Beispiel #1
 public SpellbookData(ContainerItem spellbook, ContainerContentPacket contents)
     Serial = spellbook.Serial;
     ItemID = (ushort)spellbook.ItemID;
     BookType = GetSpellBookTypeFromItemID(spellbook.ItemID);
     if (BookType == SpellBookTypes.Unknown)
     int offset = GetOffsetFromSpellBookType(BookType);
     foreach (ItemInContainer i in contents.Items)
         int index = ((i.Amount - offset) & 0x0000003F);
         int circle = (index / 8);
         index = index % 8;
         index = ((3 - circle % 4) + (circle / 4) * 4) * 8 + (index);
         ulong flag = ((ulong)1) << index;
         SpellsBitfield |= flag;
Beispiel #2
 void DropHeldItemToContainer(ContainerItem container)
     // get random coords and drop the item there.
     Rectangle bounds = ContainerData.Get(container.ItemID).Bounds;
     int x = Utility.RandomValue(bounds.Left, bounds.Right);
     int y = Utility.RandomValue(bounds.Top, bounds.Bottom);
     DropHeldItemToContainer(container, x, y);
Beispiel #3
 void DropHeldItemToContainer(ContainerItem container, int x, int y)
     Rectangle bounds = ContainerData.Get(container.ItemID).Bounds;
     IResourceProvider provider = Service.Get<IResourceProvider>();
     Texture2D itemTexture = provider.GetItemTexture(HeldItem.DisplayItemID);
     if (x < bounds.Left)
         x = bounds.Left;
     if (x > bounds.Right - itemTexture.Width)
         x = bounds.Right - itemTexture.Width;
     if (y < bounds.Top)
         y = bounds.Top;
     if (y > bounds.Bottom - itemTexture.Height)
         y = bounds.Bottom - itemTexture.Height;
     m_Network.Send(new DropItemPacket(HeldItem.Serial, (ushort)x, (ushort)y, 0, 0, container.Serial));
Beispiel #4
 public GumpPicContainer(AControl parent, int x, int y, int gumpID, int hue, ContainerItem containerItem)
     : base(parent, x, y, gumpID, hue)
     m_containerItem = containerItem;