public SignatureInfoMatchTarget(TypeInfo interfaceTypeInfo, int functionIndex,
            ElemDesc elemDesc, int parameterIndex)
            if (interfaceTypeInfo == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(interfaceTypeInfo));
            m_interfaceTypeInfo = interfaceTypeInfo;
            m_functionIndex = functionIndex;
            m_funcDesc = interfaceTypeInfo.GetFuncDesc(m_functionIndex);
            m_elemDesc = elemDesc;
            m_parameterIndex = parameterIndex;

            if (m_parameterIndex == 0)
                m_name = "return";
                // the name of the parameter.
                string[] signatureNames = m_interfaceTypeInfo.GetNames(m_funcDesc.memid,
                    m_funcDesc.cParams + 1);
                m_name = signatureNames[m_parameterIndex];
                if (m_name == null || m_name.Trim().Equals(""))
                    m_name = "_unnamed_arg_" + m_parameterIndex;
            // NativeParentFunctionName
            m_nativeParentFunctionName =

            // NativeSignature
            m_nativeSignature = (new TlbType2String(interfaceTypeInfo, m_elemDesc.tdesc)).GetTypeString();
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Process parameters and apply attributes
        /// </summary>
        private static void ProcessParam(InterfaceInfo info, InterfaceMemberInfo memInfo, ElemDesc desc,
            TypeConverter converter, MethodBuilder methodBuilder, int index, string strname,
            bool isVarArg, bool isOptionalArg)
            ParamDesc param = desc.paramdesc;
            ParameterAttributes attributes = ParameterAttributes.None;
            if (converter.ParameterAttributesOverride != ParameterAttributes.None)
                attributes = converter.ParameterAttributesOverride;
                // Determine in/out/opt
                // Don't emit [In], [Out] for return type
                if (index != 0)
                    // Always emit in/out information according to type library
                    if (param.IsIn)
                        attributes |= ParameterAttributes.In;

                    if (param.IsOut)
                        attributes |= ParameterAttributes.Out;

                    if (param.IsOpt || isOptionalArg)
                        attributes |= ParameterAttributes.Optional;

            // Define the parameter
            ParameterBuilder parameterBuilder = methodBuilder.DefineParameter(index, attributes, strname);

            // Apply MarshalAs attribute

            // Support for vararg
            if (isVarArg)

            // Support for default value
            if (desc.paramdesc.HasDefault && desc.paramdesc.lpVarValue != IntPtr.Zero)
                SetDefaultValue(desc, converter.ConvertedType, parameterBuilder);
Beispiel #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the default value according to the ElemDesc on the ParameterBuilder
 /// </summary>
 public static void SetDefaultValue(ElemDesc elem, Type type, ParameterBuilder paramBuilder)
     ParamDesc param = elem.paramdesc;
     IntPtr ipPARAMDESCEX = param.lpVarValue;
     // It is bad that Marshalling doesn't take alignment into account, so I had to use a hard code value here
     IntPtr ipVariant = Utils.MovePointer(ipPARAMDESCEX, 8);
     SetDefaultValueInternal(ipVariant, type, paramBuilder, null, (short)elem.tdesc.vt);