public static void Check_DocumentFormatExceptions()
            bool exceptionOK = false;
                DocumentFormat docFormat = new DocumentFormat(Encoding.Default, EndOfLineDelimiter.FixedLengthLines, 0, ColumnsLayout.FreeTextFormat);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e is ArgumentException) exceptionOK = true;
            if (!exceptionOK)
                throw new Exception("Free text format with fixed length lines should not be allowed");

            exceptionOK = false;
                DocumentFormat docFormat = new DocumentFormat(Encoding.Default, EndOfLineDelimiter.FixedLengthLines, 71, ColumnsLayout.CobolReferenceFormat);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e is ArgumentException) exceptionOK = true;
            if (!exceptionOK)
                throw new Exception("Cobol reference text format with fixed length lines < 72 should not be allowed");

            // But Cobol reference text format with fixed length lines == 72 should be allowed
            DocumentFormat docFormat2 = new DocumentFormat(Encoding.Default, EndOfLineDelimiter.FixedLengthLines, 72, ColumnsLayout.CobolReferenceFormat);
Beispiel #2
        public static void ParseGenerateCompare(string path, List<Skeleton> skeletons, DocumentFormat format)
            var document = Parser.Parse(Path.Combine(ROOT, INPUT, path), format);
            var columns = document.Results.ProgramClassDocumentSnapshot.TextSourceInfo.ColumnsLayout;
            var writer = new StringWriter();
            // write parsing errors
            WriteErrors(writer, document.Errors[0], "CodeElements", columns);
            WriteErrors(writer, document.Errors[1], "ProgramClass", columns);
            // write generated code
            var codegen = new Generator(writer, document.Results.TokensLines, skeletons);
            var program = document.Results.ProgramClassDocumentSnapshot.Program;

            codegen.Generate(program.SyntaxTree.Root, program.SymbolTable, columns);
            // flush

            // compare with expected result
            string expected = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(ROOT, OUTPUT, path), format.Encoding);
            TypeCobol.Test.TestUtils.compareLines(path, writer.ToString(), expected);
Beispiel #3
        private static SymbolTable LoadCopies(AbstractErrorWriter writer, List<string> paths, DocumentFormat copyDocumentFormat)
            var parser = new Parser();
            var table = new SymbolTable(null, SymbolTable.Scope.Intrinsic);

            var copies = new List<string>();
            foreach(string path in paths) copies.AddRange(Tools.FileSystem.GetFiles(path, parser.Extensions, false));

            foreach(string path in copies) {
                try {
                    parser.Init(path, copyDocumentFormat);

                    foreach (var diagnostic in parser.Results.CodeElementsDocumentSnapshot.ParserDiagnostics) {
                        AddError(writer, "Syntax error during parsing of " + path + ": " + diagnostic, path, "intrinsicLoading");

                    if (parser.Results.ProgramClassDocumentSnapshot == null) continue;
                    foreach (var diagnostic in parser.Results.ProgramClassDocumentSnapshot.Diagnostics) {
                        AddError(writer, "Semantic error during parsing of " + path + ": " + diagnostic, path, "intrinsicLoading");

                    if (parser.Results.ProgramClassDocumentSnapshot.Program == null) {
                        AddError(writer, "Error: Your Intrisic types/functions are not included into a program.", path,
                    var symbols = parser.Results.ProgramClassDocumentSnapshot.Program.SymbolTable;
                    foreach (var types in symbols.Types)
                        foreach (var type in types.Value)
                            table.AddType((Compiler.Nodes.TypeDefinition) type);
                    foreach (var functions in symbols.Functions)
                        foreach (var function in functions.Value)
                            table.AddFunction((Compiler.Nodes.FunctionDeclaration) function);
                    //TODO check if types or functions are already there
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    AddError(writer, e.Message, path, "intrinsicLoading");
            return table;
Beispiel #4
        //        public static void Main(string[] args)
        public static void main(string[] args)
            // Directory where the source programs and COPY files are stored
            string sourcePath = @"D:\Users\Laurent\OneDrive\Dev\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\TypeCobol\TypeCobol.Test\Samples\EI Cobol samples\EI-Production";
            string[] programExtensions = { "*.PGM" };
            string[] copyExtensions = { "*.CPY" };

            // List of all sample programs used to compute the statistics
            IList<string> textNames = new List<string>();
            foreach (string programExtension in programExtensions)
                foreach (string filePath in Directory.EnumerateFiles(sourcePath, programExtension))
                    string textName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath);

            // Source file format for the samples
            DocumentFormat docFormat = new DocumentFormat(Encoding.GetEncoding("iso8859-1"), EndOfLineDelimiter.CrLfCharacters, 80, ColumnsLayout.CobolReferenceFormat);

            // Initialize a compilation project
            TypeCobolOptions compilerOptions = new TypeCobolOptions();
            CompilationProject project = new CompilationProject("samples", sourcePath, programExtensions.Concat(copyExtensions).ToArray(),
                docFormat.Encoding, docFormat.EndOfLineDelimiter, docFormat.FixedLineLength, docFormat.ColumnsLayout, compilerOptions);

            // Output files used to store the results
            string resultFilePath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop);
            string countersFile = Path.Combine(resultFilePath, "SyntaxCounters.txt");
            string languageModelForProgramFile = Path.Combine(resultFilePath, "LanguageModel.Program.txt");
            string languageModelForCopyFile = Path.Combine(resultFilePath, "LanguageModel.Copy.txt");

            // Compute statistics
            Stopwatch chrono = new Stopwatch();
            StatsGenerator.GenerateStatisticsForPrograms(project, textNames, Console.Out, countersFile, languageModelForProgramFile, languageModelForCopyFile);
            Console.WriteLine("Programs analyzed in " + Math.Round(chrono.ElapsedMilliseconds / (double)1000, 3) + " sec");
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // Basic test program, useful to debug : compiles all sample programs located under TypeCobol.Test\Samples\EI Cobol samples\EI-Production"

            string currentDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
            string projectRootPath = currentDirectory.Substring(0, currentDirectory.IndexOf(@"\TypeCobol\") + 11);

            string sourcePath = projectRootPath + @"TypeCobol.Test\Samples\EI Cobol samples\EI-Production";
            string[] programExtensions = { "*.PGM" };
            string[] copyExtensions = { "*.CPY" };

            DocumentFormat docFormat = new DocumentFormat(Encoding.GetEncoding("iso8859-1"), EndOfLineDelimiter.CrLfCharacters, 80, ColumnsLayout.CobolReferenceFormat);

            TypeCobolOptions compilerOptions = new TypeCobolOptions();
            CompilationProject project = new CompilationProject("samples", sourcePath, programExtensions.Concat(copyExtensions).ToArray(),
                docFormat.Encoding, docFormat.EndOfLineDelimiter, docFormat.FixedLineLength, docFormat.ColumnsLayout, compilerOptions);

            // Iterate over all programs in the source directory
            foreach (string programExtension in programExtensions)
                foreach (string filePath in Directory.EnumerateFiles(sourcePath, programExtension))
                    // Compile program
                    string textName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath);
                    Console.Write(textName + " ... ");
                        FileCompiler fileCompiler = new FileCompiler(null, textName, project.SourceFileProvider, project, ColumnsLayout.CobolReferenceFormat, compilerOptions.Clone(), null, false);
                        Console.WriteLine(" OK");
                    catch(Exception e)
                        Console.WriteLine("error :");

            // TO DO : read compiler options on the command line
            // Start with the default compiler options
            TypeCobolOptions compilerOptions = new TypeCobolOptions();

            // Simple test version
            // - all referenced files should be located under the current directory

            CompilationProject project = new CompilationProject("project", ".", new string[] { "*.cbl", "*.cpy" },
                IBMCodePages.GetDotNetEncodingFromIBMCCSID(1147), EndOfLineDelimiter.FixedLengthLines, 80, ColumnsLayout.CobolReferenceFormat, compilerOptions);

            // - gets one file name as argument and compiles it
            if (args.Length == 1)
                string textName = args[0];

                FileCompiler fileCompiler = new FileCompiler(null, textName, project.SourceFileProvider, project, ColumnsLayout.CobolReferenceFormat, compilerOptions.Clone(), false);
            // - gets an optional "-continuous" flag as the first argument to activate source file monitoring and automatic recompilation
            else if (args.Length == 2)
                if (String.Equals(args[0], "-continuous", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    string textName = args[1];

                    FileCompiler fileCompiler = new FileCompiler(null, textName, project.SourceFileProvider, project, ColumnsLayout.CobolReferenceFormat, compilerOptions.Clone(), false);
                    fileCompiler.StartContinuousBackgroundCompilation(400, 400, 900, 2000);

                    Console.WriteLine("Processing, press enter to stop ...");

                    Console.WriteLine("ERROR : Invalid option");
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR : Invalid number of arguments");
Beispiel #6
        public static void Check_UTF8File()
            DocumentFormat docFormat = new DocumentFormat(Encoding.UTF8, EndOfLineDelimiter.CrLfCharacters, 0, ColumnsLayout.FreeTextFormat);

            SourceFileProvider fileProvider = new SourceFileProvider();
                false, null,
                docFormat.Encoding, docFormat.EndOfLineDelimiter, docFormat.FixedLineLength);

            DummyTextSourceListener textSourceListener = new DummyTextSourceListener();

            string filename = "UTF8Format.txt";
            CobolFile cobolFile;
            if (fileProvider.TryGetFile(filename, out cobolFile))
                // Load the CobolFile in a TextDocument
                ReadOnlyTextDocument textDocument = new ReadOnlyTextDocument(filename, docFormat.Encoding, docFormat.ColumnsLayout, cobolFile.ReadChars());
                // Send all text lines in one batch to the test observer
                textDocument.TextChanged += textSourceListener.OnTextChanged;

            TextChangeMap tce;
            tce = new TextChangeMap(textSourceListener.LastTextChangedEvent.TextChanges.First<TextChange>(), docFormat.ColumnsLayout);
            CheckLine(filename, tce, 0, "english: hello, world");
            tce = new TextChangeMap(textSourceListener.LastTextChangedEvent.TextChanges[1], docFormat.ColumnsLayout);
            bool okay = false;
            try { CheckLine(filename, tce, 1, "français: salut, tout le monde"); }
            catch (Exception) { okay = true; }
            if (!okay) throw new Exception("Exception should have been thrown!");
            CheckLine(filename, tce, 1, "arabic: مرحبا بالعالم");
            tce = new TextChangeMap(textSourceListener.LastTextChangedEvent.TextChanges[2], docFormat.ColumnsLayout);
            CheckLine(filename, tce, 2, "japanese: こんにちは世界");