Beispiel #1
        private Matrix4 createTransformFor(FBXElem globalSettings, out RotationOrder order)
            order = RotationOrder.OrderXYZ;

            var frontAxis = (int)globalSettings.Children.GetProperty("FrontAxis").Properties[4].Value;
            var frontAxisSign = (int)globalSettings.Children.GetProperty("FrontAxisSign").Properties[4].Value;
            var upAxis = (int)globalSettings.Children.GetProperty("UpAxis").Properties[4].Value;
            var upAxisSign = (int)globalSettings.Children.GetProperty("UpAxisSign").Properties[4].Value;
            var coordAxis = (int)globalSettings.Children.GetProperty("CoordAxis").Properties[4].Value;
            var coordAxisSign = (int)globalSettings.Children.GetProperty("CoordAxisSign").Properties[4].Value;

            var front = (frontAxis * 2) + Math.Max(frontAxisSign, 0);
            var up = (upAxis * 2) + Math.Max(upAxisSign, 0) << 3;
            var coord = (coordAxis * 2) + Math.Max(coordAxisSign, 0) << 6;

            var coords = (CoordinateSystem)(front + up + coord);

            switch (coords)
                // Blender 2.71 tells us that -Y is forward but the UI suggest +Y is forward.
                case CoordinateSystem.nYpZpX:
                    order = RotationOrder.OrderXYZ;
                    return Matrix4.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(-90));

                case CoordinateSystem.pZpYpX:
                    order = RotationOrder.OrderXYZ;
                    return Matrix4.Identity;

                    throw new NotImplementedException(string.Format("Unsupported World Transformation Matrix: {0}", coords));
Beispiel #2
        private static void debug(FBXElem elem, ref int depth)
            Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Debug, "{0}{1}", new string('\t', depth), elem.ID);

            string padding = new string('\t', depth);

            foreach (var prop in elem.Properties)
                Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Debug, "{0}{1}", padding, prop.Type);

                switch (prop.Type)
                    case 82:
                        Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Debug, "{0}*{1} {2}", padding, ((byte[])prop.Value).Length, ((byte[])prop.Value).ToFormattedString());

                    case 83:
                        Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Debug, "{0}\"{1}\"", padding, prop.Value);

                    case 98:
                        Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Debug, "{0}*{1} {2}", padding, ((bool[])prop.Value).Length, ((bool[])prop.Value).ToFormattedString());

                    case 100:
                        Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Debug, "{0}*{1} {2}", padding, ((double[])prop.Value).Length, ((double[])prop.Value).ToFormattedString());

                    case 102:
                        Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Debug, "{0}*{1} {2}", padding, ((float[])prop.Value).Length, ((float[])prop.Value).ToFormattedString());

                    case 105:
                        Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Debug, "{0}*{1} {2}", padding, ((int[])prop.Value).Length, ((int[])prop.Value).ToFormattedString());

                    case 108:
                        Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Debug, "{0}*{1} {2}", padding, ((long[])prop.Value).Length, ((long[])prop.Value).ToFormattedString());

                        Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Debug, "{0}{1}", padding, prop.Value);

            if (elem.Properties.Count > 0) { Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Debug, ""); }

            foreach (var child in elem.Children)
                debug(child, ref depth);

            if (elem.Children.Count > 0) { Logger.LogToFile(Logger.LogLevel.Debug, ""); }

Beispiel #3
        private static FBXElem read_elem(BinaryReader br)
            int endOffset = (int)br.ReadUInt32();
            if (endOffset == 0) { return null; }

            var elem = new FBXElem();

            int propCount = (int)br.ReadUInt32();
            int propLength = (int)br.ReadUInt32();

            elem.ID = br.ReadString();

            for (int i = 0; i < propCount; i++)
                elem.Properties.Add(read_data_dict(br, br.ReadByte()));

            if (br.BaseStream.Position < endOffset)
                while (br.BaseStream.Position < (endOffset - BLOCK_SENTINEL_LENGTH))

                for (int i = 0; i < BLOCK_SENTINEL_LENGTH; i++)
                    if (br.ReadByte() != 0)
                        throw new InvalidDataException();

            return elem;
Beispiel #4
        public override void Export(Asset asset, string path)
            var model = (asset as Model);
            FBX fbx = new FBX();
            fbx.Version = 7400;

            bool bUseCompression = true;

                new FBXElem
                    ID = "FBXHeaderExtension",
                    Children =
                        new FBXElem { ID = "FBXHeaderVersion", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = 1003 } } },
                        new FBXElem { ID = "FBXVersion", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = fbx.Version } } },
                        new FBXElem { ID = "EncryptionType", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = 0 } } },
                        new FBXElem { ID = "CreationTimeStamp",
                            Children =
                                new FBXElem { ID = "Version", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = 1000 } } },
                                new FBXElem { ID = "Year", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = DateTime.Now.Year } } },
                                new FBXElem { ID = "Month", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = DateTime.Now.Month } } },
                                new FBXElem { ID = "Day", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = DateTime.Now.Day } } },
                                new FBXElem { ID = "Hour", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = DateTime.Now.Hour } } },
                                new FBXElem { ID = "Minute", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = DateTime.Now.Minute } } },
                                new FBXElem { ID = "Second", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = DateTime.Now.Second } } },
                                new FBXElem { ID = "Millisecond", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = DateTime.Now.Millisecond } } }
                        new FBXElem { ID = "Creator", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "Flummery v" + FlummeryApplication.Version } } },
                        new FBXElem { ID = "SceneInfo",
                            Properties =
                                new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "GlobalInfo::SceneInfo" },
                                new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "UserData" }
                            Children =
                                new FBXElem { ID = "Type", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "UserData" } } },
                                new FBXElem { ID = "Version", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = 100 } } },
                                new FBXElem { ID = "MetaData",
                                    Children =
                                        new FBXElem { ID = "Version", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = 100 } } },
                                        new FBXElem { ID = "Title", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "" } } },
                                        new FBXElem { ID = "Subject", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "" } } },
                                        new FBXElem { ID = "Author", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "" } } },
                                        new FBXElem { ID = "Keywords", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "" } } },
                                        new FBXElem { ID = "Revision", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "" } } },
                                        new FBXElem { ID = "Comment", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "" } } }
                                new FBXElem { ID = "Properties70",
                                    Children =
                                        FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.String, "DocumentUrl", "KString", "Url", "", path),
                                        FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.String, "SrcDocumentUrl", "KString", "Url", "", path),
                                        FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.String, "Original", "Compound", "", ""),
                                        FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.String, "Original|ApplicationVendor", "KString", "", "", "Toxic Ragers"),
                                        FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.String, "Original|ApplicationName", "KString", "", "", "Flummery"),
                                        FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.String, "Original|ApplicationVersion", "KString", "", "", FlummeryApplication.Version),
                                        FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.String, "Original|DateTime_GMT", "DateTime", "", "", DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss.fff")),
                                        FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.String, "Original|FileName", "KString", "", "", path.Replace(@"\", "/")),
                                        FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.String, "LastSaved", "Compound", "", ""),
                                        FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.String, "LastSaved|ApplicationVendor", "KString", "", "", "Toxic Ragers"),
                                        FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.String, "LastSaved|ApplicationName", "KString", "", "", "Flummery"),
                                        FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.String, "LastSaved|ApplicationVersion", "KString", "", "", FlummeryApplication.Version),
                                        FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.String, "LastSaved|DateTime_GMT", "DateTime", "", "", DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss.fff"))

            fbx.Elements.Add(new FBXElem { ID = "FileId", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 82, Value = new byte[] { 0x28, 0xb3, 0x2a, 0xeb, 0xb6, 0x24, 0xcc, 0xc2, 0xbf, 0xc8, 0xb0, 0x2a, 0xa9, 0x2b, 0xfc, 0xf1 } } } });
            fbx.Elements.Add(new FBXElem { ID = "CreationTime", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "1970-01-01 10:00:00:000" } } });
            fbx.Elements.Add(new FBXElem { ID = "Creator", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "Flummery v" + FlummeryApplication.Version } } });

                new FBXElem
                    ID = "GlobalSettings",
                    Children =
                        new FBXElem { ID = "Version", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = 1000 } } },
                        new FBXElem { ID = "Properties70",
                            Children =
                                FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Integer, "UpAxis", "int", "Integer", "", 1),
                                FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Integer, "UpAxisSign", "int", "Integer", "", 1),
                                FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Integer, "FrontAxis", "int", "Integer", "", 2),
                                FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Integer, "FrontAxisSign", "int", "Integer", "", 1),
                                FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Integer, "CoordAxis", "int", "Integer", "", 0),
                                FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Integer, "CoordAxisSign", "int", "Integer", "", 1),
                                FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Integer, "OriginalUpAxis", "int", "Integer", "", 1),
                                FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Integer, "OriginalUpAxisSign", "int", "Integer", "", 1),
                                FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Double, "UnitScaleFactor", "double", "Number", "", (double)1),
                                FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Double, "OriginalUnitScaleFactor", "double", "Number", "", (double)1),
                                FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Double, "AmbientColor", "ColorRGB", "Color", "", (double)0.0, (double)0.0, (double)0.0),
                                FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.String, "DefaultCamera", "KString", "", "", "Producer Perspective"),
                                FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Integer, "TimeMode", "enum", "", "", 11),
                                FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Integer, "TimeProtocol", "enum", "", "", 2),
                                FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Integer, "SnapOnFrameMode", "enum", "", "", 0),
                                FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Long, "TimeSpanStart", "KTime", "Time", "", (long)1924423250),
                                FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Long, "TimeSpanStop", "KTime", "Time", "", (long)92372316000),
                                FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Double, "CustomFrameRate", "double", "Number", "", (double)(-1.0)),
                                FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.String, "TimeMarker", "Compound", "", ""),
                                FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Integer, "CurrentTimeMarker", "int", "Integer", "", -1)

            long sceneRoot = (long)8008135;

                new FBXElem
                    ID = "Documents",
                    Children =
                        new FBXElem { ID = "Count", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = 1 } } },
                        new FBXElem { ID = "Document",
                            Properties =
                                new FBXProperty { Type = 76, Value = sceneRoot },
                                new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "" },
                                new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "Scene" }
                            Children =
                                new FBXElem { ID = "Properties70",
                                    Children =
                                        FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.String, "SourceObject", "object", "", ""),
                                        FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.String, "ActiveAnimStackName", "KString", "", "", "Take 001")
                                new FBXElem { ID = "RootNode", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 76, Value = (long)0 } } }

            fbx.Elements.Add(new FBXElem { ID = "References" });

            var fbxObjects = new FBXElem { ID = "Objects" };
            var fbxConnections = new FBXElem { ID = "Connections" };

            fbxConnections.Children.Add(FBXConnection("AnimationStack", 309734896, "AnimationLayer", 1073569280));

            long rootKey = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            foreach (var mesh in model.Meshes)
                SceneManager.Current.UpdateProgress(string.Format("Pre-processing {0}", mesh.Name));

                var vects = new List<Vertex>();
                var verts = new List<Vector3>();
                var norms = new List<Vector3>();
                var uvs = new List<Vector4>();
                var colours = new List<Color4>();

                var ivt = new List<int>();
                var inm = new List<int>();
                var iuv = new List<int>();
                var icl = new List<int>();

                var materials = new List<int>();
                var smoothingGroups = new List<int>();

                int materialIndex = 0;
                int smoothingGroup = 1;

                var materialList = mesh.GetMaterials();

                foreach (var part in mesh.MeshParts)
                    int ixvt, ixnm, ixuv, ixcl;
                    if (part.Material != null) { materialIndex = materialList.FindIndex(m => m.Key == part.Material.Key); }

                    for (int i = 0; i < part.IndexBuffer.Data.Count; i ++)
                        int p = part.IndexBuffer.Data[i];
                        var v = part.VertexBuffer.Data[p];

                        ixvt = verts.FindIndex(vert => vert.X == v.Position.X &&
                               vert.Y == v.Position.Y &&
                               vert.Z == v.Position.Z);

                        if (ixvt == -1)
                            ixvt = verts.Count;

                        ixnm = norms.FindIndex(norm => norm.X == v.Normal.X &&
                                                       norm.Y == v.Normal.Y &&
                                                       norm.Z == v.Normal.Z);

                        if (ixnm == -1)
                            ixnm = norms.Count;

                        ixuv = uvs.FindIndex(uv => uv.X == v.UV.X &&
                                                   uv.Y == v.UV.Y);

                        if (ixuv == -1)
                            ixuv = uvs.Count;

                        ixcl = colours.FindIndex(colour => colour == v.Colour);

                        if (ixcl == -1)
                            ixcl = colours.Count;

                        if ((i + 1) % 3 == 0)
                            ixvt = (ixvt + 1) * -1;


                        if (i % 2500 == 0) { SceneManager.Current.UpdateProgress(string.Format("Pre-processing {0}: {1:0.00}% complete", mesh.Name, (i * 100.0f) / part.IndexBuffer.Data.Count)); }


                var vertvalues = new double[verts.Count * 3];
                for (var i = 0; i < verts.Count; i++)
                    vertvalues[(i * 3) + 0] = verts[i].X;
                    vertvalues[(i * 3) + 1] = verts[i].Y;
                    vertvalues[(i * 3) + 2] = verts[i].Z;

                var normvalues = new double[inm.Count * 3];
                for (var i = 0; i < inm.Count; i++)
                    normvalues[(i * 3) + 0] = norms[inm[i]].X;
                    normvalues[(i * 3) + 1] = norms[inm[i]].Y;
                    normvalues[(i * 3) + 2] = norms[inm[i]].Z;

                var uvvalues = new double[uvs.Count * 2];
                for (var i = 0; i < uvs.Count; i++)
                    uvvalues[(i * 2) + 0] = uvs[i].X;
                    uvvalues[(i * 2) + 1] = 1 - uvs[i].Y;

                var colourvalues = new double[colours.Count * 4];
                for (var i = 0; i < colours.Count; i++)
                    colourvalues[(i * 4) + 0] = colours[i].R;
                    colourvalues[(i * 4) + 1] = colours[i].G;
                    colourvalues[(i * 4) + 2] = colours[i].B;
                    colourvalues[(i * 4) + 3] = colours[i].A;

                rootKey += verts.Count + 1;

                fbxConnections.Children.Add(FBXConnection("Model", (long)Math.Abs((mesh.Name + mesh.Parent.Index.ToString("x2") + "::Model").GetHashCode()), "Geometry", rootKey));

                var geometry = new FBXElem { ID = "Geometry", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 76, Value = rootKey }, new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "::Geometry" }, new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "Mesh" } } };
                geometry.Children.Add(new FBXElem { ID = "Vertices", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 100, Value = vertvalues, Compressed = bUseCompression } } });
                geometry.Children.Add(new FBXElem { ID = "PolygonVertexIndex", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 105, Value = ivt.ToArray(), Compressed = bUseCompression } } });

                geometry.Children.Add(new FBXElem { ID = "GeometryVersion", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = 124 } } });
                    new FBXElem
                        ID = "LayerElementNormal",
                        Properties =
                            new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = 0 }
                        Children =
                            new FBXElem { ID = "Version", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = 101 } } },
                            new FBXElem { ID = "Name", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "" } } },
                            new FBXElem { ID = "MappingInformationType", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "ByPolygonVertex" } } },
                            new FBXElem { ID = "ReferenceInformationType", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "Direct" } } },
                            new FBXElem { ID = "Normals", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 100, Value = normvalues, Compressed = bUseCompression } } },
                            new FBXElem { ID = "NormalsW", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 100, Value = Enumerable.Repeat((double)1, normvalues.Length / 3).ToArray(), Compressed = bUseCompression } } }
                    new FBXElem
                        ID = "LayerElementUV",
                        Properties =
                            new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = 0 }
                        Children =
                            new FBXElem { ID = "Version", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = 101 } } },
                            new FBXElem { ID = "Name", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "map1" } } },
                            new FBXElem { ID = "MappingInformationType", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "ByPolygonVertex" } } },
                            new FBXElem { ID = "ReferenceInformationType", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "IndexToDirect" } } },
                            new FBXElem { ID = "UV", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 100, Value = uvvalues, Compressed = bUseCompression } } },
                            new FBXElem { ID = "UVIndex", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 105, Value = iuv.ToArray(), Compressed = bUseCompression } } }
                    new FBXElem
                        ID = "LayerElementColor",
                        Properties =
                            new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = 0 }
                        Children =
                            new FBXElem { ID = "Version", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = 101 } } },
                            new FBXElem { ID = "Name", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "" } } },
                            new FBXElem { ID = "MappingInformationType", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "ByPolygonVertex" } } },
                            new FBXElem { ID = "ReferenceInformationType", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "IndexToDirect" } } },
                            new FBXElem { ID = "Colors", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 100, Value = colourvalues, Compressed = bUseCompression } } },
                            new FBXElem { ID = "ColorIndex", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 105, Value = icl.ToArray(), Compressed = bUseCompression } } }
                    new FBXElem
                        ID = "LayerElementSmoothing",
                        Properties =
                            new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = 0 }
                        Children =
                            new FBXElem { ID = "Version", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = 102 } } },
                            new FBXElem { ID = "Name", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "" } } },
                            new FBXElem { ID = "MappingInformationType", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "ByPolygon" } } },
                            new FBXElem { ID = "ReferenceInformationType", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "Direct" } } },
                            new FBXElem { ID = "Smoothing", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 105, Value = smoothingGroups.ToArray(), Compressed = bUseCompression } } }
                    new FBXElem
                        ID = "LayerElementMaterial",
                        Properties =
                            new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = 0 }
                        Children =
                            new FBXElem { ID = "Version", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = 101 } } },
                            new FBXElem { ID = "Name", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "" } } },
                            new FBXElem { ID = "MappingInformationType", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "ByPolygon" } } },
                            new FBXElem { ID = "ReferenceInformationType", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "IndexToDirect" } } },
                            new FBXElem { ID = "Materials", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 105, Value = materials.ToArray(), Compressed = bUseCompression } } }
                    new FBXElem
                        ID = "Layer",
                        Properties =
                            new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = 0 }
                        Children =
                            new FBXElem { ID = "Version",
                                Properties =
                                    new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = 100 }
                            new FBXElem { ID = "LayerElement",
                                Children =
                                    new FBXElem { ID = "Type", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "LayerElementNormal" } } },
                                    new FBXElem { ID = "TypedIndex", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = 0 } } }
                            new FBXElem { ID = "LayerElement",
                                Children =
                                    new FBXElem { ID = "Type", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "LayerElementMaterial" } } },
                                    new FBXElem { ID = "TypedIndex", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = 0 } } }
                            new FBXElem { ID = "LayerElement",
                                Children =
                                    new FBXElem { ID = "Type", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "LayerElementSmoothing" } } },
                                    new FBXElem { ID = "TypedIndex", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = 0 } } }
                            new FBXElem { ID = "LayerElement",
                                Children =
                                    new FBXElem { ID = "Type", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "LayerElementUV" } } },
                                    new FBXElem { ID = "TypedIndex", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = 0 } } }


            foreach (var bone in model.Bones)
                bool bHasMesh = (bone.Mesh != null);
                string meshName = (bHasMesh ? bone.Mesh.Name : bone.Name);
                long connectionKey = (long)Math.Abs((bHasMesh ? meshName + bone.Mesh.Parent.Index.ToString("x2") + "::Model" : meshName + bone.Index.ToString("x2") + "::Node").GetHashCode());

                if (bHasMesh)
                    foreach (var material in bone.Mesh.GetMaterials())
                        fbxConnections.Children.Add(FBXConnection("Model", connectionKey, "Material", material.Key));

                if (bone.Parent == null)
                    fbxConnections.Children.Insert(0, FBXConnection("Root", (long)0, "Model", connectionKey));
                    if (bone.Parent.Mesh != null)
                        fbxConnections.Children.Add(FBXConnection("Model", (long)Math.Abs((bone.Parent.Mesh.Name + bone.Parent.Mesh.Parent.Index.ToString("x2") + "::Model").GetHashCode()), "Model", connectionKey));
                        fbxConnections.Children.Add(FBXConnection("Node", (long)Math.Abs((bone.Parent.Name + bone.Parent.Index.ToString("x2") + "::Node").GetHashCode()), "Model", connectionKey));

                if (!bHasMesh)
                    long nodeKey = (long)Math.Abs((bone.Name + bone.Index.ToString("x2") + "::NodeAttribute").GetHashCode());

                        new FBXElem
                            ID = "NodeAttribute",
                            Properties =
                                new FBXProperty { Type = 76, Value = nodeKey },
                                new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "::NodeAttribute" },
                                new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "Null" }
                            Children =
                                new FBXElem { ID = "TypeFlags",
                                    Properties =
                                        new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "Null" }

                    fbxConnections.Children.Add(FBXConnection("Node", (long)Math.Abs((bone.Name + bone.Index.ToString("x2") + "::Node").GetHashCode()), "NodeAttribute", nodeKey));

                SceneManager.Current.UpdateProgress(string.Format("Exporting {0}", meshName));

                    new FBXElem
                        ID = "Model",
                        Properties =
                            new FBXProperty { Type = 76, Value = connectionKey },
                            new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = meshName + "::Model" },
                            new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "Mesh" }
                        Children =
                            new FBXElem { ID = "Version",
                                Properties =
                                    new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = 232 }
                            new FBXElem { ID = "Properties70",
                                Children =
                                    FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Integer, "RotationActive", "bool", "", "", 1),
                                    FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Integer, "InheritType", "enum", "", "", 1),
                                    FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Double, "ScalingMax", "Vector3D", "Vector", "", (double)0.0, (double)0.0, (double)0.0),
                                    FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Integer, "DefaultAttributeIndex", "int", "Integer", "", 0),
                                    FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Double, "Lcl Translation", "Lcl Translation", "", "A", (double)bone.Transform.M41, (double)bone.Transform.M42, (double)bone.Transform.M43),
                            new FBXElem { ID = "Shading",
                                Properties =
                                    new FBXProperty { Type = 67, Value = false }
                            new FBXElem { ID = "Culling",
                                Properties =
                                    new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "CullingOff" }

            foreach (var material in model.GetMaterials())
                var fbxMaterial = new FBXElem { ID = "Material", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 76, Value = material.Key }, new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = material.Name + "::Material" }, new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "" } } };
                fbxMaterial.Children.Add(new FBXElem { ID = "Version", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = 102 } } });
                fbxMaterial.Children.Add(new FBXElem { ID = "ShadingModel", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "phong" } } });
                fbxMaterial.Children.Add(new FBXElem { ID = "MultiLayer", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = 0 } } });
                    new FBXElem
                        ID = "Properties70",
                        Children =
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                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Double, "AmbientColor", "Color", "", "A", (double)0.200000002980232, (double)0.200000002980232, (double)0.200000002980232),
                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Double, "DiffuseColor", "Color", "", "A", (double)1, (double)1, (double)1),
                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Double, "DiffuseFactor", "Number", "", "A", (double)0.800000011920929),
                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Double, "TransparencyFactor", "Number", "", "A", (double)1),
                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Double, "SpecularColor", "Color", "", "A", (double)0.200000002980232, (double)0.200000002980232, (double)0.200000002980232),
                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Double, "Emissive", "Vector3D", "Vector", "", (double)0.800000011920929, (double)0.800000011920929, (double)0.800000011920929),
                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Double, "Ambient", "Vector3D", "Vector", "", (double)0.200000002980232, (double)0.200000002980232, (double)0.200000002980232),
                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Double, "Diffuse", "Vector3D", "Vector", "", (double)0.800000011920929, (double)0.800000011920929, (double)0.800000011920929),
                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Double, "Specular", "Vector3D", "Vector", "", (double)0.200000002980232, (double)0.200000002980232, (double)0.200000002980232),
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                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Double, "Opacity", "double", "Number", "", (double)1),
                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Double, "Reflectivity", "double", "Number", "", (double)0)

                string ddsPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(path) + "\\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(material.Texture.FileName);
                var tdx = (material.Texture.SupportingDocuments["Source"] as ToxicRagers.CarmageddonReincarnation.Formats.TDX);
                if (tdx != null)
                    SceneManager.Current.UpdateProgress(string.Format("Saved {0}", Path.GetFileName(ddsPath)));

                    ddsPath += ".dds";

                    var fbxTexture = new FBXElem { ID = "Texture", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 76, Value = material.Texture.Key }, new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = material.Texture.Name + "::Texture" }, new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "" } } };
                    fbxTexture.Children.Add(new FBXElem { ID = "Type", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "TextureVideoClip" } } });
                    fbxTexture.Children.Add(new FBXElem { ID = "Version", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = 202 } } });
                    fbxTexture.Children.Add(new FBXElem { ID = "TextureName", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = material.Texture.Name + "::Texture" } } });
                    fbxTexture.Children.Add(new FBXElem { ID = "Media", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = material.Texture.Name + "::Video" } } });
                    fbxTexture.Children.Add(new FBXElem { ID = "FileName", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = ddsPath } } });
                    fbxTexture.Children.Add(new FBXElem { ID = "RelativeFilename", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = Path.GetFileName(ddsPath) } } });
                        new FBXElem
                            ID = "Properties70",
                            Children =
                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Integer, "PremultiplyAlpha", "bool", "", "", 1),
                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Integer, "CurrentMappingType", "enum", "", "", 6),
                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Integer, "UseMipMap", "bool", "", "", 0)

                    fbxConnections.Children.Add(FBXConnection("Material", material.Key, "Texture", material.Texture.Key, FBXPropertyType.String, "DiffuseColor"));

                    var fbxVideo = new FBXElem { ID = "Video", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 76, Value = material.Key | material.Texture.Key }, new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = material.Texture.Name + "::Video" }, new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "Clip" } } };
                    fbxVideo.Children.Add(new FBXElem { ID = "Type", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "Clip" } } });
                        new FBXElem
                            ID = "Properties70",
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                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.String, "Path", "KString", "Url", "", ddsPath)
                    fbxVideo.Children.Add(new FBXElem { ID = "UseMipMap", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = 0 } } });
                    fbxVideo.Children.Add(new FBXElem { ID = "FileName", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = ddsPath } } });
                    fbxVideo.Children.Add(new FBXElem { ID = "RelativeFilename", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = Path.GetFileName(ddsPath) } } });
                    fbxVideo.Children.Add(new FBXElem { ID = "Content", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 82, Value = new byte[] { } } } });

                    fbxConnections.Children.Add(FBXConnection("Texture", material.Texture.Key, "Video", material.Key | material.Texture.Key));



            var fbxDefinitions = new FBXElem { ID = "Definitions" };
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            #region Definitions :: AnimationStack
                new FBXElem
                    ID = "ObjectType",
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                    Children =
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                            new FBXElem { ID = "PropertyTemplate",
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                                    new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "FbxAnimStack" }
                                Children =
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            #region Definitions :: AnimationLayer
                new FBXElem
                    ID = "ObjectType",
                    Properties =
                            new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "AnimationLayer" }
                    Children =
                            new FBXElem { ID = "Count", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = 1 } } },
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            #region Definitions :: NodeAttribute
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                        ID = "ObjectType",
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                                    new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "FbxNull" }
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                                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Double, "Size", "double", "Number", "", (double)100),
                                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Integer, "Look", "enum", "", "", 1)
            #region Definitions :: Material
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                    new FBXElem
                        ID = "ObjectType",
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                        Children =
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                                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Double, "AmbientFactor", "Number", "", "A", (double)1),
                                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Double, "DiffuseColor", "Color", "", "A", (double)0.8, (double)0.8, (double)0.8),
                                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Double, "DiffuseFactor", "Number", "", "A", (double)1),
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                                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Double, "TransparentColor", "Color", "", "A", (double)0, (double)0, (double)0),
                                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Double, "TransparencyFactor", "Number", "", "A", (double)0),
                                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Double, "DisplacementColor", "ColorRGB", "Color", "", (double)0, (double)0, (double)0),
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                                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Double, "VectorDisplacementFactor", "double", "Number", "", (double)1),
                                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Double, "SpecularColor", "Color", "", "A", (double)0.2, (double)0.2, (double)0.2),
                                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Double, "SpecularFactor", "Number", "", "A", (double)1),
                                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Double, "ShininessExponent", "Number", "", "A", (double)20),
                                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Double, "ReflectionColor", "Color", "", "A", (double)0, (double)0, (double)0),
                                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Double, "ReflectionFactor", "Number", "", "A", (double)1)
            #region Definitions :: Model
            if (fbxObjects.Children.Any(e => e.ID == "Model"))
                    new FBXElem { ID = "ObjectType",
                        Properties =
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                        Children =
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                                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Double, "ScalingPivot", "Vector3D", "Vector", "", (double)0, (double)0, (double)0),
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                        ID = "ObjectType",
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            #region Definitions :: CollectionExclusive
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                        ID = "ObjectType",
                        Properties =
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                                    new FBXElem { ID = "Properties70",
                                        Children =
                                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Double, "Color", "ColorRGB", "Color", "", (double)0.8, (double)0.8, (double)0.8),
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                                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Integer, "Freeze", "bool", "", "", 0),
                                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Integer, "LODBox", "bool", "", "", 0)
            #region Definitions :: Video
            if (fbxObjects.Children.Any(e => e.ID == "Video"))
                    new FBXElem
                        ID = "ObjectType",
                        Properties =
                            new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "Video" }
                        Children =
                            new FBXElem { ID = "Count", Properties = { new FBXProperty { Type = 73, Value = fbxObjects.Children.Count(e => e.ID == "Video") } } },
                            new FBXElem { ID = "PropertyTemplate",
                                Properties =
                                    new FBXProperty { Type = 83, Value = "FbxVideo" }
                                Children =
                                    new FBXElem { ID = "Properties70",
                                        Children =
                                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Integer, "ImageSequence", "bool", "", "", 0),
                                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Integer, "ImageSequenceOffset", "int", "Integer", "", 0),
                                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Double, "FrameRate", "double", "Number", "", (double)0),
                                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Integer, "LastFrame", "int", "Integer", "", 0),
                                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Integer, "Width", "int", "Integer", "", 0),
                                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Integer, "Height", "int", "Integer", "", 0),
                                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.String, "Path", "KString", "XRefUrl", "", ""),
                                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Integer, "StartFrame", "int", "Integer", "", 0),
                                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Integer, "StopFrame", "int", "Integer", "", 0),
                                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Double, "PlaySpeed", "double", "Number", "", (double)0),
                                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Long, "Offset", "KTime", "Time", "", (long)0),
                                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Integer, "InterlaceMode", "enum", "", "", 0),
                                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Integer, "FreeRunning", "bool", "", "", 0),
                                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Integer, "Loop", "bool", "", "", 0),
                                            FBXPropertyElement(FBXPropertyType.Integer, "AccessMode", "enum", "", "", 0)

