Beispiel #1
        public Site(SiteConfig config, IEnumerable<DataFile> data, IEnumerable<DocumentFile> documents, IEnumerable<StaticFile> files, LayoutFileCollection layouts, Site parent = null)
            this.DefaultLayoutForExtension = new Dictionary<string, string>(config.DefaultLayoutForExtension);
            this.IgnoreFiles = config.IgnoreFiles;

            this.SitePath = config.SitePath;

            this.Author = config.Author;
            this.LiveReloadScript = config.LiveReloadScript;
            this.DocumentsPath = config.DocumentsPath;
            this.FilesPath = config.FilesPath;
            this.LayoutsPath = config.LayoutsPath;
            this.OutputPath = config.OutputPath;
            this.Parent = parent;
            this.TimeZone = config.TimeZone;
            this.Url = config.Url.EnsureEndsWith("/");
            this.RootUrl = config.RootUrl.EnsureEndsWith("/");

            var allDocuments = documents.ToList();

            this.Data = data.ToList();

            this.Partials = allDocuments.Where(d => d.Partial).ToList();

            this.Documents = allDocuments.Where(d => !d.Partial).ToList();

            this.Files = files.ToList();

            this.Layouts = new LayoutFileCollection(layouts);

            this.Metadata = config.Metadata;
        public void CanDoQueryableNumeric()
            var config = new SiteConfig()
                RootUrl = String.Empty,
                Url = ""

            var meta1 = new MetadataCollection();
            meta1.Add("number", 1);

            var meta2 = new MetadataCollection();
            meta2.Add("number", 20);

            var meta3 = new MetadataCollection();
            meta3.Add("number", 3);

            var documents = new[]
                new DocumentFile("", Path.GetFullPath("documents"), "documents", "1", "1", String.Empty, null, meta1, null),
                new DocumentFile("", Path.GetFullPath("documents"), "documents", "20", "20", String.Empty, null, meta2, null),
                new DocumentFile("", Path.GetFullPath("documents"), "documents", "3", "3", String.Empty, null, meta3, null),

            var site = new Site(config, Enumerable.Empty<DataFile>(), documents, Enumerable.Empty<StaticFile>(), Enumerable.Empty<LayoutFile>());

            var query = @"query documents where number gt 1 ascending number";

            var p = QueryProcessor.Parse(site, query);

            var q = p.Results.ToList();
            Assert.Equal(3, q[0].Number);
            Assert.Equal(20, q[1].Number);
        public void CanParseQuery()
            var config = new SiteConfig()
                RootUrl = String.Empty,
                Url = ""

            var documents = new[] 
            new DocumentFile("", Path.GetFullPath("documents"), "documents", "documents", "bar", "bar", null, new MetadataCollection(), null),
            new DocumentFile("", Path.GetFullPath("documents"), "documents", "documents", "foo", "foo", null, new MetadataCollection(), null),

            var site = new Site(config, Enumerable.Empty<DataFile>(), documents, Enumerable.Empty<StaticFile>(), Enumerable.Empty<LayoutFile>());

            var query = @"query documents every 10 where sourcerelativepath startswith ""documents\posts\"" descending date formaturl ""posts/page/{0}""";

            var result = QueryProcessor.Parse(site, query);

            Assert.Equal(2, result.Source.Count());
            Assert.Equal(10, result.PageEvery);
            Assert.Equal(WhereOperator.StartsWith, result.Where.Operator);
            Assert.Equal("sourcerelativepath", result.Where.Property);
            Assert.Equal(@"documents\posts\", result.Where.Value);
            Assert.Equal(OrderOperator.Descending, result.Order.Operator);
            Assert.Equal("date", result.Order.Property);
            Assert.Equal(@"posts/page/{0}", result.FormatUrl);

            var q = result.Results.ToList();
        public void CanRenderDocument()
            var tinySiteAssembly = typeof(RazorRenderer).Assembly;

            var basePath = Path.GetFullPath(@"data\RenderDocumentsCommand\");

            var outputPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), @"tinysite\");

            var loadLayouts = new LoadLayoutsCommand(Path.Combine(basePath, @"layouts\"), null, null);
            var layouts = loadLayouts.Execute();
            var collection = new LayoutFileCollection(layouts);

            var loadDocuments = new LoadDocumentsCommand();
            loadDocuments.Author = new Author();
            loadDocuments.DocumentsPath = Path.Combine(basePath, @"documents\");
            loadDocuments.Layouts = collection;
            loadDocuments.OutputRootPath = outputPath;
            loadDocuments.RenderedExtensions = new[] { "md", "cshtml" };
            loadDocuments.RootUrl = "";
            loadDocuments.ApplicationUrl = "/app/sub";
            var documents = loadDocuments.Execute().OrderBy(d => d.Name).ToList();

            var config = new SiteConfig() { OutputPath = outputPath, Url = "", RootUrl = String.Empty, };

            var site = new Site(config, Enumerable.Empty<DataFile>(), documents, Enumerable.Empty<StaticFile>(), collection);

            var engines = RenderingEngine.Load(tinySiteAssembly);

            Statistics.Current = new Statistics();

            var command = new RenderDocumentsCommand(engines, site);

            var description = "This is the summary of the document with a link to";
            var content = "<p>This is the summary of the document with a link to <a href=\"\"></a>.</p>\n<p>This is additional content in the document.</p>";
            var summary = "<p>This is the summary of the document with a link to <a href=\"\"></a>.</p>";
            var title = "test";

            Assert.Equal(0, command.RenderedData);
            Assert.Equal(3, command.RenderedDocuments);
            Assert.Equal(String.Empty, documents[0].RenderedContent.Trim());

            Assert.Equal("This is the summary of the document with a link to [](\n\nThis is additional content in the document.", documents[2].SourceContent.Replace("\r\n", "\n"));
            Assert.Equal(content, documents[2].Content);
            Assert.Equal(description, documents[2].Description);
            Assert.Equal(summary, documents[2].Summary);
            Assert.Equal(title, documents[2].Metadata.Get<string>("title"));

                $"<title>{title}</title>\n" +
                $"<description>{description}</description>\n" +
                $"<summary>{summary}</summary>\n" +
                documents[2].RenderedContent.Replace("\r\n", "\n"));
        public RunWatchCommand(SiteConfig config, IEnumerable<LastRunDocument> lastRunState, IDictionary<string, RenderingEngine> engines)
            this.Config = config;
            this.Engines = engines;
            this.LastRunState = lastRunState;

            this.Paths = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            this.Waits = new EventWaitHandle[] {
                new ManualResetEvent(false),
                new AutoResetEvent(false),
        public void CanDoQueryableMultipleWhere()
            var config = new SiteConfig()
                RootUrl = String.Empty,
                Url = ""

            var meta1 = new MetadataCollection
                { "number", 1 },
                { "canonical", null }

            var meta2 = new MetadataCollection
                { "number", 20 },
                { "canonical", "true" }

            var meta3 = new MetadataCollection
                { "number", 3 },
                { "canonical", null }

            var documents = new[]
                new DocumentFile("", Path.GetFullPath("documents"), "documents", "1", "1", String.Empty, null, meta1, null),
                new DocumentFile("", Path.GetFullPath("documents"), "documents", "20", "20", String.Empty, null, meta2, null),
                new DocumentFile("", Path.GetFullPath("documents"), "documents", "3", "3", String.Empty, null, meta3, null),

            var site = new Site(config, Enumerable.Empty<DataFile>(), documents, Enumerable.Empty<StaticFile>(), Enumerable.Empty<LayoutFile>());

            var query = @"query documents where number gt 1 where canonical equals null ascending number";

            var p = QueryProcessor.Parse(site, query);

            var q = p.Results.ToList();
            Assert.Equal(3, q[0].Number);
        public void CanReadDynamicRenderingData()
            var sitePath = @"C:\site\";
            var documentsPath = sitePath + @"documents\";
            var layoutsPath = sitePath + @"layouts\";
            var outputPath = sitePath + @"build\";

            var document = new DocumentFile(documentsPath + "", documentsPath, outputPath + "foo.html", outputPath, String.Empty, String.Empty, null, null, null);
            var layout = new LayoutFile(layoutsPath + "default.cshtml", layoutsPath, String.Empty, null, null);
            var config = new SiteConfig() { OutputPath = outputPath, Url = "", RootUrl = String.Empty, };
            var site = new Site(config, Enumerable.Empty<DataFile>(), new[] { document }, Enumerable.Empty<StaticFile>(), new LayoutFileCollection(new[] { layout }));

            dynamic data = new DynamicRenderDocument(document, layout, site);
            Assert.Equal(outputPath, data.Site.OutputPath);

            foreach (var d in data.Site.Documents)
                Assert.Equal(outputPath + "foo.html", d.OutputPath);
        public void CanDoQueryable()
            var config = new SiteConfig()
                RootUrl = String.Empty,
                Url = ""

            var documents = new[] 
            new DocumentFile("", Path.GetFullPath("documents"), "documents", "documents", "bar", "bar", null, new MetadataCollection(), null),
            new DocumentFile("", Path.GetFullPath("documents"), "documents", "documents", "foo", "foo", null, new MetadataCollection(), null),

            var site = new Site(config, Enumerable.Empty<DataFile>(), documents, Enumerable.Empty<StaticFile>(), Enumerable.Empty<LayoutFile>());

            var query = @"query documents where outputpath startswith ""doc"" descending url";

            var p = QueryProcessor.Parse(site, query);

            var q = p.Results.ToList();
            Assert.Equal("foo/foo", q[0].Url);
            Assert.Equal("bar/bar", q[1].Url);
        public async Task<SiteConfig> ExecuteAsync()
            var root = Path.GetFullPath(Path.GetDirectoryName(this.ConfigPath));

            var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings();
            settings.Converters.Add(new JsonTimeZoneConverter());

            string json;
            using (var reader = new StreamReader(this.ConfigPath))
                json = await reader.ReadToEndAsync();

            var config = new SiteConfig();
            config.Parent = this.Parent;

            var ignoreFiles = new string[0];
            var subsites = new string[0];

            //var config = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SiteConfig>(json, settings);
            foreach (var token in JObject.Parse(json))
                var key = token.Key.ToLowerInvariant();
                var value = token.Value;

                switch (key)
                    case "author":
                        config.Author = value.ToObject<Author>();

                    case "output":
                    case "outputpath":
                        config.OutputPath = Path.Combine(root, (string)value).Replace(Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar).EnsureBackslashTerminated();

                    case "url":
                        config.Url = (string)value;

                    case "rooturl":
                        config.RootUrl = (string)value;

                    case "subsites":
                        subsites = value.Values<string>().ToArray();

                    case "additionalmetadata":
                        config.AdditionalMetadataForFiles = this.ParseAdditionalMetadata(value).ToList();

                    case "defaultlayoutforextension":
                        this.AssignDefaultLayouts(config, value);

                    case "ignorefiles":
                        config.IgnoreFiles = this.ParseIgnoreFiles(value.Values<string>()).ToArray();

                        config.Metadata.Add(key, value);

            config.SitePath = root;
            config.DataPath = Path.Combine(root, "data\\");
            config.DocumentsPath = Path.Combine(root, "documents\\");
            config.FilesPath = Path.Combine(root, "files\\");
            config.LayoutsPath = Path.Combine(root, "layouts\\");

            config.OutputPath = config.OutputPath ?? Path.Combine(root, "build\\");
            config.Url = config.Url.EnsureStartsWith("/");
            config.RootUrl = config.RootUrl ?? "http://localhost/";

            // If override output path was provided use that.
            config.OutputPath = String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.OutputPath) ? Path.GetFullPath(config.OutputPath) : Path.GetFullPath(this.OutputPath);

            var subsiteLoadTasks = new List<Task<SiteConfig>>(subsites.Length);

            foreach (var subsite in subsites)
                var command = new LoadSiteConfigCommand();
                command.Parent = config;
                command.ConfigPath = Path.Combine(root, subsite);
                var task = command.ExecuteAsync();


            config.SubsiteConfigs = await Task.WhenAll(subsiteLoadTasks);

            return this.SiteConfig = config;
        private void AssignDefaultLayouts(SiteConfig config, JToken token)
            var layoutDefaults = token as JObject;

            if (layoutDefaults == null)
                config.DefaultLayoutForExtension.Add("*", (string)token);
                foreach (var layoutDefault in layoutDefaults)
                    config.DefaultLayoutForExtension.Add(layoutDefault.Key, (string)layoutDefault.Value);
Beispiel #11
 public Site(SiteConfig config, IEnumerable<DataFile> data, IEnumerable<DocumentFile> documents, IEnumerable<StaticFile> files, IEnumerable<LayoutFile> layouts, Site parent = null)
     : this(config, data, documents, files, new LayoutFileCollection(layouts), parent)
Beispiel #12
        private Site LoadSite(SiteConfig config, IEnumerable<LastRunDocument> lastRunState, IEnumerable<string> renderedExtensions)
            Site site;

            using (var capture = Statistics.Current.Start(StatisticTiming.LoadedSite))
                // Load layouts.
                LayoutFileCollection layouts;
                    var load = new LoadLayoutsCommand(config.LayoutsPath, config.AdditionalMetadataForFiles, config.IgnoreFiles);
                    var loaded = load.Execute();

                    layouts = new LayoutFileCollection(loaded);

                // Load data files.
                IEnumerable<DataFile> data;
                    var load = new LoadDataFilesCommand(config.DataPath, config.AdditionalMetadataForFiles, config.IgnoreFiles);
                    data = load.Execute();

                // Load documents.
                IEnumerable<DocumentFile> documents;
                    var load = new LoadDocumentsCommand();
                    load.Author = config.Author;
                    load.OutputRootPath = config.OutputPath;
                    load.Layouts = layouts;
                    load.RenderedExtensions = renderedExtensions;
                    load.DefaultLayoutForExtension = config.DefaultLayoutForExtension;
                    load.DocumentsPath = config.DocumentsPath;
                    load.RootUrl = config.RootUrl;
                    load.ApplicationUrl = config.Url;
                    load.AdditionalMetadataForFiles = config.AdditionalMetadataForFiles;
                    load.IgnoreFiles = config.IgnoreFiles;
                    documents = load.Execute();

                // Load files.
                IEnumerable<StaticFile> files;
                    var load = new LoadFilesCommand();
                    load.OutputPath = config.OutputPath;
                    load.FilesPath = config.FilesPath;
                    load.RootUrl = config.RootUrl;
                    load.Url = config.Url;
                    files = load.Execute();

                // Calculate unmodified state.
                    var unmodified = new SetUnmodifiedCommand(config.SitePath, documents, files, this.InitialLastRunState);

                site = new Site(config, data, documents, files, layouts);

            Statistics.Current.SiteFiles = site.Documents.Count + site.Files.Count + site.Layouts.Count;

            return site;
Beispiel #13
 public RunRenderCommand(SiteConfig config, IEnumerable<LastRunDocument> lastRunState, IDictionary<string, RenderingEngine> engines)
     this.Config = config;
     this.Engines = engines;
     this.InitialLastRunState = lastRunState;
Beispiel #14
 public RunServeCommand(SiteConfig config, int port)
     this.Config = config;
     this.Port = port;