Noise() public method

public Noise ( float arg ) : float
arg float
return float
Beispiel #1
        public void BuildVertices(List <TreeVertex> verts)
            this.vertOffset = verts.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i <= segments; i++)
                float a = (i * Mathf.PI * 2.0f) / segments;

                TreeVertex v = new TreeVertex();

                float rad = radius;
                float uvx = 1.0f - ((float)(i) / segments);
                float uvy = baseOffset;

                float noiseX = uvx;
                float noiseY = uvy;
                if (i == segments)
                    noiseX = 1.0f;                // Loop around
                // Weld spreading
                float spreadFactor = Mathf.Cos(a);
                float spreadRad    = 0.0f;
                if (spreadFactor > 0.0f)
                    spreadRad = Mathf.Pow(spreadFactor, 3.0f) * radius * spreadBot;
                    spreadRad = Mathf.Pow(Mathf.Abs(spreadFactor), 3.0f) * radius * spreadTop;

                // Noise..
                float perlinX = noiseX * noiseScaleU;
                float perlinY = noiseY * noiseScaleV;

                rad += (radius * (perlin.Noise(perlinX, perlinY) * noiseScale));

                // Flare..
                perlinX = noiseX * flareNoise;
                rad    += flareRadius * Mathf.Abs(perlin.Noise(perlinX, 0.12932f));

                v.pos = matrix.MultiplyPoint(new Vector3(Mathf.Sin(a) * (rad + (spreadRad * 0.25f)), 0.0f, Mathf.Cos(a) * (rad + spreadRad)));

                v.uv0 = new Vector2(uvx, uvy);

                v.SetAnimationProperties(animParams.x, animParams.y, animParams.z, animParams.w);


            if (radius == 0.0f)
                for (int i = 0; i <= segments; i++)
                    TreeVertex v = verts[i + vertOffset];
                    float      a = (i * Mathf.PI * 2.0f) / segments;
                    float      b = a - Mathf.PI * 0.5f;

                    Vector3 normal =;
                    normal.x = Mathf.Sin(a) * surfAngleCos;
                    normal.y = surfAngleSin;
                    normal.z = Mathf.Cos(a) * surfAngleCos;

                    v.nor = Vector3.Normalize(matrix.MultiplyVector(normal));

                    Vector3 tangent =;
                    tangent.x = Mathf.Sin(b);
                    tangent.y = 0.0f;
                    tangent.z = Mathf.Cos(b);

                    tangent   = Vector3.Normalize(matrix.MultiplyVector(tangent));
                    v.tangent = new Vector4(tangent.x, tangent.y, tangent.z, -1.0f);

            // Rethink normals.. to take noise into account..
            Matrix4x4 matrixInv = matrix.inverse;

            for (int i = 0; i <= segments; i++)
                int a = i - 1;
                if (a < 0)
                    a = segments - 1;
                int b = i + 1;
                if (b > segments)
                    b = 1;

                TreeVertex va = verts[a + vertOffset];
                TreeVertex vb = verts[b + vertOffset];
                TreeVertex vi = verts[i + vertOffset];

                // Use the previous and the next vertices in the loop to create the tangent.
                // It will be tangent to the perfect ring loop in case of no noise.
                Vector3 tangent = Vector3.Normalize(va.pos - vb.pos);
                Vector3 normal  = matrixInv.MultiplyVector(va.pos - vb.pos);

                // rotate 90 degrees and normalize
                normal.y = normal.x;
                normal.x = normal.z;
                normal.z = -normal.y;
                normal.y = 0.0f;

                // tilt accoring to surface angle
                normal.x = surfAngleCos * normal.x;
                normal.y = surfAngleSin;
                normal.z = surfAngleCos * normal.z;

                // set normal
                vi.nor = Vector3.Normalize(matrix.MultiplyVector(normal));

                // set tangent
                vi.tangent.x = tangent.x;
                vi.tangent.y = tangent.y;
                vi.tangent.z = tangent.z;
                vi.tangent.w = -1.0f;
Beispiel #2
 public void BuildVertices(List <TreeVertex> verts)
     this.vertOffset = verts.Count;
     for (int i = 0; i <= this.segments; i++)
         float      f          = ((i * 3.141593f) * 2f) / ((float)this.segments);
         TreeVertex item       = new TreeVertex();
         float      radius     = this.radius;
         float      x          = 1f - (((float)i) / ((float)this.segments));
         float      baseOffset = this.baseOffset;
         float      num6       = x;
         float      num7       = baseOffset;
         if (i == this.segments)
             num6 = 1f;
         float num8 = Mathf.Cos(f);
         float num9 = 0f;
         if (num8 > 0f)
             num9 = (Mathf.Pow(num8, 3f) * this.radius) * this.spreadBot;
             num9 = (Mathf.Pow(Mathf.Abs(num8), 3f) * this.radius) * this.spreadTop;
         float num10 = num6 * this.noiseScaleU;
         float y     = num7 * this.noiseScaleV;
         radius  += this.radius * (perlin.Noise(num10, y) * this.noiseScale);
         num10    = num6 * this.flareNoise;
         radius  += this.flareRadius * Mathf.Abs(perlin.Noise(num10, 0.12932f));
         item.pos = this.matrix.MultiplyPoint(new Vector3(Mathf.Sin(f) * (radius + (num9 * 0.25f)), 0f, Mathf.Cos(f) * (radius + num9)));
         item.uv0 = new Vector2(x, baseOffset);
         item.SetAnimationProperties(this.animParams.x, this.animParams.y, this.animParams.z, this.animParams.w);
     if (this.radius == 0f)
         for (int j = 0; j <= this.segments; j++)
             TreeVertex vertex2 = verts[j + this.vertOffset];
             float      num13   = ((j * 3.141593f) * 2f) / ((float)this.segments);
             float      num14   = num13 - 1.570796f;
             Vector3    zero    =;
             zero.x      = Mathf.Sin(num13) * this.surfAngleCos;
             zero.y      = this.surfAngleSin;
             zero.z      = Mathf.Cos(num13) * this.surfAngleCos;
             vertex2.nor = Vector3.Normalize(this.matrix.MultiplyVector(zero));
             Vector3 v =;
             v.x             = Mathf.Sin(num14);
             v.y             = 0f;
             v.z             = Mathf.Cos(num14);
             v               = Vector3.Normalize(this.matrix.MultiplyVector(v));
             vertex2.tangent = new Vector4(v.x, v.y, v.z, -1f);
         Matrix4x4 inverse = this.matrix.inverse;
         for (int k = 0; k <= this.segments; k++)
             int num16 = k - 1;
             if (num16 < 0)
                 num16 = this.segments - 1;
             int num17 = k + 1;
             if (num17 > this.segments)
                 num17 = 1;
             TreeVertex vertex3 = verts[num16 + this.vertOffset];
             TreeVertex vertex4 = verts[num17 + this.vertOffset];
             TreeVertex vertex5 = verts[k + this.vertOffset];
             Vector3    vector3 = Vector3.Normalize(vertex3.pos - vertex4.pos);
             Vector3    vector4 = inverse.MultiplyVector(vertex3.pos - vertex4.pos);
             vector4.y = vector4.x;
             vector4.x = vector4.z;
             vector4.z = -vector4.y;
             vector4.y = 0f;
             vector4.x         = this.surfAngleCos * vector4.x;
             vector4.y         = this.surfAngleSin;
             vector4.z         = this.surfAngleCos * vector4.z;
             vertex5.nor       = Vector3.Normalize(this.matrix.MultiplyVector(vector4));
             vertex5.tangent.x = vector3.x;
             vertex5.tangent.y = vector3.y;
             vertex5.tangent.z = vector3.z;
             vertex5.tangent.w = -1f;