private static void OnProperties(int client, PacketReader reader)
            reader.ReadInt16(); // WORD 0x01
            int serial = reader.ReadInt32();
            reader.ReadInt16(); // WORD 0x00
            int hash = reader.ReadInt32();
            Property p;
            StringBuilder propertyText = new StringBuilder();
            List<Property> propertyList = new List<Property>();
            string named6 = "";
            bool nameSet = false, first = true;
            int lastCliloc = -1;

            for (; ; )
                p = new Property();
                p.Cliloc = reader.ReadInt32();
                if (p.Cliloc == 0)
                if (!first) propertyText.Append("\r\n");
                int len = reader.ReadInt16();
                if (len > 0)
                    //TODO: Fix the below two lines to use reader.ReadUnicodeString();
                    p.Arguments = UnicodeEncoding.Unicode.GetString(reader.Data, reader.Index, len).Split(new char[] { '\t' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    reader.Seek(len, SeekOrigin.Current);

                    p.Text = Cliloc.GetLocalString(p.Cliloc, p.Arguments);
                    if (!nameSet)
                        named6 = p.Text;
                        nameSet = true;
                    p.Text = Cliloc.GetProperty(p.Cliloc);
                    if (!nameSet)
                        named6 = p.Text;
                        nameSet = true;

                if (lastCliloc != -1)
                    if (lastCliloc != p.Cliloc)
                lastCliloc = p.Cliloc;
                first = false;

            IncomingPackets.OnProperties(client, serial, named6, propertyList.ToArray(), propertyText.ToString());
        private static void OnCompressedGump(int client, PacketReader reader)
            int serialdd      = reader.ReadInt32();
            int iddd          = reader.ReadInt32();
            int xdd           = reader.ReadInt32();
            int ydd           = reader.ReadInt32();
            int compressLendd = reader.ReadInt32();

            if (compressLendd <= 4)
                compressLendd -= 4;
            int decompressLendd = reader.ReadInt32() + 1;

            byte[] decompresseddd = new byte[decompressLendd];
            byte[] compresseddd   = new byte[compressLendd];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(reader.Data, reader.Index, compresseddd, 0, compressLendd);
            reader.Seek(compressLendd, SeekOrigin.Current);
            int success;

            //if (IntPtr.Size == 8) success = NativeMethods.uncompress64(decompresseddd, ref decompressLendd, compresseddd, compressLendd);
            success = NativeMethods.uncompress32(decompresseddd, ref decompressLendd, compresseddd, compressLendd);
            if (success != 0)
                Log.LogDataMessage(client, reader.Data, "*** Error decompressing gump layout:");

            string layoutdd = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(decompresseddd).TrimEnd('\0');
            int    offsetdd = 27 + compressLendd;
            int    linesdd  = reader.ReadInt32();

            compressLendd = reader.ReadInt32();
            string[] textdd = new string[linesdd];
            if (compressLendd > 4)
                compressLendd  -= 4;
                compresseddd    = new byte[compressLendd];
                decompressLendd = reader.ReadInt32() + 1;
                decompresseddd  = new byte[decompressLendd];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(reader.Data, reader.Index, compresseddd, 0, compressLendd);
                reader.Seek(compressLendd, SeekOrigin.Current);
                //if (IntPtr.Size == 8) success = NativeMethods.uncompress64(decompresseddd, ref decompressLendd, compresseddd, compressLendd);
                success = NativeMethods.uncompress32(decompresseddd, ref decompressLendd, compresseddd, compressLendd);
                if (success != 0)
                    Log.LogDataMessage(client, reader.Data, "*** Error decompressing gump strings:");
                offsetdd = 0;
                int lendd = 0;
                for (int x = 0; x < linesdd; x++)
                    lendd     = (decompresseddd[offsetdd] << 8 | decompresseddd[offsetdd + 1]) * 2;
                    offsetdd += 2;
                    textdd[x] = UnicodeEncoding.BigEndianUnicode.GetString(decompresseddd, offsetdd, lendd);
                    offsetdd += lendd;
            IncomingPackets.OnGenericGump(client, serialdd, iddd, xdd, ydd, layoutdd, textdd);
        private static void OnCompressedGump(int client, PacketReader reader)
            int serialdd = reader.ReadInt32();
            int iddd = reader.ReadInt32();
            int xdd = reader.ReadInt32();
            int ydd = reader.ReadInt32();
            int compressLendd = reader.ReadInt32();
            if (compressLendd <= 4) return;
            else compressLendd -= 4;
            int decompressLendd = reader.ReadInt32() + 1;
            byte[] decompresseddd = new byte[decompressLendd];
            byte[] compresseddd = new byte[compressLendd];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(reader.Data, reader.Index, compresseddd, 0, compressLendd);
            reader.Seek(compressLendd, SeekOrigin.Current);
            int success;
            //if (IntPtr.Size == 8) success = NativeMethods.uncompress64(decompresseddd, ref decompressLendd, compresseddd, compressLendd);
            success = NativeMethods.uncompress32(decompresseddd, ref decompressLendd, compresseddd, compressLendd);
            if (success != 0)
                Log.LogDataMessage(client, reader.Data, "*** Error decompressing gump layout:");

            string layoutdd = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(decompresseddd).TrimEnd('\0');
            int offsetdd = 27 + compressLendd;
            int linesdd = reader.ReadInt32();
            compressLendd = reader.ReadInt32();
            string[] textdd = new string[linesdd];
            if (compressLendd > 4)
                compressLendd -= 4;
                compresseddd = new byte[compressLendd];
                decompressLendd = reader.ReadInt32() + 1;
                decompresseddd = new byte[decompressLendd];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(reader.Data, reader.Index, compresseddd, 0, compressLendd);
                reader.Seek(compressLendd, SeekOrigin.Current);
                //if (IntPtr.Size == 8) success = NativeMethods.uncompress64(decompresseddd, ref decompressLendd, compresseddd, compressLendd);
                success = NativeMethods.uncompress32(decompresseddd, ref decompressLendd, compresseddd, compressLendd);
                if (success != 0)
                    Log.LogDataMessage(client, reader.Data, "*** Error decompressing gump strings:");
                offsetdd = 0;
                int lendd = 0;
                for (int x = 0; x < linesdd; x++)
                    lendd = (decompresseddd[offsetdd] << 8 | decompresseddd[offsetdd + 1]) * 2;
                    offsetdd += 2;
                    textdd[x] = UnicodeEncoding.BigEndianUnicode.GetString(decompresseddd, offsetdd, lendd);
                    offsetdd += lendd;
            IncomingPackets.OnGenericGump(client, serialdd, iddd, xdd, ydd, layoutdd, textdd);
        private static void OnProperties(int client, PacketReader reader)
            reader.ReadInt16(); // WORD 0x01
            int serial = reader.ReadInt32();

            reader.ReadInt16(); // WORD 0x00
            int             hash = reader.ReadInt32();
            Property        p;
            StringBuilder   propertyText = new StringBuilder();
            List <Property> propertyList = new List <Property>();
            string          named6 = "";
            bool            nameSet = false, first = true;
            int             lastCliloc = -1;

            for (; ;)
                p        = new Property();
                p.Cliloc = reader.ReadInt32();
                if (p.Cliloc == 0)
                if (!first)
                int len = reader.ReadInt16();
                if (len > 0)
                    //TODO: Fix the below two lines to use reader.ReadUnicodeString();
                    p.Arguments = UnicodeEncoding.Unicode.GetString(reader.Data, reader.Index, len).Split(new char[] { '\t' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    reader.Seek(len, SeekOrigin.Current);

                    p.Text = Cliloc.GetLocalString(p.Cliloc, p.Arguments);
                    if (!nameSet)
                        named6  = p.Text;
                        nameSet = true;
                    p.Text = Cliloc.GetProperty(p.Cliloc);
                    if (!nameSet)
                        named6  = p.Text;
                        nameSet = true;

                if (lastCliloc != -1)
                    if (lastCliloc != p.Cliloc)
                lastCliloc = p.Cliloc;
                first      = false;

            IncomingPackets.OnProperties(client, serial, named6, propertyList.ToArray(), propertyText.ToString());