Beispiel #1
        private List <ClientTile> ReadFloorDescription(NetworkMessage nmsg, ref int skipTiles, int startX, int startY, int Z, int width, int height, int offset)
            List <ClientTile> tiles = new List <ClientTile>();

            for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
                for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
                    if (skipTiles > 0)
                        MapPosition pos  = new MapPosition(startX + x + offset, startY + y + offset, Z);
                        ClientTile  Tile = ReadTileDescription(nmsg, pos);
                        skipTiles = nmsg.ReadByte();
                        if (nmsg.ReadByte() != 0xFF)
                            Log.Warning("Server did not follow Tile skip by 0xFF");

Beispiel #2
        private void OnAddThing(Packet props)
            MapPosition Position = (MapPosition)props["Position"];
            ClientThing Thing    = (ClientThing)props["Thing"];
            Boolean     Push     = (Boolean)props["Push"];

            Map[Position].Add(Thing, Push);
Beispiel #3
 public override bool Equals(object obj)
     if (obj is MapPosition)
         MapPosition o = (MapPosition)obj;
         return(X == o.X && Y == o.Y && Z == o.Z);
Beispiel #4
        private void OnMagicEffect(Packet props)
            MapPosition Position = (MapPosition)props["Position"];
            MagicEffect Effect   = new MagicEffect(Viewport.GameData, (int)props["Effect"]);

            TileAnimations Animations = null;

            if (!PlayingAnimations.TryGetValue(Position, out Animations))
                Animations = new TileAnimations();
                PlayingAnimations.Add(Position, Animations);
Beispiel #5
        private void OnMapDescription(Packet props)
            ViewPosition = (MapPosition)props["Center"];
            List <ClientTile> tiles = (List <ClientTile>)props["Tiles"];

            foreach (ClientTile Tile in tiles)
                if (Tile != null)
                    Map[Tile.Position] = Tile;
Beispiel #6
        private void OnAnimatedText(Packet props)
            MapPosition Position = (MapPosition)props["Position"];
            String      Text     = (String)props["Text"];
            int         Color    = (int)props["Color"];

            TileAnimations Animations = null;

            if (!PlayingAnimations.TryGetValue(Position, out Animations))
                Animations = new TileAnimations();
                PlayingAnimations.Add(Position, Animations);
            Animations.Effects.Add(new AnimatedText(Text, Color));
Beispiel #7
 public ClientTile this [MapPosition Position]
         ClientTile Tile = null;
         if (Tiles.TryGetValue(Position, out Tile))
         Tiles[value.Position] = value;
Beispiel #8
        private void OnTransformThing(Packet props)
            MapPosition Position   = (MapPosition)props["Position"];
            int         StackIndex = (int)props["StackIndex"];
            ClientThing Thing      = (ClientThing)props["Thing"];

            if (props.Has("Direction"))
                if (Thing is ClientCreature)
                    ((ClientCreature)Thing).Direction = (Direction)props["Direction"];

            Map[Position].Replace(StackIndex, Thing);
Beispiel #9
        public void DrawScene(SpriteBatch Batch, GameTime Time, ClientViewport Viewport, Dictionary <MapPosition, TileAnimations> PlayingAnimations = null)
            MapPosition Center = Viewport.ViewPosition;

            int StartZ = 7;
            int EndZ   = Center.Z;

            if (Center.Z <= 7)
                Center.Y -= (7 - Center.Z);
                Center.X -= (7 - Center.Z);
                StartZ    = Math.Min(Center.Z + 2, 15);
                EndZ      = Center.Z;
                Center.X -= 2;
                Center.Y -= 2;

            Vector2 TopLeft = new Vector2(
                -(Center.X - 7) * 32,
                -(Center.Y - 5) * 32

            for (int Z = StartZ; Z >= EndZ; --Z)
                for (int X = Center.X - 8; X <= Center.X + 9; ++X)
                    for (int Y = Center.Y - 6; Y <= Center.Y + 7; ++Y)
                        ClientTile Tile = Viewport.Map[new MapPosition(X, Y, Z)];

                        Vector2 pos = new Vector2(32 * X + TopLeft.X, 32 * Y + TopLeft.Y);

                        TileAnimations Animations = null;
                        if (PlayingAnimations != null && Tile != null)
                            PlayingAnimations.TryGetValue(Tile.Position, out Animations);
                        DrawTile(Batch, Time, pos, Tile, Animations);
                TopLeft -= new Vector2(32, 32);
Beispiel #10
 public void Move(MapPosition FromPosition, MapPosition ToPosition)
     if (ToPosition.X < FromPosition.X)
         Direction = Direction.West;
     else if (ToPosition.X > FromPosition.X)
         Direction = Direction.East;
     else if (ToPosition.Y < FromPosition.Y)
         Direction = Direction.North;
     else if (ToPosition.Y > FromPosition.Y)
         Direction = Direction.South;
Beispiel #11
        public void DrawSceneForeground(SpriteBatch Batch, Vector2 ScreenOffset, Vector2 Scale, GameTime Time, ClientViewport Viewport, Dictionary <MapPosition, TileAnimations> PlayingAnimations = null)
            MapPosition Center = Viewport.ViewPosition;

            Vector2 TopLeft = new Vector2(
                -(Center.X - 7) * 32,
                -(Center.Y - 5) * 32

            int StartZ = 7;
            int EndZ   = Center.Z;

            if (Center.Z <= 7)
                Center.Y -= (7 - Center.Z);
                Center.X -= (7 - Center.Z);
                StartZ = Math.Min(Center.Z + 2, 15);
                EndZ   = Center.Z;

            for (int X = Center.X - 8; X <= Center.X + 8; ++X)
                for (int Y = Center.Y - 6; Y <= Center.Y + 6; ++Y)
                    ClientTile Tile = Viewport.Map[new MapPosition(X, Y, Center.Z)];

                    Vector2 DrawOffset = new Vector2(32 * X + TopLeft.X, 32 * Y + TopLeft.Y);
                    DrawOffset *= Scale;

                    TileAnimations Animations = null;
                    if (PlayingAnimations != null && Tile != null)
                        PlayingAnimations.TryGetValue(Tile.Position, out Animations);
                    DrawTileForeground(Batch, Time, ScreenOffset + DrawOffset, Tile, Animations);
Beispiel #12
        private ClientTile ReadTileDescription(NetworkMessage nmsg, MapPosition pos)
            ClientTile Tile   = new ClientTile(pos);
            int        nStuff = 0;

            while (nStuff < 10)
                if (nmsg.PeekU16() >= 0xFF00)

Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes all tiles outside the viewport.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Center">Center of the Viewport</param>
        public void Clear(MapPosition Center)
            List <MapPosition> ToRemove = new List <MapPosition>();

            foreach (MapPosition Position in Tiles.Keys)
                int ZAdjustment = Center.Z - Position.Z;
                if (Position.X < Center.X - 9 + ZAdjustment ||
                    Position.X > Center.X + 9 + ZAdjustment ||
                    Position.Y < Center.Y - 7 + ZAdjustment ||
                    Position.Y > Center.Y + 7 + ZAdjustment)

            foreach (MapPosition Position in ToRemove)
Beispiel #14
        private void OnShootEffect(Packet props)
            MapPosition FromPosition = (MapPosition)props["From"];
            MapPosition ToPosition   = (MapPosition)props["To"];
            int         Type         = (int)props["Effect"];

            MapPosition Max = new MapPosition();

            Max.X = Math.Max(FromPosition.X, ToPosition.X);
            Max.Y = Math.Max(FromPosition.Y, ToPosition.Y);
            Max.Z = ToPosition.Z;

            TileAnimations Animations = null;

            if (!PlayingAnimations.TryGetValue(Max, out Animations))
                Animations = new TileAnimations();
                PlayingAnimations.Add(Max, Animations);
            Animations.Effects.Add(new DistanceEffect(Viewport.GameData, Type, FromPosition, ToPosition));
Beispiel #15
        private void OnCreatureMove(Packet props)
            MapPosition OldPosition = (MapPosition)props["OldPosition"];
            int         StackIndex  = (int)props["OldStackIndex"];
            MapPosition ToPosition  = (MapPosition)props["Position"];

            ClientTile FromTile = Map[OldPosition];
            ClientTile ToTile   = Map[ToPosition];

            if (FromTile == null || ToTile == null)
                Log.Warning("OnCreatureMove - Tile is missing.");

            ClientCreature Creature = (ClientCreature)FromTile.GetByIndex(StackIndex);

            ToTile.Add(Creature, true);

            Creature.Move(OldPosition, ToPosition);
Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Internal use only, fetches the correct handler for a given handler name. One packet name may map to multiple handler names.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parserName">The packet handler to fetch</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private GamePacketParser GetPacketParser(String parserName)
            if (parserName == "ErrorMessage")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);
                           props["Message"] = nmsg.ReadString();
                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "MOTD")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);
                           props["Message"] = nmsg.ReadString();
                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "Ping")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           return new Packet(parserName);

            else if (parserName == "PlayerLogin")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);

                           Player                    = new ClientPlayer(nmsg.ReadU32());
                           props["DrawSpeed"]        = nmsg.ReadU16();
                           props["CanReportBugs"]    = nmsg.ReadByte() != 0;
                           props["Player"]           = Player;
                           KnownCreatures[Player.ID] = Player;

                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "MapDescription")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);
                           CurrentPosition = ReadMapPosition(nmsg);
                           props["Center"] = CurrentPosition;
                           props["Tiles"]  = ReadMapDescription(nmsg, CurrentPosition.X - 8, CurrentPosition.Y - 6, CurrentPosition.Z, 18, 14);
                           return props;

            else if (parserName == "UpdateInventory")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);
                           props["Slot"]  = (int)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           props["Thing"] = ReadThing(nmsg);
                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "ClearInventory")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);
                           props["Slot"] = (int)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "OpenContainer")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props       = new Packet(parserName);
                           int    ContainerID = (int)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           props["ContainerID"] = ContainerID;
                           int      ClientID = nmsg.ReadU16();
                           ItemType it       = GameData.GetItemType(ClientID);
                           if (it == null)
                               Log.Warning("OpenContainer contains unrecognized item type (" + ClientID.ToString() + ").", this);
                               it = ItemType.NullType;
                           props["Thing"]   = new ClientContainer(it, ContainerID);
                           props["Name"]    = nmsg.ReadString();
                           props["Volume"]  = (int)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           props["IsChild"] = nmsg.ReadByte() != 0;
                           int ItemCount = nmsg.ReadByte();
                           props["ItemCount"] = (int)ItemCount;
                           List <ClientItem> contents = new List <ClientItem>();
                           for (int i = 0; i < ItemCount; ++i)
                           props["Contents"] = contents;
                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "CloseContainer")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);
                           props["ContainerID"] = (int)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "ContainerAddItem")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);
                           props["ContainerID"] = (int)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           props["Item"]        = ReadItem(nmsg);
                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "ContainerTransformItem")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);
                           props["ContainerID"] = (int)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           props["Slot"]        = (int)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           props["Item"]        = ReadItem(nmsg);
                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "ContainerRemoveItem")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);
                           props["ContainerID"] = (int)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           props["Slot"]        = (int)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           return props;

            else if (parserName == "UpdateStats")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);
                           props["Health"]            = (int)nmsg.ReadU16();
                           props["MaxHealth"]         = (int)nmsg.ReadU16();
                           props["Capacity"]          = (int)nmsg.ReadU16();
                           props["Experience"]        = (int)nmsg.ReadU32();
                           props["Level"]             = (int)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           props["LevelPercent"]      = (int)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           props["Mana"]              = (int)nmsg.ReadU16();
                           props["MaxMana"]           = (int)nmsg.ReadU16();
                           props["MagicLevel"]        = (int)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           props["MagicLevelPercent"] = (int)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           // TODO: Stamina for some versions
                           //int soul = nmsg.ReadByte();
                           //int staminaMinutes = nmsg.ReadU16();

                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "UpdateSkills")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);
                           props["Fist"]          = (int)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           props["FistPercent"]   = (int)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           props["Club"]          = (int)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           props["ClubPercent"]   = (int)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           props["Sword"]         = (int)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           props["SwordPercent"]  = (int)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           props["Axe"]           = (int)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           props["AxePercent"]    = (int)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           props["Dist"]          = (int)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           props["DistPercent"]   = (int)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           props["Shield"]        = (int)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           props["ShieldPercent"] = (int)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           props["Fish"]          = (int)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           props["FishPercent"]   = (int)nmsg.ReadByte();

                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "PlayerIcons")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);
                           props["ConditionState"] = (ConditionState)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "CancelAttack")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           return new Packet(parserName);
            else if (parserName == "CancelWalk")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);
                           props["Direction"] = (Direction)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "Death")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           return new Packet(parserName);
            else if (parserName == "CanReport")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           return new Packet(parserName);
            else if (parserName == "MoveNorth")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);
                           props["Center"] = CurrentPosition;
                           props["Tiles"]  = ReadMapDescription(nmsg, CurrentPosition.X - 8, CurrentPosition.Y - 6, CurrentPosition.Z, 18, 1);
                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "MoveSouth")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);
                           props["Center"] = CurrentPosition;
                           props["Tiles"]  = ReadMapDescription(nmsg, CurrentPosition.X - 8, CurrentPosition.Y + 7, CurrentPosition.Z, 18, 1);
                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "MoveWest")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);
                           props["Center"] = CurrentPosition;
                           props["Tiles"]  = ReadMapDescription(nmsg, CurrentPosition.X - 8, CurrentPosition.Y - 6, CurrentPosition.Z, 1, 14);
                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "MoveEast")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);
                           props["Center"] = CurrentPosition;
                           props["Tiles"]  = ReadMapDescription(nmsg, CurrentPosition.X + 9, CurrentPosition.Y - 6, CurrentPosition.Z, 1, 14);
                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "FloorUp")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet            props = new Packet(parserName);
                           List <ClientTile> Tiles = new List <ClientTile>();
                           int skipTiles           = 0;

                           if (CurrentPosition.Z == 7)
                               for (int i = 5; i >= 0; i--)
                                   Tiles.AddRange(ReadFloorDescription(nmsg, ref skipTiles, CurrentPosition.X - 8, CurrentPosition.Y - 6, i, 18, 14, 8 - i));
                           else if (CurrentPosition.Z > 7)
                               Tiles.AddRange(ReadFloorDescription(nmsg, ref skipTiles, CurrentPosition.X - 8, CurrentPosition.Y - 6, CurrentPosition.Z - 2, 18, 14, 3));

                           props["Tiles"]  = Tiles;
                           props["Center"] = CurrentPosition;
                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "FloorDown")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet            props = new Packet(parserName);
                           List <ClientTile> Tiles = new List <ClientTile>();
                           int skipTiles           = 0;

                           if (CurrentPosition.Z == 8)
                               int j = -1;
                               for (int i = CurrentPosition.Z; i < CurrentPosition.Z + 3; ++i, --j)
                                   Tiles.AddRange(ReadFloorDescription(nmsg, ref skipTiles, CurrentPosition.X - 8, CurrentPosition.Y - 6, i, 18, 14, j));
                           else if (CurrentPosition.Z > 8 && CurrentPosition.Z < 14)
                               Tiles.AddRange(ReadFloorDescription(nmsg, ref skipTiles, CurrentPosition.X - 8, CurrentPosition.Y - 6, CurrentPosition.Z + 2, 18, 14, -3));

                           props["Tiles"]  = Tiles;
                           props["Center"] = CurrentPosition;
                           return props;

            else if (parserName == "RefreshTile")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet      props = new Packet(parserName);
                           MapPosition pos   = ReadMapPosition(nmsg);
                           props["Position"] = pos;
                           props["Clear"]    = false;
                           if (nmsg.PeekU16() == 0xFF01)
                               props["Clear"] = true;
                               return props;
                               props["NewTile"] = ReadTileDescription(nmsg, pos);
                               // Skip extra bytes after data (it signifies the end of data)
                               return props;
            else if (parserName == "AddThing")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);

                           props["Position"] = ReadMapPosition(nmsg);
                           props["Thing"]    = ReadThing(nmsg);
                           props["Push"]     = true;
                           // TODO: >= 8.53, push thing should be false
                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "TransformThing")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);

                           props["Position"]   = ReadMapPosition(nmsg);
                           props["StackIndex"] = (int)nmsg.ReadByte();

                           if (nmsg.PeekU16() == 0x63)
                               // CreatureTurn2
                               props["Thing"]     = KnownCreatures[nmsg.ReadU32()];
                               props["Direction"] = (Direction)nmsg.ReadByte();
                               props["Thing"] = ReadThing(nmsg);
                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "RemoveThing")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);

                           props["Position"]   = ReadMapPosition(nmsg);
                           props["StackIndex"] = (int)nmsg.ReadByte();

                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "CreatureMove")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);

                           props["OldPosition"]   = ReadMapPosition(nmsg);
                           props["OldStackIndex"] = (int)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           props["Position"]      = ReadMapPosition(nmsg);

                           if ((int)props["OldStackIndex"] > 9)
                               Log.Warning("CreatureMove - Old stack pos out of range.", this);

                           props["Push"] = true;
                           // TODO: >= 8.53, pushThing = false
                           return props;

            else if (parserName == "WorldLight")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);

                           props["Level"] = (int)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           props["Color"] = (int)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "Effect")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);

                           props["Position"] = ReadMapPosition(nmsg);
                           props["Effect"]   = 1 + (int)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "AnimatedText")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);

                           props["Position"] = ReadMapPosition(nmsg);
                           props["Color"]    = (int)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           props["Text"]     = nmsg.ReadString();
                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "ShootEffect")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);

                           props["From"]   = ReadMapPosition(nmsg);
                           props["To"]     = ReadMapPosition(nmsg);
                           props["Effect"] = (int)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "SquareEffect")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);

                           props["Creature"] = KnownCreatures[nmsg.ReadU32()];
                           props["Color"]    = nmsg.ReadByte();
                           return props;

            else if (parserName == "CreatureHealth")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);

                           props["Creature"] = KnownCreatures[nmsg.ReadU32()];
                           props["Health"]   = (int)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "CreatureLight")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);

                           props["Creature"] = KnownCreatures[nmsg.ReadU32()];
                           props["Level"]    = (int)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           props["Color"]    = (int)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "CreatureRefresh")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);

                           props["Creature"] = KnownCreatures[nmsg.ReadU32()];
                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "CreatureTurn")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);

                           props["Creature"]  = KnownCreatures[nmsg.ReadU32()];
                           props["Direction"] = (Direction)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "CreatureSpeed")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);

                           props["Creature"] = KnownCreatures[nmsg.ReadU32()];
                           props["Speed"]    = (int)nmsg.ReadU16();
                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "CreatureSkull")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);

                           props["Creature"] = KnownCreatures[nmsg.ReadU32()];
                           props["Skull"]    = (CreatureSkull)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "CreatureShield")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);

                           props["Creature"]    = KnownCreatures[nmsg.ReadU32()];
                           props["PartyShield"] = (PartyShield)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           return props;

            else if (parserName == "CreatureSpeak")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);

                           ClientMessage Message = new ClientMessage();

                           //props["Creature"] = KnownCreatures[nmsg.ReadU32()];
                           Message.Speaker = nmsg.ReadString();
                           //props["Level"] = nmsg.ReadU16();
                           Message.Type = (MessageType)nmsg.ReadByte();

                           switch (Message.Type)
                           case MessageType.Say:
                           case MessageType.Whisper:
                           case MessageType.Yell:
                           case MessageType.MonsterSay:
                           case MessageType.MonsterYell:
                           case MessageType.PrivateNPCToPlayer:
                           case MessageType.PrivatePlayerToNPC:
                               props["Position"] = ReadMapPosition(nmsg);
                               Message.Text      = nmsg.ReadString();

                           case MessageType.ChannelAnonymousRed:
                           case MessageType.ChannelOrange:
                           case MessageType.ChannelRed:
                           case MessageType.ChannelYellow:
                               props["ChannelID"] = nmsg.ReadU16();
                               Message.Text       = nmsg.ReadString();

                           case MessageType.Private:
                           case MessageType.Broadcast:
                           case MessageType.PrivateRed:
                               Message.Text = nmsg.ReadString();

                           case MessageType.ReportRuleViolation:
                               Message.Time = Common.UnixTime(nmsg.ReadU32());  // time
                               Message.Text = nmsg.ReadString();

                           case MessageType.RuleViolationGameMaster:
                           case MessageType.RuleViolationPlayer:
                               Message.Text = nmsg.ReadString();

                               Log.Warning("Unknown speak class " + (int)props["MessageType"], this);
                               return null;
                           props["Message"] = Message;
                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "ChannelList")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);

                           int count = nmsg.ReadByte();
                           props["ChannelCount"] = count;
                           while (count > 0)
                               int    channelID   = nmsg.ReadU16();
                               string channelName = nmsg.ReadString();
                           return null;
            else if (parserName == "OpenChannel")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);

                           props["ChannelID"]   = nmsg.ReadU16();
                           props["ChannelName"] = nmsg.ReadString();
                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "OpenPrivateChat")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);

                           props["PlayerName"] = nmsg.ReadString();
                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "TextMessage")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);

                           MessageType Type = (MessageType)nmsg.ReadByte();
                           String      Text = nmsg.ReadString();
                           props["Message"] = new ClientMessage(Type, DateTime.Now, Text);
                           return props;

            else if (parserName == "VIPState")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);

                           props["CreatureID"] = nmsg.ReadU32();
                           props["Name"]       = nmsg.ReadString();
                           props["Online"]     = nmsg.ReadByte() != 0;
                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "VIPLogin")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);
                           props["CreatureID"] = nmsg.ReadU32();
                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "VIPLogout")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);
                           props["CreatureID"] = nmsg.ReadU32();
                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "RuleViolationChannel")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);
                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "RuleViolationRemove")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);
                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "RuleViolationCancel")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);
                           return props;
            else if (parserName == "RuleViolationLock")
                return delegate(NetworkMessage nmsg)
                           Packet props = new Packet(parserName);
                           return props;

            throw new System.ArgumentException("Unknown packet handler.");
Beispiel #17
 public ClientTile(MapPosition Position)
     this.Position = Position;
Beispiel #18
        public void DrawSprite(SpriteBatch Batch, GameTime Time, ClientTile Tile, GameSprite Sprite, int SubType, int Frame, ref Vector2 Position, Color clr)
            if (Sprite == null)

            int xdiv = 0, ydiv = 0, zdiv = 0;

            if (Tile != null)
                MapPosition mPos = Tile.Position;
                xdiv = mPos.X % Sprite.XDiv;
                ydiv = mPos.Y % Sprite.YDiv;
                zdiv = mPos.Z % Sprite.ZDiv;

             * if (Sprite.IsHangable)
             * {
             *  if (Tile->hasProperty(ISVERTICAL))
             *  {
             *      xdiv = 2;
             *  }
             *  else if (Tile->hasProperty(ISHORIZONTAL))
             *  {
             *      xdiv = 1;
             *  }
             *  else
             *  {
             *      xdiv = -0;
             *  }
             * }
             * else */if (Sprite.IsStackable)
                if (SubType <= 1)
                    SubType = 0;
                else if (SubType <= 2)
                    SubType = 1;
                else if (SubType <= 3)
                    SubType = 2;
                else if (SubType <= 4)
                    SubType = 3;
                else if (SubType < 10)
                    SubType = 4;
                else if (SubType < 25)
                    SubType = 5;
                else if (SubType < 50)
                    SubType = 6;
                    SubType = 7;

            Vector2 Offset = Position;

            Offset.X += Sprite.RenderOffset;
            Offset.Y += Sprite.RenderOffset;

            if (Frame == -1)
                Frame = (int)(Time.TotalGameTime.TotalMilliseconds / Sprite.AnimationSpeed);

            for (int cx = 0; cx != Sprite.Width; cx++)
                for (int cy = 0; cy != Sprite.Height; cy++)
                    for (int cf = 0; cf != Sprite.BlendFrames; cf++)
                        GameImage Image = Sprite.GetImage(
                            cx, cy, cf,

                        Rectangle rect = new Rectangle((int)Offset.X - 32 * cx, (int)Offset.Y - 32 * cy, 32, 32);
                        DrawImage(Batch, Image, rect, clr);

            if (Sprite.RenderHeight > 0)
                Position.X -= Sprite.RenderHeight;
                Position.Y -= Sprite.RenderHeight;
Beispiel #19
        public DistanceEffect(TibiaGameData GameData, int ID, MapPosition From, MapPosition To)
            this.ID = ID;
            Sprite  = GameData.GetDistanceEffectSprite(ID);

            int dx = To.X - From.X;
            int dy = To.Y - From.Y;

             * 0 = NW
             * 1 = N
             * 2 = NE
             * 3 = W
             * 4 = C
             * 5 = E
             * 6 = SW
             * 7 = S
             * 8 = SE
             * */

            double tan = 10;

            if (dx != 0)
                tan = (float)dy / (float)dx;

            if (Math.Abs(tan) < 0.4142f)
                if (dx > 0)
                    Frame = 5;            // EAST
                    Frame = 3;// WEST
            else if (Math.Abs(tan) < 2.4142f)
                if (tan > 0)
                    if (dy > 0)
                        Frame = 8;// SOUTH EAST
                        Frame = 0;// NORTH WEST;
                { //tan < 0
                    if (dx > 0)
                        Frame = 2;// NORTH EAST;
                        Frame = 6;// SOUTH WEST
                if (dy > 0)
                    Frame = 7;// SOUTH
                    Frame = 1;// NORTH

            Duration = Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) / 10;
            Offset   = new Vector2(
                (From.X - Math.Max(From.X, To.X)) * 32,
                (From.Y - Math.Max(From.Y, To.Y)) * 32
            Speed = new Vector2(Math.Sign(dx) * 160, Math.Sign(dy) * 160);
            //Speed -= Offset;