Beispiel #1
        public dynamic DialogSettings(int appId)
            App app = null;
                app = new App(PortalSettings.Current, appId);
            catch (KeyNotFoundException) {}

            return new
                IsContent = app?.AppGuid == "Default",
                Language = PortalSettings.Current.CultureCode,
                LanguageDefault = PortalSettings.Current.DefaultLanguage,
                GettingStartedUrl = app == null ? "" : GettingStartedUrl(app)
Beispiel #2
 private string GetPath(int zoneId, int appId)
     //var sexy = new SxcInstance(zoneId, appId);
     var app = new App(zoneId, appId , PortalSettings);
     return app.Path;
Beispiel #3
        // build a getting-started url which is used to correctly show the user infos like
        // warnings related to his dnn or 2sxc version
        // infos based on his languages
        // redirects based on the app he's looking at, etc.
        private string GettingStartedUrl(App app)
            var dnn = PortalSettings.Current;
            var mod = Request.FindModuleInfo();
            //int appId = sxc.AppId.Value;
            var gsUrl = "//" // change to use protocoll neutral base URL, also change to 2sxc

                        // Add version & module infos
                        + "DnnVersion=" + Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Globals)).GetName().Version.ToString(4)
                        + "&2SexyContentVersion=" + Settings.ModuleVersion
                        + "&ModuleName=" + mod.DesktopModule.ModuleName
                        + "&ModuleId=" + mod.ModuleID
                        + "&PortalID=" + dnn.PortalId
                        + "&ZoneID=" + app.ZoneId
                        + "&DefaultLanguage=" + dnn.DefaultLanguage
                        + "&CurrentLanguage=" + dnn.CultureCode;
            // Add AppStaticName and Version
            if (mod.DesktopModule.ModuleName != "2sxc")
                //var app = sxc.App;// SexyContent.GetApp(sexy, appId.Value, Sexy.OwnerPS);

                gsUrl += "&AppGuid=" + app.AppGuid;
                if (app.Configuration != null)
                    gsUrl += "&AppVersion=" + app.Configuration.Version;
                    gsUrl += "&AppOriginalId=" + app.Configuration.OriginalId;

            var hostSettings = HostController.Instance.GetSettingsDictionary();
            gsUrl += hostSettings.ContainsKey("GUID") ? "&DnnGUID=" + hostSettings["GUID"] : "";
            return gsUrl;
Beispiel #4
        public void SwitchLanguage(string cultureCode, bool enable)
            // Activate or Deactivate the Culture
            var portalId = PortalSettings.PortalId;
            var zoneId = ZoneHelpers.GetZoneID(portalId);
            // ReSharper disable once PossibleInvalidOperationException
            var cache = DataSource.GetCache(zoneId.Value);
            //var sexy = new SxcInstance(zoneId.Value, cache.AppId);
            var app = new App(zoneId.Value, cache.AppId, PortalSettings, false);
            var cultureText = LocaleController.Instance.GetLocale(cultureCode).Text;

            app.EavContext.Dimensions.AddOrUpdateLanguage(cultureCode, cultureText, enable, PortalSettings.PortalId);