GetParameters() public static method

public static GetParameters ( System.Guid dataID, tgProviderSpecificMetadata providerMetadata, tgColumnMetadataCollection columns ) : SqlParameter>.Dictionary
dataID System.Guid
providerMetadata Tiraggo.Interfaces.tgProviderSpecificMetadata
columns Tiraggo.Interfaces.tgColumnMetadataCollection
return SqlParameter>.Dictionary
Beispiel #1
        static public void PopulateStoredProcParameters(SqlCommand cmd, tgDataRequest request, tgEntitySavePacket packet)
            Dictionary <string, SqlParameter> types = Cache.GetParameters(request);

            SqlParameter p;

            foreach (tgColumnMetadata col in request.Columns)
                p = types[col.Name];
                p = CloneParameter(p);

                if (packet.CurrentValues.ContainsKey(col.Name))
                    p.Value = packet.CurrentValues[col.Name];

                if (p.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.Timestamp)
                    p.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput;

                if (col.IsComputed && col.CharacterMaxLength > 0)
                    p.Size = (int)col.CharacterMaxLength;

Beispiel #2
        static public SqlCommand BuildDynamicDeleteCommand(tgDataRequest request, tgEntitySavePacket packet)
            Dictionary <string, SqlParameter> types = Cache.GetParameters(request);

            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();

            if (request.CommandTimeout != null)
                cmd.CommandTimeout = request.CommandTimeout.Value;

            string sql = "SET NOCOUNT OFF; ";

            sql += "DELETE FROM " + CreateFullName(request) + " ";

            string comma  = String.Empty;
            string concur = String.Empty;

            comma = String.Empty;
            sql  += " WHERE ";
            foreach (tgColumnMetadata col in request.Columns)
                if (col.IsInPrimaryKey)
                    SqlParameter p = CloneParameter(types[col.Name]);
                    p.Value = packet.OriginalValues[col.Name];

                    sql  += comma;
                    sql  += Delimiters.ColumnOpen + col.Name + Delimiters.ColumnClose + " = " + p.ParameterName;
                    comma = " AND ";
                else if (col.IsConcurrency || col.IsTiraggoConcurrency)
                    SqlParameter p = CloneParameter(types[col.Name]);
                    p.Value = packet.OriginalValues[col.Name];

                    if (request.DatabaseVersion == "2005" || request.DatabaseVersion == "2008" || col.IsTiraggoConcurrency)
                        concur += Delimiters.ColumnOpen + col.Name + Delimiters.ColumnClose + " = " + p.ParameterName;
                        concur += "TSEQUAL(" + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + col.Name + Delimiters.ColumnClose + "," + p.ParameterName + ")";

            if (concur.Length > 0)
                sql += " AND " + concur;

            cmd.CommandText = sql;
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
Beispiel #3
        static public SqlCommand BuildStoredProcUpdateCommand(tgDataRequest request, tgEntitySavePacket packet)
            Dictionary <string, SqlParameter> types = Cache.GetParameters(request);

            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();

            if (request.CommandTimeout != null)
                cmd.CommandTimeout = request.CommandTimeout.Value;

            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            cmd.CommandText = CreateFullSPName(request, request.ProviderMetadata.spUpdate);

            PopulateStoredProcParameters(cmd, request, packet);

            tgColumnMetadataCollection cols = request.Columns;

            foreach (tgColumnMetadata col in cols)
                if (col.IsComputed || col.IsTiraggoConcurrency)
                    SqlParameter p = types[col.Name];
                    p           = cmd.Parameters[p.ParameterName];
                    p.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput;

            if (cols.DateModified != null && cols.DateModified.IsServerSide &&
                cols.FindByColumnName(cols.DateModified.ColumnName) != null)
                SqlParameter p = cmd.Parameters[types[cols.DateModified.ColumnName].ParameterName];
                p           = cmd.Parameters[p.ParameterName];
                p.Value     = null;
                p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

            if (cols.ModifiedBy != null && cols.ModifiedBy.IsServerSide &&
                cols.FindByColumnName(cols.ModifiedBy.ColumnName) != null)
                SqlParameter p = cmd.Parameters[types[cols.ModifiedBy.ColumnName].ParameterName];
                p.Size      = (int)cols.FindByColumnName(cols.ModifiedBy.ColumnName).CharacterMaxLength;
                p           = cmd.Parameters[p.ParameterName];
                p.Value     = null;
                p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

Beispiel #4
        static public SqlCommand BuildStoredProcDeleteCommand(tgDataRequest request, tgEntitySavePacket packet)
            Dictionary <string, SqlParameter> types = Cache.GetParameters(request);

            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();

            if (request.CommandTimeout != null)
                cmd.CommandTimeout = request.CommandTimeout.Value;

            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            cmd.CommandText = CreateFullSPName(request, request.ProviderMetadata.spDelete);

            SqlParameter p;

            foreach (tgColumnMetadata col in request.Columns)
                if (col.IsInPrimaryKey)
                    p       = types[col.Name];
                    p       = CloneParameter(p);
                    p.Value = packet.OriginalValues[col.Name];
                else if (col.IsConcurrency || col.IsTiraggoConcurrency)
                    p       = types[col.Name];
                    p       = CloneParameter(p);
                    p.Value = packet.OriginalValues[col.Name];

Beispiel #5
        static public SqlCommand BuildStoredProcInsertCommand(tgDataRequest request, tgEntitySavePacket packet)
            Dictionary <string, SqlParameter> types = Cache.GetParameters(request);

            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();

            if (request.CommandTimeout != null)
                cmd.CommandTimeout = request.CommandTimeout.Value;

            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            cmd.CommandText = CreateFullSPName(request, request.ProviderMetadata.spInsert);

            PopulateStoredProcParameters(cmd, request, packet);

            tgColumnMetadataCollection cols = request.Columns;

            foreach (tgColumnMetadata col in cols)
                if (col.HasDefault &&
                    (col.Default.ToLower().Contains("newid") || col.Default.ToLower().Contains("newsequentialid")))
                    // They could pre-assign this even though it has a default
                    SqlParameter p = types[col.Name];
                    p = cmd.Parameters[p.ParameterName];

                    if (packet.ModifiedColumns.Contains(col.Name))
                        p.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput;
                        p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                else if (col.IsComputed || col.IsAutoIncrement || col.IsTiraggoConcurrency)
                    SqlParameter p = types[col.Name];
                    p           = cmd.Parameters[p.ParameterName];
                    p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

            if (cols.DateAdded != null && cols.DateAdded.IsServerSide &&
                cols.FindByColumnName(cols.DateAdded.ColumnName) != null)
                SqlParameter p = cmd.Parameters[types[cols.DateAdded.ColumnName].ParameterName];
                p           = cmd.Parameters[p.ParameterName];
                p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

            if (cols.DateModified != null && cols.DateModified.IsServerSide &&
                cols.FindByColumnName(cols.DateModified.ColumnName) != null)
                SqlParameter p = cmd.Parameters[types[cols.DateModified.ColumnName].ParameterName];
                p           = cmd.Parameters[p.ParameterName];
                p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

            if (cols.AddedBy != null && cols.AddedBy.IsServerSide &&
                cols.FindByColumnName(cols.AddedBy.ColumnName) != null)
                SqlParameter p = cmd.Parameters[types[cols.AddedBy.ColumnName].ParameterName];
                p.Size      = (int)cols.FindByColumnName(cols.AddedBy.ColumnName).CharacterMaxLength;
                p           = cmd.Parameters[p.ParameterName];
                p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

            if (cols.ModifiedBy != null && cols.ModifiedBy.IsServerSide &&
                cols.FindByColumnName(cols.ModifiedBy.ColumnName) != null)
                SqlParameter p = cmd.Parameters[types[cols.ModifiedBy.ColumnName].ParameterName];
                p.Size      = (int)cols.FindByColumnName(cols.ModifiedBy.ColumnName).CharacterMaxLength;
                p           = cmd.Parameters[p.ParameterName];
                p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

Beispiel #6
        static public SqlCommand BuildDynamicInsertCommand(tgDataRequest request, tgEntitySavePacket packet)
            string into          = String.Empty;
            string values        = String.Empty;
            string computed      = String.Empty;
            string computedComma = String.Empty;
            string autoInc       = String.Empty;
            string comma         = String.Empty;

            string where = String.Empty;

            // newsequentialid variables
            int    seqCount   = 0;
            string seqDeclare = " DECLARE @table_ids TABLE (";
            string seqOutput  = " OUTPUT ";
            string seqSelect  = " SELECT ";

            List <string> modifiedColumns = packet.ModifiedColumns;

            Dictionary <string, SqlParameter> types = Cache.GetParameters(request);

            SqlCommand   cmd = new SqlCommand();
            SqlParameter p   = null;

            if (request.CommandTimeout != null)
                cmd.CommandTimeout = request.CommandTimeout.Value;

            string sql = "SET NOCOUNT OFF";

            foreach (tgColumnMetadata col in request.Columns)
                string colName = col.Name;

                if (request.SelectedColumns != null && !request.SelectedColumns.ContainsKey(colName))

                bool isModified = modifiedColumns == null ? false : modifiedColumns.Contains(col.Name);

                if (isModified && !col.IsComputed && !col.IsConcurrency && !col.IsAutoIncrement)
                    p = types[colName];
                    p = cmd.Parameters.Add(CloneParameter(p));

                    object value = packet.CurrentValues[colName];
                    p.Value = value != null ? value : DBNull.Value;

                    CreateInsertSQLSnippet(colName, p, ref into, ref values, ref comma);
                    bool         needOutputParam       = false;
                    bool         needsFetchedAfterSave = false;
                    SqlParameter clone = null;

                    if (col.HasDefault)
                        p = types[colName];

                        if (col.esType == tgSystemType.Guid)
                            if (col.Default.ToLower().Contains("newid"))
                                // Special logic for newid()'s that weren't supplied with a value, they
                                // go into the SELECT INTO as well
                                sql += " SET " + p.ParameterName + " = NEWID(); ";
                                CreateInsertSQLSnippet(colName, p, ref into, ref values, ref comma);
                                needOutputParam = true;
                            else if (col.Default.ToLower().Contains("newsequentialid"))
                                if (seqCount > 0)
                                    seqDeclare += ", ";
                                    seqOutput  += ", ";
                                    seqSelect  += ", ";

                                seqDeclare += col.Name + "  uniqueidentifier";
                                seqOutput  += "INSERTED." + col.Name;
                                seqSelect  += Delimiters.Param + col.PropertyName + "=" + col.Name;

                                needOutputParam = true;
                            // 11/15/2009 Let's return all default values
                            needOutputParam       = true;
                            needsFetchedAfterSave = true;
                    else if (col.IsTiraggoConcurrency)
                        p    = types[colName];
                        sql += " SET " + p.ParameterName + " = 1; ";

                        into   += comma;
                        into   += Delimiters.ColumnOpen + colName + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                        values += comma;
                        values += "1";
                        comma   = ", ";

                        needOutputParam = true;
                    else if (col.IsAutoIncrement)
                        p               = types[colName];
                        autoInc        += " SELECT " + p.ParameterName + " = SCOPE_IDENTITY() ";
                        needOutputParam = true;
                    else if (col.IsComputed || col.IsConcurrency)
                        p = types[colName];
                        needOutputParam       = true;
                        needsFetchedAfterSave = true;

                    if (needOutputParam)
                        clone           = CloneParameter(p);
                        clone.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

                    if (needsFetchedAfterSave)
                        computed     += computedComma;
                        computed     += p.ParameterName + " = " + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + colName + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                        computedComma = ", ";

                        if (col.CharacterMaxLength > 0)
                            clone.Size = (int)col.CharacterMaxLength;

            tgColumnMetadataCollection cols = request.Columns;

            #region Special Column Logic
            if (cols.DateAdded != null && cols.DateAdded.IsServerSide &&
                cols.FindByColumnName(cols.DateAdded.ColumnName) != null)
                p    = CloneParameter(types[cols.DateAdded.ColumnName]);
                sql += " SET " + p.ParameterName + " = " + request.ProviderMetadata["DateAdded.ServerSideText"] + ";";
                CreateInsertSQLSnippet(cols.DateAdded.ColumnName, p, ref into, ref values, ref comma);

                p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

            if (cols.DateModified != null && cols.DateModified.IsServerSide &&
                cols.FindByColumnName(cols.DateModified.ColumnName) != null)
                p    = CloneParameter(types[cols.DateModified.ColumnName]);
                sql += " SET " + p.ParameterName + " = " + request.ProviderMetadata["DateModified.ServerSideText"] + ";";
                CreateInsertSQLSnippet(cols.DateModified.ColumnName, p, ref into, ref values, ref comma);

                p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

            if (cols.AddedBy != null && cols.AddedBy.IsServerSide &&
                cols.FindByColumnName(cols.AddedBy.ColumnName) != null)
                p      = CloneParameter(types[cols.AddedBy.ColumnName]);
                p.Size = (int)cols.FindByColumnName(cols.AddedBy.ColumnName).CharacterMaxLength;
                sql   += " SET " + p.ParameterName + " = " + request.ProviderMetadata["AddedBy.ServerSideText"] + ";";

                CreateInsertSQLSnippet(cols.AddedBy.ColumnName, p, ref into, ref values, ref comma);

                p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

            if (cols.ModifiedBy != null && cols.ModifiedBy.IsServerSide &&
                cols.FindByColumnName(cols.ModifiedBy.ColumnName) != null)
                p      = CloneParameter(types[cols.ModifiedBy.ColumnName]);
                p.Size = (int)cols.FindByColumnName(cols.ModifiedBy.ColumnName).CharacterMaxLength;
                sql   += " SET " + p.ParameterName + " = " + request.ProviderMetadata["ModifiedBy.ServerSideText"] + ";";

                CreateInsertSQLSnippet(cols.ModifiedBy.ColumnName, p, ref into, ref values, ref comma);

                p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

            seqDeclare += ")";
            seqOutput  += " INTO @table_ids";
            seqSelect  += " FROM @table_ids";

            if (computed.Length > 0)
                foreach (tgColumnMetadata col in request.Columns)
                    if (col.IsInPrimaryKey)
                        // We need the were clause if there are defaults to bring back
                        p = types[col.Name];

                        if (where.Length > 0)
                            where += " AND ";
                        where += Delimiters.ColumnOpen + col.Name + Delimiters.ColumnClose + " = " + p.ParameterName;

                        if (!cmd.Parameters.Contains(p.ParameterName))
                            p           = CloneParameter(p);
                            p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

            string fullName = CreateFullName(request);

            if (seqCount > 0)
                sql += seqDeclare;

            sql += " INSERT INTO " + fullName;

            if (into.Length != 0 && seqCount > 0)
                sql += "(" + into + ") " + seqOutput + " VALUES (" + values + ")";
            else if (into.Length != 0)
                sql += "(" + into + ") VALUES (" + values + ")";
                sql += "DEFAULT VALUES";

            sql += autoInc;

            if (seqCount > 0)
                sql += seqSelect;

            if (computed.Length > 0)
                sql += " SELECT " + computed + " FROM " + fullName + " WHERE (" + where + ")";

            cmd.CommandText = sql;
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
Beispiel #7
        static public SqlCommand BuildDynamicUpdateCommand(tgDataRequest request, tgEntitySavePacket packet)
            Dictionary <string, SqlParameter> types = Cache.GetParameters(request);

            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();

            if (request.CommandTimeout != null)
                cmd.CommandTimeout = request.CommandTimeout.Value;

            string set = string.Empty;
            string sql = "SET NOCOUNT OFF ";

            sql += "UPDATE " + CreateFullName(request) + " SET ";

            string where = String.Empty;
            string conncur  = String.Empty;
            string computed = String.Empty;
            string comma    = String.Empty;
            string and      = String.Empty;
            string prolog   = String.Empty;

            SqlParameter p = null;

            List <string> modifiedColumns = packet.ModifiedColumns;

            foreach (string colName in modifiedColumns)
                tgColumnMetadata col = request.Columns[colName];

                if (col == null)

                if (!col.IsInPrimaryKey && !col.IsComputed)
                    p = CloneParameter(types[colName]);
                    p = cmd.Parameters.Add(p);

                    object value = packet.CurrentValues[colName];
                    p.Value = value != null ? value : DBNull.Value;

                    sql  += comma;
                    sql  += Delimiters.ColumnOpen + colName + Delimiters.ColumnClose + " = " + p.ParameterName;
                    comma = ", ";

            foreach (tgColumnMetadata col in request.Columns)
                if (col.IsInPrimaryKey)
                    p       = CloneParameter(types[col.Name]);
                    p.Value = packet.OriginalValues[col.Name];

                    where += and;
                    where += Delimiters.ColumnOpen + col.Name + Delimiters.ColumnClose + " = " + p.ParameterName;
                    and    = " AND ";
                else if (col.IsConcurrency)
                    p           = CloneParameter(types[col.Name]);
                    p.Value     = packet.OriginalValues[col.Name];
                    p.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput;

                    if (request.DatabaseVersion == "2005" || request.DatabaseVersion == "2008")
                        conncur += Delimiters.ColumnOpen + col.Name + Delimiters.ColumnClose + " = " + p.ParameterName;
                        conncur += "TSEQUAL(" + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + col.Name + Delimiters.ColumnClose + "," + p.ParameterName + ")";

                    if (computed.Length > 0)
                        computed += ", ";
                    computed += " " + p.ParameterName + " = " + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + col.Name + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                else if (col.IsComputed && !col.IsAutoIncrement)
                    if (request.SelectedColumns != null && request.SelectedColumns.ContainsKey(col.Name))
                        p           = CloneParameter(types[col.Name]);
                        p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                        if (col.CharacterMaxLength > 0)
                            p.Size = (int)col.CharacterMaxLength;

                        if (computed.Length > 0)
                            computed += ", ";
                        computed += " " + p.ParameterName + " = " + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + col.Name + Delimiters.ColumnClose;
                else if (col.IsTiraggoConcurrency)
                    if (packet.OriginalValues != null && packet.OriginalValues.ContainsKey(col.Name))
                        p           = CloneParameter(types[col.Name]);
                        p.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput;
                        p.Value     = packet.OriginalValues[col.Name];

                        sql += comma.Length > 0 ? ", " : string.Empty;
                        sql += Delimiters.ColumnOpen + col.Name + Delimiters.ColumnClose + " = " +
                               Delimiters.ColumnOpen + col.Name + Delimiters.ColumnClose + " + 1";

                        conncur += Delimiters.ColumnOpen + col.Name + Delimiters.ColumnClose + " = " + p.ParameterName;

                        prolog += " SET " + p.ParameterName + " = " + p.ParameterName + " + 1";

            tgColumnMetadataCollection cols = request.Columns;

            if (cols.DateModified != null && cols.DateModified.IsServerSide &&
                cols.FindByColumnName(cols.DateModified.ColumnName) != null)
                p           = CloneParameter(types[cols.DateModified.ColumnName]);
                p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

                sql  += comma;
                sql  += Delimiters.ColumnOpen + cols.DateModified.ColumnName + Delimiters.ColumnClose + " = " + p.ParameterName;
                comma = ", ";

                set += " SET " + p.ParameterName + " = " + request.ProviderMetadata["DateModified.ServerSideText"] + ";";

            if (cols.ModifiedBy != null && cols.ModifiedBy.IsServerSide &&
                cols.FindByColumnName(cols.ModifiedBy.ColumnName) != null)
                p           = CloneParameter(types[cols.ModifiedBy.ColumnName]);
                p.Size      = (int)cols.FindByColumnName(cols.ModifiedBy.ColumnName).CharacterMaxLength;
                p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

                sql  += comma;
                sql  += Delimiters.ColumnOpen + cols.ModifiedBy.ColumnName + Delimiters.ColumnClose + " = " + p.ParameterName;
                comma = ", ";

                set += " SET " + p.ParameterName + " = " + request.ProviderMetadata["ModifiedBy.ServerSideText"] + ";";

            sql = set + sql + " WHERE (" + where + ")";
            if (conncur.Length > 0)
                sql += " AND " + conncur;

            if (computed.Length > 0)
                sql += " SELECT " + computed + " FROM " + CreateFullName(request) + " WHERE (" + where + ")";

            if (prolog.Length > 0)
                sql += prolog;

            cmd.CommandText = sql;
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
Beispiel #8
        protected static string GetComparisonStatement(StandardProviderParameters std, tgDynamicQuerySerializable query, List <tgComparison> items, string prefix)
            string sql   = String.Empty;
            string comma = String.Empty;

            IDynamicQuerySerializableInternal iQuery = query as IDynamicQuerySerializableInternal;

            // WHERE
            if (items != null)
                sql += prefix;

                DbType paramType = DbType.String;

                string compareTo = String.Empty;
                foreach (tgComparison comparisonItem in items)
                    paramType = DbType.String;

                    tgComparison.tgComparisonData comparisonData = (tgComparison.tgComparisonData)comparisonItem;
                    tgDynamicQuerySerializable    subQuery       = null;

                    bool requiresParam        = true;
                    bool needsStringParameter = false;
                    std.needsIntegerParameter = false;

                    if (comparisonData.IsParenthesis)
                        if (comparisonData.Parenthesis == tgParenthesis.Open)
                            sql += "(";
                            sql += ")";


                    if (comparisonData.IsConjunction)
                        switch (comparisonData.Conjunction)
                        case tgConjunction.And: sql += " AND "; break;

                        case tgConjunction.Or: sql += " OR "; break;

                        case tgConjunction.AndNot: sql += " AND NOT "; break;

                        case tgConjunction.OrNot: sql += " OR NOT "; break;

                    Dictionary <string, SqlParameter> types = null;
                    if (comparisonData.Column.Query != null)
                        IDynamicQuerySerializableInternal iLocalQuery = comparisonData.Column.Query as IDynamicQuerySerializableInternal;
                        types = Cache.GetParameters(iLocalQuery.DataID, (tgProviderSpecificMetadata)iLocalQuery.ProviderMetadata, (tgColumnMetadataCollection)iLocalQuery.Columns);

                    if (comparisonData.IsLiteral)
                        if (comparisonData.Column.Name[0] == '<')
                            sql += comparisonData.Column.Name.Substring(1, comparisonData.Column.Name.Length - 2);
                            sql += comparisonData.Column.Name;

                    if (comparisonData.ComparisonColumn.Name == null)
                        subQuery = comparisonData.Value as tgDynamicQuerySerializable;

                        if (subQuery == null)
                            if (comparisonData.Column.Name != null)
                                IDynamicQuerySerializableInternal iColQuery = comparisonData.Column.Query as IDynamicQuerySerializableInternal;
                                tgColumnMetadataCollection        columns   = (tgColumnMetadataCollection)iColQuery.Columns;
                                compareTo = Delimiters.Param + columns[comparisonData.Column.Name].PropertyName + (++std.pindex).ToString();
                                compareTo = Delimiters.Param + "Expr" + (++std.pindex).ToString();
                            // It's a sub query
                            compareTo     = GetSubquerySearchCondition(subQuery) + " (" + BuildQuery(std, subQuery) + ") ";
                            requiresParam = false;
                        compareTo     = GetColumnName(comparisonData.ComparisonColumn);
                        requiresParam = false;

                    switch (comparisonData.Operand)
                    case tgComparisonOperand.Exists:
                        sql += " EXISTS" + compareTo;

                    case tgComparisonOperand.NotExists:
                        sql += " NOT EXISTS" + compareTo;

                    // Comparison operators, left side vs right side
                    case tgComparisonOperand.Equal:
                        if (comparisonData.ItemFirst)
                            sql += ApplyWhereSubOperations(std, query, comparisonData) + " = " + compareTo;
                            sql += compareTo + " = " + ApplyWhereSubOperations(std, query, comparisonData);

                    case tgComparisonOperand.NotEqual:
                        if (comparisonData.ItemFirst)
                            sql += ApplyWhereSubOperations(std, query, comparisonData) + " <> " + compareTo;
                            sql += compareTo + " <> " + ApplyWhereSubOperations(std, query, comparisonData);

                    case tgComparisonOperand.GreaterThan:
                        if (comparisonData.ItemFirst)
                            sql += ApplyWhereSubOperations(std, query, comparisonData) + " > " + compareTo;
                            sql += compareTo + " > " + ApplyWhereSubOperations(std, query, comparisonData);

                    case tgComparisonOperand.LessThan:
                        if (comparisonData.ItemFirst)
                            sql += ApplyWhereSubOperations(std, query, comparisonData) + " < " + compareTo;
                            sql += compareTo + " < " + ApplyWhereSubOperations(std, query, comparisonData);

                    case tgComparisonOperand.LessThanOrEqual:
                        if (comparisonData.ItemFirst)
                            sql += ApplyWhereSubOperations(std, query, comparisonData) + " <= " + compareTo;
                            sql += compareTo + " <= " + ApplyWhereSubOperations(std, query, comparisonData);

                    case tgComparisonOperand.GreaterThanOrEqual:
                        if (comparisonData.ItemFirst)
                            sql += ApplyWhereSubOperations(std, query, comparisonData) + " >= " + compareTo;
                            sql += compareTo + " >= " + ApplyWhereSubOperations(std, query, comparisonData);

                    case tgComparisonOperand.Like:
                        string esc = comparisonData.LikeEscape.ToString();
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(esc) || esc == "\0")
                            sql += ApplyWhereSubOperations(std, query, comparisonData) + " LIKE " + compareTo;
                            needsStringParameter = true;
                            sql += ApplyWhereSubOperations(std, query, comparisonData) + " LIKE " + compareTo;
                            sql += " ESCAPE '" + esc + "'";
                            needsStringParameter = true;

                    case tgComparisonOperand.NotLike:
                        esc = comparisonData.LikeEscape.ToString();
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(esc) || esc == "\0")
                            sql += ApplyWhereSubOperations(std, query, comparisonData) + " NOT LIKE " + compareTo;
                            needsStringParameter = true;
                            sql += ApplyWhereSubOperations(std, query, comparisonData) + " NOT LIKE " + compareTo;
                            sql += " ESCAPE '" + esc + "'";
                            needsStringParameter = true;

                    case tgComparisonOperand.Contains:
                        sql                 += " CONTAINS(" + GetColumnName(comparisonData.Column) + ", " + compareTo + ")";
                        paramType            = DbType.AnsiStringFixedLength;
                        needsStringParameter = true;

                    case tgComparisonOperand.IsNull:
                        sql          += ApplyWhereSubOperations(std, query, comparisonData) + " IS NULL";
                        requiresParam = false;

                    case tgComparisonOperand.IsNotNull:
                        sql          += ApplyWhereSubOperations(std, query, comparisonData) + " IS NOT NULL";
                        requiresParam = false;

                    case tgComparisonOperand.In:
                    case tgComparisonOperand.NotIn:
                        if (subQuery != null)
                            // They used a subquery for In or Not
                            sql += ApplyWhereSubOperations(std, query, comparisonData);
                            sql += (comparisonData.Operand == tgComparisonOperand.In) ? " IN" : " NOT IN";
                            sql += compareTo;
                            comma = String.Empty;
                            if (comparisonData.Operand == tgComparisonOperand.In)
                                sql += ApplyWhereSubOperations(std, query, comparisonData) + " IN (";
                                sql += ApplyWhereSubOperations(std, query, comparisonData) + " NOT IN (";

                            foreach (object oin in comparisonData.Values)
                                string str = oin as string;
                                if (str != null)
                                    // STRING
                                    sql  += comma + Delimiters.StringOpen + str + Delimiters.StringClose;
                                    comma = ",";
                                else if (null != oin as System.Collections.IEnumerable)
                                    // LIST OR COLLECTION OF SOME SORT
                                    System.Collections.IEnumerable enumer = oin as System.Collections.IEnumerable;
                                    if (enumer != null)
                                        System.Collections.IEnumerator iter = enumer.GetEnumerator();

                                        while (iter.MoveNext())
                                            object o = iter.Current;

                                            string soin = o as string;

                                            if (soin != null)
                                                sql += comma + Delimiters.StringOpen + soin + Delimiters.StringClose;
                                                sql += comma + Convert.ToString(o);

                                            comma = ",";
                                    // NON STRING OR LIST
                                    sql  += comma + Convert.ToString(oin);
                                    comma = ",";
                            sql          += ")";
                            requiresParam = false;

                    case tgComparisonOperand.Between:

                        SqlCommand sqlCommand = std.cmd as SqlCommand;

                        sql += ApplyWhereSubOperations(std, query, comparisonData) + " BETWEEN ";
                        sql += compareTo;
                        if (comparisonData.ComparisonColumn.Name == null)
                            sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue(compareTo, comparisonData.BetweenBegin);

                        if (comparisonData.ComparisonColumn2.Name == null)
                            IDynamicQuerySerializableInternal iColQuery = comparisonData.Column.Query as IDynamicQuerySerializableInternal;
                            tgColumnMetadataCollection        columns   = (tgColumnMetadataCollection)iColQuery.Columns;
                            compareTo = Delimiters.Param + columns[comparisonData.Column.Name].PropertyName + (++std.pindex).ToString();

                            sql += " AND " + compareTo;
                            sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue(compareTo, comparisonData.BetweenEnd);
                            sql += " AND " + Delimiters.ColumnOpen + comparisonData.ComparisonColumn2 + Delimiters.ColumnClose;

                        requiresParam = false;

                    if (requiresParam)
                        SqlParameter p;

                        if (comparisonData.Column.Name != null)
                            p = types[comparisonData.Column.Name];

                            p = Cache.CloneParameter(p);
                            p.ParameterName = compareTo;
                            p.Value         = comparisonData.Value;

                            if (needsStringParameter)
                                p.DbType = paramType;
                            else if (std.needsIntegerParameter)
                                p.DbType = DbType.Int32;
                            p = new SqlParameter(compareTo, comparisonData.Value);

