Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the intersection of an existing segment and a segment that is being 
        /// inserted. Insert a vertex at the intersection, splitting an existing subsegment.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="splittri"></param>
        /// <param name="splitsubseg"></param>
        /// <param name="endpoint2"></param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The segment being inserted connects the apex of splittri to endpoint2.
        /// splitsubseg is the subsegment being split, and MUST adjoin splittri.
        /// Hence, endpoints of the subsegment being split are the origin and
        /// destination of splittri.
        /// On completion, splittri is a handle having the newly inserted
        /// intersection point as its origin, and endpoint1 as its destination.
        /// </remarks>
        private void SegmentIntersection(ref Otri splittri, ref Osub splitsubseg, Vertex endpoint2)
            Osub opposubseg = default(Osub);
            Vertex endpoint1;
            Vertex torg, tdest;
            Vertex leftvertex, rightvertex;
            Vertex newvertex;
            InsertVertexResult success;

            double ex, ey;
            double tx, ty;
            double etx, ety;
            double split, denom;

            // Find the other three segment endpoints.
            endpoint1 = splittri.Apex();
            torg = splittri.Org();
            tdest = splittri.Dest();
            // Segment intersection formulae; see the Antonio reference.
            tx = tdest.x - torg.x;
            ty = tdest.y - torg.y;
            ex = endpoint2.x - endpoint1.x;
            ey = endpoint2.y - endpoint1.y;
            etx = torg.x - endpoint2.x;
            ety = torg.y - endpoint2.y;
            denom = ty * ex - tx * ey;
            if (denom == 0.0)
                logger.Error("Attempt to find intersection of parallel segments.",
                throw new Exception("Attempt to find intersection of parallel segments.");
            split = (ey * etx - ex * ety) / denom;

            // Create the new vertex.
            newvertex = new Vertex(
                torg.x + split * (tdest.x - torg.x),
                torg.y + split * (tdest.y - torg.y),

            newvertex.hash = this.hash_vtx++;
   = newvertex.hash;

            // Interpolate its attributes.
            for (int i = 0; i < nextras; i++)
                newvertex.attributes[i] = torg.attributes[i] + split * (tdest.attributes[i] - torg.attributes[i]);

            vertices.Add(newvertex.hash, newvertex);

            // Insert the intersection vertex.  This should always succeed.
            success = InsertVertex(newvertex, ref splittri, ref splitsubseg, false, false);
            if (success != InsertVertexResult.Successful)
                logger.Error("Failure to split a segment.", "Mesh.SegmentIntersection()");
                throw new Exception("Failure to split a segment.");
            // Record a triangle whose origin is the new vertex.
            newvertex.tri = splittri;
            if (steinerleft > 0)

            // Divide the segment into two, and correct the segment endpoints.
            splitsubseg.Pivot(ref opposubseg);
            } while (splitsubseg.seg != Mesh.dummysub);
            } while (opposubseg.seg != Mesh.dummysub);

            // Inserting the vertex may have caused edge flips.  We wish to rediscover
            // the edge connecting endpoint1 to the new intersection vertex.
            FindDirection(ref splittri, endpoint1);

            rightvertex = splittri.Dest();
            leftvertex = splittri.Apex();
            if ((leftvertex.x == endpoint1.x) && (leftvertex.y == endpoint1.y))
            else if ((rightvertex.x != endpoint1.x) || (rightvertex.y != endpoint1.y))
                logger.Error("Topological inconsistency after splitting a segment.", "Mesh.SegmentIntersection()");
                throw new Exception("Topological inconsistency after splitting a segment.");
            // 'splittri' should have destination endpoint1.