Beispiel #1
        internal static void DrawVerticalLine(int frame, ChartViewData cdata, Rect r, Color color1, Color color2, float widthFactor)
            if (Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint)

            frame -= cdata.chartDomainOffset;
            if (frame < 0)

            Vector2 domain     = cdata.GetDataDomain();
            float   domainSize = domain.y - domain.x;

            GL.Vertex3(r.x + r.width / domainSize * frame, r.y + 1, 0);
            GL.Vertex3(r.x + r.width / domainSize * frame + r.width / domainSize, r.y + 1, 0);

            GL.Vertex3(r.x + r.width / domainSize * frame + r.width / domainSize, r.yMax, 0);
            GL.Vertex3(r.x + r.width / domainSize * frame, r.yMax, 0);
Beispiel #2
        internal static void DrawVerticalLine(int frame, ChartViewData cdata, Rect r, Color color, float minWidth, float maxWidth = 0)
            if (Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint)

            frame -= cdata.chartDomainOffset;
            if (frame < 0)

            Vector2 domain     = cdata.GetDataDomain();
            float   domainSize = domain.y - domain.x;
            float   lineWidth  = Mathf.Max(minWidth, r.width / domainSize);

            if (maxWidth > 0)
                lineWidth = Mathf.Min(maxWidth, lineWidth);

            GL.Vertex3(r.x + r.width / domainSize * frame, r.y + 1, 0);
            GL.Vertex3(r.x + r.width / domainSize * frame + lineWidth, r.y + 1, 0);

            GL.Vertex3(r.x + r.width / domainSize * frame + lineWidth, r.yMax, 0);
            GL.Vertex3(r.x + r.width / domainSize * frame, r.yMax, 0);
Beispiel #3
 private void DrawSelectedFrame(int selectedFrame, ChartViewData cdata, Rect r)
     if (cdata.firstSelectableFrame != -1 && selectedFrame - cdata.firstSelectableFrame >= 0)
         DrawVerticalLine(selectedFrame, cdata, r, Styles.selectedFrameColor, 1.0f);
Beispiel #4
        private void DrawChartStacked(int selectedFrame, ChartViewData cdata, Rect r, bool chartActive)

            Vector2 domain     = cdata.GetDataDomain();
            int     numSamples = (int)(domain.y - domain.x);

            if (numSamples <= 0)

            if (m_StackedSampleSums == null || m_StackedSampleSums.Length < numSamples)
                m_StackedSampleSums = new float[numSamples];
            for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; ++i)
                m_StackedSampleSums[i] = 0f;

            for (int i = 0; i < cdata.numSeries; i++)
                if (cdata.hasOverlay)
                    DrawChartItemStackedOverlay(r, i, cdata, m_StackedSampleSums);
                DrawChartItemStacked(r, i, cdata, m_StackedSampleSums);
            DrawOverlayBoxes(cdata, r, chartActive);

            DrawSelectedFrame(selectedFrame, cdata, r);

            DrawGridStacked(r, cdata);
            DrawLabels(r, cdata, selectedFrame, ChartType.StackedFill);

            // Show selected property name
            //@TODO: not the best place to put this code.

            if (!cdata.hasOverlay)

            string selectedName = ProfilerDriver.selectedPropertyPath;

            if (selectedName.Length > 0)
                int selectedNameBegin = selectedName.LastIndexOf('/');
                if (selectedNameBegin != -1)
                    selectedName = selectedName.Substring(selectedNameBegin + 1);

                GUIContent content = EditorGUIUtility.TempContent("Selected: " + selectedName);
                Vector2    size    = EditorStyles.whiteBoldLabel.CalcSize(content);
                EditorGUI.DropShadowLabel(new Rect(r.x + r.width - size.x - 3.0f, r.y + 3.0f, size.x, size.y), content,
Beispiel #5
        private int DoFrameSelectionDrag(float x, Rect r, ChartViewData cdata, int len)
            int frame = Mathf.RoundToInt((x - r.x) / r.width * len - 0.5f);

            GUI.changed = true;
            return(Mathf.Clamp(frame + cdata.chartDomainOffset, cdata.firstSelectableFrame, cdata.chartDomainOffset + len));
Beispiel #6
        private void DrawOverlayBoxes(ChartViewData cdata, Rect r, bool chartActive)
            if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && cdata.dataAvailable != null)
                r.height += 2;
                r.y      -= 1;

                int lastFrameWithData = 0;
                int frameDataLength   = cdata.dataAvailable.Length;
                for (int frame = 0; frame < frameDataLength; frame++)
                    bool hasDataForFrame = cdata.dataAvailable[frame];
                    if (hasDataForFrame)
                        if (lastFrameWithData < frame - 1)
                            DrawOverlayBox(r, lastFrameWithData, frame, frameDataLength, chartActive, Styles.noDataOverlayBox);
                        lastFrameWithData = frame;
                if (lastFrameWithData < frameDataLength - 1)
                    DrawOverlayBox(r, lastFrameWithData, frameDataLength - 1, frameDataLength, chartActive, Styles.noDataOverlayBox);
Beispiel #7
 private void LoadChartsSettings(ChartViewData cdata)
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.m_ChartSettingsName))
         string @string = EditorPrefs.GetString(this.m_ChartSettingsName + "Order");
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(@string))
                 string[] array = @string.Split(new char[]
                 if (array.Length == cdata.numSeries)
                     for (int i = 0; i < cdata.numSeries; i++)
                         cdata.order[i] = int.Parse(array[i]);
             catch (FormatException)
         @string = EditorPrefs.GetString(this.m_ChartSettingsName + "Visible");
         for (int j = 0; j < cdata.numSeries; j++)
             if (j < @string.Length && @string[j] == '0')
                 cdata.series[j].enabled = false;
Beispiel #8
        private void DrawGridStacked(Rect r, ChartViewData cdata)
            if (Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint ||
                cdata.grid == null || cdata.gridLabels == null)

            GL.Color(new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.2f));
            float rangeScale = cdata.series[0].rangeAxis.sqrMagnitude == 0f ?
                               0f : 1f / (cdata.series[0].rangeAxis.y - cdata.series[0].rangeAxis.x) * r.height;
            float rectBottom = r.y + r.height;

            for (int i = 0; i < cdata.grid.Length; ++i)
                float y = rectBottom - (cdata.grid[i] - cdata.series[0].rangeAxis.x) * rangeScale;
                if (y > r.y)
                    GL.Vertex3(r.x + 80, y, 0.0f);
                    GL.Vertex3(r.x + r.width, y, 0.0f);

            for (int i = 0; i < cdata.grid.Length; ++i)
                float y = rectBottom - (cdata.grid[i] - cdata.series[0].rangeAxis.x) * rangeScale;
                if (y > r.y)
                    DoLabel(r.x + 5, y - 12, cdata.gridLabels[i], 0.0f);
Beispiel #9
        private void DrawChartItemLine(Rect r, ChartViewData cdata, int index)
            ChartSeriesViewData chartSeriesViewData = cdata.series[index];

            if (chartSeriesViewData.enabled)
                if (this.m_LineDrawingPoints == null || chartSeriesViewData.numDataPoints > this.m_LineDrawingPoints.Length)
                    this.m_LineDrawingPoints = new Vector3[chartSeriesViewData.numDataPoints];
                Vector2 dataDomain = cdata.GetDataDomain();
                float   num        = dataDomain.y - dataDomain.x;
                if (num > 0f)
                    float num2 = 1f / num * r.width;
                    float num3 = (cdata.series[index].rangeAxis.sqrMagnitude != 0f) ? (1f / (cdata.series[index].rangeAxis.y - cdata.series[index].rangeAxis.x) * r.height) : 0f;
                    float num4 = r.y + r.height;
                    for (int i = 0; i < chartSeriesViewData.numDataPoints; i++)
                        this.m_LineDrawingPoints[i].Set((chartSeriesViewData.xValues[i] - dataDomain.x) * num2 + r.x, num4 - (chartSeriesViewData.yValues[i] - chartSeriesViewData.rangeAxis.x) * num3, 0f);
                    using (new Handles.DrawingScope(cdata.series[index].color))
                        Handles.DrawAAPolyLine(2f, chartSeriesViewData.numDataPoints, this.m_LineDrawingPoints);
Beispiel #10
        private void DrawChartItemStackedOverlay(Rect r, int index, ChartViewData cdata, float[] stackedSampleSums)
            Vector2 dataDomain = cdata.GetDataDomain();
            int     num        = (int)(dataDomain.y - dataDomain.x);
            float   num2       = r.width / (float)num;
            int     num3       = cdata.order[index];

            if (cdata.series[num3].enabled)
                Color color = cdata.series[num3].color;
                float num4 = r.x + num2 * 0.5f;
                float num5 = (cdata.series[0].rangeAxis.sqrMagnitude != 0f) ? (1f / (cdata.series[0].rangeAxis.y - cdata.series[0].rangeAxis.x) * r.height) : 0f;
                float num6 = r.y + r.height;
                int   i    = 0;
                while (i < num)
                    float num7 = num6 - stackedSampleSums[i];
                    float num8 = cdata.overlays[num3].yValues[i];
                    if (num8 != -1f)
                        float num9 = (num8 - cdata.series[0].rangeAxis.x) * num5;
                        GL.Vertex3(num4, num7 - num9, 0f);
                        GL.Vertex3(num4, num7, 0f);
                    num4 += num2;
Beispiel #11
 private void DrawGridStacked(Rect r, ChartViewData cdata)
     if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && cdata.grid != null && cdata.gridLabels != null)
         GL.Color(new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.2f));
         float num  = (cdata.series[0].rangeAxis.sqrMagnitude != 0f) ? (1f / (cdata.series[0].rangeAxis.y - cdata.series[0].rangeAxis.x) * r.height) : 0f;
         float num2 = r.y + r.height;
         for (int i = 0; i < cdata.grid.Length; i++)
             float num3 = num2 - (cdata.grid[i] - cdata.series[0].rangeAxis.x) * num;
             if (num3 > r.y)
                 GL.Vertex3(r.x + 80f, num3, 0f);
                 GL.Vertex3(r.x + r.width, num3, 0f);
         for (int j = 0; j < cdata.grid.Length; j++)
             float num4 = num2 - (cdata.grid[j] - cdata.series[0].rangeAxis.x) * num;
             if (num4 > r.y)
                 Chart.DoLabel(r.x + 5f, num4 - 8f, cdata.gridLabels[j], 0f);
Beispiel #12
        private void LoadChartsSettings(ChartViewData cdata)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_ChartSettingsName))

            var str = EditorPrefs.GetString(m_ChartSettingsName + "Order");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
                    var values = str.Split(',');
                    if (values.Length == cdata.numSeries)
                        for (var i = 0; i < cdata.numSeries; i++)
                            cdata.order[i] = int.Parse(values[i]);
                catch (FormatException) {}

            str = EditorPrefs.GetString(m_ChartSettingsName + "Visible");

            for (var i = 0; i < cdata.numSeries; i++)
                if (i < str.Length && str[i] == '0')
                    cdata.series[i].enabled = false;
Beispiel #13
        public int DoGUI(Chart.ChartType type, int selectedFrame, ChartViewData cdata, bool active)
            int result;

            if (cdata == null)
                result = selectedFrame;
                this.m_chartControlID = GUIUtility.GetControlID(Chart.s_ChartHash, FocusType.Keyboard);
                GUILayoutOption gUILayoutOption = GUILayout.MinHeight(Math.Max(5f + (float)((cdata.numSeries + 1) * 11) + 38f, 130f));
                Rect            rect            = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(GUIContent.none, Chart.Styles.background, new GUILayoutOption[]
                Rect rect2 = rect;
                rect2.x     += 180f;
                rect2.width -= 180f;
                Event     current        = Event.current;
                EventType typeForControl = current.GetTypeForControl(this.m_chartControlID);
                if (typeForControl == EventType.MouseDown && rect.Contains(current.mousePosition) && this.selected != null)
                if (this.m_DragItemIndex == -1)
                    selectedFrame = this.HandleFrameSelectionEvents(selectedFrame, this.m_chartControlID, rect2, cdata);
                Rect position = rect2;
                position.x    -= 180f;
                position.width = 180f;
                this.DoLegendGUI(position, type, cdata, typeForControl, active);
                if (current.type == EventType.Repaint && GUIClip.visibleRect.Overlaps(rect))
                    Chart.Styles.rightPane.Draw(rect2, false, false, active, false);
                    if (this.m_NotSupportedWarning == null)
                        rect2.height -= 1f;
                        if (type == Chart.ChartType.StackedFill)
                            this.DrawChartStacked(selectedFrame, cdata, rect2);
                            this.DrawChartLine(selectedFrame, cdata, rect2);
                        Rect position2 = rect2;
                        position2.x += 59.4f;
                        position2.y += 43f;
                        GUI.Label(position2, this.m_NotSupportedWarning, EditorStyles.boldLabel);
                result = selectedFrame;
Beispiel #14
        protected virtual void DoLegendGUI(Rect position, Chart.ChartType type, ChartViewData cdata, EventType evtType, bool active)
            if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
                Chart.Styles.legendBackground.Draw(position, GUIContent.none, false, false, active, false);
            Rect       rect    = position;
            GUIContent content = this.legendHeaderLabel ?? GUIContent.none;

            rect.height = Chart.Styles.legendHeaderLabel.CalcSize(content).y;
            GUI.Label(rect, content, Chart.Styles.legendHeaderLabel);
            position.yMin += rect.height;
            position.xMin += 5f;
            position.xMax -= 5f;
            this.DoSeriesList(position, this.m_chartControlID, type, cdata);
            Rect position2 = rect;

            position2.xMax -= (float)Chart.Styles.legendHeaderLabel.padding.right;
            position2.xMin  = position2.xMax - 13f;
            position2.yMin += (float);
            position2.yMax  = position2.yMin + 13f;
            if (GUI.Button(position2, GUIContent.none, Chart.Styles.closeButton) && this.closed != null)
Beispiel #15
        protected virtual void DoLegendGUI(Rect position, ChartType type, ChartViewData cdata, EventType evtType, bool active)
            if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
                Styles.legendBackground.Draw(position, GUIContent.none, false, false, active, false);

            Rect       headerRect  = position;
            GUIContent headerLabel = legendHeaderLabel ?? GUIContent.none;

            headerRect.height = Styles.legendHeaderLabel.CalcSize(headerLabel).y;
            GUI.Label(headerRect, headerLabel, Styles.legendHeaderLabel);

            position.yMin += headerRect.height;
            position.xMin += kLabelOffset;
            position.xMax -= kLabelOffset;
            DoSeriesList(position, m_chartControlID, type, cdata);

            Rect closeButtonRect = headerRect;

            closeButtonRect.xMax -= Styles.legendHeaderLabel.padding.right;
            closeButtonRect.xMin  = closeButtonRect.xMax - kCloseButtonSize - kCloseButtonXOffset;
            closeButtonRect.yMin +=;
            closeButtonRect.yMax  = closeButtonRect.yMin + kCloseButtonSize;

            if (GUI.Button(closeButtonRect, GUIContent.none, Styles.closeButton) && closed != null)
Beispiel #16
        public int DoGUI(ChartType type, int selectedFrame, ChartViewData cdata, bool active)
            if (cdata == null)

            m_chartControlID = GUIUtility.GetControlID(s_ChartHash, FocusType.Keyboard);

            var chartHeight = GUILayout.MinHeight(
                Math.Max(kLabelOffset + ((cdata.numSeries + 1) * kLabelHeight) + kDistFromTopToFirstLabel, kChartMinHeight)
            Rect chartRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(GUIContent.none, Styles.background, chartHeight);

            Rect r = chartRect;

            r.x     += kSideWidth;
            r.width -= kSideWidth;

            Event     evt     = Event.current;
            EventType evtType = evt.GetTypeForControl(m_chartControlID);

            if (evtType == EventType.MouseDown && chartRect.Contains(evt.mousePosition) && selected != null)

            // if we are not dragging labels, handle graph frame selection
            if (m_DragItemIndex == -1)
                selectedFrame = HandleFrameSelectionEvents(selectedFrame, m_chartControlID, r, cdata);

            Rect sideRect = r;

            sideRect.x    -= kSideWidth;
            sideRect.width = kSideWidth;

            DoLegendGUI(sideRect, type, cdata, evtType, active);

            // Drawing the chart is expensive, so only draw it when it is visible
            if (evt.type == EventType.Repaint && GUIClip.visibleRect.Overlaps(chartRect))
                Styles.rightPane.Draw(r, false, false, active, false);

                r.height -= 1.0f; // do not draw the bottom pixel
                if (type == ChartType.StackedFill)
                    DrawChartStacked(selectedFrame, cdata, r, active);
                    DrawChartLine(selectedFrame, cdata, r, active);

Beispiel #17
        protected void SaveChartsSettingsEnabled(ChartViewData cdata)
            string text = string.Empty;

            for (int i = 0; i < cdata.numSeries; i++)
                text += ((!cdata.series[i].enabled) ? '0' : '1');
            EditorPrefs.SetString(this.m_ChartSettingsName + "Visible", text);
Beispiel #18
        protected void SaveChartsSettingsEnabled(ChartViewData cdata)
            var str = string.Empty;

            for (var i = 0; i < cdata.numSeries; i++)
                str += cdata.series[i].enabled ? '1' : '0';

            EditorPrefs.SetString(m_ChartSettingsName + "Visible", str);
Beispiel #19
 public ProfilerChart(ProfilerArea area, Chart.ChartType type, float dataScale, int seriesCount)
     base.labelRange  = new Vector2(Mathf.Epsilon, float.PositiveInfinity);
     this.m_Area      = area;
     this.m_Type      = type;
     this.m_DataScale = dataScale;
     this.m_Data      = new ChartViewData();
     this.m_Series    = new ChartSeriesViewData[seriesCount];
     this.m_Active    = this.ReadActiveState();
Beispiel #20
        protected override void DoLegendGUI(Rect position, Chart.ChartType type, ChartViewData cdata, EventType evtType, bool active)
            Rect position2 = position;

            position2.xMin = position2.xMax - (float)ProfilerChart.performanceWarning.image.width;
            position2.yMin = position2.yMax - (float)ProfilerChart.performanceWarning.image.height;
            base.DoLegendGUI(position, type, cdata, evtType, active);
            if (this.m_Area == ProfilerArea.GPU)
                GUI.Label(position2, ProfilerChart.performanceWarning);
 public ProfilerChart(ProfilerArea area, Chart.ChartType type, float dataScale, int seriesCount) : base()
     labelRange  = new Vector2(Mathf.Epsilon, Mathf.Infinity);
     graphRange  = new Vector2(Mathf.Epsilon, Mathf.Infinity);
     m_Area      = area;
     m_Type      = type;
     m_DataScale = dataScale;
     m_Data      = new ChartViewData();
     m_Series    = new ChartSeriesViewData[seriesCount];
     m_Active    = ReadActiveState();
Beispiel #22
 private void DrawChartLine(int selectedFrame, ChartViewData cdata, Rect r)
     for (int i = 0; i < cdata.numSeries; i++)
         this.DrawChartItemLine(r, cdata, i);
     if (cdata.maxValue > 0f)
         this.DrawMaxValueScale(cdata, r);
     this.DrawSelectedFrame(selectedFrame, cdata, r);
     this.DrawLabels(r, cdata, selectedFrame, Chart.ChartType.Line);
Beispiel #23
        private int MoveSelectedFrame(int selectedFrame, ChartViewData cdata, int direction)
            Vector2 domain           = cdata.GetDataDomain();
            int     length           = (int)(domain.y - domain.x);
            int     newSelectedFrame = selectedFrame + direction;

            if (newSelectedFrame < cdata.firstSelectableFrame || newSelectedFrame > cdata.chartDomainOffset + length)

Beispiel #24
        private void DrawChartItemStacked(Rect r, int index, ChartViewData cdata, float[] stackedSampleSums)
            Vector2 domain     = cdata.GetDataDomain();
            int     numSamples = (int)(domain.y - domain.x);

            float step = r.width / numSamples;

            index = cdata.order[index];

            if (!cdata.series[index].enabled)

            Color color = cdata.series[index].color;

            if (cdata.hasOverlay)
                color *= s_OverlayBackgroundDimFactor;


            float x          = r.x + step * 0.5f;
            float rangeScale = cdata.series[0].rangeAxis.sqrMagnitude == 0f ?
                               0f : 1f / (cdata.series[0].rangeAxis.y - cdata.series[0].rangeAxis.x) * r.height;
            float rectBottom = r.y + r.height;

            for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++, x += step)
                float y     = rectBottom - stackedSampleSums[i];
                var   serie = cdata.series[index];
                float value = serie.yValues[i] * serie.yScale;
                if (value == -1f)

                float val = (value - cdata.series[0].rangeAxis.x) * rangeScale;
                if (y - val < r.yMin)
                    val = y - r.yMin; // Clamp the values to be inside drawrect
                GL.Vertex3(x, y - val, 0f); // clip chart top
                GL.Vertex3(x, y, 0f);

                stackedSampleSums[i] += val;
        protected override void DoLegendGUI(Rect position, ChartType type, ChartViewData cdata, EventType evtType, bool active)
            Rect warningIconRect = position;

            warningIconRect.xMin = warningIconRect.xMax - performanceWarning.image.width;
            warningIconRect.yMin = warningIconRect.yMax - performanceWarning.image.height;

            base.DoLegendGUI(position, type, cdata, evtType, active);

            if (m_Area == ProfilerArea.GPU)
                GUI.Label(warningIconRect, performanceWarning);
        protected override void DoLegendGUI(Rect position, ChartType type, ChartViewData cdata, EventType evtType, bool active)
            base.DoLegendGUI(position, type, cdata, evtType, active);

            if (m_Area == ProfilerArea.GPU)
                const float rightMmargin = 2f;
                const float topMargin    = 4f;
                const float iconSize     = 16f;
                var         padding      = GUISkin.current.label.padding;
                float       width        = iconSize + padding.horizontal;

                GUI.Label(new Rect(position.xMax - width - rightMmargin, position.y + topMargin, width, iconSize + padding.vertical), performanceWarning);
Beispiel #27
 private void SaveChartsSettingsOrder(ChartViewData cdata)
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.m_ChartSettingsName))
         string text = string.Empty;
         for (int i = 0; i < cdata.numSeries; i++)
             if (text.Length != 0)
                 text += ",";
             text += cdata.order[i];
         EditorPrefs.SetString(this.m_ChartSettingsName + "Order", text);
Beispiel #28
        void DrawOverlayBoxes(ChartViewData cdata, Rect r, bool chartActive)

            if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && cdata.dataAvailable != null)
                r.height += 1;

                int lastFrameBeforeStatisticsAvailabilityChanged = 0;
                int lastStatisticsState = 1;
                int frameDataLength     = cdata.dataAvailable.Length;

                for (int frame = 0; frame < frameDataLength; frame++)
                    bool hasDataForFrame = (cdata.dataAvailable[frame] & ChartViewData.dataAvailableBit) == ChartViewData.dataAvailableBit;
                    if (hasDataForFrame)
                        if (lastFrameBeforeStatisticsAvailabilityChanged < frame - 1)
                            DrawOverlayBox(r, lastFrameBeforeStatisticsAvailabilityChanged, frame, frameDataLength, chartActive, Styles.noDataOverlayBox, lastStatisticsState);
                        lastStatisticsState = ChartViewData.dataAvailableBit;
                        lastFrameBeforeStatisticsAvailabilityChanged = frame;
                    else if (lastStatisticsState != cdata.dataAvailable[frame])
                        // Not bitwise comparison because this here just checks that the previous frame didn't just contain normal available data
                        if (lastStatisticsState != ChartViewData.dataAvailableBit)
                            // a new reason for missing data has started here, flush out the old one
                            DrawOverlayBox(r, lastFrameBeforeStatisticsAvailabilityChanged, frame, frameDataLength, chartActive, Styles.noDataOverlayBox, lastStatisticsState);
                            m_cachedFramesWithSeparatorLines.Add(frame + cdata.chartDomainOffset);
                        lastFrameBeforeStatisticsAvailabilityChanged = frame;
                        lastStatisticsState = cdata.dataAvailable[frame];
                if (lastFrameBeforeStatisticsAvailabilityChanged < frameDataLength - 1)
                    DrawOverlayBox(r, lastFrameBeforeStatisticsAvailabilityChanged, frameDataLength - 1, frameDataLength, chartActive, Styles.noDataOverlayBox, lastStatisticsState);
            foreach (var frame in m_cachedFramesWithSeparatorLines)
                DrawVerticalLine(frame, cdata, r, Styles.noDataSeparatorColor, 1f, 1f);
Beispiel #29
        private int MoveSelectedFrame(int selectedFrame, ChartViewData cdata, int direction)
            Vector2 dataDomain = cdata.GetDataDomain();
            int     num        = (int)(dataDomain.y - dataDomain.x);
            int     num2       = selectedFrame + direction;
            int     result;

            if (num2 < cdata.firstSelectableFrame || num2 > cdata.chartDomainOffset + num)
                result = selectedFrame;
                result = num2;
Beispiel #30
        private void DrawChartLine(int selectedFrame, ChartViewData cdata, Rect r, bool chartActive)
            for (int i = 0; i < cdata.numSeries; i++)
                DrawChartItemLine(r, cdata, i);

            if (cdata.maxValue > 0)
                DrawMaxValueScale(cdata, r);
            DrawOverlayBoxes(cdata, r, chartActive);

            DrawSelectedFrame(selectedFrame, cdata, r);

            DrawLabels(r, cdata, selectedFrame, ChartType.Line);