Beispiel #1
        bool AddMesh(Node node, Mesh mesh)
            if (!mesh || mesh.vertexCount == 0)
            if (!mesh.isReadable)
                Debug.LogWarning("Mesh " + + " is not readable and be ignored.");

            Topology topology = Topology.Triangles;

            var indices = new PinnedArray <int>(mesh.triangles);
            var points  = new PinnedArray <Vector3>(mesh.vertices);
            var normals = new PinnedArray <Vector3>(mesh.normals); if (normals.Length == 0)
                normals = null;
            var tangents = new PinnedArray <Vector4>(mesh.tangents); if (tangents.Length == 0)
                tangents = null;
            var uv = new PinnedArray <Vector2>(mesh.uv); if (uv.Length == 0)
                uv = null;
            var colors = new PinnedArray <Color>(mesh.colors); if (colors.Length == 0)

                colors = null;

            fbxeAddMesh(m_ctx, node, points.Length, points, normals, tangents, uv, colors);
            fbxeAddMeshSubmesh(m_ctx, node, topology, indices.Length, indices, -1);

            int blendshapeCount = mesh.blendShapeCount;

            if (blendshapeCount > 0)
                var deltaVertices = new PinnedArray <Vector3>(mesh.vertexCount);
                var deltaNormals  = new PinnedArray <Vector3>(mesh.vertexCount);
                var deltaTangents = new PinnedArray <Vector3>(mesh.vertexCount);
                for (int bi = 0; bi < blendshapeCount; ++bi)
                    string name       = mesh.GetBlendShapeName(bi);
                    int    frameCount = mesh.GetBlendShapeFrameCount(bi);
                    for (int fi = 0; fi < frameCount; ++fi)
                        float weight = mesh.GetBlendShapeFrameWeight(bi, fi);
                        mesh.GetBlendShapeFrameVertices(bi, fi, deltaVertices, deltaNormals, deltaTangents);
                        fbxeAddMeshBlendShape(m_ctx, node, name, weight, deltaVertices, deltaNormals, deltaTangents);

Beispiel #2
        bool AddSkinnedMesh(Node node, SkinnedMeshRenderer smr)
            var mesh = smr.sharedMesh;

            if (!AddMesh(node, mesh))

            var bones     = smr.bones;
            var boneNodes = new PinnedArray <Node>(bones.Length);

            for (int bi = 0; bi < bones.Length; ++bi)
                boneNodes[bi] = FindOrCreateNodeTree(bones[bi], ProcessNode);
            var boneWeights = new PinnedArray <BoneWeight>(mesh.boneWeights);
            var bindposes   = new PinnedArray <Matrix4x4>(mesh.bindposes);

            fbxeAddMeshSkin(m_ctx, node, boneWeights, boneNodes.Length, boneNodes, bindposes);
Beispiel #3
        bool AddTerrain(Node node, Terrain terrain)
            var tdata     = terrain.terrainData;
            var w         = tdata.heightmapResolution;
            var h         = tdata.heightmapResolution;
            var heightmap = tdata.GetHeights(0, 0, w, h);

            int vertexCount = w * h;
            int indexCount  = (w - 1) * (h - 1) * 2 * 3;
            var vertices    = new PinnedArray <Vector3>(vertexCount);
            var normals     = new PinnedArray <Vector3>(vertexCount);
            var uv          = new PinnedArray <Vector2>(vertexCount);
            var indices     = new PinnedArray <int>(indexCount);

            fbxeGenerateTerrainMesh(heightmap, w, h, tdata.size,
                                    vertices, normals, uv, indices);

            Topology topology = Topology.Triangles;

            fbxeAddMesh(m_ctx, node, vertices.Length, vertices, normals, IntPtr.Zero, uv, IntPtr.Zero);
            fbxeAddMeshSubmesh(m_ctx, node, topology, indices.Length, indices, -1);
