Beispiel #1
        public void SportType_CheckDataBeforeSave()
            //Create a SportType object with data.
            aSportType.LoadData(-1, "Weird Sport", 0, "any kind of weird sport", 85,1);
            int res = aSportType.CheckData(connString);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, res); //Data are ok because the type of sport isn´t in de BD.

            //Save the data into BD, and check again.
            aSportType = aSportType.SaveData(connString);
            Int64 sportTypeIDUsed = aSportType.SportTypeID;
            Int64 userIDUsed = aSportType.UserID;
            res = aSportType.CheckData(connString);
            Assert.AreEqual(-1, res); //Data are not ok, SportTypeName is in de BD.

            //Create a SportType object with data:
            aSportType.LoadData(-1, "Weird Sport2", -10, "any kind of weird sport", 85,1);
            res = aSportType.CheckData(connString);
            Assert.AreEqual(-2, res); //Data are not ok, parentSportID does not exist on SportTypes

            //Create a SportType object with data:
            aSportType.LoadData(-1, "", 0, "any kind of weird sport", 85,1);
            res = aSportType.CheckData(connString);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, res); //Data are not ok, SportTypeName is empty.

            //Create a SportType object with data:
            aSportType.LoadData(-1, "Weird Sport2", 0, "any kind of weird sport", -100,1);
            res = aSportType.CheckData(connString);
            Assert.AreEqual(-3, res); //Data are not ok, userID not in data base.

            //Deleting object saved first.
            aSportType = aSportType.FindSportTypeByID(connString);
            res = aSportType.Delete(connString);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, res);
Beispiel #2
        public void SportType_FindParent()
            //Create a SportType object to be the parent
            string sportTypeNameUsed = "Deporte Padre";
            Int64 parentSportTypeIDUsed = 0;
            string memoUsed = "Deporte padre";
            Int64 userIDUsed = 85;
            SportTypes aSportTypeParent = new SportTypes();
            aSportTypeParent.LoadData(-1, sportTypeNameUsed, parentSportTypeIDUsed, memoUsed, userIDUsed,1);

            //Save into BD obtaining the sportTypeID
            aSportTypeParent = aSportTypeParent.SaveData(connString);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, aSportTypeParent.SportTypeID); //saving correct data

               //Create a SportType object to be the child
            sportTypeNameUsed = "Deporte Hijo";
            parentSportTypeIDUsed = aSportTypeParent.SportTypeID;
            memoUsed = "Deporte Hijo";
            userIDUsed = 85;
            SportTypes aSportTypeChild = new SportTypes();
            aSportTypeChild.LoadData(-1, sportTypeNameUsed, parentSportTypeIDUsed, memoUsed, userIDUsed,1);

            //Save into BD obtaining the sportTypeID
            aSportTypeChild = aSportTypeChild.SaveData(connString);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, aSportTypeChild.SportTypeID); //saving correct data

            //Try to find the parent sport type.
            SportTypes parentSportTypeToFind = new SportTypes();
            parentSportTypeToFind = aSportTypeChild.FindParentSportType(connString);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(-1, parentSportTypeToFind.SportTypeID); //Found it!!
            Assert.AreEqual(aSportTypeParent.SportTypeID, parentSportTypeToFind.SportTypeID);
            Assert.AreEqual(aSportTypeParent.SportTypeName, parentSportTypeToFind.SportTypeName);
            Assert.AreEqual(aSportTypeParent.ParentSportTypeID, parentSportTypeToFind.ParentSportTypeID,1);
            Assert.AreEqual(aSportTypeParent.Memo, parentSportTypeToFind.Memo);

            //Deleting object previously saved
            int res = aSportTypeParent.Delete(connString);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, res);

            //Deleting object previously saved
            res = aSportTypeChild.Delete(connString);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, res);
Beispiel #3
        //Update an User object into BD using a connection and a userID, suposses data are checked with checkUserData.
        public SportTypes UpdateData(string connString)
            //Return the user updated. If error return an empty user with userID=-1
            SportTypes aSportType = new SportTypes();
            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connString))
                //string pass = userPass;
                string query = null;

                query = @"UPDATE SportTypes SET SportTypeName=@sportTypeName, ParentSportTypeID=@parentSportTypeID,
                          Memo=@memo, UserID=@userID, DistForPace=@distForPace
                          WHERE SportTypeID=@sportTypeID";

                using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn))
                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@sportTypeID", SqlDbType.BigInt));
                    cmd.Parameters["@sportTypeID"].Value = sportTypeID;

                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@sportTypeName", SqlDbType.VarChar));
                    cmd.Parameters["@sportTypeName"].Value = sportTypeName;

                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@parentSportTypeID", SqlDbType.BigInt));
                    cmd.Parameters["@parentSportTypeID"].Value = parentSportTypeID;

                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@memo", SqlDbType.VarChar));
                    cmd.Parameters["@memo"].Value = memo;

                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@userID", SqlDbType.BigInt));
                    cmd.Parameters["@userID"].Value = userID;

                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@distForPace", SqlDbType.Float));
                    cmd.Parameters["@distForPace"].Value = distForPace;

                    int res = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();

                    //Find the userID asigned.
                    if (res > 0)
                        aSportType.LoadData(sportTypeID, sportTypeName, parentSportTypeID, memo, userID, distForPace);
            return aSportType;
Beispiel #4
        //Save SportType object into BD returning the ID of the object inserted. 0 in case of error
        public SportTypes SaveData(string connString)
            Int64 res = 0;
            SportTypes aSportType = new SportTypes();
            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connString))
                string query = @"INSERT INTO SportTypes(SportTypeName, ParentSportTypeID, Memo, UserID, DistForPace)
                                 VALUES(@sportTypeName, @parentSportTypeID, @memo, @userID, @distForPace);
                                 SELECT CAST(SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS bigint)";
                using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn))
                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@sportTypeName", SqlDbType.VarChar));
                    cmd.Parameters["@sportTypeName"].Value = sportTypeName;

                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@parentSportTypeID", SqlDbType.BigInt));
                    cmd.Parameters["@parentSportTypeID"].Value = parentSportTypeID;

                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@memo", SqlDbType.VarChar));
                    cmd.Parameters["@memo"].Value = memo;

                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@userID", SqlDbType.BigInt));
                    cmd.Parameters["@userID"].Value = userID;

                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@distForPace", SqlDbType.Float));
                    cmd.Parameters["@distForPace"].Value = distForPace;

                    //res = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
                    res = (Int64)cmd.ExecuteScalar();
                    if (res > 0)
                        aSportType.LoadData(res, sportTypeName, parentSportTypeID, memo, userID, distForPace);
            return aSportType;
Beispiel #5
        //Find an SportType object by a given name, and return this object. If not find returns an SportType object with ID=-1
        public SportTypes FindSportTypeByName(string connString)
            SportTypes aSportType = new SportTypes();
            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connString))
                string query = "SELECT * from SportTypes WHERE SportTypeName = @sportTypeName AND UserID=@userID";
                using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn))
                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@sportTypeName", SqlDbType.VarChar));
                    cmd.Parameters["@SportTypeName"].Value = sportTypeName;

                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@userID", SqlDbType.BigInt));
                    cmd.Parameters["@userID"].Value = userID;
                    SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                    while (reader.Read())
                        aSportType.LoadData(reader.GetInt64(0), reader.GetString(1), reader.GetInt64(2), reader.GetString(3), reader.GetInt64(4),reader.GetDouble(5));
            return aSportType;
Beispiel #6
 public SportTypes FindParentSportType(string connString)
     //Return an object containing the parent SportType.
     SportTypes aSportType = new SportTypes();
     aSportType.SportTypeID = parentSportTypeID;
     aSportType.UserID = userID;
     aSportType = aSportType.FindSportTypeByID(connString);
     return aSportType;
Beispiel #7
        //Check if data into de object is correct to save into de BD
        public int CheckData(string connString)
            // 1: Data is ok
              // 0: SportType Name not given
              //-1: SportTypeName exist on BD.
              //-2: ParentSportID does not exist on BD and is different to 0(root)
            SportTypes aST = new SportTypes();
            int res = 1;
            bool sigue = true;

            if ((sportTypeName == "") || (sportTypeName == null))
                sigue = false;
                res = 0; //0: SportType Name not given
            if (sigue)
                aST.sportTypeName = sportTypeName;
                aST.userID = userID;
                aST = aST.FindSportTypeByName(connString);
                if (aST.SportTypeID != -1)
                    sigue = false;
                    res = -1; //-1: SportTypeName exist on BD.

            if (sigue)
                if (parentSportTypeID != 0)
                    aST.sportTypeID = parentSportTypeID;
                    aST.userID = userID;
                    aST = aST.FindSportTypeByID(connString);
                    if (aST.SportTypeID == -1)
                        sigue = false;
                        res = -2; //-2: ParentSportID does not exist on BD and is different to 0(root)
            return res;
Beispiel #8
        private void tsBtnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Verify all data is correct.
            if (txtParentSportTypeID.Text == "")
                txtParentSportTypeID.Text = "0";
            SportTypes tempData = new SportTypes(sportTypeIDToUpdate,txtSportTypeName.Text,Convert.ToInt64(txtParentSportTypeID.Text),txtMemo.Text,userIDWorking,Convert.ToDouble(txtDistForPace.Text));
            int verifyResult = tempData.CheckData(connString);

            //if update and user find, verify must be ok
            if ((sportTypeIDToUpdate != -1) && (verifyResult == -1))
                verifyResult = 1;

            //if data verification is ok, then we can save.
            if (verifyResult == 1)
                int position = 0;
                if (sportTypeIDToUpdate == -1)
                { //New user
                    //Takes position
                    position = dgvSTypes.RowCount;

                    //Load data into aUSer
                    Global.sportTypeUsed.LoadData(-1, txtSportTypeName.Text, Convert.ToInt64(txtParentSportTypeID.Text), txtMemo.Text, userIDWorking, Convert.ToDouble(txtDistForPace.Text));

                    //save data into BD
                    Global.sportTypeUsed = Global.sportTypeUsed.SaveData(connString);
                {//Update existing user

                    //Take actual position
                    position = dgvSTypes.CurrentRow.Index;

                    //Load data into aUSer
                    Global.sportTypeUsed.LoadData(sportTypeIDToUpdate, txtSportTypeName.Text, Convert.ToInt64(txtParentSportTypeID.Text), txtMemo.Text, userIDWorking, Convert.ToDouble(txtDistForPace.Text));

                    //save data into BD
                    Global.sportTypeUsed = Global.sportTypeUsed.UpdateData(connString);
                    //aSportType = aSportType.up
                //Reload data into grid

                //Goes to the position
                dgvSTypes.CurrentCell = dgvSTypes[0, position];

                Global.sportTypeUsed.SportTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(dgvSTypes[0, dgvSTypes.CurrentRow.Index].Value);
                Global.sportTypeUsed.UserID = userIDWorking;

                //Load data into aUser
                Global.sportTypeUsed = Global.sportTypeUsed.FindSportTypeByID(connString);

                //Loads data into boxes

                //Enable normal mode.

                //Reload Data into combobox
                this.sportTypesTableAdapter1.FillBy(this.trainITDataSet.SportTypes, userIDWorking);
            else //There is an error in data to save.
                switch (verifyResult)
                    case 0: //SportTypeName not present
                        MessageBox.Show("Falta el nombre del tipo de deporte.", "Atención", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                    case -1: //SportTypeName exist on BD.
                        MessageBox.Show("Ya existe ese tipo de deporte en la base de datos.", "Atención", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                    case -2: //ParentSportID does not exist on BD and is different to 0(root)
                        MessageBox.Show("La familia a la que pertenece el tipo de deporte no existe en la base de datos.", "Atención", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

Beispiel #9
        private void LoadDataInBoxes( SportTypes aSportType)
            txtSportTypeID.Text = aSportType.SportTypeID.ToString();
            txtSportTypeName.Text = aSportType.SportTypeName;
            txtParentSportTypeID.Text = aSportType.ParentSportTypeID.ToString();
            txtMemo.Text = aSportType.Memo;
            txtDistForPace.Text = aSportType.DistForPace.ToString();
            if (txtParentSportTypeID.Text == "0")
                chBxNoFamily.Checked = true;
                chBxNoFamily.Checked = false;

            //Find the name of the parent sport type
            SportTypes parent = new SportTypes();
            parent = aSportType.FindParentSportType(connString);
            cbxSportTypeName.Text = parent.SportTypeName;
Beispiel #10
        public void SportType_Update()
            //Create a SportType object
            string sportTypeNameUsed = "Bicicleta";
            Int64 parentSportTypeIDUsed = 0;
            string memoUsed = "Deportes de bicicleta";
            Int64 userIDUsed = 85;
            SportTypes aSportType = new SportTypes();
            aSportType.LoadData(-1, sportTypeNameUsed, parentSportTypeIDUsed, memoUsed, userIDUsed,1);

            //Save into BD obtaining the sportTypeID
            aSportType = aSportType.SaveData(connString);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, aSportType.SportTypeID);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, aSportType.SportTypeID); //saving correct data
            Int64 sportTypeIDUsed = aSportType.SportTypeID;

            //Try to find and check values
            aSportType = aSportType.FindSportTypeByName(connString);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(-1, aSportType.SportTypeID);
            Assert.AreEqual(sportTypeNameUsed, aSportType.SportTypeName);
            Assert.AreEqual(parentSportTypeIDUsed, aSportType.ParentSportTypeID);
            Assert.AreEqual(memoUsed, aSportType.Memo);
            Assert.AreEqual(userIDUsed, aSportType.UserID);

            //Update values
            sportTypeNameUsed = "Bike Updated";
            parentSportTypeIDUsed = 0;
            memoUsed = "Deportes de bicicleta updated";
            userIDUsed = 85;
            aSportType.LoadData(sportTypeIDUsed, sportTypeNameUsed, parentSportTypeIDUsed, memoUsed, userIDUsed,1);

            //Try to find and check values
            aSportType = aSportType.FindSportTypeByName(connString);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(-1, aSportType.SportTypeID);
            Assert.AreEqual(sportTypeNameUsed, aSportType.SportTypeName);
            Assert.AreEqual(parentSportTypeIDUsed, aSportType.ParentSportTypeID);
            Assert.AreEqual(memoUsed, aSportType.Memo);
            Assert.AreEqual(userIDUsed, aSportType.UserID);

            //Deleting object previously saved
            int res = aSportType.Delete(connString);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, res);

            //Try to find again after deleting
            aSportType = aSportType.FindSportTypeByID(connString);
            Assert.AreEqual(-1, aSportType.SportTypeID);