internal static CapsuleGeometry BakeToBodySpace(
     this CapsuleGeometry capsule, float4x4 localToWorld, float4x4 shapeToWorld,
     out float3 center, out float height, ref EulerAngles orientation
     using (var geometry = new NativeArray <CapsuleGeometry>(1, Allocator.TempJob)
         [0] = capsule
         using (var outCenter = new NativeArray <float3>(1, Allocator.TempJob))
             using (var outHeight = new NativeArray <float>(1, Allocator.TempJob))
                 using (var outOrientation = new NativeArray <EulerAngles>(1, Allocator.TempJob)
                     [0] = orientation
                     var job = new BakeCapsuleJob
                         Capsule      = geometry,
                         Center       = outCenter,
                         Height       = outHeight,
                         Orientation  = outOrientation,
                         localToWorld = localToWorld,
                         shapeToWorld = shapeToWorld
                     center      = outCenter[0];
                     height      = outHeight[0];
                     orientation = outOrientation[0];
        internal static CapsuleGeometry GetBakedCapsuleProperties(
            this PhysicsShapeAuthoring shape, out float3 center, out float height, out EulerAngles orientation
            var capsule = shape.GetCapsuleProperties(out orientation);

            return(capsule.BakeToBodySpace(shape.transform.localToWorldMatrix, shape.GetShapeToWorldMatrix(), out center, out height, ref orientation));
Beispiel #3
        internal static void GetPlanePoints(
            float3 center, float2 size, EulerAngles orientation,
            out float3 vertex0, out float3 vertex1, out float3 vertex2, out float3 vertex3
            var sizeYUp = math.float3(size.x, 0, size.y);

            vertex0 = center + math.mul(orientation, sizeYUp * math.float3(-0.5f, 0, 0.5f));
            vertex1 = center + math.mul(orientation, sizeYUp * math.float3(0.5f, 0, 0.5f));
            vertex2 = center + math.mul(orientation, sizeYUp * math.float3(0.5f, 0, -0.5f));
            vertex3 = center + math.mul(orientation, sizeYUp * math.float3(-0.5f, 0, -0.5f));
        // matrix to transform point on a primitive from bake space into space of the shape
        static float4x4 GetPrimitiveBakeToShapeMatrix(
            float4x4 localToWorld, float4x4 shapeToWorld, ref float3 center, ref EulerAngles orientation, float3 scale, int3 basisPriority
            if (
                basisPriority.x == basisPriority.y ||
                basisPriority.x == basisPriority.z ||
                basisPriority.y == basisPriority.z
                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(basisPriority));

            var localToBasis = float4x4.TRS(center, orientation, scale);

            // correct for imprecision in cases of no scale to prevent e.g., convex radius from being altered
            if (scale.Equals(new float3(1f)))
                localToBasis.c0 = math.normalizesafe(localToBasis.c0);
                localToBasis.c1 = math.normalizesafe(localToBasis.c1);
                localToBasis.c2 = math.normalizesafe(localToBasis.c2);
            var localToBake = math.mul(localToWorld, localToBasis);

            if (localToBake.HasNonUniformScale() || localToBake.HasShear())
                // deskew second longest axis with respect to longest axis
                localToBake[basisPriority[1]] =
                    DeskewSecondaryAxis(localToBake[basisPriority[0]], localToBake[basisPriority[1]]);

                // recompute third axes from first two
                var n2 = math.normalizesafe(
                    new float4(math.cross(localToBake[basisPriority[0]].xyz, localToBake[basisPriority[1]].xyz), 0f)
                localToBake[basisPriority[2]] = n2 *[basisPriority[2]], n2);

            var bakeToShape = math.mul(math.inverse(shapeToWorld), localToBake);

            // transform baked center/orientation (i.e. primitive basis) into shape space
                quaternion.LookRotationSafe(bakeToShape[basisPriority[0]].xyz, bakeToShape[basisPriority[1]].xyz)
            center =;

        internal static CapsuleGeometry GetBakedCapsuleProperties(
            this PhysicsShapeAuthoring shape,
            out float3 center, out float height, out EulerAngles orientation
            var capsule = shape.GetCapsuleProperties(out orientation);
            var radius  = capsule.Radius;

            center = capsule.GetCenter();
            height = capsule.GetHeight();

            var s             = new float3(radius * 2f, radius * 2f, height);
            var localToWorld  = (float4x4)shape.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
            var basisToWorld  = GetBasisToWorldMatrix(localToWorld, center, orientation, s);
            var basisPriority = k_DefaultAxisPriority;
            var sheared       = localToWorld.HasShear();

            if (localToWorld.HasNonUniformScale() || sheared)
                if (sheared)
                    basisPriority = GetBasisAxisPriority(basisToWorld);
                MakeZAxisPrimaryBasis(ref basisPriority);
            var bakeToShape = GetPrimitiveBakeToShapeMatrix(shape, ref center, ref orientation, 1f, basisPriority);

            height *= math.length(bakeToShape.c2);
            radius *= math.max(math.length(bakeToShape.c0), math.length(bakeToShape.c1));

            var axis = math.mul(orientation, new float3 {
                z = 1f
            var endPoint = axis * math.max(0f, 0.5f * height - radius);

            return(new CapsuleGeometry
                Vertex0 = center + endPoint,
                Vertex1 = center - endPoint,
                Radius = radius
Beispiel #6
 internal static BoxGeometry BakeToBodySpace(
     this BoxGeometry box, float4x4 localToWorld, float4x4 shapeToWorld, EulerAngles orientation
     using (var geometry = new NativeArray <BoxGeometry>(1, Allocator.TempJob)
         [0] = box
         var job = new BakeBoxJob
             Box          = geometry,
             localToWorld = localToWorld,
             shapeToWorld = shapeToWorld,
             orientation  = orientation
Beispiel #7
 internal static void BakeToBodySpace(
     float3 center, float2 size, EulerAngles orientation, float4x4 localToWorld, float4x4 shapeToWorld,
     out float3 vertex0, out float3 vertex1, out float3 vertex2, out float3 vertex3
     using (var geometry = new NativeArray <float3x4>(1, Allocator.TempJob))
         var job = new BakePlaneJob
             Vertices     = geometry,
             center       = center,
             size         = size,
             orientation  = orientation,
             localToWorld = localToWorld,
             shapeToWorld = shapeToWorld
         vertex0 = geometry[0].c0;
         vertex1 = geometry[0].c1;
         vertex2 = geometry[0].c2;
         vertex3 = geometry[0].c3;
Beispiel #8
 internal static SphereGeometry BakeToBodySpace(
     this SphereGeometry sphere, float4x4 localToWorld, float4x4 shapeToWorld, ref EulerAngles orientation
     using (var geometry = new NativeArray <SphereGeometry>(1, Allocator.TempJob)
         [0] = sphere
         using (var outOrientation = new NativeArray <EulerAngles>(1, Allocator.TempJob)
             [0] = orientation
             var job = new BakeSphereJob
                 Sphere       = geometry,
                 Orientation  = outOrientation,
                 localToWorld = localToWorld,
                 shapeToWorld = shapeToWorld
             orientation = outOrientation[0];
Beispiel #9
        internal static SphereGeometry GetBakedSphereProperties(this PhysicsShapeAuthoring shape, out EulerAngles orientation)
            var sphere = shape.GetSphereProperties(out orientation);

            return(sphere.BakeToBodySpace(shape.transform.localToWorldMatrix, shape.GetShapeToWorldMatrix(), ref orientation));
Beispiel #10
            static float4x4 GetBakeToShape(float4x4 localToWorld, float4x4 shapeToWorld, ref float3 center, ref EulerAngles orientation)
                var basisPriority = k_DefaultAxisPriority;
                var sheared       = localToWorld.HasShear();

                if (localToWorld.HasNonUniformScale() || sheared)
                    if (sheared)
                        var transformScale = localToWorld.DecomposeScale();
                        var basisToWorld   = GetBasisToWorldMatrix(localToWorld, center, orientation, transformScale);
                        basisPriority = GetBasisAxisPriority(basisToWorld);
                    MakeZAxisPrimaryBasis(ref basisPriority);
                return(GetPrimitiveBakeToShapeMatrix(localToWorld, shapeToWorld, ref center, ref orientation, 1f, basisPriority));
Beispiel #11
            public static float4x4 GetBakeToShape(PhysicsShapeAuthoring shape, float3 center, EulerAngles orientation)
                var transform    = shape.transform;
                var localToWorld = (float4x4)transform.localToWorldMatrix;
                var shapeToWorld = shape.GetShapeToWorldMatrix();

                return(GetBakeToShape(localToWorld, shapeToWorld, ref center, ref orientation));
Beispiel #12
 internal static CylinderGeometry BakeToBodySpace(
     this CylinderGeometry cylinder, float4x4 localToWorld, float4x4 shapeToWorld, EulerAngles orientation
     using (var geometry = new NativeArray <CylinderGeometry>(1, Allocator.TempJob)
         [0] = cylinder
         var job = new BakeCylinderJob
             Cylinder     = geometry,
             localToWorld = localToWorld,
             shapeToWorld = shapeToWorld,
             orientation  = orientation
Beispiel #13
            static float4x4 GetBakeToShape(float4x4 localToWorld, float4x4 shapeToWorld, ref float3 center, ref EulerAngles orientation)
                float4x4 bakeToShape;
                float4x4 rotationMatrix = float4x4.identity;
                var      basisPriority  = k_DefaultAxisPriority;
                var      sheared        = localToWorld.HasShear();

                if (localToWorld.HasNonUniformScale() || sheared)
                    if (sheared)
                        var transformScale = localToWorld.DecomposeScale();
                        var basisToWorld   = GetBasisToWorldMatrix(localToWorld, center, orientation, transformScale);
                        basisPriority = GetBasisAxisPriority(basisToWorld);

                    rotationMatrix = new float4x4(
                        new float4 {
                        [basisPriority[2]] = 1
                        new float4 {
                        [basisPriority[1]] = 1
                        new float4 {
                        [basisPriority[0]] = 1
                        new float4 {
                        [3] = 1

                bakeToShape =
                    GetPrimitiveBakeToShapeMatrix(localToWorld, shapeToWorld, ref center, ref orientation, 1f, basisPriority);

                bakeToShape = math.mul(bakeToShape, rotationMatrix);
        internal static SphereGeometry GetBakedSphereProperties(this PhysicsShapeAuthoring shape, out EulerAngles orientation)
            var sphere = shape.GetSphereProperties(out orientation);
            var center = sphere.Center;
            var radius = sphere.Radius;

            var basisToWorld  = GetBasisToWorldMatrix(shape.transform.localToWorldMatrix, center, orientation, 1f);
            var basisPriority = basisToWorld.HasShear() ? GetBasisAxisPriority(basisToWorld) : k_DefaultAxisPriority;
            var bakeToShape   = GetPrimitiveBakeToShapeMatrix(shape, ref center, ref orientation, 1f, basisPriority);

            radius *= math.cmax(
                new float3(math.length(bakeToShape.c0), math.length(bakeToShape.c1), math.length(bakeToShape.c2))

            return(new SphereGeometry
                Center = center,
                Radius = radius