/** Given a start and stop index, return a List of all tokens in
         *  the token type BitSet.  Return null if no tokens were found.  This
         *  method looks at both on and off channel tokens.
        public virtual List<IToken> GetTokens(int start, int stop, BitSet types)
            if (_p == -1)
            if (stop >= _tokens.Count)
                stop = _tokens.Count - 1;
            if (start < 0)
                start = 0;
            if (start > stop)
                return null;

            // list = tokens[start:stop]:{Token t, t.getType() in types}
            List<IToken> filteredTokens = new List<IToken>();
            for (int i = start; i <= stop; i++)
                IToken t = _tokens[i];
                if (types == null || types.Member(t.Type))
            if (filteredTokens.Count == 0)
                filteredTokens = null;
            return filteredTokens;
Beispiel #2
 protected override object GetMissingSymbol( IIntStream input,
     RecognitionException e,
     int expectedTokenType,
     BitSet follow)
     string tokenText = null;
     if ( expectedTokenType == TokenTypes.EndOfFile )
         tokenText = "<missing EOF>";
         tokenText = "<missing " + TokenNames[expectedTokenType] + ">";
     CommonToken t = new CommonToken( expectedTokenType, tokenText );
     IToken current = ( (ITokenStream)input ).LT( 1 );
     if ( current.Type == TokenTypes.EndOfFile )
         current = ( (ITokenStream)input ).LT( -1 );
     t.Line = current.Line;
     t.CharPositionInLine = current.CharPositionInLine;
     t.Channel = DefaultTokenChannel;
     t.InputStream = current.InputStream;
     return t;
 public MismatchedNotSetException(BitSet expecting, IIntStream input)
     : base(expecting, input)
 public MismatchedNotSetException(string message, BitSet expecting, IIntStream input, Exception innerException)
     : base(message, expecting, input, innerException)
Beispiel #5
 /** <summary>return this | a in a new set</summary> */
 public BitSet Or( BitSet a )
     if ( a == null )
         return this;
     BitSet s = (BitSet)this.Clone();
     s.OrInPlace( a );
     return s;
 public MismatchedSetException(string message, BitSet expecting, IIntStream input, Exception innerException)
     : base(message, input, innerException)
     this._expecting = expecting;
Beispiel #7
 /** <summary>
  *  Match current input symbol against ttype.  Attempt
  *  single token insertion or deletion error recovery.  If
  *  that fails, throw MismatchedTokenException.
  *  </summary>
  *  <remarks>
  *  To turn off single token insertion or deletion error
  *  recovery, override recoverFromMismatchedToken() and have it
  *  throw an exception. See TreeParser.recoverFromMismatchedToken().
  *  This way any error in a rule will cause an exception and
  *  immediate exit from rule.  Rule would recover by resynchronizing
  *  to the set of symbols that can follow rule ref.
  *  </remarks>
 public virtual object Match( IIntStream input, int ttype, BitSet follow )
     //System.out.println("match "+((TokenStream)input).LT(1));
     object matchedSymbol = GetCurrentInputSymbol( input );
     if ( input.LA( 1 ) == ttype )
         state.errorRecovery = false;
         state.failed = false;
         return matchedSymbol;
     if ( state.backtracking > 0 )
         state.failed = true;
         return matchedSymbol;
     matchedSymbol = RecoverFromMismatchedToken( input, ttype, follow );
     return matchedSymbol;
Beispiel #8
 public static BitSet Of( int a, int b )
     BitSet s = new BitSet( Math.Max( a, b ) + 1 );
     s.Add( a );
     s.Add( b );
     return s;
Beispiel #9
 /** <summary>Attempt to recover from a single missing or extra token.</summary>
  *  LA(1) is not what we are looking for.  If LA(2) has the right token,
  *  however, then assume LA(1) is some extra spurious token.  Delete it
  *  and LA(2) as if we were doing a normal match(), which advances the
  *  input.
  *  If current token is consistent with what could come after
  *  ttype then it is ok to "insert" the missing token, else throw
  *  exception For example, Input "i=(3;" is clearly missing the
  *  ')'.  When the parser returns from the nested call to expr, it
  *  will have call chain:
  *    stat -> expr -> atom
  *  and it will be trying to match the ')' at this point in the
  *  derivation:
  *       => ID '=' '(' INT ')' ('+' atom)* ';'
  *                          ^
  *  match() will see that ';' doesn't match ')' and report a
  *  mismatched token error.  To recover, it sees that LA(1)==';'
  *  is in the set of tokens that can follow the ')' token
  *  reference in rule atom.  It can assume that you forgot the ')'.
 protected virtual object RecoverFromMismatchedToken( IIntStream input, int ttype, BitSet follow )
     RecognitionException e = null;
     // if next token is what we are looking for then "delete" this token
     if ( MismatchIsUnwantedToken( input, ttype ) )
         e = new UnwantedTokenException( ttype, input, TokenNames );
         System.err.println("recoverFromMismatchedToken deleting "+
                            " since "+((TokenStream)input).LT(2)+" is what we want");
         input.Consume(); // simply delete extra token
         ReportError( e );  // report after consuming so AW sees the token in the exception
         // we want to return the token we're actually matching
         object matchedSymbol = GetCurrentInputSymbol( input );
         input.Consume(); // move past ttype token as if all were ok
         return matchedSymbol;
     // can't recover with single token deletion, try insertion
     if ( MismatchIsMissingToken( input, follow ) )
         object inserted = GetMissingSymbol( input, e, ttype, follow );
         e = new MissingTokenException( ttype, input, inserted );
         ReportError( e );  // report after inserting so AW sees the token in the exception
         return inserted;
     // even that didn't work; must throw the exception
     e = new MismatchedTokenException(ttype, input, TokenNames);
     throw e;
Beispiel #10
 /** <summary>Consume tokens until one matches the given token set</summary> */
 public virtual void ConsumeUntil( IIntStream input, BitSet set )
     int ttype = input.LA( 1 );
     while ( ttype != TokenTypes.EndOfFile && !set.Member( ttype ) )
         //System.out.println("consume during recover LA(1)="+getTokenNames()[input.LA(1)]);
         ttype = input.LA( 1 );
Beispiel #11
 /** <summary>Push a rule's follow set using our own hardcoded stack</summary> */
 protected void PushFollow( BitSet fset )
     if ( ( state._fsp + 1 ) >= state.following.Length )
         Array.Resize(ref state.following, state.following.Length * 2);
     state.following[++state._fsp] = fset;
Beispiel #12
 /** <summary>Conjure up a missing token during error recovery.</summary>
  *  <remarks>
  *  The recognizer attempts to recover from single missing
  *  symbols. But, actions might refer to that missing symbol.
  *  For example, x=ID {f($x);}. The action clearly assumes
  *  that there has been an identifier matched previously and that
  *  $x points at that token. If that token is missing, but
  *  the next token in the stream is what we want we assume that
  *  this token is missing and we keep going. Because we
  *  have to return some token to replace the missing token,
  *  we have to conjure one up. This method gives the user control
  *  over the tokens returned for missing tokens. Mostly,
  *  you will want to create something special for identifier
  *  tokens. For literals such as '{' and ',', the default
  *  action in the parser or tree parser works. It simply creates
  *  a CommonToken of the appropriate type. The text will be the token.
  *  If you change what tokens must be created by the lexer,
  *  override this method to create the appropriate tokens.
  *  </remarks>
 protected virtual object GetMissingSymbol( IIntStream input,
     RecognitionException e,
     int expectedTokenType,
     BitSet follow)
     return null;
        protected MismatchedSetException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            : base(info, context)
            if (info == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("info");

            this._expecting = (BitSet)info.GetValue("Expecting", typeof(BitSet));
        /** <summary>
         *  Given a start and stop index, return a List of all tokens in
         *  the token type BitSet.  Return null if no tokens were found.  This
         *  method looks at both on and off channel tokens.
         *  </summary>
        public virtual IList<IToken> GetTokens( int start, int stop, BitSet types )
            if ( p == -1 )
            if ( stop >= tokens.Count )
                stop = tokens.Count - 1;
            if ( start < 0 )
                start = 0;
            if ( start > stop )
                return null;

            // list = tokens[start:stop]:{Token t, t.getType() in types}
            IList<IToken> filteredTokens = new List<IToken>();
            for ( int i = start; i <= stop; i++ )
                IToken t = tokens[i];
                if ( types == null || types.Member( t.Type ) )
                    filteredTokens.Add( t );
            if ( filteredTokens.Count == 0 )
                filteredTokens = null;
            return filteredTokens;
Beispiel #15
        public virtual bool MismatchIsMissingToken( IIntStream input, BitSet follow )
            if ( follow == null )
                // we have no information about the follow; we can only consume
                // a single token and hope for the best
                return false;
            // compute what can follow this grammar element reference
            if ( follow.Member( TokenTypes.EndOfRule ) )
                BitSet viableTokensFollowingThisRule = ComputeContextSensitiveRuleFOLLOW();
                follow = follow.Or( viableTokensFollowingThisRule );
                if ( state._fsp >= 0 )
                { // remove EOR if we're not the start symbol
                    follow.Remove( TokenTypes.EndOfRule );
            // if current token is consistent with what could come after set
            // then we know we're missing a token; error recovery is free to
            // "insert" the missing token

            //System.out.println("viable tokens="+follow.toString(getTokenNames()));

            // BitSet cannot handle negative numbers like -1 (EOF) so I leave EOR
            // in follow set to indicate that the fall of the start symbol is
            // in the set (EOF can follow).
            if ( follow.Member( input.LA( 1 ) ) || follow.Member( TokenTypes.EndOfRule ) )
                //System.out.println("LT(1)=="+((TokenStream)input).LT(1)+" is consistent with what follows; inserting...");
                return true;
            return false;
Beispiel #16
 public static BitSet Of( int el )
     BitSet s = new BitSet( el + 1 );
     s.Add( el );
     return s;
Beispiel #17
 /** Not currently used */
 public virtual object RecoverFromMismatchedSet( IIntStream input,
     RecognitionException e,
     BitSet follow)
     if ( MismatchIsMissingToken( input, follow ) )
         // System.out.println("missing token");
         ReportError( e );
         // we don't know how to conjure up a token for sets yet
         return GetMissingSymbol( input, e, TokenTypes.Invalid, follow );
     // TODO do single token deletion like above for Token mismatch
     throw e;
Beispiel #18
 public static BitSet Of( int a, int b, int c, int d )
     BitSet s = new BitSet();
     s.Add( a );
     s.Add( b );
     s.Add( c );
     s.Add( d );
     return s;
Beispiel #19
 // what is exact? it seems to only add sets from above on stack
 // if EOR is in set i.  When it sees a set w/o EOR, it stops adding.
 // Why would we ever want them all?  Maybe no viable alt instead of
 // mismatched token?
 protected virtual BitSet CombineFollows(bool exact)
     int top = state._fsp;
     BitSet followSet = new BitSet();
     for ( int i = top; i >= 0; i-- )
         BitSet localFollowSet = (BitSet)state.following[i];
         System.out.println("local follow depth "+i+"="+
         followSet.OrInPlace( localFollowSet );
         if ( exact )
             // can we see end of rule?
             if ( localFollowSet.Member( TokenTypes.EndOfRule ) )
                 // Only leave EOR in set if at top (start rule); this lets
                 // us know if have to include follow(start rule); i.e., EOF
                 if ( i > 0 )
                     followSet.Remove( TokenTypes.EndOfRule );
             { // can't see end of rule, quit
     return followSet;
Beispiel #20
 public void OrInPlace( BitSet a )
     if ( a == null )
     // If this is smaller than a, grow this first
     if ( a._bits.Length > _bits.Length )
         SetSize( a._bits.Length );
     int min = Math.Min( _bits.Length, a._bits.Length );
     for ( int i = min - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
         _bits[i] |= a._bits[i];
 public MismatchedSetException( BitSet expecting, IIntStream input )
     : base(input)
     this._expecting = expecting;