Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Random select a group
        /// </summary>

        bool makeChildren(int groupSize, int mutation)
            int[] tourGroup = new int[groupSize];
            int   tourCount, i, topTour, childPosition, tempTour;

            for (tourCount = 0; tourCount < groupSize; tourCount++)
                tourGroup[tourCount] = rand.Next(population.Count);

            for (tourCount = 0; tourCount < groupSize - 1; tourCount++)
                topTour = tourCount;
                for (i = topTour + 1; i < groupSize; i++)
                    if (population[tourGroup[i]].Fitness < population[tourGroup[topTour]].Fitness)
                        topTour = i;

                if (topTour != tourCount)
                    tempTour             = tourGroup[tourCount];
                    tourGroup[tourCount] = tourGroup[topTour];
                    tourGroup[topTour]   = tempTour;

            bool foundNewBestTour = false;

            childPosition             = tourGroup[groupSize - 1];
            population[childPosition] = Tour.Crossover(population[tourGroup[0]], population[tourGroup[1]], cityList, rand);
            if (rand.Next(100) < mutation)

            if (population[childPosition].Fitness < population.BestTour.Fitness)
                population.BestTour = population[childPosition];
                foundNewBestTour    = true;

            childPosition             = tourGroup[groupSize - 2];
            population[childPosition] = Tour.Crossover(population[tourGroup[1]], population[tourGroup[0]], cityList, rand);
            if (rand.Next(100) < mutation)

            if (population[childPosition].Fitness < population.BestTour.Fitness)
                population.BestTour = population[childPosition];
                foundNewBestTour    = true;

Beispiel #2
        /// Perform the crossover operation on 2 parent tours to create a new child tour.
        /// This function should be called twice to make the 2 children.
        /// In the second call, the parent parameters should be swapped.
        /// <param name="parent1">The first parent tour.</param>
        /// <param name="parent2">The second parent tour.</param>
        /// <param name="cityList">The list of cities in this tour.</param>
        /// <param name="rand">Random number generator. We pass around the same random number generator, so that results between runs are consistent.</param>
        /// <returns>The child tour.</returns>
        public static Tour Crossover(Tour parent1, Tour parent2, Cities cityList, Random rand)
            Tour child = new Tour(cityList.Count);      // the new tour we are making

            int[] cityUsage = new int[cityList.Count];  // how many links 0-2 that connect to this city
            int   city;                                 // for loop variable
            int   nextCity;                             // the other city in this link

            for (city = 0; city < cityList.Count; city++)
                cityUsage[city] = 0;

            // Take all links that both parents agree on and put them in the child
            for (city = 0; city < cityList.Count; city++)
                if (cityUsage[city] < 2)
                    if (parent1[city].Connection1 == parent2[city].Connection1)
                        nextCity = parent1[city].Connection1;
                        if (testConnectionValid(child, cityList, cityUsage, city, nextCity))
                            joinCities(child, cityUsage, city, nextCity);
                    if (parent1[city].Connection2 == parent2[city].Connection2)
                        nextCity = parent1[city].Connection2;
                        if (testConnectionValid(child, cityList, cityUsage, city, nextCity))
                            joinCities(child, cityUsage, city, nextCity);
                    if (parent1[city].Connection1 == parent2[city].Connection2)
                        nextCity = parent1[city].Connection1;
                        if (testConnectionValid(child, cityList, cityUsage, city, nextCity))
                            joinCities(child, cityUsage, city, nextCity);
                    if (parent1[city].Connection2 == parent2[city].Connection1)
                        nextCity = parent1[city].Connection2;
                        if (testConnectionValid(child, cityList, cityUsage, city, nextCity))
                            joinCities(child, cityUsage, city, nextCity);

            // The parents don't agree on whats left, so we will alternate between using
            // links from parent 1 and then parent 2.

            for (city = 0; city < cityList.Count; city++)
                if (cityUsage[city] < 2)
                    if (city % 2 == 1)  // we prefer to use parent 1 on odd cities
                        nextCity = findNextCity(parent1, child, cityList, cityUsage, city);
                        if (nextCity == -1) // but if thats not possible we still go with parent 2
                            nextCity = findNextCity(parent2, child, cityList, cityUsage, city);;
                    else // use parent 2 instead
                        nextCity = findNextCity(parent2, child, cityList, cityUsage, city);
                        if (nextCity == -1)
                            nextCity = findNextCity(parent1, child, cityList, cityUsage, city);

                    if (nextCity != -1)
                        joinCities(child, cityUsage, city, nextCity);

                        // not done yet. must have been 0 in above case.
                        if (cityUsage[city] == 1)
                            if (city % 2 != 1)  // use parent 1 on even cities
                                nextCity = findNextCity(parent1, child, cityList, cityUsage, city);
                                if (nextCity == -1) // use parent 2 instead
                                    nextCity = findNextCity(parent2, child, cityList, cityUsage, city);
                            else // use parent 2
                                nextCity = findNextCity(parent2, child, cityList, cityUsage, city);
                                if (nextCity == -1)
                                    nextCity = findNextCity(parent1, child, cityList, cityUsage, city);

                            if (nextCity != -1)
                                joinCities(child, cityUsage, city, nextCity);

            // Remaining links must be completely random.
            // Parent's links would cause multiple disconnected loops.
            for (city = 0; city < cityList.Count; city++)
                while (cityUsage[city] < 2)
                        nextCity = rand.Next(cityList.Count);  // pick a random city, until we find one we can link to
                    } while (!testConnectionValid(child, cityList, cityUsage, city, nextCity));

                    joinCities(child, cityUsage, city, nextCity);

Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Randomly select a group of tours from the population.
        /// The top 2 are chosen as the parent tours.
        /// Crossover is performed on these 2 tours.
        /// The childred tours from this process replace the worst 2 tours in the group.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="groupSize">Number of tours in this group.</param>
        /// <param name="mutation">Odds that a child will be mutated.</param>
        bool makeChildren(int groupSize, int mutation)
            int[] tourGroup = new int[groupSize];
            int   tourCount, i, topTour, childPosition, tempTour;

            // pick random tours to be in the neighborhood city group
            // we allow for the same tour to be included twice
            for (tourCount = 0; tourCount < groupSize; tourCount++)
                tourGroup[tourCount] = rand.Next(population.Count);

            // bubble sort on the neighborhood city group
            for (tourCount = 0; tourCount < groupSize - 1; tourCount++)
                topTour = tourCount;
                for (i = topTour + 1; i < groupSize; i++)
                    if (population[tourGroup[i]].Fitness < population[tourGroup[topTour]].Fitness)
                        topTour = i;

                if (topTour != tourCount)
                    tempTour             = tourGroup[tourCount];
                    tourGroup[tourCount] = tourGroup[topTour];
                    tourGroup[topTour]   = tempTour;

            bool foundNewBestTour = false;

            // take the best 2 tours, do crossover, and replace the worst tour with it
            childPosition             = tourGroup[groupSize - 1];
            population[childPosition] = Tour.Crossover(population[tourGroup[0]], population[tourGroup[1]], cityList, rand);
            if (rand.Next(100) < mutation)

            // now see if the first new tour has the best fitness
            if (population[childPosition].Fitness < population.BestTour.Fitness)
                population.BestTour = population[childPosition];
                foundNewBestTour    = true;

            // take the best 2 tours (opposite order), do crossover, and replace the 2nd worst tour with it
            childPosition             = tourGroup[groupSize - 2];
            population[childPosition] = Tour.Crossover(population[tourGroup[1]], population[tourGroup[0]], cityList, rand);
            if (rand.Next(100) < mutation)

            // now see if the second new tour has the best fitness
            if (population[childPosition].Fitness < population.BestTour.Fitness)
                population.BestTour = population[childPosition];
                foundNewBestTour    = true;

Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// crossover
        /// </summary>
        public static Tour Crossover(Tour parent1, Tour parent2, Cities cityList, Random rand)
            Tour child = new Tour(cityList.Count);

            int[] cityUsage = new int[cityList.Count];
            int   city;
            int   nextCity;

            for (city = 0; city < cityList.Count; city++)
                cityUsage[city] = 0;

            for (city = 0; city < cityList.Count; city++)
                if (cityUsage[city] < 2)
                    if (parent1[city].Connection1 == parent2[city].Connection1)
                        nextCity = parent1[city].Connection1;
                        if (testConnectionValid(child, cityList, cityUsage, city, nextCity))
                            joinCities(child, cityUsage, city, nextCity);
                    if (parent1[city].Connection2 == parent2[city].Connection2)
                        nextCity = parent1[city].Connection2;
                        if (testConnectionValid(child, cityList, cityUsage, city, nextCity))
                            joinCities(child, cityUsage, city, nextCity);
                    if (parent1[city].Connection1 == parent2[city].Connection2)
                        nextCity = parent1[city].Connection1;
                        if (testConnectionValid(child, cityList, cityUsage, city, nextCity))
                            joinCities(child, cityUsage, city, nextCity);
                    if (parent1[city].Connection2 == parent2[city].Connection1)
                        nextCity = parent1[city].Connection2;
                        if (testConnectionValid(child, cityList, cityUsage, city, nextCity))
                            joinCities(child, cityUsage, city, nextCity);

            for (city = 0; city < cityList.Count; city++)
                if (cityUsage[city] < 2)
                    if (city % 2 == 1)
                        nextCity = findNextCity(parent1, child, cityList, cityUsage, city);
                        if (nextCity == -1)
                            nextCity = findNextCity(parent2, child, cityList, cityUsage, city);;
                        nextCity = findNextCity(parent2, child, cityList, cityUsage, city);
                        if (nextCity == -1)
                            nextCity = findNextCity(parent1, child, cityList, cityUsage, city);

                    if (nextCity != -1)
                        joinCities(child, cityUsage, city, nextCity);

                        if (cityUsage[city] == 1)
                            if (city % 2 != 1)
                                nextCity = findNextCity(parent1, child, cityList, cityUsage, city);
                                if (nextCity == -1)
                                    nextCity = findNextCity(parent2, child, cityList, cityUsage, city);
                                nextCity = findNextCity(parent2, child, cityList, cityUsage, city);
                                if (nextCity == -1)
                                    nextCity = findNextCity(parent1, child, cityList, cityUsage, city);

                            if (nextCity != -1)
                                joinCities(child, cityUsage, city, nextCity);

            for (city = 0; city < cityList.Count; city++)
                while (cityUsage[city] < 2)
                        nextCity = rand.Next(cityList.Count);
                    } while (!testConnectionValid(child, cityList, cityUsage, city, nextCity));

                    joinCities(child, cityUsage, city, nextCity);
