Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Command RHA2000-EVAL board to manually step the analog MUX to the next amplifier channel.
        /// This is only used for electrode impedance checking.
        /// </summary>
        public void ChannelStep()
            // The RHA2000-EVAL board is controlled by sending one-byte ASCII command characters over
            // the USB interface.  The 'N' character commands the board to manually step the analog MUX
            // to the next amplifier channel.  This command is only used for electrode impedance checking.

            UInt32 numBytesWritten = 0;

            Byte[] myChars = { 78, 115 };  // 'N' = step to next channel (impedance check mode)

            if (running)
                myChars[1] = 83;

            FTDI.FT_STATUS ftStatus = myFtdiDeviceA.Write(myChars, 2, ref numBytesWritten);

            // Purge receive buffer.

            if (ftStatus != FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK)
                UsbException e = new UsbException("Could not write to Intan USB device");
                throw e;
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Command RHA2000-EVAL board to enable amplifier fast settle.
        /// </summary>
        public void SettleOn()
            // The RHA2000-EVAL board is controlled by sending one-byte ASCII command characters over
            // the USB interface.  The 'F' character commands the board to enable amplfier fast settle.

            UInt32 numBytesWritten = 0;

            Byte[] myChars = { 70, 115 };  // 'F' = fast settle on

            if (running)
                myChars[1] = 83;

            FTDI.FT_STATUS ftStatus = myFtdiDeviceA.Write(myChars, 2, ref numBytesWritten);

            // Purge receive buffer.

            if (ftStatus != FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK)
                UsbException e = new UsbException("Could not write to Intan USB device");
                throw e;
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Command RHA2000-EVAL board to disable impedance check mode.
        /// </summary>
        public void ZCheckOff()
            // The RHA2000-EVAL board is controlled by sending one-byte ASCII command characters over
            // the USB interface.  The 'Z' character commands the board to disable impedance check mode.

            UInt32 numBytesWritten = 0;

            Byte[] myChars = { 122, 115 };  // 'z' = impedance check off

            if (running)
                myChars[1] = 83;

            FTDI.FT_STATUS ftStatus = myFtdiDeviceA.Write(myChars, 2, ref numBytesWritten);

            // Purge receive buffer.

            if (ftStatus != FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK)
                UsbException e = new UsbException("Could not write to Intan USB device");
                throw e;
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Command RHA2000-EVAL board to start streaming amplifier data to PC.
        /// </summary>
        public void Start()
            if (!synthDataMode)
                FTDI.FT_STATUS ftStatus;

                // Purge receive buffer

                // The RHA2000-EVAL board is controlled by sending one-byte ASCII command characters over
                // the USB interface.  The 'S' character commands the board to start streaming amplifier
                // data to the PC.

                UInt32 numBytesWritten = 0;
                Byte[] myChars         = { 83 }; // 'S' = start data transfer

                ftStatus = myFtdiDeviceA.Write(myChars, 1, ref numBytesWritten);

                if (ftStatus != FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK)
                    UsbException e = new UsbException("Could not write to Intan USB device");
                    throw e;

                // Resync to channel 0.

            running         = true;
            dataJustStarted = true;
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Command RHA2000-EVAL board to stop streaming amplifier data to PC.
        /// </summary>
        public void Stop()
            if (!synthDataMode)
                // The RHA2000-EVAL board is controlled by sending one-byte ASCII command characters over
                // the USB interface.  The 's' character commands the board to stop streaming amplifier
                // data to the PC.

                UInt32         numBytesWritten = 0;
                Byte[]         myChars         = { 115 }; // 's' = stop data transfer
                FTDI.FT_STATUS ftStatus;

                ftStatus = myFtdiDeviceA.Write(myChars, 1, ref numBytesWritten);

                // Purge receive buffer.

                if (ftStatus != FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK)
                    UsbException e = new UsbException("Could not write to Intan USB device");
                    throw e;

            running = false;
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Search for the '001111xx' byte that designates the end of a 16-channel data packet.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Number of bytes we skipped trying to get back in sync.</returns>
        public int ResyncA()
            bool inSync = false;

            FTDI.FT_STATUS ftStatus = FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK;

            byte[] resyncBuffer = new byte[1];

            Debug.WriteLine("Resync #" + resyncCount.ToString());

            int resyncBytes = 0;

            while (inSync == false)
                // Wait until the desired number of bytes have been received.
                UInt32 numBytesAvailable = 0;

                while (numBytesAvailable < 1)
                    ftStatus = myFtdiDeviceA.GetRxBytesAvailable(ref numBytesAvailable);

                    if (ftStatus != FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK)
                        UsbException e = new UsbException("Failed to get number of USB bytes available to read");
                        throw e;

                // Now that we have the amount of data we want available, read it.
                UInt32 numBytesRead = 0;

                ftStatus = myFtdiDeviceA.Read(resyncBuffer, 1, ref numBytesRead);

                if (ftStatus != FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK)
                    UsbException e = new UsbException("USB read error");
                    throw e;

                resyncDataBufferA[resyncBytes] = resyncBuffer[0];

                // Are we back in sync?
                if ((resyncBuffer[0] & 0xfc) == 0x3c)
                    inSync = true;

Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Check to see if there is at least 30 msec worth of data in the USB read buffer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="plotQueue">Queue used for plotting data to screen.</param>
        /// <param name="saveQueue">Queue used for saving data to disk.</param>
        public void CheckForUsbData(Queue <USBData> plotQueue, Queue <USBData> saveQueue)
            // Note: Users must call CheckForUsbData periodically during time-consuming operations (like updating graphics)
            // to make sure the USB read buffer doesn't overflow!

            FTDI.FT_STATUS ftStatus           = FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK;
            UInt32         numBytesAvailableA = 0;
            bool           haveEnoughData     = false;

            const UInt32 numBytesToRead = 36000; // 36000 / (3 bytes/sample x 16 channels x 25 kS/s) = 30 msec of data

            // It seems that the FTDI read buffer is slightly less than 64000 bytes
            // in size, so we must read from the buffer before it overflows.  However,
            // if we read a small number of bytes at a time, data transfer is slow.
            // Empirically, waiting for 36000 bytes seems to work well.

            // Wait until at least 30 msec of amplifier data have been received.
            if (synthDataMode)
                if (newSynthDataReady)
                    haveEnoughData    = true;
                    newSynthDataReady = false;
                ftStatus = myFtdiDeviceA.GetRxBytesAvailable(ref numBytesAvailableA);

                if (ftStatus != FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK)
                    UsbException e = new UsbException("Failed to get number of USB bytes available to read");
                    throw e;
                if (numBytesAvailableA >= numBytesToRead)
                    haveEnoughData = true;

            if (haveEnoughData)
                // Support a 'synthetic neural data mode' so that users may run the software with no board attached and see simulated
                // spikes on each channel.  (New for version 1.03.)
                if (synthDataMode)
                    int    channel, i, j;
                    Random myRand = new Random(unchecked ((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks));

                    for (channel = 0; channel < 16; channel++)
                        for (i = 0; i < 750; i++)
                            dataRaw[channel, i] = (float)synthSpikeOffset[channel] + 2.0F * gaussian(myRand);  // create realistic offset and background of 2.0uV rms noise
                        i = 0;
                        while (i < 750 - 50)
                            if (myRand.NextDouble() < 0.01)
                                for (j = 0; j < synthSpikeWidth1[channel]; j++)
                                    dataRaw[channel, i + j] += (float)(synthSpikeAmp1[channel] * Math.Exp(-1 * (double)j / 12.5) * Math.Sin(6.28 * (double)j / synthSpikeWidth1[channel]));
                                i += 40 + 50;    // advance by 2 msec (refractory period)
                            else if (myRand.NextDouble() < 0.02)
                                for (j = 0; j < synthSpikeWidth2[channel]; j++)
                                    dataRaw[channel, i + j] += (float)(synthSpikeAmp2[channel] * Math.Exp(-1 * (double)j / 12.5) * Math.Sin(6.28 * (double)j / synthSpikeWidth2[channel]));
                                i += 40 + 50;    // advance by 2 msec (refractory period)
                                i += 25;    // advance by 1 msec
                    // Now that we have the amount of data we want available, read it.

                    UInt32 numBytesReadA = 0;

                    ftStatus = myFtdiDeviceA.Read(readDataBufferA, numBytesToRead, ref numBytesReadA);

                    if (ftStatus != FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK)
                        UsbException e = new UsbException("USB read error");
                        throw e;

                    // The following section of code reads and parses a block of data from the RHA2000-EVAL board.
                    // A complete sequence of single A/D samples from all 16 amplifiers uses 16 x 3 = 48 bytes in
                    // the following three-byte format (MSB is on the left; LSB is on the right):
                    // Byte 1:    1   ADC6   ADC5   ADC4   ADC3   ADC2  ADC1   ADC0
                    // Byte 2:    1   ADC13  ADC12  ADC11  ADC10  ADC9  ADC8   ADC7
                    // Byte 3:    0     0     CH3    CH2    CH1    CH0  ADC15  ADC14
                    // ADC0 through ADC 15 comprise the 16-bit A/D converter sample from a particular amplifier
                    // channel.  (ADC15 is the MDB; ADC0 is the LSB.)  The A/D full-scale range is 2.5V.  The "zero"
                    // level of RHA2000 amplifiers is around 1.225V, although this can vary from one channel to another
                    // due to built-in offset voltages.  The use of a software high-pass filter is recommended to
                    // remove these offsets (see the RHA2000 series datasheet for more information).  With the RHA2000
                    // gain of 200 taken into account, each A/D step corresponds to an electrode-referred voltage of
                    // (2.5V/200)/(2^16) = 0.19073 microvolts.
                    // CH0 through CH3 encode information that varies with the channel number.  The following table
                    // shows the values for these bits depending on the channel:
                    // Amplifier Channel     CH3    CH2    CH1    CH0
                    //        0               0      0      0      0
                    //        1               0      0      0     AUX1
                    //        2               0      0      0     AUX2
                    //        3               0      0      0     AUX3
                    //        4               0      0      0     AUX4
                    //        5               0      0      0     AUX5
                    //        6               0      0      0     AUX6
                    //        7               X      X      X      X
                    //        8               X      X      X      X
                    //        9               X      X      X      X
                    //       10               X      X      X      X
                    //       11               X      X      X      X
                    //       12               X      X      X      X
                    //       13               X      X      X      X
                    //       14               X      X      X      X
                    //       15               1      1      1      1
                    // AUX1 through AUX6 are bits corresponding to the Port J3 auxiliary TTL inputs shown in the
                    // RHA2000-EVAL datasheet.  Any bits listed as 'X' are not specified and should not be used.
                    // Note that channels 0 and 15 are unambiguously marked (0000 and 1111, respectively).  It is
                    // recommended that interface software first watch for a byte that begins with '001111xx'.
                    // This must correspond to byte 3 of channel 15.  The next 48 bytes will comprise a complete
                    // 16-channel data frame starting with channel 0 and proceeding through channel 15.
                    // Each amplifier channel is sampled at 25 kS/s, which gives a data rate of 25,000 x 16 x 3 =
                    // 1.2 MByte/s.
                    // In our experience, the FTDI USB interface chip on the RHA2000-EVAL occasionally drops bytes
                    // (though this seems to depend on the exact USB interface card used in the PC), requiring any
                    // interface software to frequently look for a '001111xx' byte at the end of each 48-byte data
                    // frame to ensure synchronization is maintained.  When sync is lost, the software must search
                    // for this byte again.

                    // Are we out of sync due to a dropped byte over the USB link?  If so, resync.
                    if ((readDataBufferA[35999] & 0xfc) != 0x3c)  // look for '001111xx' byte
                        // for (int j = 0; j < 36000; j++)
                        // {
                        //     if ((readDataBufferA[j] & 0xfc) == 0x3c)
                        //     {
                        //         Debug.WriteLine("readDataBufferA[" + j + "] = 0x3C.");
                        //         break;
                        //     }
                        // }

                        int i     = 0;
                        int index = 0;

                        int numExtraBytes = this.ResyncA();
                        Debug.WriteLine("Resync " + numExtraBytes + " bytes.");

                        int indexError = 47 + 48;
                        while ((readDataBufferA[indexError] & 0xfc) == 0x3c)
                            indexError += 48;
                        Debug.WriteLine("indexError = " + indexError);

                        // Duplicate previous sample to 'patch' missing or erroneous data
                        for (i = indexError - 47; i < indexError + 1; i++)
                            readDataBufferA[i] = readDataBufferA[i - 48];

                        for (i = indexError - 47 + 48; i < 36000 - numExtraBytes; i++)
                            readDataBufferA[i] = readDataBufferA[i + numExtraBytes];
                        for (i = 36000 - numExtraBytes; i < 36000; i++)
                            readDataBufferA[i] = resyncDataBufferA[index++];

                    // Parse data (see comments above for description of 3-byte data packet)

                    int  indexA = 0;
                    byte byte1, byte2, byte3;

                    for (int i = 0; i < 750; i++)
                        auxFrame[i] = 0;
                        for (int channel = 0; channel < 16; channel++)
                            byte1 = readDataBufferA[indexA++];
                            byte2 = readDataBufferA[indexA++];
                            byte3 = readDataBufferA[indexA++];

                            if (channel == 1)
                                auxFrame[i] += (UInt16)(1 * (int)((byte3 & 0x04) >> 2));
                            else if (channel == 2)
                                auxFrame[i] += (UInt16)(2 * (int)((byte3 & 0x04) >> 2));
                            else if (channel == 3)
                                auxFrame[i] += (UInt16)(4 * (int)((byte3 & 0x04) >> 2));
                            else if (channel == 4)
                                auxFrame[i] += (UInt16)(8 * (int)((byte3 & 0x04) >> 2));
                            else if (channel == 5)
                                auxFrame[i] += (UInt16)(16 * (int)((byte3 & 0x04) >> 2));
                            else if (channel == 6)
                                auxFrame[i] += (UInt16)(32 * (int)((byte3 & 0x04) >> 2));

                            dataRaw[channel, i] = 0.1907F * (16384.0F * Convert.ToSingle(byte3 & 0x03) +
                                                             128.0F * Convert.ToSingle(byte2 & 0x7f) + Convert.ToSingle(byte1 & 0x7f)) - 6175.0F; // 6175 = 1.235 V offset divided by 200, expressed in microvolts

                if (dataJustStarted)
                    for (int channel = 0; channel < 16; channel++)
                        dataState[channel]   = dataRaw[channel, 0];
                        dataDelay1[channel]  = dataRaw[channel, 0];
                        dataDelay2[channel]  = dataRaw[channel, 0];
                        notchDelay1[channel] = dataRaw[channel, 0];
                        notchDelay2[channel] = dataRaw[channel, 0];
                    dataJustStarted = false;

                // Apply software first-order high-pass filter
                // (See RHA2000 series datasheet for desciption of this algorithm.)

                const double FSample = 25000.0;                                   // ADC sample rate, in Hz

                float filtA = (float)(Math.Exp(-2.0 * Math.PI * fHPF / FSample)); // A
                float filtB = 1.0F - filtA;                                       // B = 1 - A

                for (int channel = 0; channel < 16; channel++)
                    dataState[channel] = filtA * dataState[channel] + filtB * dataRaw[channel, 0];
                    if (enableHPF)
                        dataFrame[channel, 0] = dataRaw[channel, 0] - dataState[channel];
                        dataFrame[channel, 0] = dataRaw[channel, 0];

                    for (int i = 1; i < 750; i++)
                        dataState[channel] = filtA * dataState[channel] + filtB * dataRaw[channel, i];
                        if (enableHPF)
                            dataFrame[channel, i] = dataRaw[channel, i] - dataState[channel];
                            dataFrame[channel, i] = dataRaw[channel, i];

                // Apply software notch filter
                // (See RHA2000 series datasheet for desciption of this algorithm.)

                const double NotchBW = 10.0;  // notch filter bandwidth, in Hz
                // Note: Reducing the notch filter bandwidth will create a more frequency-selective filter, but this
                // can lead to a long settling time for the filter.  Selecting a bandwdith of 10 Hz (e.g., filtering
                // out frequencies between 55 Hz and 65 Hz for the 60 Hz notch filter setting) implements a fast-
                // settling filter.

                float d = (float)Math.Exp(-1.0 * Math.PI * NotchBW / FSample);
                float b = (1.0F + d * d) * (float)Math.Cos(2.0 * Math.PI * fNotch / FSample);
                float a = 0.5F * (1.0F + d * d);

                float b0 = a;
                float b1 = a * (-2.0F) * (float)Math.Cos(2.0 * Math.PI * fNotch / FSample);
                float b2 = a;
                float a1 = -b;
                float a2 = d * d;

                for (int channel = 0; channel < 16; channel++)
                    dataNotch[channel, 0] = b2 * dataDelay2[channel] + b1 * dataDelay1[channel] + b0 * dataFrame[channel, 0] - a2 * notchDelay2[channel] - a1 * notchDelay1[channel];
                    dataNotch[channel, 1] = b2 * dataDelay1[channel] + b1 * dataFrame[channel, 0] + b0 * dataFrame[channel, 1] - a2 * notchDelay1[channel] - a1 * dataNotch[channel, 0];
                    for (int i = 2; i < 750; i++)
                        dataNotch[channel, i] = b2 * dataFrame[channel, i - 2] + b1 * dataFrame[channel, i - 1] + b0 * dataFrame[channel, i] - a2 * dataNotch[channel, i - 2] - a1 * dataNotch[channel, i - 1];

                for (int channel = 0; channel < 16; channel++)
                    dataDelay2[channel]  = dataFrame[channel, 748];
                    dataDelay1[channel]  = dataFrame[channel, 749];
                    notchDelay2[channel] = dataNotch[channel, 748];
                    notchDelay1[channel] = dataNotch[channel, 749];

                if (enableNotch)
                    plotQueue.Enqueue(new USBData(dataNotch, auxFrame));
                    saveQueue.Enqueue(new USBData(dataNotch, auxFrame));
                    plotQueue.Enqueue(new USBData(dataFrame, auxFrame));
                    saveQueue.Enqueue(new USBData(dataFrame, auxFrame));
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Command RHA2000-EVAL board to enable impedance check mode.
        /// </summary>
        public void ZCheckOn()
            // The RHA2000-EVAL board is controlled by sending one-byte ASCII command characters over
            // the USB interface.  The 'Z' character commands the board to enable impedance check mode.

            UInt32 numBytesWritten = 0;
            Byte[] myChars = { 90, 115 };  // 'Z' = impedance check on

            if (running)
                myChars[1] = 83;

            FTDI.FT_STATUS ftStatus = myFtdiDeviceA.Write(myChars, 2, ref numBytesWritten);

            // Purge receive buffer.

            if (ftStatus != FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK)
                UsbException e = new UsbException("Could not write to Intan USB device");
                throw e;
Beispiel #9
        // public methods

        /// <summary>
        /// Attempt to open RHA2000-EVAL board connected to USB port.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="firmwareID1">Board ID number (1 of 3)</param>
        /// <param name="firmwareID2">Board ID number (2 of 3)</param>
        /// <param name="firmwareID3">Board ID number (3 of 3)</param>
        public void Open(ref int firmwareID1, ref int firmwareID2, ref int firmwareID3)
            // Open FTDI USB device.
            UInt32 ftdiDeviceCount = 0;

            FTDI.FT_STATUS ftStatus = FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK;

            // Create new instance of the FTDI device class.
            myFtdiDeviceA = new FTDI();

            // Determine the number of FTDI devices connected to the machine.
            ftStatus = myFtdiDeviceA.GetNumberOfDevices(ref ftdiDeviceCount);

            // Check status.
            if (!(ftStatus == FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK))
                UsbException e = new UsbException("USB Setup Error: Failed to get number devices");
                throw e;

            // If no devices available, return.
            if (ftdiDeviceCount == 0)
                UsbException e = new UsbException("No valid USB devices detected");
                throw e;

            // Allocate storage for device info list.
            FTDI.FT_DEVICE_INFO_NODE[] ftdiDeviceList = new FTDI.FT_DEVICE_INFO_NODE[ftdiDeviceCount];

            // Populate our device list.
            ftStatus = myFtdiDeviceA.GetDeviceList(ftdiDeviceList);
            // There could be a status error here, but we're not checking for it...

            // The Intan Technologies RHA2000-EVAL board uses an FTDI FT2232H chip to provide a USB
            // interface to a PC.  Detailed information on this chip may be found at:
            // The FT2232H supports two independent FIFO channels.  The channel used by the RHA2000-EVAL
            // board is factory-configured with the name "Intan I/O board 1.0 A".  (FTDI provides software
            // routines to open device by its name.)

            ftStatus = myFtdiDeviceA.OpenByDescription("Intan I/O Board 1.0 A");
            if (ftStatus != FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK)
                UsbException e = new UsbException("Intan USB device A not found");
                throw e;

            // Set read timeout to 5 seconds, write timeout to infinite
            ftStatus = myFtdiDeviceA.SetTimeouts(5000, 0);
            // There could be status error here, but we're not checking for it...


            // Purge receive buffer


            // Check board ID and version number
            // The RHA2000-EVAL board is controlled by sending one-byte ASCII command characters over
            // the USB interface.  The 'I' character commands the board to return a 3-byte ID/version
            // number.

            UInt32 numBytesWritten = 0;

            Byte[] myChars = { 73 };   // 'I' = request board ID and version number

            ftStatus = myFtdiDeviceA.Write(myChars, 1, ref numBytesWritten);

            if (ftStatus != FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK)
                UsbException e = new UsbException("Could not write to Intan USB device");
                throw e;

            const UInt32 numBytesToRead = 3;

            // Wait until the desired number of bytes have been received.
            UInt32 numBytesAvailable = 0;

            while (numBytesAvailable < numBytesToRead)
                ftStatus = myFtdiDeviceA.GetRxBytesAvailable(ref numBytesAvailable);

                if (ftStatus != FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK)
                    UsbException e = new UsbException("Failed to get number of USB bytes available to read");
                    throw e;

            // Now that we have the amount of data we want available, read it.

            UInt32 numBytesRead = 0;

            ftStatus = myFtdiDeviceA.Read(readDataBufferA, numBytesToRead, ref numBytesRead);

            if (ftStatus != FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK)
                UsbException e = new UsbException("USB read error");
                throw e;

            firmwareID1 = Convert.ToInt32(readDataBufferA[0]);
            firmwareID2 = Convert.ToInt32(readDataBufferA[1]);
            firmwareID3 = Convert.ToInt32(readDataBufferA[2]);

            Debug.WriteLine("Board ID: " + readDataBufferA[0] + " " + (Convert.ToInt32(readDataBufferA[1])).ToString() + " " + (Convert.ToInt32(readDataBufferA[2])).ToString());


            // Purge receive buffer.

            dataJustStarted = true;
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Command RHA2000-EVAL board to start streaming amplifier data to PC.
        /// </summary>
        public void Start()
            if (!synthDataMode)
                FTDI.FT_STATUS ftStatus;

                // Purge receive buffer

                // The RHA2000-EVAL board is controlled by sending one-byte ASCII command characters over
                // the USB interface.  The 'S' character commands the board to start streaming amplifier
                // data to the PC.

                UInt32 numBytesWritten = 0;
                Byte[] myChars = { 83 };   // 'S' = start data transfer

                ftStatus = myFtdiDeviceA.Write(myChars, 1, ref numBytesWritten);

                if (ftStatus != FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK)
                    UsbException e = new UsbException("Could not write to Intan USB device");
                    throw e;

                // Resync to channel 0.

            running = true;
            dataJustStarted = true;
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Command RHA2000-EVAL board to stop streaming amplifier data to PC.
        /// </summary>
        public void Stop()
            if (!synthDataMode)
                // The RHA2000-EVAL board is controlled by sending one-byte ASCII command characters over
                // the USB interface.  The 's' character commands the board to stop streaming amplifier
                // data to the PC.

                UInt32 numBytesWritten = 0;
                Byte[] myChars = { 115 };  // 's' = stop data transfer
                FTDI.FT_STATUS ftStatus;

                ftStatus = myFtdiDeviceA.Write(myChars, 1, ref numBytesWritten);

                // Purge receive buffer.

                if (ftStatus != FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK)
                    UsbException e = new UsbException("Could not write to Intan USB device");
                    throw e;

            running = false;
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Command RHA2000-EVAL board to disable amplifier fast settle.
        /// </summary>
        public void SettleOff()
            // The RHA2000-EVAL board is controlled by sending one-byte ASCII command characters over
            // the USB interface.  The 'f' character commands the board to disable amplfier fast settle.

            UInt32 numBytesWritten = 0;
            Byte[] myChars = { 102, 115 };  // 'f' = fast settle off

            if (running)
                myChars[1] = 83;

            FTDI.FT_STATUS ftStatus = myFtdiDeviceA.Write(myChars, 2, ref numBytesWritten);

            // Purge receive buffer.

            if (ftStatus != FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK)
                UsbException e = new UsbException("Could not write to Intan USB device");
                throw e;
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Search for the '001111xx' byte that designates the end of a 16-channel data packet.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Number of bytes we skipped trying to get back in sync.</returns>
        public int ResyncA()
            bool inSync = false;

            FTDI.FT_STATUS ftStatus = FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK;

            byte[] resyncBuffer = new byte[1];

            Debug.WriteLine("Resync #" + resyncCount.ToString());

            int resyncBytes = 0;

            while (inSync == false)
                // Wait until the desired number of bytes have been received.
                UInt32 numBytesAvailable = 0;

                while (numBytesAvailable < 1)
                    ftStatus = myFtdiDeviceA.GetRxBytesAvailable(ref numBytesAvailable);

                    if (ftStatus != FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK)
                        UsbException e = new UsbException("Failed to get number of USB bytes available to read");
                        throw e;

                // Now that we have the amount of data we want available, read it.
                UInt32 numBytesRead = 0;

                ftStatus = myFtdiDeviceA.Read(resyncBuffer, 1, ref numBytesRead);

                if (ftStatus != FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK)
                    UsbException e = new UsbException("USB read error");
                    throw e;

                resyncDataBufferA[resyncBytes] = resyncBuffer[0];

                // Are we back in sync?
                if ((resyncBuffer[0] & 0xfc) == 0x3c)
                    inSync = true;

            return resyncBytes;
Beispiel #14
        // public methods
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempt to open RHA2000-EVAL board connected to USB port.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="firmwareID1">Board ID number (1 of 3)</param>
        /// <param name="firmwareID2">Board ID number (2 of 3)</param>
        /// <param name="firmwareID3">Board ID number (3 of 3)</param>
        public void Open(ref int firmwareID1, ref int firmwareID2, ref int firmwareID3)
            // Open FTDI USB device.
            UInt32 ftdiDeviceCount = 0;
            FTDI.FT_STATUS ftStatus = FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK;

            // Create new instance of the FTDI device class.
            myFtdiDeviceA = new FTDI();

            // Determine the number of FTDI devices connected to the machine.
            ftStatus = myFtdiDeviceA.GetNumberOfDevices(ref ftdiDeviceCount);

            // Check status.
            if (!(ftStatus == FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK))
                UsbException e = new UsbException("USB Setup Error: Failed to get number devices");
                throw e;

            // If no devices available, return.
            if (ftdiDeviceCount == 0)
                UsbException e = new UsbException("No valid USB devices detected");
                throw e;

            // Allocate storage for device info list.
            FTDI.FT_DEVICE_INFO_NODE[] ftdiDeviceList = new FTDI.FT_DEVICE_INFO_NODE[ftdiDeviceCount];

            // Populate our device list.
            ftStatus = myFtdiDeviceA.GetDeviceList(ftdiDeviceList);
            // There could be a status error here, but we're not checking for it...

            // The Intan Technologies RHA2000-EVAL board uses an FTDI FT2232H chip to provide a USB
            // interface to a PC.  Detailed information on this chip may be found at:
            // The FT2232H supports two independent FIFO channels.  The channel used by the RHA2000-EVAL
            // board is factory-configured with the name "Intan I/O board 1.0 A".  (FTDI provides software
            // routines to open device by its name.)

            ftStatus = myFtdiDeviceA.OpenByDescription("Intan I/O Board 1.0 A");
            if (ftStatus != FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK)
                UsbException e = new UsbException("Intan USB device A not found");
                throw e;

            // Set read timeout to 5 seconds, write timeout to infinite
            ftStatus = myFtdiDeviceA.SetTimeouts(5000, 0);
            // There could be status error here, but we're not checking for it...


            // Purge receive buffer


            // Check board ID and version number
            // The RHA2000-EVAL board is controlled by sending one-byte ASCII command characters over
            // the USB interface.  The 'I' character commands the board to return a 3-byte ID/version
            // number.

            UInt32 numBytesWritten = 0;
            Byte[] myChars = { 73 };   // 'I' = request board ID and version number

            ftStatus = myFtdiDeviceA.Write(myChars, 1, ref numBytesWritten);

            if (ftStatus != FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK)
                UsbException e = new UsbException("Could not write to Intan USB device");
                throw e;

            const UInt32 numBytesToRead = 3;

            // Wait until the desired number of bytes have been received.
            UInt32 numBytesAvailable = 0;

            while (numBytesAvailable < numBytesToRead)
                ftStatus = myFtdiDeviceA.GetRxBytesAvailable(ref numBytesAvailable);

                if (ftStatus != FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK)
                    UsbException e = new UsbException("Failed to get number of USB bytes available to read");
                    throw e;

            // Now that we have the amount of data we want available, read it.

            UInt32 numBytesRead = 0;

            ftStatus = myFtdiDeviceA.Read(readDataBufferA, numBytesToRead, ref numBytesRead);

            if (ftStatus != FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK)
                UsbException e = new UsbException("USB read error");
                throw e;

            firmwareID1 = Convert.ToInt32(readDataBufferA[0]);
            firmwareID2 = Convert.ToInt32(readDataBufferA[1]);
            firmwareID3 = Convert.ToInt32(readDataBufferA[2]);

            Debug.WriteLine("Board ID: " + readDataBufferA[0] + " " + (Convert.ToInt32(readDataBufferA[1])).ToString() + " " + (Convert.ToInt32(readDataBufferA[2])).ToString());


            // Purge receive buffer.

            dataJustStarted = true;
Beispiel #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Check to see if there is at least 30 msec worth of data in the USB read buffer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="plotQueue">Queue used for plotting data to screen.</param>
        /// <param name="saveQueue">Queue used for saving data to disk.</param>
        public void CheckForUsbData(Queue<USBData> plotQueue, Queue<USBData> saveQueue)
            // Note: Users must call CheckForUsbData periodically during time-consuming operations (like updating graphics)
            // to make sure the USB read buffer doesn't overflow!

            FTDI.FT_STATUS ftStatus = FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK;
            UInt32 numBytesAvailableA = 0;
            bool haveEnoughData = false;

            const UInt32 numBytesToRead = 36000; // 36000 / (3 bytes/sample x 16 channels x 25 kS/s) = 30 msec of data
            // It seems that the FTDI read buffer is slightly less than 64000 bytes
            // in size, so we must read from the buffer before it overflows.  However,
            // if we read a small number of bytes at a time, data transfer is slow.
            // Empirically, waiting for 36000 bytes seems to work well.

            // Wait until at least 30 msec of amplifier data have been received.
            if (synthDataMode)
                if (newSynthDataReady)
                    haveEnoughData = true;
                    newSynthDataReady = false;
                ftStatus = myFtdiDeviceA.GetRxBytesAvailable(ref numBytesAvailableA);

                if (ftStatus != FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK)
                    UsbException e = new UsbException("Failed to get number of USB bytes available to read");
                    throw e;
                if (numBytesAvailableA >= numBytesToRead) haveEnoughData = true;

            if (haveEnoughData)
                // Support a 'synthetic neural data mode' so that users may run the software with no board attached and see simulated
                // spikes on each channel.  (New for version 1.03.)
                if (synthDataMode)
                    int channel, i, j;
                    Random myRand = new Random(unchecked((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks));

                    for (channel = 0; channel < 16; channel++)
                        for (i = 0; i < 750; i++)
                            dataRaw[channel, i] = (float)synthSpikeOffset[channel] + 2.0F * gaussian(myRand);  // create realistic offset and background of 2.0uV rms noise
                        i = 0;
                        while (i < 750 - 50)
                            if (myRand.NextDouble() < 0.01)
                                for (j = 0; j < synthSpikeWidth1[channel]; j++)
                                    dataRaw[channel, i + j] += (float)(synthSpikeAmp1[channel] * Math.Exp(-1 * (double)j / 12.5) * Math.Sin(6.28 * (double)j / synthSpikeWidth1[channel]));
                                i += 40 + 50;    // advance by 2 msec (refractory period)
                            else if (myRand.NextDouble() < 0.02)
                                for (j = 0; j < synthSpikeWidth2[channel]; j++)
                                    dataRaw[channel, i + j] += (float)(synthSpikeAmp2[channel] * Math.Exp(-1 * (double)j / 12.5) * Math.Sin(6.28 * (double)j / synthSpikeWidth2[channel]));
                                i += 40 + 50;    // advance by 2 msec (refractory period)
                                i += 25;    // advance by 1 msec
                    // Now that we have the amount of data we want available, read it.

                    UInt32 numBytesReadA = 0;

                    ftStatus = myFtdiDeviceA.Read(readDataBufferA, numBytesToRead, ref numBytesReadA);

                    if (ftStatus != FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK)
                        UsbException e = new UsbException("USB read error");
                        throw e;

                    // The following section of code reads and parses a block of data from the RHA2000-EVAL board.
                    // A complete sequence of single A/D samples from all 16 amplifiers uses 16 x 3 = 48 bytes in
                    // the following three-byte format (MSB is on the left; LSB is on the right):
                    // Byte 1:    1   ADC6   ADC5   ADC4   ADC3   ADC2  ADC1   ADC0
                    // Byte 2:    1   ADC13  ADC12  ADC11  ADC10  ADC9  ADC8   ADC7
                    // Byte 3:    0     0     CH3    CH2    CH1    CH0  ADC15  ADC14
                    // ADC0 through ADC 15 comprise the 16-bit A/D converter sample from a particular amplifier
                    // channel.  (ADC15 is the MDB; ADC0 is the LSB.)  The A/D full-scale range is 2.5V.  The "zero"
                    // level of RHA2000 amplifiers is around 1.225V, although this can vary from one channel to another
                    // due to built-in offset voltages.  The use of a software high-pass filter is recommended to
                    // remove these offsets (see the RHA2000 series datasheet for more information).  With the RHA2000
                    // gain of 200 taken into account, each A/D step corresponds to an electrode-referred voltage of
                    // (2.5V/200)/(2^16) = 0.19073 microvolts.
                    // CH0 through CH3 encode information that varies with the channel number.  The following table
                    // shows the values for these bits depending on the channel:
                    // Amplifier Channel     CH3    CH2    CH1    CH0
                    //        0               0      0      0      0
                    //        1               0      0      0     AUX1
                    //        2               0      0      0     AUX2
                    //        3               0      0      0     AUX3
                    //        4               0      0      0     AUX4
                    //        5               0      0      0     AUX5
                    //        6               0      0      0     AUX6
                    //        7               X      X      X      X
                    //        8               X      X      X      X
                    //        9               X      X      X      X
                    //       10               X      X      X      X
                    //       11               X      X      X      X
                    //       12               X      X      X      X
                    //       13               X      X      X      X
                    //       14               X      X      X      X
                    //       15               1      1      1      1
                    // AUX1 through AUX6 are bits corresponding to the Port J3 auxiliary TTL inputs shown in the
                    // RHA2000-EVAL datasheet.  Any bits listed as 'X' are not specified and should not be used.
                    // Note that channels 0 and 15 are unambiguously marked (0000 and 1111, respectively).  It is
                    // recommended that interface software first watch for a byte that begins with '001111xx'.
                    // This must correspond to byte 3 of channel 15.  The next 48 bytes will comprise a complete
                    // 16-channel data frame starting with channel 0 and proceeding through channel 15.
                    // Each amplifier channel is sampled at 25 kS/s, which gives a data rate of 25,000 x 16 x 3 =
                    // 1.2 MByte/s.
                    // In our experience, the FTDI USB interface chip on the RHA2000-EVAL occasionally drops bytes
                    // (though this seems to depend on the exact USB interface card used in the PC), requiring any
                    // interface software to frequently look for a '001111xx' byte at the end of each 48-byte data
                    // frame to ensure synchronization is maintained.  When sync is lost, the software must search
                    // for this byte again.

                    // Are we out of sync due to a dropped byte over the USB link?  If so, resync.
                    if ((readDataBufferA[35999] & 0xfc) != 0x3c)  // look for '001111xx' byte
                        // for (int j = 0; j < 36000; j++)
                        // {
                        //     if ((readDataBufferA[j] & 0xfc) == 0x3c)
                        //     {
                        //         Debug.WriteLine("readDataBufferA[" + j + "] = 0x3C.");
                        //         break;
                        //     }
                        // }

                        int i = 0;
                        int index = 0;

                        int numExtraBytes = this.ResyncA();
                        Debug.WriteLine("Resync " + numExtraBytes + " bytes.");

                        int indexError = 47 + 48;
                        while ((readDataBufferA[indexError] & 0xfc) == 0x3c)
                            indexError += 48;
                        Debug.WriteLine("indexError = " + indexError);

                        // Duplicate previous sample to 'patch' missing or erroneous data
                        for (i = indexError - 47; i < indexError + 1; i++)
                            readDataBufferA[i] = readDataBufferA[i - 48];

                        for (i = indexError - 47 + 48; i < 36000 - numExtraBytes; i++)
                            readDataBufferA[i] = readDataBufferA[i + numExtraBytes];
                        for (i = 36000 - numExtraBytes; i < 36000; i++)
                            readDataBufferA[i] = resyncDataBufferA[index++];

                    // Parse data (see comments above for description of 3-byte data packet)

                    int indexA = 0;
                    byte byte1, byte2, byte3;

                    for (int i = 0; i < 750; i++)
                        auxFrame[i] = 0;
                        for (int channel = 0; channel < 16; channel++)
                            byte1 = readDataBufferA[indexA++];
                            byte2 = readDataBufferA[indexA++];
                            byte3 = readDataBufferA[indexA++];

                            if (channel == 1)
                                auxFrame[i] += (UInt16)(1 * (int)((byte3 & 0x04) >> 2));
                            else if (channel == 2)
                                auxFrame[i] += (UInt16)(2 * (int)((byte3 & 0x04) >> 2));
                            else if (channel == 3)
                                auxFrame[i] += (UInt16)(4 * (int)((byte3 & 0x04) >> 2));
                            else if (channel == 4)
                                auxFrame[i] += (UInt16)(8 * (int)((byte3 & 0x04) >> 2));
                            else if (channel == 5)
                                auxFrame[i] += (UInt16)(16 * (int)((byte3 & 0x04) >> 2));
                            else if (channel == 6)
                                auxFrame[i] += (UInt16)(32 * (int)((byte3 & 0x04) >> 2));

                            dataRaw[channel, i] = 0.1907F * (16384.0F * Convert.ToSingle(byte3 & 0x03) +
                                128.0F * Convert.ToSingle(byte2 & 0x7f) + Convert.ToSingle(byte1 & 0x7f)) - 6175.0F;    // 6175 = 1.235 V offset divided by 200, expressed in microvolts

                if (dataJustStarted)
                    for (int channel = 0; channel < 16; channel++)
                        dataState[channel] = dataRaw[channel, 0];
                        dataDelay1[channel] = dataRaw[channel, 0];
                        dataDelay2[channel] = dataRaw[channel, 0];
                        notchDelay1[channel] = dataRaw[channel, 0];
                        notchDelay2[channel] = dataRaw[channel, 0];
                    dataJustStarted = false;

                // Apply software first-order high-pass filter
                // (See RHA2000 series datasheet for desciption of this algorithm.)

                const double FSample = 25000.0; // ADC sample rate, in Hz

                float filtA = (float)(Math.Exp(-2.0 * Math.PI * fHPF / FSample));  // A
                float filtB = 1.0F - filtA;                                        // B = 1 - A

                for (int channel = 0; channel < 16; channel++)
                    dataState[channel] = filtA * dataState[channel] + filtB * dataRaw[channel, 0];
                    if (enableHPF)
                        dataFrame[channel, 0] = dataRaw[channel, 0] - dataState[channel];
                        dataFrame[channel, 0] = dataRaw[channel, 0];

                    for (int i = 1; i < 750; i++)
                        dataState[channel] = filtA * dataState[channel] + filtB * dataRaw[channel, i];
                        if (enableHPF)
                            dataFrame[channel, i] = dataRaw[channel, i] - dataState[channel];
                            dataFrame[channel, i] = dataRaw[channel, i];

                // Apply software notch filter
                // (See RHA2000 series datasheet for desciption of this algorithm.)

                const double NotchBW = 10.0;  // notch filter bandwidth, in Hz
                // Note: Reducing the notch filter bandwidth will create a more frequency-selective filter, but this
                // can lead to a long settling time for the filter.  Selecting a bandwdith of 10 Hz (e.g., filtering
                // out frequencies between 55 Hz and 65 Hz for the 60 Hz notch filter setting) implements a fast-
                // settling filter.

                float d = (float)Math.Exp(-1.0 * Math.PI * NotchBW / FSample);
                float b = (1.0F + d * d) * (float)Math.Cos(2.0 * Math.PI * fNotch / FSample);
                float a = 0.5F * (1.0F + d * d);

                float b0 = a;
                float b1 = a * (-2.0F) * (float)Math.Cos(2.0 * Math.PI * fNotch / FSample);
                float b2 = a;
                float a1 = -b;
                float a2 = d * d;

                for (int channel = 0; channel < 16; channel++)
                    dataNotch[channel, 0] = b2 * dataDelay2[channel] + b1 * dataDelay1[channel] + b0 * dataFrame[channel, 0] - a2 * notchDelay2[channel] - a1 * notchDelay1[channel];
                    dataNotch[channel, 1] = b2 * dataDelay1[channel] + b1 * dataFrame[channel, 0] + b0 * dataFrame[channel, 1] - a2 * notchDelay1[channel] - a1 * dataNotch[channel, 0];
                    for (int i = 2; i < 750; i++)
                        dataNotch[channel, i] = b2 * dataFrame[channel, i - 2] + b1 * dataFrame[channel, i - 1] + b0 * dataFrame[channel, i] - a2 * dataNotch[channel, i - 2] - a1 * dataNotch[channel, i - 1];

                for (int channel = 0; channel < 16; channel++)
                    dataDelay2[channel] = dataFrame[channel, 748];
                    dataDelay1[channel] = dataFrame[channel, 749];
                    notchDelay2[channel] = dataNotch[channel, 748];
                    notchDelay1[channel] = dataNotch[channel, 749];

                if (enableNotch)
                    plotQueue.Enqueue(new USBData(dataNotch, auxFrame));
                    saveQueue.Enqueue(new USBData(dataNotch, auxFrame));
                    plotQueue.Enqueue(new USBData(dataFrame, auxFrame));
                    saveQueue.Enqueue(new USBData(dataFrame, auxFrame));

Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Command RHA2000-EVAL board to manually step the analog MUX to the next amplifier channel.
        /// This is only used for electrode impedance checking.
        /// </summary>
        public void ChannelStep()
            // The RHA2000-EVAL board is controlled by sending one-byte ASCII command characters over
            // the USB interface.  The 'N' character commands the board to manually step the analog MUX
            // to the next amplifier channel.  This command is only used for electrode impedance checking.

            UInt32 numBytesWritten = 0;
            Byte[] myChars = { 78, 115 };  // 'N' = step to next channel (impedance check mode)

            if (running)
                myChars[1] = 83;

            FTDI.FT_STATUS ftStatus = myFtdiDeviceA.Write(myChars, 2, ref numBytesWritten);

            // Purge receive buffer.

            if (ftStatus != FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_OK)
                UsbException e = new UsbException("Could not write to Intan USB device");
                throw e;