Beispiel #1
        public GameLogic(Form1 parent)
            _parent           = parent;
            _parent.KeyPress += _parent_KeyPress;
            _condolences      = new Condolences();
            _compliments      = new Compliments();
            _tools            = new Tools();
            // Start at the first level
            _levelNumber = 0;

            int[] rates = new int[26];
            rates[Tools.LetterToOrdinalValue('A')] = 25;
            rates[Tools.LetterToOrdinalValue('s')] = 25;
            rates[Tools.LetterToOrdinalValue('d')] = 25;
            rates[Tools.LetterToOrdinalValue('f')] = 25;

            _letterTable = new LetterTable(rates);
Beispiel #2
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            _logic       = new GameLogic(this);
            _compliments = new Compliments();
            _condolences = new Condolences();
            _keys        = new Label[26];

            for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
                // Create new label
                var letter = new Label
                    Anchor    = AnchorStyles.None,
                    AutoSize  = true,
                    Font      = new Font("Consolas", 18F, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0),
                    Name      = "label" + Tools.OrdinalValueToLetter(i),
                    Size      = new Size(42, 40),
                    TabIndex  = i,
                    TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter,
                    Text      = Tools.OrdinalValueToLetter(i).ToString()

                // Set label properties

                _keys[i] = letter;

            // Layout the controls in the shape of a keyboard
            int hCharSpacing = 30;
            int vCharSpacing = 30;

            int yValueFirstRow  = 150;
            int yValueSecondRow = yValueFirstRow + vCharSpacing;
            int yValueThirdRow  = yValueFirstRow + vCharSpacing * 2;

            int xStartValueFirstRow  = 67;
            int xStartValueSecondRow = 67 + hCharSpacing / 2;
            int xStartValueThirdRow  = 67 + hCharSpacing;

            _keys[Tools.LetterToOrdinalValue('Q')].Location = new Point(xStartValueFirstRow + hCharSpacing * 0, yValueFirstRow);
            _keys[Tools.LetterToOrdinalValue('W')].Location = new Point(xStartValueFirstRow + hCharSpacing * 1, yValueFirstRow);
            _keys[Tools.LetterToOrdinalValue('E')].Location = new Point(xStartValueFirstRow + hCharSpacing * 2, yValueFirstRow);
            _keys[Tools.LetterToOrdinalValue('R')].Location = new Point(xStartValueFirstRow + hCharSpacing * 3, yValueFirstRow);
            _keys[Tools.LetterToOrdinalValue('T')].Location = new Point(xStartValueFirstRow + hCharSpacing * 4, yValueFirstRow);
            _keys[Tools.LetterToOrdinalValue('Y')].Location = new Point(xStartValueFirstRow + hCharSpacing * 5, yValueFirstRow);
            _keys[Tools.LetterToOrdinalValue('U')].Location = new Point(xStartValueFirstRow + hCharSpacing * 6, yValueFirstRow);
            _keys[Tools.LetterToOrdinalValue('I')].Location = new Point(xStartValueFirstRow + hCharSpacing * 7, yValueFirstRow);
            _keys[Tools.LetterToOrdinalValue('O')].Location = new Point(xStartValueFirstRow + hCharSpacing * 8, yValueFirstRow);
            _keys[Tools.LetterToOrdinalValue('P')].Location = new Point(xStartValueFirstRow + hCharSpacing * 9, yValueFirstRow);

            _keys[Tools.LetterToOrdinalValue('A')].Location = new Point(xStartValueSecondRow + hCharSpacing * 0, yValueSecondRow);
            _keys[Tools.LetterToOrdinalValue('S')].Location = new Point(xStartValueSecondRow + hCharSpacing * 1, yValueSecondRow);
            _keys[Tools.LetterToOrdinalValue('D')].Location = new Point(xStartValueSecondRow + hCharSpacing * 2, yValueSecondRow);
            _keys[Tools.LetterToOrdinalValue('F')].Location = new Point(xStartValueSecondRow + hCharSpacing * 3, yValueSecondRow);
            _keys[Tools.LetterToOrdinalValue('G')].Location = new Point(xStartValueSecondRow + hCharSpacing * 4, yValueSecondRow);
            _keys[Tools.LetterToOrdinalValue('H')].Location = new Point(xStartValueSecondRow + hCharSpacing * 5, yValueSecondRow);
            _keys[Tools.LetterToOrdinalValue('J')].Location = new Point(xStartValueSecondRow + hCharSpacing * 6, yValueSecondRow);
            _keys[Tools.LetterToOrdinalValue('K')].Location = new Point(xStartValueSecondRow + hCharSpacing * 7, yValueSecondRow);
            _keys[Tools.LetterToOrdinalValue('L')].Location = new Point(xStartValueSecondRow + hCharSpacing * 8, yValueSecondRow);

            _keys[Tools.LetterToOrdinalValue('Z')].Location = new Point(xStartValueThirdRow + hCharSpacing * 0, yValueThirdRow);
            _keys[Tools.LetterToOrdinalValue('X')].Location = new Point(xStartValueThirdRow + hCharSpacing * 1, yValueThirdRow);
            _keys[Tools.LetterToOrdinalValue('C')].Location = new Point(xStartValueThirdRow + hCharSpacing * 2, yValueThirdRow);
            _keys[Tools.LetterToOrdinalValue('V')].Location = new Point(xStartValueThirdRow + hCharSpacing * 3, yValueThirdRow);
            _keys[Tools.LetterToOrdinalValue('B')].Location = new Point(xStartValueThirdRow + hCharSpacing * 4, yValueThirdRow);
            _keys[Tools.LetterToOrdinalValue('N')].Location = new Point(xStartValueThirdRow + hCharSpacing * 5, yValueThirdRow);
            _keys[Tools.LetterToOrdinalValue('M')].Location = new Point(xStartValueThirdRow + hCharSpacing * 6, yValueThirdRow);

            for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
