Beispiel #1
        private void bckTp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.Hide();                               // Hides the current form (Teacher Profile).
            TeacherProfile Tp = new TeacherProfile(v); // Returns the user back to the Teacher Profile.

            Tp.Show();                                 //Teacher Profile is shown.
Beispiel #2
        private void subLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // The following code opens up a connection between the program and the database.
            OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=H:\\F454 Program 2\\UI Designs\\F454ProjectDatabase.accdb");
            // This allows us to send commands to the database.
            OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand();

            // We need to open the connection.

            // Data sets to store the student and teacher tables.
            DataSet dataSetStu   = new DataSet();
            DataSet dataSetTeach = new DataSet();

            // Variable to hold our query.
            string qryS = "SELECT * from Student", qryT = "Select * from Teacher";

            // Adapter holds data from query and connection.
            OleDbDataAdapter adapterStudent = new OleDbDataAdapter(qryS, con);
            OleDbDataAdapter adapterTeacher = new OleDbDataAdapter(qryT, con);

            // Fills data sets with data from

            // Lets us give specific commands for student table.
            DataTable dtS = dataSetStu.Tables[0];

            // User needs to identify themselves.
            string userType;

            //Set the user type.
            if (stuBtn.Checked)
                userType = "Student";
            else if (teachBtn.Checked)
                userType = "Teacher";
                userType = "";

            bool usrFound = false;

            // If the user has identified as a student then it will look at the student table.
            if (userType == "Student")
                foreach (DataRow drS in dtS.Rows)   // Looks through each row.
                    // Looks at the username and password combination in student table.
                    if (drS["Username"].ToString() == usrTxtbox.Text && drS["Password"].ToString() == passTxtbox.Text)
                        usrFound = true;                                                   // If the user has been found a message will be displayed - shows successful login.
                        MessageBox.Show("Welcome, " + drS["First Name"].ToString() + "."); // Welcome message.
                        this.Hide();                                                       // Hides login form.
                        StudentProfile StuProfile = new StudentProfile(usrTxtbox.Text);    // Will open up the student profile and passes value in text box.
                        StuProfile.Show();                                                 // Displays student profile.

                if (usrFound == false)      // Error message if detals are incorrect.
                    MessageBox.Show("Invalid login details. Please try again.");

            // If the user has identified as a student then it will look at the student table.
            if (userType == "Teacher")
                DataTable dtT = dataSetTeach.Tables[0];
                foreach (DataRow drT in dtT.Rows)
                    if (drT["Username"].ToString() == usrTxtbox.Text && drT["Password"].ToString() == passTxtbox.Text)
                        usrFound = true;
                        MessageBox.Show("Welcome, " + drT["First Name"].ToString() + ".");
                        var TeacherProfile = new TeacherProfile("Welcome");

                if (usrFound == false)
                    MessageBox.Show("Invalid login details. Please try again.");

            if (userType == "")     //If no user type has been chosen, prompt message appears.
                MessageBox.Show("Please choose a user type.");