/// <summary>
        /// Saves the option settings.
        /// </summary>
        public void SaveOptionSettings()
            // Create a new State_Data.
            Options_Settings GameOptions = new Options_Settings();

            // Save the information.
            GameOptions.SFXToggle      = sfxToggle.isOn;
            GameOptions.SFXVolume      = sfxSlider.value;
            GameOptions.MusicVolume    = musicSlider.value;
            GameOptions.MusicToggle    = musicToggle.isOn;
            GameOptions.UIOneScaling   = uiScaleOne;
            GameOptions.UITwoScaling   = uiScaleTwo;
            GameOptions.UIThreeScaling = uiScaleThree;
            // Turn the data into Json data.
            string optionsToJson = JsonUtility.ToJson(GameOptions);

            // Store the data.
            PlayerPrefs.SetString("Options", optionsToJson);
        /// <summary>
        /// Since these are global settings across the board and apply to every scene we assign these here.
        /// You may notice I do not assign anything with the UI settings because it is handled in the ScalePanelCheck
        /// functions as that checks for the existance of the UI and assigns the scaling before it is displayed to the user.
        /// </summary>
        void SetOptionsSettings(Options_Settings GameOptions)
            // Set the music volume and toggle.
            musicSlider.value = GameOptions.MusicVolume;
            musicToggle.isOn  = GameOptions.MusicToggle;

            // Set the SFX volume and toggle.
            sfxSlider.value = GameOptions.SFXVolume;
            sfxToggle.isOn  = GameOptions.SFXToggle;

            // Set the scaling of the panels.
            uiScaleOne   = GameOptions.UIOneScaling;
            uiScaleTwo   = GameOptions.UITwoScaling;
            uiScaleThree = GameOptions.UIThreeScaling;
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the options settings.
        /// </summary>
        public void LoadOptionsSettings()
            // Load the json data.
            string optionsJson = PlayerPrefs.GetString("Options");
            // Load the data structure.
            Options_Settings GameOptions = new Options_Settings();

            // IF there is nothing in this string,
            // ELSE there is stuff in this string.
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(optionsJson))
                // Load the Defaults.
                // Load the saved Json data to our class data.
                GameOptions = JsonUtility.FromJson <Options_Settings> (optionsJson);
            // Set the options.