Beispiel #1
        public static GUIContent BeginProperty(Rect totalPosition, GUIContent label, RuntimeSerializedProperty property)
            Highlighter.HighlightIdentifier(totalPosition, property.PropertyPath);

            if (s_PendingPropertyKeyboardHandling != null)

            // Properties can be nested, so A BeginProperty may not be followed by its corresponding EndProperty
            // before there have been one or more pairs of BeginProperty/EndProperty in between.
            // The keyboard handling for a property (that handles duplicate and delete commands for array items)
            // uses EditorGUI.lastControlID so it has to be executed for a property before any possible child
            // properties are handled. However, it can't be done in it's own BeginProperty, because the controlID
            // for the property is not yet known at that point. For that reason we mark the keyboard handling as
            // pending and handle it either the next BeginProperty call (for the first child property) or if there's
            // no child properties, then in the matching EndProperty call.
            s_PendingPropertyKeyboardHandling = property;

            if (property == null)
                string error = ((label != null) ? (label.text + ": ") : EmptyStr) + "RuntimeSerializedProperty is null";
                EditorGUI.HelpBox(totalPosition, "null", MessageType.Error);
                throw new System.NullReferenceException(error);

            s_PropertyFieldTempContent.text    = LocalizationDatabaseHelper.GetLocalizedString((label != null) ? label.text : property.DisplayName); // no necessary to be translated.
            s_PropertyFieldTempContent.tooltip = EasyGUI.IsCollectingTooltips ? ((label == null) ? property.Tooltip : label.tooltip) : null;
            string attributeTooltip = RuntimeScriptAttributeUtility.GetHandler(property, null).Tooltip;

            if (attributeTooltip != null)
                s_PropertyFieldTempContent.tooltip = attributeTooltip;
            s_PropertyFieldTempContent.image = label != null ? label.image : null;

            // In inspector debug mode & when holding down alt. Show the property path of the property.
            if (Event.current.alt && property.RuntimeSerializedObject.SerializedObject.InspectorMode() != InspectorMode.Normal)
                s_PropertyFieldTempContent.tooltip = s_PropertyFieldTempContent.text = property.PropertyPath;

            bool wasBoldDefaultFont = EditorGUIUtilityHelper.GetBoldDefaultFont();

            if (property.RuntimeSerializedObject.SerializedObject.targetObjects.Length == 1 && property.IsInstantiatedPrefab)

            s_PropertyStack.Push(new RuntimePropertyGUIData(property, totalPosition, wasBoldDefaultFont, GUI.enabled, GUI.backgroundColor));

            GUI.enabled &= property.Editable;

Beispiel #2
        public static void EndProperty()
            EditorGUI.showMixedValue = false;
            RuntimePropertyGUIData data = s_PropertyStack.Pop();

            // Context menu
            // Handle context menu in EndProperty instead of BeginProperty. This ensures that child properties
            // get the event rather than parent properties when clicking inside the child property rects, but the menu can
            // still be invoked for the parent property by clicking inside the parent rect but outside the child rects.
            if (Event.current.type == EventType.ContextClick && data.TotalPosition.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))

            GUI.enabled         = data.WasEnabled;
            GUI.backgroundColor = data.Color;

            if (s_PendingPropertyKeyboardHandling != null)

            // Wait with deleting the property until the property stack is empty in order to avoid
            // deleting a property in the middle of GUI calls that's dependent on it existing.
            if (s_PendingPropertyDelete != null && s_PropertyStack.Count == 0)
                // For SerializedProperty iteration reasons, if the property we delete is the current property,
                // we have to delete on the actual iterator property rather than a copy of it,
                // otherwise we get an error next time we call NextVisible on the iterator property.
                if (s_PendingPropertyDelete.PropertyPath == data.Property.PropertyPath)
                s_PendingPropertyDelete = null;