private void OnContactMove(ScatterRectangle rectangle, FingerEventArgs e)
            int index = (int)rectangle.Category;
            if (!_elementsContacts[index].ContainsKey(e.FingerID)) return;
            Point position = rectangle.TranslatePoint(e.Position, _canvas);

            FixedHingeJoint joint;
            if (_contactJoints.TryGetValue(e.FingerID, out joint))
                // move
                joint.Anchor = new Vector2D((Scalar)position.X, (Scalar)position.Y);
        private void OnNewContact(ScatterRectangle rectangle, FingerEventArgs e)
            int index = (int)rectangle.Category;
            //not a new contact
            if (_elementsContacts[index].ContainsKey(e.FingerID))

            //e.Position stands the whole table, get the relative position of Target, i.e. Design Window here
            Point position = rectangle.TranslatePoint(e.Position, _canvas);
            Vector2D contactPoint = new Vector2D((Scalar)position.X, (Scalar)position.Y);

            Body body = _bodies[index];
            if (body.Shape.CanGetIntersection)
                FixedHingeJoint joint = PhysicsHelper.FixedHingeJointFactory(body, contactPoint, new Lifespan());
                _contactJoints[e.FingerID] = joint;
                _contactBody[e.FingerID] = body;
                _elementsContacts[index].Add(e.FingerID, new Contact(e.FingerID, position));
 private ScatterRectangle HitTest(ScatterRectangle rectangle, FingerEventArgs args)
     Point global = rectangle.TranslatePoint(args.Position, _canvas), temp;
     ScatterRectangle curr;
     BitmapImage bi;
     byte[] pixel = new byte[4];
     for (int i = 0; i < _canvas.Pieces.Length; ++i)
         curr = _canvas.Pieces[i];
         temp = _canvas.TranslatePoint(global, curr);
         if (temp.X > curr.Width || temp.X < 0 || temp.Y > curr.Height || temp.Y < 0) continue;
         bi = (curr.Background as ImageBrush).ImageSource as BitmapImage;
         bi.CopyPixels(new System.Windows.Int32Rect((int) (temp.X / curr.Width * bi.PixelWidth),
                                                    (int) (temp.Y / curr.Height * bi.PixelHeight), 1, 1), pixel,
                       bi.PixelWidth * 4, 0);
         if (pixel[3] != 0)
             return curr;
     return null;