public override void Setup()
            InMemoryConfiguration["ConnectionStrings:" + Constants.System.UmbracoConnectionName] = null;
            InMemoryConfiguration["Umbraco:CMS:Hosting:Debug"] = "true";

            // create new WebApplicationFactory specifying 'this' as the IStartup instance
            var factory = new UmbracoWebApplicationFactory <UmbracoTestServerTestBase>(CreateHostBuilder, BeforeHostStart);

            // additional host configuration for web server integration tests
            Factory = factory.WithWebHostBuilder(builder =>

                                                 // Executes after the standard ConfigureServices method
                                                 builder.ConfigureTestServices(services =>

                                                                               // Add a test auth scheme with a test auth handler to authn and assign the user
                                                                               .AddScheme <AuthenticationSchemeOptions, TestAuthHandler>(TestAuthHandler.TestAuthenticationScheme, options => { })));

            Client = Factory.CreateClient(new WebApplicationFactoryClientOptions
                AllowAutoRedirect = false

            LinkGenerator = Factory.Services.GetRequiredService <LinkGenerator>();
        public override void Setup()
            InMemoryConfiguration["ConnectionStrings:" + Constants.System.UmbracoConnectionName] = null;
            InMemoryConfiguration["Umbraco:CMS:Hosting:Debug"] = "true";

             * It's worth noting that our usage of WebApplicationFactory is non-standard,
             * the intent is that your Startup.ConfigureServices is called just like
             * when the app starts up, then replacements are registered in this class with
             * builder.ConfigureServices (builder.ConfigureTestServices has hung around from before the
             * generic host switchover).
             * This is currently a pain to refactor towards due to UmbracoBuilder+TypeFinder+TypeLoader setup but
             * we should get there one day.
             * See
            var factory = new UmbracoWebApplicationFactory <UmbracoTestServerTestBase>(CreateHostBuilder, BeforeHostStart);

            // additional host configuration for web server integration tests
            Factory = factory.WithWebHostBuilder(builder =>
                // Otherwise inferred as $(SolutionDir)/Umbraco.Tests.Integration (note lack of src/tests)

                // Executes after the standard ConfigureServices method
                builder.ConfigureTestServices(services =>

                                              // Add a test auth scheme with a test auth handler to authn and assign the user
                                              .AddScheme <AuthenticationSchemeOptions, TestAuthHandler>(TestAuthHandler.TestAuthenticationScheme, options => { }));

            Client = Factory.CreateClient(new WebApplicationFactoryClientOptions
                AllowAutoRedirect = false

            LinkGenerator = Factory.Services.GetRequiredService <LinkGenerator>();