Beispiel #1
        //MAP FILE: A PRIMER
        //Map files are plaintext files encoded with data from which we can load maps
        //The format for the map file is as follows (omit the <> when writing):
        //[Start of File]
        //<x size>
        //<y size>
        //<tile set number>
        //<music number>
        //<x coordinate>,<y coordinate>,<height>,<unit number (see below)>,<player number[0 or 1]>,<impassible[0 or 1]>,<move cost>,<type>
        //[repeat for each tile]
        //[end of file]
        public static Map LoadMap(string filename)
            StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filename);
            string file = sr.ReadToEnd();
            string[] lines = file.Split(new string[]{Environment.NewLine}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            int sizeX = Int32.Parse(lines[0]);
            int sizeY = Int32.Parse(lines[1]);
            int tileSet = Int32.Parse(lines[2]);
            int music = Int32.Parse(lines[3]);
            int linecount = 4;
            Map finalMap = new Map(new int[]{sizeX, sizeY}, tileSet, music);
            for (int i = 4; i < lines.Length; i++)
                Tile newTile = new Tile();

                string[] tileData = lines[i].Split(',');

                int X = Int32.Parse(tileData[0]);
                int y = Int32.Parse(tileData[1]);
                int height = Int32.Parse(tileData[2]);
                int unit = Int32.Parse(tileData[3]);
                int PlayerUnit = Int32.Parse(tileData[4]);
                int impassible = Int32.Parse(tileData[5]);

                    int moveCost = Int32.Parse(tileData[6]);
                    newTile.MoveCost = moveCost;

                    string type = tileData[7];
                    newTile.type = type;

                newTile.X = X;
                newTile.Y = y;
                newTile.Height = height;

                if (impassible == 0)
                    newTile.IsImpassible = false;
                    newTile.IsImpassible = true;

                Unit tileUnit;
                newTile.hasUnit = true;
                //the following is a list of unit codes, use -1 for no unit
                switch (unit)
                    case 0: tileUnit = new Soldier(); break;
                    case 1: tileUnit = new Defender(); break;
                    case 2: tileUnit = new Cavalry(); break;
                    case 3: tileUnit = new Ranger(); break;
                    case 4: tileUnit = new Mage(); break;
                    case 5: tileUnit = new Artillery(); break;
                    case 6: tileUnit = new Scout(); break;
                    case 7: tileUnit = new Bomber(); break;
                    case 8: tileUnit = new Fighter(); break;
                    default: tileUnit = null; newTile.hasUnit = false; break;

                if (newTile.hasUnit)
                    newTile.IsImpassible = true;
                    if (PlayerUnit == 0)
                        tileUnit.isPlayerUnit = true;

                        tileUnit.isPlayerUnit = false;
                    newTile.TileUnit = tileUnit;
                    newTile.IsImpassible = true;

                    tileUnit.Location[0] = newTile.X;
                    tileUnit.Location[1] = newTile.Y;
                    newTile.TileUnit = null;

      [X][y] = newTile;

                if (newTile.type == "water")
                    newTile.IsImpassible = true;

            return finalMap;
Beispiel #2
        public static void MakeAIMove(Battle battle, Unit active)
            Map map = battle.BattleMap;
            Tile location = map.GetTileAt(active.Location[0], active.Location[1]);

            //the AI favors nearby units with low health, preferrably out of range of enemies
            List<Unit> enemies = new List<Unit>();
            foreach (Unit unit in battle.BattleQueue)
                if (unit.isPlayerUnit)

            Unit nearestEnemy = new Soldier();
            int nearestEnemyDistance = 30000;
            Tile nearestLocation = new Tile();

            //calculate the closest enemy
            foreach (Unit enemy in enemies)
                Tile enemyTile = map.GetTileAt(enemy.Location[0], enemy.Location[1]);

                List<Tile> enemyAdjTiles = GetAdjacentLegalTiles(map, enemyTile);
                foreach (Tile adj in enemyAdjTiles)
                    List<Tile> path = GetPath(location, adj, map);
                    foreach (Tile p in path)
                        int pathTotal = 0;
                        p.FScore = 0;
                        p.GScore = 0;
                        p.HScore = 0;
                        p.parentTile = null;
                        pathTotal += p.MoveCost;
                        if (pathTotal < nearestEnemyDistance)
                            nearestEnemyDistance = pathTotal;
                            nearestEnemy = enemy;
                            nearestLocation = adj;

            //calculate the best unit, if any, in range
            Unit attackEnemy;
            int range = active.Range;
            int x = active.Location[0];
            int y = active.Location[1];
            List<int[]> rangeSquare = new List<int[]>() ;

            for (int i = (range * -1); i <= range; i++)
                for (int j = (range * -1); j <= range; j++)
                    if ((i + x) < map.Size[0] && (j + y) < map.Size[1] && (i + x) >= 0 & (j + y) >= 0)
                        rangeSquare.Add(new int[] { i + x, j + y });
            List<Tile> actualRange = new List<Tile>();
            foreach (int[] tile in rangeSquare)
                if ((Math.Abs(tile[0] - x) + Math.Abs(tile[1] - y)) <= range)
                    actualRange.Add(map.GetTileAt(tile[0], tile[1]));

            List<Unit> attackableUnits = new List<Unit>();
            foreach (Tile tile in actualRange)
                if (tile.hasUnit)
                    if (tile.TileUnit.isPlayerUnit)

            //look for the enemy with the highest HP that can be killed in one or two hits
            if (attackableUnits.Count > 0)
                int highestKillableHP = 0;
                Unit highestKillableUnit = new Soldier();
                foreach (Unit enemy in attackableUnits)
                    if (AttackResolver.Attack(active, enemy, active.AttackModifiers) * active.AP > enemy.HP && enemy.HP > highestKillableHP)
                        highestKillableHP = enemy.HP;
                        highestKillableUnit = enemy;
                int highestDamage = 0;
                Unit highestDamageUnit = new Soldier() ;
                //if no enemy is killable, find the one we can do the greatest damage to
                if (highestKillableHP == 0)
                    foreach (Unit enemy in attackableUnits)
                        int damage = AttackResolver.Attack(active, enemy, active.AttackModifiers);
                        if (damage * active.AP > highestDamage)
                            highestDamage = damage * active.AP;
                            highestDamageUnit = enemy;
                    attackEnemy = highestDamageUnit;
                    attackEnemy = highestKillableUnit;

                battle.GameUI.unitDamage = battle.Attack(attackEnemy);
                battle.GameUI.attackedUnitTrueX = attackEnemy.Location[0] * 55 - 13;
                battle.GameUI.attackedUnitTrueY = attackEnemy.Location[1] * 55 - 20;
                battle.GameUI.displayDamage = true;



            //if the unit is weak, defend
            if(active.HP < active.MaxHP / 4 && active.AP == 1)

            //now we check on which tile to move to
            List<int[]> reachableTilesAsInt = map.GetLegalMoveCoordinates(active);
            List<Tile> reachableTiles = new List<Tile>();

            foreach (int[] coords in reachableTilesAsInt)
                reachableTiles.Add(map.GetTileAt(coords[0], coords[1]));

            Tile closest = map.GetTileAt(active.Location[0], active.Location[1]);
            int nearestTileToEnemy = 30000;

            foreach (Tile test in reachableTiles)
                if (!test.hasUnit)
                    int pathCost = 0;
                    List<Tile> path = GetPath(nearestLocation, test, map);
                    foreach (Tile p in path)
                        pathCost += p.MoveCost;

                    if (pathCost < nearestTileToEnemy)
                        nearestTileToEnemy = pathCost;
                        closest = test;
            if (closest != map.GetTileAt(active.Location[0], active.Location[1]))
                active.AP = 0;