Beispiel #1
        protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)                                // function invoked on button click
            WeatherService.Service1Client ForcastService = new WeatherService.Service1Client(); // creating a ServiceClient object to get weather forecast
            string[]      data;                                                                 // string array to get the weather forecast data
            List <string> tableIDs = new List <string>();
            int           i, best;                                                              // integer variable

            best = 0;
            data = ForcastService.Weather5day(TextBox1.Text);            // calling Weather5day() to get weather forecast data and store it into "data"
            if (data.Length > 1)                                         // checking if the number of elements in "data" exceeds 1
                var output = data[0].Split(new[] { '|' });               // splitting the strings in data[0], and storing them into "output" string array
                City.Text    = output[0];                                // displaying the city
                Country.Text = output[2];                                // displaying the country
                output       = data[1].Split(new[] { '|' });             // splitting the strings in data[1], and storing them into "output" string array
                Lat.Text     = output[0];                                // displaying the latitude
                Long.Text    = output[1];                                // displaying the longitude
                best         = Convert.ToInt32(output[2]) + 2;
                TableItemStyle tableStyle = new TableItemStyle();        // Creating a tablestyle
                tableStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center;     // setting the horizontal alignment to center
                tableStyle.VerticalAlign   = VerticalAlign.Middle;       // setting the vertical alignment to middle
                tableStyle.BorderColor     = System.Drawing.Color.Black; // setting the border color to black
                tableStyle.BorderWidth     = 1;                          // setting the border width to 1
                tableStyle.BackColor       = System.Drawing.Color.White; // setting the table row of the best time to have a green background
                tableStyle.ForeColor       = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
                tableStyle.Font.Bold       = false;

                TableItemStyle tableStyleCell = new TableItemStyle();        // Creating a tablestyle
                tableStyleCell.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center;     // setting the horizontal alignment to center
                tableStyleCell.VerticalAlign   = VerticalAlign.Middle;       // setting the vertical alignment to middle
                tableStyleCell.BorderColor     = System.Drawing.Color.Black; // setting the border color to black
                tableStyleCell.BorderWidth     = 1;                          // setting the border width to 1

                TableItemStyle tableStyleBest = new TableItemStyle();         // Creating a tablestyle
                tableStyleBest.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green;        // setting the table row of the best time to have a green background
                tableStyleBest.Font.Bold = true;                              // setting the table row of the best time to have a bold font
                tableStyleBest.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.White;        // setting the table row of the best time to have a white font color
                for (i = 2; i < data.Length; i++)                             // for loop to traverse "data" string array
                    output = data[i].Split(new[] { '|' });                    // spliting the data[i] string, and storing all strings into "output" string array
                    TableRow tempRow = new TableRow();                        // creating a new table row

                    for (int cellNum = 0; cellNum < output.Length; cellNum++) // for loop for filling each cell in table row
                        TableCell tempCell = new TableCell();                 // creating new table cell
                        tempCell.Text = output[cellNum];                      // setting the value of table cell
                        tempRow.Cells.Add(tempCell);                          // adding tablecell into the table row

                    tempRow.ID = "RowNo-" + i.ToString() + "-";     // setting the ID of the table row
                    tableIDs.Add(tempRow.ID);                       // storing the ID name of table row into tableIDs[]
                    myTable.Rows.Add(tempRow);                      // adding table row into table
                ErrorLabel.Text = "No Errors";                      // displaying that there were no errors
                foreach (TableRow rw in myTable.Rows)               // applying the table style to each cell of the table
                    foreach (TableCell cel in rw.Cells)
                    if (rw.ID.Contains("RowNo-" + best.ToString() + "-")) // checking for the table row that contains the time at which the weather conditions are best to go outdoors
                        rw.ApplyStyle(tableStyleBest);                    // applying a special table style to the row with the best time
            else                                                   // if there was an error in the weather forecast function
                City.Text       = "";                              // displaying no city
                Country.Text    = "";                              // displaying no country
                Lat.Text        = "";                              // displaying no Latitude
                Long.Text       = "";                              // displaying no Longitude
                ErrorLabel.Text = "Please enter a valid zip code"; // displaying the error to user