Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets up forwarding of the given output port to another output port on a different (sub) node.
 /// </summary>
 public void ForwardOutput <TDefinition, TForwardedDefinition, TMsg>(MessageOutput <TDefinition, TMsg> origin, NodeHandle <TForwardedDefinition> replacedNode, MessageOutput <TForwardedDefinition, TMsg> replacement)
     where TDefinition : NodeDefinition, new()
     where TForwardedDefinition : NodeDefinition
     CommonChecks <TDefinition>(replacedNode, (OutputPortID)origin);
     GetForwardingBuffer().Add(ForwardedPort.Unchecked.Output(origin.Port, replacedNode, replacement.Port));
 /// <summary>
 /// See <see cref="Disconnect(NodeHandle, OutputPortID, NodeHandle, InputPortID)"/>
 /// </summary>
 public void Disconnect <TMsg, TSource, TDestination>(
     NodeHandle <TSource> sourceHandle,
     MessageOutput <TSource, TMsg> sourcePort,
     NodeHandle <TDestination> destHandle,
     MessageInput <TDestination, TMsg> destPort
     where TSource : NodeDefinition
     where TDestination : NodeDefinition, IMsgHandler <TMsg>
     Disconnect(new OutputPair(this, sourceHandle, sourcePort.Port), new InputPair(this, destHandle, new InputPortArrayID(destPort.Port)));
 /// <summary>
 /// See <see cref="Connect(NodeHandle, OutputPortID, NodeHandle, InputPortID, ConnectionType)"/>
 /// </summary>
 public void Connect <TMsg, TSource, TDestination>(
     NodeHandle <TSource> sourceHandle,
     MessageOutput <TSource, TMsg> sourcePort,
     NodeHandle <TDestination> destHandle,
     MessageInput <TDestination, TMsg> destPort
     where TSource : NodeDefinition
     where TDestination : NodeDefinition, IMsgHandler <TMsg>
     Connect((PortDescription.Category.Message, typeof(TMsg), ConnectionType.Normal), new OutputPair(this, sourceHandle, sourcePort.Port), new InputPair(this, destHandle, new InputPortArrayID(destPort.Port)));
 public void Disconnect <TTask, TMsg, TSource, TDestination>(
     NodeHandle <TSource> sourceHandle,
     MessageOutput <TSource, TMsg> sourcePort,
     NodeInterfaceLink <TTask, TDestination> destHandle
     where TSource : NodeDefinition
     where TTask : ITaskPort <TTask>
     where TDestination : NodeDefinition, TTask, IMsgHandler <TMsg>, new()
     Disconnect(sourceHandle, sourcePort.Port, destHandle, GetDefinition(destHandle.TypedHandle).GetPort(destHandle));
Beispiel #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Emit a message from yourself on a port. Everything connected to it
 /// will receive your message.
 /// </summary>
 public void EmitMessage <T, TNodeDefinition>(MessageOutput <TNodeDefinition, T> port, in T msg)