Beispiel #1
        public void Parse(byte[] data, int type, bool isUsed = true)
            // Guard against packet size = 0.
            if (data.Length == 0 && type != 0xBF && type != 0xBE)
                Console.WriteLine("Packet of size 0?");

            // List of items found on the map.
            List <MapItem> list = new List <MapItem>();

            // New Parse = reset cursor position.
            bPosition = 0;

            // Current Position on the map; cursor position for the packet data.
            currOffset.Set(0, 0, 0);

            // Current Offset on the grid; position relative to the origin for the cursor.
            DrawPosition.Set(0, 0, 0);

            // Reset isInitialized,
            isInitialized = false;

            if (type == 0x64)
                // Parse target = complete map with position header.

                // TEST ONLY
                //isInitialized = InitializeMap();

                // Parse the MapPosition and set the CharPosition.
                ParseMapPosition(data, mapStartPosition);
                charPosition.Set(mapStartPosition.X, mapStartPosition.Y, mapStartPosition.Z);

                // Set the floor to set appropriate variables.

                // Shift the position in the direction we just moved.
                charPosition.Shift(0, 0, 0); // Moved none

                // Set the boundaries the cursor should have (w x h x d).
                CursorBoundaries.Set(18, 14, 15);

                // Set the offset the cursor should have.
                CursorOffset.X = CursorOffset.Y = 0;
                //CursorOffset.Set(0, 0, 0);
            else if (type == 0x65)
                // Moved north.

                // North movements don't initialize map.

                // Shift the position in the direction we just moved.
                charPosition.Shift(0, -1, 0);
                //mapPosition.Shift(0, -1, 0);

                // Set the boundaries the cursor should have (w x h x d).
                CursorBoundaries.Set(18, 1, 15);

                // Set the offset the cursor should have.

                // These were the expected values.
                CursorOffset.X = CursorOffset.Y = 0;
                CursorOffset.Set(0, 0, (charPosition.Z > 7 ? -2 : 0));

                // I don't understand why we need these values though.
                //CursorOffset.Set(-1, -1, 0);
            else if (type == 0x66)
                // Moved east.

                // East movements don't initialize map.

                // Shift the position in the direction we just moved.
                charPosition.Shift(1, 0, 0);
                //mapPosition.Shift(1, 0, 0);

                // Set the offset the cursor should have.

                // These were the expected values.
                CursorOffset.X = 17;
                CursorOffset.Y = 0;
                CursorOffset.Set(17, 0, (charPosition.Z > 7 ? -2 : 0));

                // Set the boundaries the cursor should have (w x h x d).
                CursorBoundaries.Set(1, 14, 15);
            else if (type == 0x67)
                // Moved south.

                // South movements don't initialize map.

                // Shift the position in the direction we just moved.
                charPosition.Shift(0, 1, 0);
                //mapPosition.Shift(0, 1, 0);

                // Set the offset the cursor should have.
                CursorOffset.X = 0;
                CursorOffset.Y = 13;
                CursorOffset.Set(0, 13, (charPosition.Z > 7 ? -2 : 0));

                // Set the boundaries the cursor should have (w x h x d).
                CursorBoundaries.Set(18, 1, 15);
            else if (type == 0x68)
                // Moved west.

                // West movements don't initialize map.
                //isInitialized = InitializeMap();

                // Shift the position in the direction we just moved.
                charPosition.Shift(-1, 0, 0);
                //mapPosition.Shift(-1, 0, 0);

                // Set the offset the cursor should have.
                CursorOffset.X = CursorOffset.Y = 0;
                CursorOffset.Set(0, 0, (charPosition.Z > 7 ? -2 : 0));

                // Set the boundaries the cursor should have (w x h x d).
                CursorBoundaries.Set(1, 14, 15);
            else if (type == 0xBF)
                // Moved down a floor.
                SetFloor(charPosition.Z + 1);
                charPosition.Shift(-1, -1, 0);

                if (mapPosition.Z <= 7)
                    // ???
                    CursorOffset.Z = 0;
                    // ???
                    CursorOffset.Set(0, 0, 0);
            else if (type == 0xBE)
                // Moved up a floor.
                SetFloor(charPosition.Z - 1);
                charPosition.Shift(1, 1, 0);
                if (mapPosition.Z <= 7)
                    // ???
                    CursorOffset.Z = -2;
                    // ???
                    CursorOffset.Z = -2;
            if (!isUsed)

            // Create a tile, to avoid potential errors & compiler issues.
            MapTile tile = new MapTile();

            // Parse the data
            while (bPosition < data.Length)
                // Ensure CurrPosition has the current position.

                // Perform checks on the following data.
                if (lookAhead(data, CreaturePattern3))
                    // We found a creature.
                    // Don't care about creatures, just consume & dispose.
                    MapCreature creature = ParseCreature(data);

                    // Record the creature.
                    if (!Creatures.ContainsKey(creature.ID))
                        Creatures[creature.ID] = creature;


                    // Experimental...
                    if (lookAhead(data, EndTile))
                else if (lookAhead(data, CreaturePattern))
                    // We found a creature, fixed width 8b.
                    // Don't care about creatures, just consume, record & dispose.
                    // Debug only.
                    //ByteRecordStream.RecordByteStream(ConsumeBytes(8, data), "frag-99.txt");
                    ConsumeBytes(8, data);
                else if (lookAhead(data, CreaturePattern2))
                    // Creature with info, length depends on contents.
                    // Don't care about creatures, just consume & dispose.
                    MapCreature creature = ParseCreature98(data);

                    // Record the creature.
                    if (Creatures.ContainsKey(creature.ID))
                        // This happens because(?) the first block, 0x07, contains a list of creatures.
                        //Console.WriteLine("Found unknown creature. Bug?");

                    // Experimental...
                    if (lookAhead(data, EndTile))
                else if (lookAhead(data, PatternTile))
                    // We are dealing with a new tile. Initialize or move the cursor.
                    if (!isInitialized)

                    // Ensure we have the current position.

                    // Consume the bytes of the pattern.

                    // New tile = new Tile()!
                    tile = new MapTile();

                    Map.AddTile(DrawPosition, tile);
                else if (lookAhead(data, SkipAhead, 1))
                    // If the map is not initialized, initialize it.

                    // We are dealing with a skip 0x__ 0xFF.
                    // Move the cursor based on the skip type.

                    // Consume the pattern.
                else if (lookAhead(data, EndTile))
                    // We found an item.
                    ParseResult result = ParseItem(data);
                    if (result.Item != null)
                        if (DrawPosition.Z < 0 || 15 < DrawPosition.Z)
                            Console.WriteLine("Z out of bounds>");
                        // Experimental...
                        if (lookAhead(data, EndTile))
                        //Console.WriteLine("Found no item...");
Beispiel #2
        public MapCreature ParseCreature(byte[] data)
            // 2b - Creature header.
            int header = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++, bPosition++)
                header += data[bPosition] << (i * 8);

            // 4b - Unknown.
            int ukheader = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++, bPosition++)
                ukheader += data[bPosition] << (i * 8);

            // 4b - Creature ID.
            int id = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++, bPosition++)
                id += data[bPosition] << (i * 8);

            // 1b - unknown.
            int uk1 = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++, bPosition++)
                uk1 += data[bPosition] << (i * 8);

            // 1b - character name length.
            int charNameLength = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++, bPosition++)
                charNameLength += data[bPosition] << (i * 8);

            // [charNameLength]b - char name.
            string charName = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < charNameLength; i++, bPosition++)
                charName += char.ConvertFromUtf32(data[bPosition]);

            // 1b - health percentage.
            int healthPercent = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++, bPosition++)
                healthPercent += data[bPosition] << (i * 8);

            // 1b - direction.
            int direction = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++, bPosition++)
                direction += data[bPosition] << (i * 8);

            // 2b - outfit.
            int outfit = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++, bPosition++)
                outfit += data[bPosition] << (i * 8);

            // 1b - color head.
            int colorHead = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++, bPosition++)
                colorHead += data[bPosition] << (i * 8);

            // 1b - color body.
            int colorBody = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++, bPosition++)
                colorBody += data[bPosition] << (i * 8);

            // 1b - color legs.
            int colorLegs = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++, bPosition++)
                colorLegs += data[bPosition] << (i * 8);

            // 1b - color feet.
            int colorFeet = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++, bPosition++)
                colorFeet += data[bPosition] << (i * 8);

            // If there's no oufit then addons and mount are not included.
            int addons = 0;
            int mount  = 0;

            if (outfit != 0)
                // 1b - addons.
                for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++, bPosition++)
                    addons += data[bPosition] << (i * 8);

                // 1b - mount.
                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++, bPosition++)
                    mount += data[bPosition] << (i * 8);

            // 1b - light radius.
            int lightRadius = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++, bPosition++)
                lightRadius += data[bPosition] << (i * 8);

            // 1b - light color.
            int lightColor = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++, bPosition++)
                lightColor += data[bPosition] << (i * 8);

            // 2b - speed.
            int speed = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++, bPosition++)
                speed += data[bPosition] << (i * 8);

            // 1b - skull.
            int skull = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++, bPosition++)
                skull += data[bPosition] << (i * 8);

            // 1b - party shield.
            int partyShield = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++, bPosition++)
                partyShield += data[bPosition] << (i * 8);

            // 1b - guild shield.
            int guildShield = 0;

            int ukend1 = 0;

            // 1b - unknown.
            int ukend2 = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++, bPosition++)
                ukend2 += data[bPosition] << (i * 8);

            // 1b - unknown.
            int ukend3 = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++, bPosition++)
                ukend3 += data[bPosition] << (i * 8);

            // 10.01+, 10.0?
            int ukend4 = 0;
            int ukend5 = 0;
            int ukend6 = 0;
            int ukend7 = 0;

            if (10.01F <= DatContextInput.Version)
                // Possibly PvP frames.
                // 1b - unknown.
                for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++, bPosition++)
                    ukend4 += data[bPosition] << (i * 8);
                // 1b - unknown.
                for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++, bPosition++)
                    ukend5 += data[bPosition] << (i * 8);
                // 1b - unknown.
                for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++, bPosition++)
                    ukend6 += data[bPosition] << (i * 8);
                // 1b - unknown.
                for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++, bPosition++)
                    ukend7 += data[bPosition] << (i * 8);

                //bPosition += 4;

            // Experimental.
            int ukend8 = 0;

            if (10.39F <= DatContextInput.Version)
                // 1b - unknown.
                for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++, bPosition++)
                    ukend8 += data[bPosition] << (i * 8);
                //bPosition += 1;

            MapCreature creature = new MapCreature(
                header: header,
                ukheader: ukheader,
                id: id,
                type: uk1,
                charNameLength: charNameLength,
                charName: charName,
                healthPercent: healthPercent,
                direction: direction,
                outfit: outfit,
                colorHead: colorHead,
                colorBody: colorBody,
                colorLegs: colorLegs,
                colorFeet: colorFeet,
                addons: addons,
                mount: mount,
                lightRadius: lightRadius,
                lightColor: lightColor,
                speed: speed,
                skull: skull,
                partyShield: partyShield,
                guildShield: guildShield,
                ukend1: ukend1,
                ukend2: ukend2,
                ukend3: ukend3,
                ukend4: ukend4,
                ukend5: ukend5,
                ukend6: ukend6,
                ukend7: ukend7,
                ukend8: ukend8
