Load() public method

public Load ( ) : void
return void
 static void LoadModules()
     // var modulesLoader = new ModulesLoader((new TmxServerRootPathProvider()).GetRootPath());
     var modulesLoader = new ModulesLoader((new TmxServerRootPathProvider()).GetRootPath(), @"Nancy.ViewEngines*.dll", false);
     //// just for copying the Nancy.ViewEngines.DotLiquid assembly to dependant projects
     //var drop = new DynamicDrop(new ExpandoObject());
 static void LoadModules()
     // var modulesLoader = new ModulesLoader((new TmxServerRootPathProvider()).GetRootPath());
     var modulesLoader = new ModulesLoader((new TmxServerRootPathProvider()).GetRootPath(), @"Nancy.ViewEngines*.dll", false);
     //// just for copying the Nancy.ViewEngines.DotLiquid assembly to dependant projects
     //var drop = new DynamicDrop(new ExpandoObject());