protected void lBtnDownloadAlbum_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        MiscellaneousController objMisc = new MiscellaneousController();
        string[] getPath = CommonUtilities.GetPath();

        StateManager objStateManager = StateManager.Instance;
        //to get logged in user name from session as user is logged in user
        objSessionValue = (SessionValue)objStateManager.Get("objSessionvalue", StateManager.State.Session);
        if (Request.QueryString["PhotoAlbumId"] != null)
            if (int.TryParse(Request.QueryString["PhotoAlbumId"], out _photoAlbumId))
                DownloadPhotoAlbumId = _photoAlbumId;
                Session["PhotoAlbumId"] = _photoAlbumId.ToString();
                string imagePath = string.Empty;
                Tributes objTributes = objTribute = (Tributes)objStateManager.Get(PortalEnums.SessionValueEnum.TributeSession.ToString(), StateManager.State.Session);
                if (objTributes != null)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(objTributes.TributePackageType))
                        _packageId = objMisc.GetTributePackageId(_tributeId);
                bool isAllowedPhotoCheck = false;
                string tributeEndDate = objMisc.GetTributeEndDate(_tributeId);
                DateTime date2 = new DateTime();
                //MG:Expiry Notice
                DateTime dt = new DateTime();
                if (!tributeEndDate.Equals("Never"))
                    if (tributeEndDate.Contains("/"))
                        string[] date = tributeEndDate.Split('/');
                        date2 = new DateTime(int.Parse(date[2]), int.Parse(date[0]), int.Parse(date[1]));

                isAllowedPhotoCheck = objMisc.IsAllowedPhotoCheck(_photoAlbumId);

                if (((_packageId == 3) || (_packageId == 6) || (_packageId == 7) || (_packageId == 8)) || ((_packageId == 5) && !isAllowedPhotoCheck && (date2 < DateTime.Now)))
                    #region popup

                    if (Equals(objSessionValue, null))//when not logged in
                        if (IsCustomHeaderOn)
                            topHeight = 198;
                            topHeight = 81;
                        if (IsCustomHeaderOn)
                            topHeight = 261;
                            topHeight = 133;
                    if (Request.QueryString["PhotoAlbumId"] != null)
                        if (_photoAlbumId > 0)
                            Session["PhotoAlbumId"] = _photoAlbumId.ToString();
                    if (WebConfig.ApplicationMode.Equals("local"))
                        appDomian = WebConfig.AppBaseDomain.ToString();
                        StateManager stateManager = StateManager.Instance;
                        Tributes objTrib = (Tributes)stateManager.Get("TributeSession", StateManager.State.Session);
                        appDomian = "http://" + objTrib.TypeDescription.ToString().ToLower().Replace("new baby", "newbaby") + "." + WebConfig.TopLevelDomain + "/";
                    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "awe", "fnReachLimitExpiryPopup('location.href','document.title','UpgradeAlbum','" + _tributeUrl + "','" + _tributeId + "','" + appDomian + "','" + topHeight + "');", true);
                    #region allowFunctionality
                    List<Photos> objListPhotos = new List<Photos>();
                    Photos objPhotos = new Photos();
                    if (Request.QueryString["PhotoAlbumId"] != null)
                        int.TryParse(Request.QueryString["PhotoAlbumId"], out DownloadPhotoAlbumId);
                        objPhotos.PhotoAlbumId = DownloadPhotoAlbumId;

                    objListPhotos = objMisc.GetPhotoImagesList(objPhotos);

                    if ((DownloadPhotoAlbumId > 0) && (objListPhotos.Count > 0))

                        // zip up the files
                            string sTargetFolderPath = getPath[0] + "/" + getPath[1] + "/" + _tributeUrl.Replace(" ", "_") + "_" + _tributeType.Replace(" ", "_");

                            //to create directory for image.
                            string galleryPath = getPath[0] + "/" + getPath[1] + "/" + getPath[6];
                            string sZipFileName = "Album_" + DownloadPhotoAlbumId.ToString();
                            string[] filenames = Directory.GetFiles(sTargetFolderPath);
                            // Zip up the files - From SharpZipLib Demo Code
                            using (ZipOutputStream s = new ZipOutputStream(File.Create(galleryPath + "\\" + sZipFileName + ".zip")))
                                s.SetLevel(9); // 0-9, 9 being the highest level of compression

                                byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
                                foreach (Photos objPhoto in objListPhotos)
                                    bool Foundflag = true;
                                    string ImageFile = string.Empty;
                                    string smallFile = string.Empty;
                                    ImageFile = sTargetFolderPath + "\\" + "/Big_" + objPhoto.PhotoImage;
                                    smallFile = sTargetFolderPath + "\\" + objPhoto.PhotoImage;
                                    foreach (string file in filenames)
                                        if ((file.EndsWith("Big_" + objPhoto.PhotoImage)) && (File.Exists(ImageFile)))
                                            Foundflag = false; //FlagsAttribute set false for small image
                                            //Code to zip 
                                            ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(Path.GetFileName(ImageFile));

                                            entry.DateTime = DateTime.Now;

                                            using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(ImageFile))
                                                int sourceBytes;
                                                    sourceBytes = fs.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                                                    s.Write(buffer, 0, sourceBytes);

                                                } while (sourceBytes > 0);
                                            //Code to zip till here 
                                    if (Foundflag) // if big image is not found.
                                        foreach (string file in filenames)
                                            if ((file.EndsWith(objPhoto.PhotoImage)) && (File.Exists(smallFile)) && (!(file.EndsWith("Big_" + objPhoto.PhotoImage))))
                                                ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(Path.GetFileName(file));

                                                entry.DateTime = DateTime.Now;

                                                using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(file))
                                                    int sourceBytes;
                                                        sourceBytes = fs.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                                                        s.Write(buffer, 0, sourceBytes);

                                                    } while (sourceBytes > 0);
                            Response.ContentType = "zip";

                            string sfile = sZipFileName + ".zip";
                            Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + sfile);

                            Response.TransmitFile(galleryPath + "\\" + sfile);


                        catch  //Exception ex) //  by Ud  
