Format(" ({0:f2}ms)", (object)durationMs);
                        GUI.color        = color2;
                        GUI.contentColor = white;
                        Rect position = new Rect(pixelCached, y3, width, height);
                        GUI.Label(position, text,;
                        if ((flag2 || flag3) && position.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
                            this.m_SelectedThread = threadIdx;
                            this.m_SelectedID     = id;
                            UnityEngine.Object gameObject = EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(iter.instanceId);
                            if (gameObject is Component)
                                gameObject = (UnityEngine.Object)((Component)gameObject).gameObject;
                            if (gameObject != (UnityEngine.Object)null)
                                if (flag2)
                                else if (flag3)
                                    Selection.objects = new List <UnityEngine.Object>()
        private void DrawProfilingData(ProfilerFrameDataIterator iter, Rect r, int frameIndex, int threadIndex, float timeOffset, bool ghost, bool includeSubSamples)
            float  num = (!ghost) ? 7f : 21f;
            string selectedPropertyPath = ProfilerDriver.selectedPropertyPath;
            Color  color        = GUI.color;
            Color  contentColor = GUI.contentColor;

            Color[] colors = ProfilerColors.colors;
            bool    flag   = false;
            float   x      = -1f;
            float   num2   = -1f;
            float   num3   = -1f;
            int     num4   = 0;
            float   num5   = (!includeSubSamples) ? r.height : 16f;
            float   num6   = (float)((!includeSubSamples) ? 0 : 1);
            float   height = num5 - 2f * num6;

            r.height -= num6;
            float num7 = 0f;

            r.y = num7;
            r.x = num7;
            bool  flag2     = Event.current.clickCount == 1 && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown;
            bool  flag3     = Event.current.clickCount == 2 && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown;
            Rect  shownArea = this.m_TimeArea.shownArea;
            float rectWidthDivShownWidth = r.width / shownArea.width;
            float x2            = r.x;
            float x3            = shownArea.x;
            bool  enterChildren = true;

            while (iter.Next(enterChildren))
                enterChildren = includeSubSamples;
                float num8       = iter.startTimeMS + timeOffset;
                float durationMS = iter.durationMS;
                float num9       = Mathf.Max(durationMS, 0.0003f);
                float num10      = ProfilerTimelineGUI.TimeToPixelCached(num8, rectWidthDivShownWidth, x3, x2);
                float num11      = ProfilerTimelineGUI.TimeToPixelCached(num8 + num9, rectWidthDivShownWidth, x3, x2) - 1f;
                float num12      = num11 - num10;
                if (num10 > r.x + r.width || num11 < r.x)
                    enterChildren = false;
                    float num13 = (float)(iter.depth - 1);
                    float num14 = r.y + num13 * num5;
                    if (flag)
                        bool flag4 = false;
                        if (num12 >= num)
                            flag4 = true;
                        if (num3 != num14)
                            flag4 = true;
                        if (num10 - num2 > 6f)
                            flag4 = true;
                        if (flag4)
                            this.DrawSmallGroup(x, num2, num3, height, num4);
                            flag = false;
                    if (num12 < num)
                        enterChildren = false;
                        if (!flag)
                            flag = true;
                            num3 = num14;
                            x    = num10;
                            num4 = 0;
                        num2 = num11;
                        int    instanceId = iter.instanceId;
                        string path       = iter.path;
                        bool   flag5      = path == selectedPropertyPath && !ghost;
                        if (this.m_SelectedEntry.instanceId >= 0)
                            flag5 &= (instanceId == this.m_SelectedEntry.instanceId);
                        flag5 &= (threadIndex == this.m_SelectedEntry.threadId);
                        Color white  = Color.white;
                        Color color2 = colors[ % colors.Length];
                        color2.a = ((!flag5) ? 0.75f : 1f);
                        if (ghost)
                            color2.a = 0.4f;
                            white.a  = 0.5f;
                        string text =;
                        if (num12 < 20f || !includeSubSamples)
                            text = string.Empty;
                            if (num12 < 50f && !flag5)
                                white.a *= (num12 - 20f) / 30f;
                            if (num12 > 200f)
                                text += string.Format(" ({0:f2}ms)", durationMS);
                        GUI.color        = color2;
                        GUI.contentColor = white;
                        Rect position = new Rect(num10, num14, num12, height);
                        GUI.Label(position, text,;
                        if ((flag2 || flag3) && position.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) && includeSubSamples)
                            this.m_SelectedEntry.frameId    = frameIndex;
                            this.m_SelectedEntry.threadId   = threadIndex;
                            this.m_SelectedEntry.instanceId = instanceId;
                            if (iter.extraTooltipInfo != null)
                                this.m_SelectedEntry.metaData = iter.extraTooltipInfo;
                            this.m_SelectedEntry.time         = num8;
                            this.m_SelectedEntry.duration     = durationMS;
                            this.m_SelectedEntry.relativeYPos = num14 + num5;
                            this.UpdateSelectedObject(flag2, flag3);
                        flag = false;
            if (flag)
                this.DrawSmallGroup(x, num2, num3, height, num4);
            GUI.color        = color;
            GUI.contentColor = contentColor;
            if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
		private void BuildColumns()
			ProfilerColumn[] array = new ProfilerColumn[]
			ProfilerColumn[] array2 = new ProfilerColumn[]
			this.m_CPUHierarchyGUI = new ProfilerHierarchyGUI(this, "VisibleProfilerColumnsV2", array, ProfilerWindow.ProfilerColumnNames(array), false, ProfilerColumn.TotalTime);
			this.m_CPUTimelineGUI = new ProfilerTimelineGUI(this);
			string text = EditorGUIUtility.TextContent("ProfilerColumn.DetailViewObject").text;
			string[] array3 = ProfilerWindow.ProfilerColumnNames(array2);
			array3[0] = text;
			this.m_CPUDetailHierarchyGUI = new ProfilerHierarchyGUI(this, "VisibleProfilerDetailColumns", array2, array3, true, ProfilerColumn.TotalTime);
			ProfilerColumn[] array4 = new ProfilerColumn[]
			ProfilerColumn[] array5 = new ProfilerColumn[]
			this.m_GPUHierarchyGUI = new ProfilerHierarchyGUI(this, "VisibleProfilerGPUColumns", array4, ProfilerWindow.ProfilerColumnNames(array4), false, ProfilerColumn.TotalGPUTime);
			array3 = ProfilerWindow.ProfilerColumnNames(array5);
			array3[0] = text;
			this.m_GPUDetailHierarchyGUI = new ProfilerHierarchyGUI(this, "VisibleProfilerGPUDetailColumns", array5, array3, true, ProfilerColumn.TotalGPUTime);
        void MigrateSelectedState(bool expandIfNecessary, bool framingAllowed)
            if (m_LocalSelectedItemMarkerIdPath == null || m_Selected == null || m_LocalSelectedItemMarkerIdPath.Count != m_Selected.markerNamePath.Count)

            m_SelectionNeedsMigration = false;

            var markerNamePath = m_Selected.markerNamePath;

            expandIfNecessary |= m_ExpandDuringNextSelectionMigration;

            using (k_MigrateSelectionStateMarker.Auto())
                var safeFrameWithSafeMarkerIds = m_Selected.frameIndexIsSafe && m_FrameDataView.frameIndex == m_Selected.safeFrameIndex;
                var rawHierarchyView           = (m_FrameDataView.viewMode & HierarchyFrameDataView.ViewModes.MergeSamplesWithTheSameName) == HierarchyFrameDataView.ViewModes.Default;
                var allowProxySelection        = !safeFrameWithSafeMarkerIds;

                var finalRawSampleIndex = RawFrameDataView.invalidSampleIndex;

                using (var frameData = new RawFrameDataView(m_FrameDataView.frameIndex, m_FrameDataView.threadIndex))
                    if (!frameData.valid)
                    if (!safeFrameWithSafeMarkerIds)
                        // marker names might have changed Ids between frames, update them if that is the case
                        for (int i = 0; i < m_LocalSelectedItemMarkerIdPath.Count; i++)
                            m_LocalSelectedItemMarkerIdPath[i] = frameData.GetMarkerId(markerNamePath[i]);
                    else if (!allowProxySelection)
                        for (int i = 0; i < m_LocalSelectedItemMarkerIdPath.Count; i++)
                            var markerIsEditorOnlyMarker = frameData.GetMarkerFlags(m_LocalSelectedItemMarkerIdPath[i]).HasFlag(Unity.Profiling.LowLevel.MarkerFlags.AvailabilityEditor);
                            if (markerIsEditorOnlyMarker && i < m_LocalSelectedItemMarkerIdPath.Count - 1)
                                // Technically, proxy selections are not supposed to be allowed when switching between views in the same frame.
                                // However, if there are Editor Only markers in the path that are NOT the last item, Hierarchy View might have collapsed the path from this point forward,
                                // so we need to allow Proxy Selections here.
                                allowProxySelection = true;
                    var name = m_Selected.sampleDisplayName;
                    if (m_CachedDeepestRawSampleIndexPath.Capacity < markerNamePath.Count)
                        m_CachedDeepestRawSampleIndexPath.Capacity = markerNamePath.Count;

                    if (allowProxySelection || rawHierarchyView)
                        finalRawSampleIndex = ProfilerTimelineGUI.FindFirstSampleThroughMarkerPath(
                            frameData, m_ProfilerSampleNameProvider,
                            m_LocalSelectedItemMarkerIdPath, markerNamePath.Count, ref name,
                            longestMatchingPath: m_CachedDeepestRawSampleIndexPath);
                        finalRawSampleIndex = ProfilerTimelineGUI.FindNextSampleThroughMarkerPath(
                            frameData, m_ProfilerSampleNameProvider,
                            m_LocalSelectedItemMarkerIdPath, markerNamePath.Count, ref name,
                            ref m_CachedDeepestRawSampleIndexPath);
                var  newSelectedId = m_FrameDataView.GetRootItemID();
                bool selectedItemsPathIsExpanded = true;
                var  proxySelection = new ProxySelection();
                proxySelectionInfo = default;
                var deepestPath = m_CachedDeepestRawSampleIndexPath.Count;

                if (finalRawSampleIndex >= 0 || allowProxySelection && deepestPath > 0)
                    // if a valid raw index was found, find the corresponding HierarchyView Sample id next:
                    newSelectedId = GetItemIdFromRawFrameDataIndexPath(m_FrameDataView, m_CachedDeepestRawSampleIndexPath, out deepestPath, out selectedItemsPathIsExpanded);
                    if (m_LocalSelectedItemMarkerIdPath.Count > deepestPath && newSelectedId >= 0)
                        proxySelection.hasProxySelection            = true;
                        proxySelection.nonProxyName                 = m_Selected.sampleDisplayName;
                        proxySelection.nonProxySampleStack          = m_Selected.markerNamePath;
                        proxySelection.pathLengthDifferenceForProxy = deepestPath - m_LocalSelectedItemMarkerIdPath.Count;

                var newSelection = (newSelectedId == 0) ? new List <int>() : new List <int>()
                state.selectedIDs = newSelection;

                // Framing invalidates expanded state and this is very expensive operation to perform each frame.
                // Thus we auto frame selection only when we are not currently receiving profiler data from the Editor we are profiling, or the user opted into a "Live" view of the data
                if (newSelectedId != 0 && isInitialized && framingAllowed && (selectedItemsPathIsExpanded || expandIfNecessary))
                m_ExpandDuringNextSelectionMigration = false;

                proxySelectionInfo = proxySelection;
 private void BuildColumns()
     ProfilerColumn[] columnsToShow = new ProfilerColumn[] { ProfilerColumn.FunctionName };
     ProfilerColumn[] columns = new ProfilerColumn[] { ProfilerColumn.ObjectName };
     this.m_CPUHierarchyGUI = new ProfilerHierarchyGUI(this, "VisibleProfilerColumnsV2", columnsToShow, ProfilerColumnNames(columnsToShow), false, ProfilerColumn.TotalTime);
     this.m_CPUTimelineGUI = new ProfilerTimelineGUI(this);
     string text = EditorGUIUtility.TextContent("Object").text;
     string[] columnNames = ProfilerColumnNames(columns);
     columnNames[0] = text;
     this.m_CPUDetailHierarchyGUI = new ProfilerHierarchyGUI(this, "VisibleProfilerDetailColumns", columns, columnNames, true, ProfilerColumn.TotalTime);
     ProfilerColumn[] columnArray3 = new ProfilerColumn[] { ProfilerColumn.FunctionName };
     ProfilerColumn[] columnArray4 = new ProfilerColumn[] { ProfilerColumn.ObjectName };
     this.m_GPUHierarchyGUI = new ProfilerHierarchyGUI(this, "VisibleProfilerGPUColumns", columnArray3, ProfilerColumnNames(columnArray3), false, ProfilerColumn.TotalGPUTime);
     columnNames = ProfilerColumnNames(columnArray4);
     columnNames[0] = text;
     this.m_GPUDetailHierarchyGUI = new ProfilerHierarchyGUI(this, "VisibleProfilerGPUDetailColumns", columnArray4, columnNames, true, ProfilerColumn.TotalGPUTime);