///// <summary>
        ///// Set up a new game between two players. Will return the id of the created game.
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="config">The parameters necessary to set up the game.</param>
        ///// <returns></returns>
        //public int ConfigureGame(GameConfiguration config)
        //    return ConfigureGame(config, null, true, true);
        public int ConfigureGame(int matchId)
            using (IGameDataService gameDataService = new GameDataService())
                //Create a game, as well as a match in case the players play multiple games in a row.
                Models.Match match = gameDataService.GetMatch(matchId, null);

                if (match == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("A match is required for game play.");

                Models.Player playerOne = gameDataService.GetPlayer(match.PlayerOneId);
                Models.Player playerTwo = gameDataService.GetPlayer(match.PlayerTwoId);

                Models.Game game = gameDataService.CreateGame(playerOne, playerTwo, match);
                GameConfiguration config = GameConfigCache.Instance.GetConfig(matchId);

                //Make an entry in the table for AI to track the game.
                Models.AIGame aiPlayerOne;
                if (config.PlayerOne.PlayerType == PlayerType.AI)
                    aiPlayerOne = gameDataService.CreateAIGame(playerOne, game, match);

                //We only want to be responsible for managing local AIs.
                //If it's networked, don't record it.
                Models.AIGame aiPlayerTwo;
                if (config.PlayerTwo.PlayerType == PlayerType.AI && config.GameType != GameType.Network)
                    aiPlayerTwo = gameDataService.CreateAIGame(playerTwo, game, match);

                match.CurrentGameId = game.GameId;
                match.StateDate = game.StateDate;


                return game.GameId;