Beispiel #1
        private static ClientSpy InitializeEnhancedClientSpy(Process process)
            EnhancedClientAnalyzer analyzer = new EnhancedClientAnalyzer(process.MainModule.FileName);

            // Keys
            int timeDateStamp;
            AddressAndRegisters sendKeys;
            AddressAndRegisters receiveKeys;

            // Detailed analysis if keys not found or version mismatch
            RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(RegistryKey, true);

                if (key == null || !TryGetKeys(key, out timeDateStamp, out sendKeys, out receiveKeys, "Enhanced") || analyzer.TimeDateStamp != timeDateStamp)

                    if (analyzer.SpyInfo == null)
                        throw new SpyException("Error finding enhanced client keys");
                    else if (!analyzer.SpyInfo.FoundSend && !analyzer.SpyInfo.FoundReceive)
                        throw new SpyException("Cannot find send and receive enhanced client keys");
                    else if (!analyzer.SpyInfo.FoundSend)
                        throw new SpyException("Cannot find send enhanced client key");
                    else if (!analyzer.SpyInfo.FoundReceive)
                        throw new SpyException("Cannot find receive enhanced client key");

                    timeDateStamp = analyzer.TimeDateStamp;
                    sendKeys      = new AddressAndRegisters((int)analyzer.SpyInfo.SendAddress, analyzer.SpyInfo.SendAddressRegister, analyzer.SpyInfo.SendLengthRegister);
                    receiveKeys   = new AddressAndRegisters((int)analyzer.SpyInfo.ReceiveAddress, analyzer.SpyInfo.ReceiveAddressRegister, analyzer.SpyInfo.ReceiveLengthRegister);

                    // Save
                    if (key == null)
                        key = Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey(RegistryKey, RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadWriteSubTree);

                    SaveKeys(key, timeDateStamp, sendKeys, receiveKeys, "Enhanced");
                if (key != null)

            // Client
            return(new EnhancedClientSpy(sendKeys, receiveKeys));
Beispiel #2
        private static void SaveKeys(RegistryKey key, int timeDateStamp, AddressAndRegisters sendKeys, AddressAndRegisters receiveKeys, string type)
            if (key != null)
                key.SetValue(type + TimeDateStamp, timeDateStamp, RegistryValueKind.DWord);

                key.SetValue(type + SendAddress, sendKeys.Address, RegistryValueKind.DWord);
                key.SetValue(type + SendAddressRegister, sendKeys.DataAddressRegister, RegistryValueKind.DWord);
                key.SetValue(type + SendLengthRegister, sendKeys.DataLengthRegister, RegistryValueKind.DWord);

                key.SetValue(type + ReceiveAddress, receiveKeys.Address, RegistryValueKind.DWord);
                key.SetValue(type + ReceiveAddressRegister, receiveKeys.DataAddressRegister, RegistryValueKind.DWord);
                key.SetValue(type + ReceiveLengthRegister, receiveKeys.DataLengthRegister, RegistryValueKind.DWord);
Beispiel #3
        private static bool TryGetKeys(RegistryKey key, out int timeDateStamp, out AddressAndRegisters sendKeys, out AddressAndRegisters receiveKeys, string type)
            timeDateStamp = 0;
            sendKeys      = null;
            receiveKeys   = null;

            if (key != null)
                int?timeDateStampValue = key.GetValue(type + TimeDateStamp) as int?;

                if (timeDateStampValue != null)
                    timeDateStamp = (int)timeDateStampValue;

                int?sendAddress         = key.GetValue(type + SendAddress) as int?;
                int?sendAddressRegister = key.GetValue(type + SendAddressRegister) as int?;
                int?sendLengthRegister  = key.GetValue(type + SendLengthRegister) as int?;

                if (sendAddress != null && sendAddress != 0 &&
                    sendAddressRegister != null && sendAddressRegister != 0 &&
                    sendLengthRegister != null && sendLengthRegister != 0)
                    sendKeys = new AddressAndRegisters((int)sendAddress, (Register)sendAddressRegister, (Register)sendLengthRegister);

                int?receiveAddress         = key.GetValue(type + ReceiveAddress) as int?;
                int?receiveAddressRegister = key.GetValue(type + ReceiveAddressRegister) as int?;
                int?receiveLengthRegister  = key.GetValue(type + ReceiveLengthRegister) as int?;

                if (receiveAddress != null && receiveAddress != 0 &&
                    receiveLengthRegister != null && receiveLengthRegister != 0 &&
                    receiveLengthRegister != null && receiveLengthRegister != 0)
                    receiveKeys = new AddressAndRegisters((int)receiveAddress, (Register)receiveAddressRegister, (Register)receiveLengthRegister);

                return(timeDateStamp != 0 && sendKeys != null && receiveKeys != null);

Beispiel #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new instance of EnhancedClientSpy.
 /// </summary>
 public EnhancedClientSpy( AddressAndRegisters sendInfo, AddressAndRegisters receiveInfo )
     : base(sendInfo, receiveInfo)
Beispiel #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new instance of ClassicPacketSpy.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="debugProtectionAddress1">Debug protection address 1.</param>
 /// <param name="debugProtectionAddress2">Debug protection address 2.</param>
 public ClassicClientSpy( AddressAndRegisters sendInfo, AddressAndRegisters receiveInfo, uint debugProtectionAddress1, uint debugProtectionAddress2 )
     : base(sendInfo, receiveInfo)
     _DebugProtectionAddress1 = debugProtectionAddress1;
     _DebugProtectionAddress2 = debugProtectionAddress2;
Beispiel #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new instance of EnhancedClientSpy.
 /// </summary>
 public EnhancedClientSpy(AddressAndRegisters sendInfo, AddressAndRegisters receiveInfo) : base(sendInfo, receiveInfo)
Beispiel #7
        private static ClientSpy InitializeClassicClientSpy(Process process)
            ClassicClientAnalyzer analyzer = new ClassicClientAnalyzer(process.MainModule.FileName);

            // Keys
            int debugProtection1 = 0;
            int debugProtection2 = 0;
            int timeDateStamp;
            AddressAndRegisters sendKeys;
            AddressAndRegisters receiveKeys;

            // Detailed analysis if keys not found or version mismatch
            RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(RegistryKey, true);

                if (key == null || !TryGetKeys(key, out timeDateStamp, out sendKeys, out receiveKeys, "Classic") || analyzer.TimeDateStamp != timeDateStamp)

                    if (!analyzer.FoundDebugProtectionAddress1 || !analyzer.FoundDebugProtectionAddress2)
                        throw new SpyException("Cannot find debug protection");
                    else if (analyzer.SpyInfo == null)
                        throw new SpyException("Error finding classic client keys");
                    else if (!analyzer.SpyInfo.FoundSend && !analyzer.SpyInfo.FoundReceive)
                        throw new SpyException("Cannot find send and receive classic client keys");
                    else if (!analyzer.SpyInfo.FoundSend)
                        throw new SpyException("Cannot find send classic client key");
                    else if (!analyzer.SpyInfo.FoundReceive)
                        throw new SpyException("Cannot find receive classic client key");

                    timeDateStamp    = analyzer.TimeDateStamp;
                    sendKeys         = new AddressAndRegisters((int)analyzer.SpyInfo.SendAddress, analyzer.SpyInfo.SendAddressRegister, analyzer.SpyInfo.SendLengthRegister);
                    receiveKeys      = new AddressAndRegisters((int)analyzer.SpyInfo.ReceiveAddress, analyzer.SpyInfo.ReceiveAddressRegister, analyzer.SpyInfo.ReceiveLengthRegister);
                    debugProtection1 = analyzer.DebugProtectionAddress1;
                    debugProtection2 = analyzer.DebugProtectionAddress2;

                    // Save
                    if (key == null)
                        key = Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey(RegistryKey, RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadWriteSubTree);

                    key.SetValue(DebugProtection1, debugProtection1);
                    key.SetValue(DebugProtection2, debugProtection2);
                    SaveKeys(key, timeDateStamp, sendKeys, receiveKeys, "Classic");
                else if (key != null)
                    int?debugProtectionValue = key.GetValue(DebugProtection1) as int?;

                    if (debugProtectionValue != null)
                        debugProtection1 = (int)debugProtectionValue;

                    debugProtectionValue = key.GetValue(DebugProtection2) as int?;

                    if (debugProtectionValue is int)
                        debugProtection2 = (int)debugProtectionValue;

                    if (debugProtection1 == 0 || debugProtection2 == 0)
                        throw new SpyException("Cannot find debug protection");
                if (key != null)

            // Client
            return(new ClassicClientSpy(sendKeys, receiveKeys, (uint)debugProtection1, (uint)debugProtection2));
Beispiel #8
        private static void SaveKeys( RegistryKey key, int timeDateStamp, AddressAndRegisters sendKeys, AddressAndRegisters receiveKeys, string type )
            if ( key != null )
                key.SetValue( type + TimeDateStamp, timeDateStamp, RegistryValueKind.DWord );

                key.SetValue( type + SendAddress, sendKeys.Address, RegistryValueKind.DWord );
                key.SetValue( type + SendAddressRegister, sendKeys.DataAddressRegister, RegistryValueKind.DWord );
                key.SetValue( type + SendLengthRegister, sendKeys.DataLengthRegister, RegistryValueKind.DWord );

                key.SetValue( type + ReceiveAddress, receiveKeys.Address, RegistryValueKind.DWord );
                key.SetValue( type + ReceiveAddressRegister, receiveKeys.DataAddressRegister, RegistryValueKind.DWord );
                key.SetValue( type + ReceiveLengthRegister, receiveKeys.DataLengthRegister, RegistryValueKind.DWord );
Beispiel #9
        private static bool TryGetKeys( RegistryKey key, out int timeDateStamp, out AddressAndRegisters sendKeys, out AddressAndRegisters receiveKeys, string type )
            timeDateStamp = 0;
            sendKeys = null;
            receiveKeys = null;

            if ( key != null )
                int? timeDateStampValue = key.GetValue( type + TimeDateStamp ) as int?;

                if ( timeDateStampValue != null )
                    timeDateStamp = (int) timeDateStampValue;

                int? sendAddress = key.GetValue( type + SendAddress ) as int?;
                int? sendAddressRegister = key.GetValue( type + SendAddressRegister ) as int?;
                int? sendLengthRegister = key.GetValue( type + SendLengthRegister ) as int?;

                if ( sendAddress != null && sendAddress != 0 &&
                    sendAddressRegister != null && sendAddressRegister != 0 &&
                    sendLengthRegister != null && sendLengthRegister != 0 )
                    sendKeys = new AddressAndRegisters( (int) sendAddress, (Register) sendAddressRegister, (Register) sendLengthRegister );

                int? receiveAddress = key.GetValue( type + ReceiveAddress ) as int?;
                int? receiveAddressRegister = key.GetValue( type + ReceiveAddressRegister ) as int?;
                int? receiveLengthRegister = key.GetValue( type + ReceiveLengthRegister ) as int?;

                if ( receiveAddress != null && receiveAddress != 0 &&
                    receiveLengthRegister != null && receiveLengthRegister != 0 &&
                    receiveLengthRegister != null && receiveLengthRegister != 0 )
                    receiveKeys = new AddressAndRegisters( (int) receiveAddress, (Register) receiveAddressRegister, (Register) receiveLengthRegister );

                return timeDateStamp != 0 && sendKeys != null && receiveKeys != null;

            return false;
Beispiel #10
        private static ClientSpy InitializeEnhancedClientSpy( Process process )
            EnhancedClientAnalyzer analyzer = new EnhancedClientAnalyzer( process.MainModule.FileName );

            // Keys
            int timeDateStamp;
            AddressAndRegisters sendKeys;
            AddressAndRegisters receiveKeys;

            // Detailed analysis if keys not found or version mismatch
            RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey( RegistryKey, true );

                if ( key == null || !TryGetKeys( key, out timeDateStamp, out sendKeys, out receiveKeys, "Enhanced" ) || analyzer.TimeDateStamp != timeDateStamp )

                    if ( analyzer.SpyInfo == null )
                        throw new SpyException( "Error finding enhanced client keys" );
                    else if ( !analyzer.SpyInfo.FoundSend && !analyzer.SpyInfo.FoundReceive )
                        throw new SpyException( "Cannot find send and receive enhanced client keys" );
                    else if ( !analyzer.SpyInfo.FoundSend  )
                        throw new SpyException( "Cannot find send enhanced client key" );
                    else if ( !analyzer.SpyInfo.FoundReceive )
                        throw new SpyException( "Cannot find receive enhanced client key" );

                    timeDateStamp = analyzer.TimeDateStamp;
                    sendKeys = new AddressAndRegisters( (int) analyzer.SpyInfo.SendAddress, analyzer.SpyInfo.SendAddressRegister, analyzer.SpyInfo.SendLengthRegister );
                    receiveKeys = new AddressAndRegisters( (int) analyzer.SpyInfo.ReceiveAddress, analyzer.SpyInfo.ReceiveAddressRegister, analyzer.SpyInfo.ReceiveLengthRegister );

                    // Save
                    if ( key == null )
                        key = Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey( RegistryKey, RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadWriteSubTree );

                    SaveKeys( key, timeDateStamp, sendKeys, receiveKeys, "Enhanced" );
                if ( key != null )

            // Client
            return new EnhancedClientSpy( sendKeys, receiveKeys );
Beispiel #11
        private static ClientSpy InitializeClassicClientSpy( Process process )
            ClassicClientAnalyzer analyzer = new ClassicClientAnalyzer( process.MainModule.FileName );

            // Keys
            int debugProtection1 = 0;
            int debugProtection2 = 0;
            int timeDateStamp;
            AddressAndRegisters sendKeys;
            AddressAndRegisters receiveKeys;

            // Detailed analysis if keys not found or version mismatch
            RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey( RegistryKey, true );

                if ( key == null || !TryGetKeys( key, out timeDateStamp, out sendKeys, out receiveKeys, "Classic" ) || analyzer.TimeDateStamp != timeDateStamp )

                    if ( !analyzer.FoundDebugProtectionAddress1 || !analyzer.FoundDebugProtectionAddress2 )
                        throw new SpyException( "Cannot find debug protection" );
                    else if ( analyzer.SpyInfo == null )
                        throw new SpyException( "Error finding classic client keys" );
                    else if ( !analyzer.SpyInfo.FoundSend && !analyzer.SpyInfo.FoundReceive )
                        throw new SpyException( "Cannot find send and receive classic client keys" );
                    else if ( !analyzer.SpyInfo.FoundSend )
                        throw new SpyException( "Cannot find send classic client key" );
                    else if ( !analyzer.SpyInfo.FoundReceive )
                        throw new SpyException( "Cannot find receive classic client key" );

                    timeDateStamp = analyzer.TimeDateStamp;
                    sendKeys = new AddressAndRegisters( (int) analyzer.SpyInfo.SendAddress, analyzer.SpyInfo.SendAddressRegister, analyzer.SpyInfo.SendLengthRegister );
                    receiveKeys = new AddressAndRegisters( (int) analyzer.SpyInfo.ReceiveAddress, analyzer.SpyInfo.ReceiveAddressRegister, analyzer.SpyInfo.ReceiveLengthRegister );
                    debugProtection1 = analyzer.DebugProtectionAddress1;
                    debugProtection2 = analyzer.DebugProtectionAddress2;

                    // Save
                    if ( key == null )
                        key = Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey( RegistryKey, RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadWriteSubTree );

                    key.SetValue( DebugProtection1, debugProtection1 );
                    key.SetValue( DebugProtection2, debugProtection2 );
                    SaveKeys( key, timeDateStamp, sendKeys, receiveKeys, "Classic" );
                else if ( key != null )
                    int? debugProtectionValue = key.GetValue( DebugProtection1 ) as int?;

                    if ( debugProtectionValue != null )
                        debugProtection1 = (int) debugProtectionValue;

                    debugProtectionValue = key.GetValue( DebugProtection2 ) as int?;

                    if ( debugProtectionValue is int )
                        debugProtection2 = (int) debugProtectionValue;

                    if ( debugProtection1 == 0 || debugProtection2 == 0 )
                        throw new SpyException( "Cannot find debug protection" );
                if ( key != null )

            // Client
            return new ClassicClientSpy( sendKeys, receiveKeys, (uint) debugProtection1, (uint) debugProtection2 );
Beispiel #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new instance of ClassicPacketSpy.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sendKeys">Client send info.</param>
 /// <param name="receiveKeys">Client receive info.</param>
 public ClientSpy( AddressAndRegisters sendKeys, AddressAndRegisters receiveKeys )
     _SendKeys = sendKeys;
     _ReceiveKeys = receiveKeys;
Beispiel #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new instance of ClassicPacketSpy.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sendKeys">Client send info.</param>
 /// <param name="receiveKeys">Client receive info.</param>
 public ClientSpy(AddressAndRegisters sendKeys, AddressAndRegisters receiveKeys)
     _SendKeys    = sendKeys;
     _ReceiveKeys = receiveKeys;
Beispiel #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new instance of ClassicPacketSpy.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="debugProtectionAddress1">Debug protection address 1.</param>
 /// <param name="debugProtectionAddress2">Debug protection address 2.</param>
 public ClassicClientSpy(AddressAndRegisters sendInfo, AddressAndRegisters receiveInfo, uint debugProtectionAddress1, uint debugProtectionAddress2) : base(sendInfo, receiveInfo)
     _DebugProtectionAddress1 = debugProtectionAddress1;
     _DebugProtectionAddress2 = debugProtectionAddress2;