Beispiel #1
        // Instance API

        static VrAssetService()
            Matrix4x4 polyFromUnity = AxisConvention.GetFromUnity(AxisConvention.kGltfAccordingToPoly);

            // Provably non-lossy: the mat4 is purely TRS, and the S is uniform
            kPolyFromUnity = TrTransform.FromMatrix4x4(polyFromUnity);
Beispiel #2
        /// Given a transform, returns that transform in another basis.
        /// The new basis is specified by outputFromInput.
        /// Not guaranteed to work if the change-of-basis matrix has non-uniform
        /// scale. Otherwise, the resulting transform will not "fit" in a TrTransform.
        public static TrTransform ChangeBasis(
            TrTransform xfInput,
            Matrix4x4 outputFromInput, Matrix4x4 inputFromOutput)
            // It might make this a little more accurate if outputFromInput were a TrTransform.
            // Although... outputFromInput and inputFromOutput expressed as Matrix4x4 are always
            // infinitely precise, for axis convention changes at least. Doing the same with a quat
            // might involve sqrt(2)s. But maybe not for the common case of unity -> fbx / gltf?
            Matrix4x4 m = outputFromInput * xfInput.ToMatrix4x4() * inputFromOutput;

Beispiel #3
        public void TestFromMatrix4x4()
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
                var t = Random.insideUnitSphere * 10;
                var r = Random.rotationUniform;
                var s = Random.Range(2f, 100f);
                if (Random.value < .5f)
                    s = 1 / s;

                var xf = TrTransform.TRS(t, r, s);
                var m4 = Matrix4x4.TRS(t, r, * s);
                AssertAlmostEqual(TrTransform.FromMatrix4x4(m4), xf, allowFlip: true);
Beispiel #4
        private TrTransform UsdXformToWorldSpaceXform(USD.NET.Unity.XformSample usdXform)
            TrTransform xf_CS = TrTransform.FromMatrix4x4(usdXform.transform);

            return(TrTransform.FromTransform(App.Scene.ActiveCanvas.transform) * xf_CS);
Beispiel #5
 static void SetLocalTransform(this FbxNode node, Matrix4x4 xf)